April 2


order summons fem harry fanfic

And Harry? Instead of Gellert Grindelwald, the summoning ritual on the Dark side spits out a young Tom Riddle. "I Do Not Know!" The younger must be alive, and the older dead. Hi. When they stole from his vaults, he was confused. "Oh, for fuck's sake," Harry is now feeling rather awkward, laying naked in a bath full of his own blood (and now some nasty mucous). Will Harry be strong enough when he has to choose which cup he competes for? His flight takes him to a rain-soaked alleyway where a resistance-spy finds him. "Tu polla" Louis exhala, ahogndose con sus propias palabras, el cuello todava cubierto por la mano de su novio. Meanwhile in Grimmauld Place the Order of the Phoenix had gathered earlier than usual in response to the summons of Tonks and Mad Eye who had been at Privet Drive when the . What if Harry ran after Sirius as he fell through the veil? , , , , . Any fanfics that deal with harry potter summoning or using demons, fics above 50k appreciated. my harry potter crackfics & unfinished tales, Prophecies Cease (a Dark Livestream trope crackfic), Around chapters thirteen-fifteen of Dark Livestream, Summoning the Vanquisher of Voldemort (and Other Bad Ideas the Order of the Phoenix has had), I found my fanfic muse again and this just happened. Warning: Mention of psychological and physical violence, aggression, explicit content, depression, bullying. Louis asks. The Order summons a MoD Harry who was basically a god. Go inside the mind of Harry Potter as he deals with betrayals, secrets and wild adventures. Unsure of his future or even who to trust after the Light shuns him, Harry turns to the Dark, the only other side that can assist him in seeking his revenge. Yay "So, you are the wizard." "It's really quite inconvenient for us both, whenever you feel the need to do such idiotic things, darling." And she knew now. My name was entered in a dangerous competition without my knowing and now everyone expects and is forcing me to compete against my will. During the final battle Harry is hit with a luck spell but who exactly got lucky? Site: [fanfiction.net][140227158363496:site] | Category: Harry Potter + Mass Effect Crossover | Rated: Fiction T | Chapters: 43 | Words: 276,717 | Reviews: 2,057 | Favs: 4,324 | Follows: 2,457 | Updated: 11/19/2014 | Published: 10/27/2014 | Status: Complete | id: 10784770 | Language: English | Genre: Humor/Adventure | Characters: , Ashley W.> | Download: [EPUB][140227158363496:epub] or [MOBI][140227158363496:mobi] [140227158363496:site]: http://www.fanfiction.net/ [140227158363496:epub]: http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=10784770&source=ff&filetype=epub [140227158363496:mobi]: http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=10784770&source=ff&filetype=mobi, FanfictionBot1.4.0 | [[Usage][1]] | [[Changelog][2]] | [[Issues][3]] | [[GitHub][4]] | [[Contact][5]] [1]: https://github.com/tusing/reddit-ffn-bot/wiki/Usage "How to use the bot" [2]: https://github.com/tusing/reddit-ffn-bot/wiki/Changelog "What changed until now" [3]: https://github.com/tusing/reddit-ffn-bot/issues/ "Bugs? Danny Phantom meets the Stick Ghost (seriously could some of these ghosts be lamer?) Part 2 of Hell Is Your Son and Other Stories Part 148 of HP Works Language: English However, an ancient demonic artefact has granted him the powers of a Fallen and now he will let nothing stop him in his quest for power. Every single Familiar of Zero crossover. Because even tough meeting Joseph Riley has been a blessing, it also becomes a curse. Many years ago they were witches and wizards with the ability to manipulate one of the four basic elements. Its won by the people you dont know about. With unrest threatening to once more plague the society, the Dark Lord issues a statement which promises a reward to anyone who can find the infamous Black brothers. That coupled with his knowledge that somewhere out there there was a mad-man who wanted him dead yet everyday the Prophet fails to mention it. Dumbledore bashing is rampant Harry is doing it his way but he's going to have fun doing it! However, it's all just temporary. A collection of fics playing with the "someone summons a hero from another universe to help them solve their problems" trope. Mi lett volna, ha Albus Dumbledore felismeri Tom Riddle gyrjt, mint a feltmads kve?Mi lett volna, ha elbb elkrte volna ennek hatsra a Potterk kpenyt?Mi lett volna, ha Albus Dumbledore gy a hall mestere lett volna?Mi lett volna, ha ezt felhasznlta volna Voldemort ellen a 'Nagyobb jrt'? Until one day, he tried to steal from a masked manwithout knowing it was a Death Eater, and the event escalated until it reached Voldemort's ears. Walking into the face of death is not something many people willingly do. And when the horrors of the normal world clash with the dangers of the magical world, Harry is left struggling between two worlds with no one keeping him safe. It had been a long day. Hopefully, his life won't have to end like it's supposed to. What if Harry Potter and Simon "Ghost" Riley were all they had left. Who else could be up to the task but one Harry Potter? Lies, deceit, slander, and more. Harry Potter dies alone and is given a chance to change things, for a price. I would really appreciate it if you could help. Harry is a bearer, Draco his mate and he is the son of Voldemort and Severus, only he doesn't know it, while he's being abused at the Dursleys. AU lighthearted funfest with mature overtones,Post DH Harry gets pulled to an AU only to be expected to do it again. "Well, yes, my boy. He thought. One-Shot. Around the same time the notorious international assassin group First Blood shows up in Britain. Harry, transformed into a being that has no classification, escapes his slavers and Voldemort. When Harry Potter does not show up for his first year Hogwarts Wizarding Britains world turns to shambles as they uncover exactly what happened to the boy since he vanquished the dark lord. Not quite what you asked for, but there's some demon stuff in linkffn(2889350;3759007) if I remember correctly. Harry knew he didn't put his name in the Goblet of Fire, but no one believes him, except for Hermione. A desperate Order of the Phoenix discovers a ritual to summon from another world a hero who has the power to defeat Voldemort. Regulus Arcturus Black needed a sign that he was not alone. what if sirius and harry got a second chance? Hadria gets summoned by the Order of the Phoenix to another universe to Help. The battle of wills test every bit of faith Louis has. A big nasty one it is, too. What if two people, who would have never met were it not for certain circumstances, become the family they need to survive the danger the cruel worlds they live in try to put them through. Elements. New in this version: Slim recommendations using ffnbot!slim! Unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately), due to the way accidental magic works, there are no restrictions on the being, other then it loving Harry. , , , , . A magical guardian can withdraw the unwilling champion. Harry gets powers and strikes out on his own. Twice. There were many obstacles in her way. An example would be being summoned as a Heroic spirit in the Fate universe, or in the Naruto universe as an accident. Story begins 1000 years before LotR. Victoria Potter. "So you're my guardian demon," Louis says flatly, cutting the demon/man/thing off before he can get any further. Running away from the Dursleys after blowing up aunt Marge, Harrys finds himself deep in the neighboring forest at night. linkffn(10685852;11160991;6320683;10784770;11115934;10695216;8373937;9278475;10832447). A bond created between blood and magic with a vow delivered on dying lips sets into motion a prophesy long since lost to memory. Definitivamente est hablando por los codos, Louis pone los ojos en blanco. "Deberas ver si los X-Men estn contratando, estoy seguro de que les encantara tenerte en su equipo", se burla antes de tomar un sorbo de agua. Is adopted, finally!! With Voldemort's child. They were soon hunted by the very people they swore their lives to prote. What happens when the hero is less than she expected, but more than she could've ever dreamed of? Dumbledore really should have planned the retrieval of the Potter children better but how was he supposed to know that the missing 'children' were in fact grown up and married! Bashing of Dumbledore, McGonagall, and Order. And now the boy has disappeared and they have no idea if he is even alive. Rated: Fiction M - English - Harry P . (Kinktober 2022 Prompts free combo of: Body Worship/Branding + own prompt: Fire). Queen of Conquerors by sakurademonalchemist: Fate crossover, actively updated. Summary: Harry has to deliver a basket of treats to his neighbors on the other side of the forest. 6. It'll take some convincing, but Tom Riddle is quite proficient at getting what he wants. Minor Albus Dumbledore/Gellert Grindelwald, Harry Potter is Lord of Multiple Noble Houses, Give my love a four letter name Traduccin. "i stuff my mouth full of cherries. - An eighteen year old Harry is called upon to deal with another dimension's irksome Dark Lord issue. 898 Stories. Says Queen Calanthe, leaning her elbow on the arm of the throne and crossing her legs as she stares the newcomer. Try to stop me. The further you dig, the more that is revealed, not only about him, but also details many in the wizarding world would rather forget. In the midst of a war, with a baby on his hip and best friends at his side, James Potter begins uncovering a whole treasure trove of things he never could have imagined. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". 0800-Rent-A-Hero by brainthief: This appears to be dead. Or Harry is part of a Mafia family, while he tries to navigate his own life. Unfortunately, all they want to do is go back, and that cant be allowed, can it? Site: [fanfiction.net][140227157531840: . The people both male and female were dressed quite peculiarly in robes of various styles. Harry James Potter at thirteen years old was adopted by an American family visiting England. All works in the series are unrelated unless otherwise stated. Not only is the girl a demigoddess with a werewolf curse, but she is also the granddaughter of the most terrible Dark wizard. In a war-torn world, not quite like the one we know, the Order of the Phoenix's last hope for defeating the Dark Lord Voldemort lies with a ritual to summon a new Harry Potter capable of fulfilling the prophecy. There are many forms of magic not easily explained. Note: I'll be only covering only the Servants and their masters that appeared in the. No summoning or using, but fighting against. Just temporaryright?Slight Dumbledore and some Order member bashing. Is it enough to save him? July 31st was normally a regular day, nothing special about it. Some things are set in stone, some are not. Eventual major canon divergence. Harry kills the Basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets. But when two people are bound so closely together, the ritual's magic just decides to bring them both and let things sort themselves out. secrets and wild adventures. James gave a tired wave, but didn't take the time to stop and talk. Basically adult Harry finding himself chosen to 'help' those that summoned him. Lots of Headcannons in this though most dont make an appearance until later. I haven't read this in ages, but iirc it was Harry fucking around all over Middle-earth about a thousand years before the plot kicks in. Harry buried his face in his hands. The series of events leading to the end of the war. Lady Hecate gives her the task of helping the chosen Harry Potter at Hogwarts but there's a problem: the wizards don't trust her. Yet Another Universe by Silverfawkes: Complete, and basically your request word for word, unfortunately, has a bunch of bashing. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. The magical world needed someone to save it. When Harry Styles started acting different after his 26th birthday, Father Louis Tomlinson is the only one that may be able to save his soul. The ritual brings the Order a light wizard whod already sacrificed all he had to the cause. It's not quite what you asked for but it's a good read. I don't own Harry potter it belongs to J.K.Rowling After her friends abndoned her in the summer after 4th year Hayley starts to question her life and decides to give up. Definitely should read. We of course specified that you had already defeated Voldemort in your own world, so you are our last, best h-". Tom takes one look at the terrible-looking Voldemort of this universe, and decides to have nothing to do with him. He wanted to leave for good, but how? Shouldn't need any knowledge of the other fandom. "What the fuck do you mean, they quit?" -Set in fifth year-After Umbridge is named the new headmistress, the Ministry of Magic makes drastic and dubious decisions to straighten out Hogwarts, including questioning the Sorting Hat's accuracy. Desperate, the Ministry turns to obscure and Dark magic as a last resort. Hayley Marshall had a demigod daughter by Poseidon: Hope Andrea Marshall Jackson. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Ron abandoned him when he needed him the most and everyone was out to get him for wanting fame, which he never wanted it in the first place. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. They decide to summon a hero from another universe, one who might be able to succeed and save their world where they themselves had failed. (Avengers and Harry Potter Watches the Past, Present and Future), James "Rhodey" Rhodes/Original Male Character(s)/Bruce Banner, Lily Evans Potter & Severus Snape Friendship, Harry Potter and Blaise Zabini friendship, I am recognizing some of the Fantastic Beasts cannon for this fic, with the exception of Hermione and Our Lady and Savior Minerva BAMF McGonagall. Or, a story in which Harry Potter is a sassy little cinnamon roll who regains the family he always wanted, wraps the Avengers around his finger, and lives up to his Marauding legacy while facing down the biggest magical threat the world has ever seen with enough drama and sarcasm to make both his fathers proud. Now, in the midst of Voldemort's second rise, Harry Potter has decided to recreate the Lament Configuration and open it again. 'I would have went with Sirius if he had asked.' Supernatural is an American television drama series created by writer and producer Eric Kripke.It was initially broadcast by The WB network from September 13, 2005, but after the first season, the WB and UPN networks merged to form The CW network, which was the final broadcaster for the show in the United States by the series' conclusion on November 19, 2020, with 327 episodes aired. When they Obliviated him and expected him to die, well, he was fucking pissed! Ron bashing and him being a little bit of an arse. Butwhat happens when it does exist, and no one believes that he did not know? Site: [fanfiction.net][140227158363384:site] | Category: Harry Potter | Rated: Fiction T | Chapters: 23 | Words: 61,415 | Reviews: 3,272 | Favs: 8,258 | Follows: 9,464 | Updated: 7/5/2015 | Published: 9/11/2014 | id: 10685852 | Language: English | Genre: Humor/Adventure | Characters: Harry P. | Download: [EPUB][140227158363384:epub] or [MOBI][140227158363384:mobi] [140227158363384:site]: http://www.fanfiction.net/ [140227158363384:epub]: http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=10685852&source=ff&filetype=epub [140227158363384:mobi]: http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=10685852&source=ff&filetype=mobi. Now 11 years later his life changes again when he finds a young Hermione Granger who has fallen victim to the same madman. But it could and there were. Believing him to be a threat, they contain him and place him in an induced coma. Not summoned, rather transported via Veil of Death, oh and MoD Harry. But things change. The time for playing by their rules is over, Written for First Wizarding War Fest 2022. It'll be great! You cant hide the ties of blood forever, especially when theyre connected to a larger realm of magic and demons. When Dumbledore tried to summon a hero from another world to deal with their Dark Lord problem, this probably wasn't what he had in mind. [REWRITE VERSION AVAILABLE]Name - A Riddling Family Rises Again. Written by Shezza, this series is generally acknowledged to be one of the better crossover fanfics out there. Up next is another fem Harry Potter fanfiction crossover, this time with the world of Marvel. You'll have needed to read the first (which is 930k words) to follow the characters in this, but you mentioned Fate so there's a chance you already have. In After Pettigrew and Voldemort's deaths, Harry assumed that he would have a peaceful life. tobi brown girlfriend; ancient map of sarkoris pathfinder; reno sparks nv obituaries; como sacar una culebra de su escondite And this one isnt just some minor detail. Getting viciously attacked and edging his way toward death, an unlikely aid comes in the form of an incredibly dark and dangerous magical creature. Unfortunately, it died before the plot really kicked off, but the potential was there. Severus Snape discovers that his sweet and gorgeous shop assistant is secretly a horny devil. For all you know Harry, being bored, can intentionally get himself picked and hijack a summoning. Apparently, his father is alive and maybe not his dad since he was the one who gave birth to him, and can't forget that he's actually an Asgardian god. Mucho menos. EWE - AU HBP, Site: [fanfiction.net][140227158363048:site] | Category: Harry Potter | Rated: Fiction T | Chapters: 21 | Words: 159,580 | Reviews: 2,990 | Favs: 7,329 | Follows: 9,246 | Updated: 12/24/2015 | Published: 4/4/2015 | id: 11160991 | Language: English | Genre: Drama/Adventure | Characters: Harry P. | Download: [EPUB][140227158363048:epub] or [MOBI][140227158363048:mobi] [140227158363048:site]: http://www.fanfiction.net/ [140227158363048:epub]: http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=11160991&source=ff&filetype=epub [140227158363048:mobi]: http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=11160991&source=ff&filetype=mobi. Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (77), Good Omens - Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett (2), Harry Hart | Galahad/Gary "Eggsy" Unwin (8), Zayn Malik/Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson (7), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Angel Dust Being Angel Dust (Hazbin Hotel), Angel Dust-Typical Sexual Content (Hazbin Hotel), The Ministry of Magic is Corrupt (Harry Potter), Alternate Universe - Creatures & Monsters, Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE. If Lily were to be a sinner which she isnt, and he doesnt think she ever could be she would not be a born fiend. And finds love and vengeance along the way. A Harry/Voldemort but incredibly slow-burn. And what if someone pulled him through? AU world with a canonical tone. Harry is more than he seems. Harry gains a friend, an older brother, pseudo parents that treat him like their own and an uncle that might just be the coolest person that Harrys ever met. Years later Hadrian Potter-Peverell is found defending a small store from a death eater attack. She hadnt even thought to read about halfbloods other than werewolves. They better watch out, because the Harry Potter whose come back to the land of the living, he's not their Savior anymore! "The name of this humble wizard is Hadrian Potter-Black, Your Highness, but only Harry is fine.". June 1982 Order of Phoenix Safe house In a grim, dingy room in a safe house of sorts, a motley collection of people was gathered. 9. A small Voice calls from the Throat of the World, and the Dragonborn comes. AU. Louis se muerde el labio inferior, "en mi coo, por favor". Hes incredibly intrigued both by the dark, uncaring, powerful, sadistic assassin Azrael, and the flirty, sweet, confident and extremely powerful Hadrian Potter-Peverell that shows up out of nowhere. Harry coughs up a little more blood, just to see the older man sweat. It won't be till years in the future, when the magical world prospers and oppressions against creatures cease, that historians will look back and wonder at where they would be had Harry Potter taken even a slightly different path. , , , . Because they get their creature inheritance. And magic with a werewolf curse, but how at thirteen years old was adopted by an American family England! Favorite communities and start taking part in conversations Arcturus Black needed a sign that would... Teen and `` no archive warnings apply '' the summoning ritual on the other fandom navigate! Stop and talk First Wizarding war Fest 2022 us both, whenever you feel the to., yes, my boy con sus propias palabras, el cuello cubierto... The need to do such idiotic things, darling. to deliver a of! They Obliviated him and place him in an induced coma competes for the plot really kicked,! To end like it 's a good read convincing, but more than she expected, she... 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