April 2


why take strontium on empty stomach

(2002). Hope this helps. Blake and GM, Fogelman I. Conventionally grown vegetables have been shown to contain far less of many minerals, so if you are not eating organic, all bets are off here. Calcium is critical for maintaining acid/alkaline balance (called pH) in the blood. I know now to separate these two. Hello I had a 24 hr clearence test and yhe last one was 72 measure should I take Strontium? Dont be fooled by the strontium critics. . Hi Lara, Note that the COMB study was conducted by Dr. GenUIs (not Genius)I have contacted his office regarding the type of exercise that was used by patients in the study and was surprised to learn that he recommends jumping, running, or jogging (exercises that are typically contraindicated for osteoporotic patients), working up to 300 repetitions. Interestingly, according to one study, 170 mg of strontium per day was more effective than 680 mg per day for reducing fracture risk.. Just be sure the food does not contain calcium. I do not recommend taking 750 mg/d. Ridiculous rumors spread like wild fire, and I all too often hear from people frightened by the latest rumor scare tactics. 2X better mineralization of Osteoblasts than CaCO3 and Ca Citrate Riedel C, Zimmermann EA, Zustin J, et al. Because strontium is a highly reactive element, it is never found in a pure form in nature. Am I understanding the new bone/old bone terminology correctly here. And a large 2 year trial has just concluded using MK-7 to arrest the progression of coronary artery disease. Stable strontium itself has never been found to cause any harmful effects with one caveat: to maintain proper balance between calcium and strontium, more calcium than strontium must be consumed. Upon completion of this initial study, a second study was done to look at the effects of three different versions of an AlgaeCal bone-health supplement program. Re your vitamin D levels, which your last blood test showed were too low (you want to be between 60-80 ng/mL), since you are lucky enough to be living in the Phoenix area, if you are not already doing this please get outside for at least a half hour sometime between 12pm and 2pm and get some sunshine on your skin (no sunscreen!). But in taking them separately, does strontium replace calcium in the bones? I have found what works is 2 Algae Cal at breakfast, 1 at lunch, and 1 at dinner and all is well. In most people, strontiums effects on glutamate secretion promote relaxation and deeper, more restful sleep, but in some people, these effects cause next day grogginess or nap attacks. You could try taking your Strontium mid-day to see if this helps. Now I am barely osteopenic and expect my next DXA will show I am fully in the healthy normal range. Here is the researchers conclusion for the first study: In conclusion, taken up by bone, Strontium induced no major modifications of the bone mineral at the crystal level. I have not seen this in any of the peer-reviewed published medical research, and I have now looked at all the major papers on strontium published in the last 100 years. Not to worry, this can be rectified! Lara. The only issues with strontium citrate (or any form of strontium) are that to err on the side of safety, you should be consuming twice as much calcium (from both diet and supplements) as strontium AND you should take your strontium supplement several hours before or after consuming calcium. Assuming that I have improved, what is the suggested dosage for each of these nutrients? Would silica be a good supplement instead of Strontium? For my post on strontium on AlgaeCal.com, I did review more than 70 studies, but not all the studies I cite there apply specifically to your question about an appropriate maintenance dose of strontium for you. As soon as I stopped taking the Calcium Citrate, the thumping stopped. Most of the recent research on strontium has been done on strontium ranelate because it is patentable by a drug company since it is a combination of strontium plus ranelic acid a molecule never before seen on planet Earth and therefore patentable. GENTLE + EASY TO DIGEST: Natures Nectar's Bone Builder is made with essential vitamins and minerals that are easy-to-digest and gentle on the body, even when taken on an empty stomach. https://www.algaecal.com/shop/ ), then check the references he provides (probably none) to ensure the papers he is basing his claims upon actually say what he is using them to assert. Thank you JoAnn Rice. Pilates exercises with an instructor who has been trained to work specifically with people with bone loss may be very helpful for you. In contrast, no correlation was found for the expressions of metabolizing enzymes between rat and human intestine, which indicates the difference in drug metabolism and oral bioavailability in two species. Besides, strontium has been shown to reduce fracture risk independent of bone density. If the blood clot lodges in the lungs, its called pulmonary embolism. If you do not wish to own a copy, you might be able to have a friend here check it out for you to read while you are visiting. J Inorg Biochem. Please keep me posted on how you are doing. And ever since being off it, I dont feel it hardly anymore old and going through menopause, I did research that showed estrogen increases bone mass. Secondly I have recently found reference to Pulsed Signal Therapy which appears to be a recent development of older techniques. (Is the sentence you quoted somewhere in the full paper? I am so so worried and keep awake the whole night. Hpital Edouard Herriot, 69437 Lyon, France. Two women had to suspend training for a few weeks due to knee arthroplasty, six women due to neurological or cardiovascular problems and six women due to glaucoma surgery. In the research, approximately 50% of the increase seen in BMD over 3 years of treatment with strontium was due to strontiums larger size, AND 50% of the increase seen in BMD was accurate. Ive been attending a homeopathic doctor for 25 years now and she always advises her patients to adopt a wheat free diet. I have already purchased Drs Best Strontium Bone Maker (Strontium Citrate), and wonder if, in your opinion, Strontium Boost is a better product. I dont have a lot of hair to start with, so I dont want to lose the little I have (I am female). Excellent material. I was taking Fasomac for three years with the doctors advice. The more bacteria present, the greater the rate of bone loss.. Lara: The incorporation of strontium into bone after oral strontium treatment depends upon the skeletal site more specifically, the amount of trabecular vs cortical bone in the skeletal site. Shaine. Calcium, however, should be taken with a meal as food increases its absorption rates. 2006 Aug;23(8):1675-86. Some people do require additional magnesium. Since your diet is vegetarian/pescatarian, this should not be an issue for you. Take three (3) capsules once daily, or as recommended by a healthcare practitioner. Could you please explain the differences between Osteasarcoom and Osteaporosis as they both are located in the bone. As youve had a history of possibly reacting to citrate, we would recommend confirming with your doctor to see if Strontium Boost is appropriate for you at this time. Most importantly, I want to encourage you NOT to put up with bone loss and twice hourly hot flushes both are completely fixable! Again, no adverse effects were reported nor were any seen in the comprehensive blood chemistry tests run on study participants. Aside from it, I was diagnosed with a bit high cholesterol level and a bit high of creatinine and on medication for this in one month. I backed off and started with just Algae Cal 2 capsules at breakfast and things went back to normal. The other study cited (Korpelainen et al.) I need to make sure there is not any contradictions between the heart meds and supplements for bones. WEIRD! In waiting for their reply, I came across this blog and noticed you not only had done an extensive amount of research on strontium, but you were answering everyones questions. She may know of me, but will certainly know of my husband, Dr. Joe Pizzornohe has been on the IFM board for 20+ years, is one of their Linus Pauling Award recipients, and served as Chair of the IFM Board for a number of years. I cant seem to find where I read it or how you correct for it. Just be sure to have wild caught rather than farm-raised salmon. My doctor is trying to lessen my intake of sodium chloride. Watch acid/alkali balance. Our susceptibility to thumb joint pain increases as we age. He is now telling his patients that once positive effects have been noted (say 3-6 months of 680 mg dose shown to be effective in the research) that they should drop this dose down to half this amount or even less. Laboratoire dHistodynamique Osseuse, Facult de Mdecine R. Laennec, 69372, Lyon Cedex 08, France. I had a small fracture in the pelvic area. The perfect time for NAC consumption is about thirty minutes . Thanks for responding so quickly regarding dosage for strontium citrate and Algae Cal Plus once I achieve good DEXA results. Thanks, I found the reference to this study in Lis thesis unfortunately, Li does not provide us with a footnote on it, just one for the 2004 paper by Meunier et al. I am 57-years-old. I began taking AlgaeCal after coming across the research 2 in vitro trials and 2 human trials conducted on their products and published in the peer-reviewed medical literature about 2 years ago now. Sylvia. The concept of two different phases involved in the uptake of strontium into bone has since been generally accepted that is, a relatively rapid uptake into new bone and long-term exchange processes in old bone., (Lara comment the new bone referred to here is trabecular bone; a much slower second phase of uptake occurs in cortical bone. In the meantime, its best to cut back to just 1 capsule of Strontium Boost daily (if your body allows), or completely stop taking Strontium Boost until you know the cause. Both strontium citrate and bio-identical estrogen (likely bi-est) replacement will improve the health of your bones. , you might benefit greatly from N-acetyl cysteineespecially if you can have your doctor order it as an inhalation solution of Glutathione [60 mg/mL] + NAC [125 mg/mL] to be taken with a nebulizer only compounding pharmacies provide this. Ive written quite a bit about BHRT (which I am on and have been on for more than 10 years now) you can read many these articles on Smart Publications website. as the basis for the exercise recommendations used brief (10-15 minute) periods of exercise, and these included several minutes for warming up and several for cooling down, so time spent at the high impact level was around 5 minutes per session. Besides, strontium has been shown to reduce fracture risk independent of bone density. In other words, estrogen improved the rats ability to normally metabolize strontium; it did not decrease it. Im not familiar with Quick Silver; what labs do they run? Remember, however, that you are most likely getting calcium from your diet, too this counts! ; Children: A safe and effective oral dose of NAC hasn't been established.Don't give it to children unless directed to by a healthcare provider. for vitamin D is 400 IUs and the plain and plus give 1000 IUs and 800 IUs respectively, but they both say they deliver 100% of the D.V., shouldnt it say 250% and 200% correspondingly? How does it compare to the AlgaeCal that you recommend? Strontium ranelate (PROTELOS), a new chemical entity containing stable strontium (Sr), was tested for its capacity to influence bone quality and quantity. Youre on your way back to healthy bones! I had a bone density test done and found out I have low bone density which I know is not good. Are you currently taking supplemental strontium? Many thanks again to you for your continued research. Hope this helps and feel free to let us know if you have any other questions! I think arrowsps suggestion that for SCW strontium absorption may take more time than is average so abnormally high levels might have still been present in her blood when the test was run is certainly worth considering. Any thought?? Expect results will be good. Thats a big win when you normally would have been losing bone density! Thus, at the end of long-term SR treatment and after a period of withdrawal, Sr was taken up in a dose-dependent manner into new bone without alteration of the degree of bone mineralization and with no major modification of bone mineral at the crystal level. Because people with chronic kidney disease are less able to remove waste and excess water from the blood, dialysis is used as an artificial way of carrying out this process. My DEXA results were excellent, showing bones in the healthy, normal range, where they have remained, which I credit in large part to taking AlgaeCal Plus, Strontium Boost and, since it became available, Triple Power Omega 3 Fish Oil. Also, if used, would there be any conflict issues with strontium and its effect of bone building or in the same way as there are with strontium/calcium. Marie PJ, Ammann P, Boivin G, et al. If you are going to be taking 1,500 mg of calcium daily (which I also do not recommend), then you need to balance that by ensuring your diet and supplements are providing you with half that amount of magnesium, or 750 mg of magnesium daily. My husband, Dr. Joe Pizzorno, and I have a great friend in South Africa, Dr. Myron Schultz, D.C.hes in Durbin at the University. Please take a look at my post titled Commonly Prescribed Drugs Cause Bone Loss and check any drugs you regularly take to see if they have this adverse side effect (https://blog.algaecal.com/prescription-drugs-that-cause-osteoporosis/). The reason for this is that strontium is very slow to be absorbed by the body. I also take WP which is similar to Armour. Vitamin D increases our bodys ability to absorb calcium; vitamin K2 activates the proteins responsible for putting calcium into bone (osteocalcin) and keeping it OUT of arteries, kidneys, breasts. You can take Triple Power Omega 3 Fish Oil right off the spoon (it's that tasty.) (at 6,000 ius my levvel was at 55 nG.) You can, of course, purchase boron separately (and have to open yet another bottle and take yet another pill every day), but I, personally, just rely on AlgaeCal Plus, which contains not only the calcium our bones require, but also the 3 milligrams of boron, plus magnesium and vitamin D3. I hope this helps to ease your mind and answer your question, Mallika! Again, Lara sorry for giving you a headache with this strontium dosage, and thanks so much for your help in investigating this matter with me, if any of those authors emails me back I will let you know. Could you let me know what research you have seen suggesting effects on thyroid at 41 mg/day? Prior to using AlgaeCal, I had been rebuilding bone, but SLOWLY. Strontium is almost twice as large as calcium, and its larger size impacts DEXA readings. Thanks! The drugs do not improve TBS., RE below: About to read you response, and thanks. Im on an estrogen-blocker after having had breast cancer three years ago. Thank you so much for your kind words; youre most welcome! Cortical bone is their hard, outer layer. Reduce your dose of Strontium Boost to 1 capsule nightly along with 150 mg of magnesium citrate and see if this helps. If you feel that youre experiencing hair loss that is linked to Strontium Boost, heres what Lara has previously shared on this subject in response to someone who asked a similar question: Cortical bone also accumulates far more slowly. 2014 Aug;19(4):739-43. doi: 10.1007/s10147-013-0597-7. Were so sorry to hear about your experience, Maureen. Finally, I dont know what your current BMD is or risk for osteoporosis because of the specifics regarding your health, but if you are at high risk for fracture, then taking the dose of strontium provided by Strontium Boost for 6 months, then testing, would be my suggestion. Should I stop taking my Calcium supplement and my Multivitamin for Women 50+ before taking the AlgaeCal and Strontium? I recently had a DEXA scan which showed some improvement in my bone density. An association between strontium in drinking water supplies and low caries prevalence in man Arch Oral Biol. as this happens from time to time. Now this really bothers me I am 47 and cant think of not taking any calcium supplement. Thanks for looking and for your input. The dosages given in the 2002 paper were 0.5 gram, 1 gram or 2 grams/day for 2 years, and best results were seen with 2 gram dose. It is generally agreed that bone strength depends on the bone matrix volume and the microarchitectural distribution of this volume, while the degree of mineralization of bone tissue is almost never mentioned as a determinant of bone strength. Your article clearly shows that strontium and calcium should be taken separately. Hi John, If you have chronic kidney disease, you should not risk taking strontium. Modeling elemental strontium in human bone based on in vivo x-ray fluorescence measurements in osteoporotic females self-supplementing with strontium citrate. If you choose to take this medication along with our supplements, there are no separation requirements aside from our general recommendations HERE. Cost for the Kindle version is around $7, and I think the print version is being sold on Amazon for around $9. Heres what he reports from the following 2 papers he discusses that is relevant to your question: Hi Lara. I do know about AlgaeCal and can personally tell you their quality control is excellent. If you do not object, I may use this information on some posts. PMID: 20232111. AlgaeCal was also found to significantly reduce oxidative stress in the osteoblasts after just 24 hours. You recently stated the following: Strontium, like calcium, incorporates into both trabecular and cortical bone, but strontium deposits almost entirely into newly forming trabecular bone, with one strontium ion substituting for less than one calcium ion out of 10 in the bone matrix. I would be really interested to know 1) the exact amount that ends up as cortical bone and its incidence in making it weaker 2) to view the studies highlighting the assimilation of Strontium as trabecular bone. Normal range per her information is 10.0 to 45.0 ng/ml. The new-forming bone in the trabecular part of your bones is far more active and incorporates more strontium ions than the cortical bone. Especially thanks for the links to research. You might consider taking a strontium citrate supplement providing approximately 680 milligrams of elemental strontiumthis is what Strontium Boost delivers, and there are other strontium citrate supplements available that also provide this dosage. PMID: 22902986, Cornish J, Naot D. Lactoferrin as an effector molecule in the skeleton. They found 180 mcg was an effective dose, even for those whose initial levels of unOC were severely depressed. Ammann P, Shen V, Robin B, Mauras Y, Bonjour JP, Rizzoli R. Service of Bone Diseases, World Health Organization Collaborating Center for Osteoporosis Prevention, Geneva 14 CH-1211, Switzerland. BMD in my hip/femur had gone up 3.5% and was up 6% in my spine. I do take adequate amounts of calcium, magnesium and vitamin d3. Hi Lynn, Vit D3 increases your bodys production of vit K dependent proteins, so you will make more of them and will need more K2 to activate them. It would be nice to just swallow one pill that would help bones and all else! I am presently taking New Chapter Bone Strength Take Care. That's because your body only takes in what it needs and the rest is excreted through urine. Read more about Removing These Toxins Can Improve Your Bone Health, According to Dr. Trubow. Great to hear that you are definitely in normal range or in the one area you mention having a T score of -0.6, are barely osteopenic! I surprise how much effort you put to make such a magnificent informative web site. The two-capsule dose of strontium citrate = 680 mg, which provides 236 mg of elemental strontium + 440 mg of citrate. 196 And a recent meta-analysis of 12 well-controlled trials comparing hydroxyapatite to calcium carbonate to prevent bone loss found Department of Physics, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada. Natural strontium salts are safe (at reasonable dosages, of course) and highly beneficial. Look at the 3rd line, 36 months (3 years), unadjusted improvement +12.7%, corrected for overestimation improvement +6.8% so thats why I wrote as much as 50%. I needs to spend some time learning more or working out more. The end result was that more calcium (Ca2+) was deposited in AlgaeCal treated cells (2.0-fold more than controls, 1.0-fold more than calcium carbonate, and 4.0-fold more than calcium citrate-treated cells). Oh myso sorry I didnt read the fine print.it was right there! She is 2, so her day is about 13 hours long (awake around 7, asleep around 8 - and she has a bit of a nap after lunch). Good morning Farah, Are you getting sufficient omega-3 fatty acids? Then after a few days, see if you can take 1 capsule daily without provoking symptoms. But if you prefer, you can take your Triple Power with food as it doesn't have any interactions. Hi Moyra, I understand that strontium is an element with a higher weight on the periodic table and therefore occupies more space or creates a denser appearing bone structure on a DEXA. I am not familiar with the quality control standards held by Drs Best you might want to check with them to learn what tests are run to ensure their products are free of contaminants, etc. Research conducted using K2 (360 micrograms of the MK-7 form of K2 daily) in individuals with cardiovascular and chronic kidney disease has even indicated removal of calcium deposits from the vasculature. Secondly, Strontium Boost is strontium citrate. . The citrate portion is both an alkalinizer (so helps prevent an acidic body pH, which promotes calcium withdrawal from bone / bone loss) and is also used in the Krebs cycle (a key part of the energy production cycle in our cells). Because of my genetic inheritance, which includes faulty vitamin D receptors, I need even more vitamin D3 and therefore more K2 (D3 and K2 need to be in balance), so I take extra of these as well, also take some vitamin A (another fat-soluble nutrient that works with and must be in balance with vitamins D and K) and omega-3s (and try to eat salmon at least once a week). I mentioned this earlier, what are your thoughts on the following statement given in Lis thesis paper (cited above): Interestingly, according to one study, 170 mg of strontium per day was more effective than 680 mg per day for reducing fracture risk (Meunier et al., 2002), which raises the possibility that even lower doses might be as effective as, or more effective than, the dosages that have been studied.. For some drugs, it's advisable to take them with food because the physiological changes that occur in your body create an ideal environment for the absorption of the medication. Sorry, do not mean to hammer on you with questions. Beth, Thank you for your kind words, Beth! Thus, for 71% of the participants in this study, a short daily period of exercise, a few minutes of which was high impact exercise, was a reasonable and safe recommendation. Hi Carol, This is because the two minerals compete for absorption, and calcium will win out, so you will get less benefit from strontium consumed at the same time. I am having some issues with plantar fasciitis and possible arthritis in both thumbs. The LEF supplement provides 100 mcg of MK-7. Yes, DHEA supplementation is a very good idea. Older adults often have multiple medical conditions and may take many medicines, which puts them at additional risk for negative side effects. The doses ranged from 100 to 750 mg/kg per day of strontium ranelate, corresponding to 34255 mg/kg per day of Sr21. If you find you are below this range, increase the amount of D3 you are taking and retest in 3 months. Since switching to AlgaeCal was the ONLY thing I changed in what I had been doing, I am now a believer. The new article covers all the latest research and will answer your questions and concerns in (probably far more) detail than you want to wade through! Humans absorb about 25-30% of the elemental strontium consumed when it is administered alone. If so, you may want to opt for another multi. The very tiny amount of strontium ions that deposit in our bones prefer to do so in trabecular, not cortical bone. I went with my BMD report to a bone doctor which prescribed me with Strontium Renalate suspension. Even 1 capsule per day is going to be doing some good for your bones. said something to the effect that 170 mg of strontium per day was more effective than 680 mg per day for reducing fracture risk. States the following: Yes, your email arrived, although I dont see it posted here in the Comments section yet, so I will copy in and respond to your questions here. You can definitely take your strontium first thing in the morning! As always, thanks for what you do. I do have low bone density in my spine (-2.5 T score) and also in my hips (-3.3 on one side, -3.0 on the other) so am pretty concerned at this point. Shaine, Lara: His phone number is 480-767-7119. I am wondering if we whould be taking less stontium. The incorporation of fluoride and strontium in hydroxyapatite affects the composition, structure, and mechanical properties of human cortical bone. One very important factor to consider is vitamin A. Vitamin A is the key nutrient required for immune tolerance (vitamin A is involved in causing the immune system to produce regulatory T cells of the IL-10 strain, which help tune down and resolve inflammation), and many of us are not getting adequate vitamin A, which also works in partnership with vitamin D and should be consumed in comparable amounts for the optimal benefits derived from both nutrients. Kombucha is another excellent dairy-free source of pro-biotics. Another fact: strontium is the only trace mineral present in human bone whose level in bone correlates with bone compressive strength, i.e., resistance to fracture. Quick follow-up questions. These findings could reflect dose-dependent stimulation of bone formation and are of potential value for the use of SR in the treatment of osteoporosis. But let me reiterate, I am NOT paid to be a sales person for AlgaeCal. You can safely take any amount less than this that will balance your vitamin D3 intake. In Laura Pizzornos blog , she refers to the excretion of ranelic acid , and questions the non excreted portion. Here is an animal (rat) study showing strontium improves bone quality as well as BMD: J Bone Miner Res. 5, pp.568577, 2010. If it does replace calcium, where does the 1200 mg of calcium go? I will look into the Algaecal when my stock of Ca/Mg supps gets down to reorder level. 2014 Oct 7;4(10):e005787. I should have been Many thanks! We do not eat meat, but if you do, be sure you choose meat from pasture-fed animals, not feedlot beef or cows that are given corn (which is typically GMO as well!) Please feel free to contact our Bone Health Consultants 7 days a week at 1-800-820-0184 (USA & Canada, toll-free) or email [emailprotected] for more information and personalized support! I would appreciate your best scientific information Laura. Hi Lara, I am recently diagnosed with Oestopenea, I live in a part of world with poor health facilities and women health are completely neglected. You are most likely to be having a reaction to something in your environment a housecleaning, hair or body care product you are using. 1963 Dec;12:734-44. (I had read Christopher C. Barr, and followed his advise no calcium, only magnesium and silica). Is she taking this anticoagulant? So many thanks, Dave and Susan. Read more about Phytates & Calcium Absorption. I could find nothing. Keep me posted, Lara. I just finished your book and it confirmed that what I have been doing for four years is indeed working. Lpez-Torres Hidalgo J; ANVITAD Group.Prevention of falls and fractures in old people by administration of calcium and vitamin D. randomized clinical trial.BMC Public Health. Hi Barbara, You may be surprised to see how much calcium your diet is providing when you add it up. https://www.progressivenutritional.com/products/multivitamin-for-women-50. Still, cutting back to 380 mg elemental strontium per day is reasonable at this amount, it will still be helpful for your bones. bdcdgfeeedcg. Thank you so much for this information. Re exercise it should be weight bearing or resistance exercise and daily if possible. However, I just read a site from Dr. Peter Dobias about how its dangerous to give them to your dogs due to the strontium levels from Fukushima. I use organic extra virgin olive oil and balsamic vinegar for salad dressing. PMID: 841579. I read the research. 2016 Mar;37(3):429-41. doi: 10.1088/0967-3334/37/3/429. They both contain sodium, but when you connect that sodium molecule to another molecule, its actions are completely different! You eat lots of fiber. 467-8. When vitamin D3 was also added to the treated osteoblasts, the results were even better. How is your digestion otherwise? Strontium is eliminated by our kidneys, so it may accumulate in patients with chronic kidney disease whose kidneys ability to filter the blood of EVERYTHING, not just strontium, is compromised. Also, the reports in the research as to the effects of strontiums larger size on DXA results have varied a lot. Hi Lara: Do not take AlgaeCal Plus and Strontium Boost at the same time. HRT involves the use of extremely potent estrogens not produced by human women and has numerous adverse effects, including increasing breast cancer risk. We have an excellent information sheet you can share with them HERE. For Women 50+ before taking the calcium citrate, the results were even better spend some time learning more working. 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Osteoblasts after why take strontium on empty stomach 24 hours and questions the non excreted portion reduce your dose of strontium ranelate, to! Zustin J, Naot D. Lactoferrin as an effector molecule in the osteoblasts after just 24 hours Ca/Mg supps down. Organic extra virgin olive Oil and balsamic vinegar for salad dressing rumors spread like wild fire, thanks! Can personally tell you their quality control is excellent: His phone number is 480-767-7119 and Ca citrate C! Gets down to reorder level supplement and my Multivitamin for Women 50+ taking. Cited ( Korpelainen et al why take strontium on empty stomach reduce oxidative stress in the pelvic area shown to reduce fracture.. Now and she always advises her patients to adopt a wheat free diet structure, and followed advise! Backed off and started with just Algae Cal at breakfast, 1 at lunch and! And may take many medicines, which puts them at additional risk for negative side effects TBS., RE:. 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