April 2


can guys tell when a girl is on her period

If thats not her thing, lighthearted comedies may do the trick. It then gets released during her period, which generally lasts between 2 to 7 days. When the second two groups were asked to score the voices based on these characteristics, they reported that menstrual voices sounded lower in mood, quality and pitch. Forget the food or tampons, even. Secondly, women have very minimal control over what theyre feeling when theyre on their period. But call your doctor if you: Periods are a natural, healthy part of a girl's life. How about instead of asking this, you take some time out of your day to do something nice for her, out of the goodness of your heart? SometimesI'm an emotional bitch during my period. Having your guy being there for you 247 is the most beautiful feeling. Plus, theres also the fact that it can get messy. 10 questions about periods all guys want answered. Our website services, content and products are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. This gets the uterus ready for an egg (from the mom) and sperm (from the dad) to attach and grow into a baby. She can get a period and still be pregnant. How to watch Welcome to Chippendales. This is a very important fundamental conversation that you need to have with your woman. WebThe short answer to this question is no, guys cannot smell when a girl is on her period. WebGirls are ridiculously self-conscious of it. Its understandable for boys to be grossed out by girls periods, its blood coming out of the vagina, even young girls are grossed out by their It changes the whole household too. We might say the same for the pain you feel when something comes into contact with your boys, right? Title of a power ballad? These reactions, while they might seem insane and irrational to you, are very, very real to her. "If I'm dating someone who's using that as an excuse [to get mad], that's not the relationship for me." The belief that guys are able to smell a girl on her period likely comes from the fact that many people assume that periods have a distinct smell. How Can I Be Sure? You simply need to understand what shes going through and how to make her feel better. Note: All information on KidsHealth is for educational purposes only. By about 23 years after her first period, a girl's periods should be coming around once every 45 weeks. has moments when they exhibit this kind of behavior, whether or not they are influencedby a period. 18 Things To Remember When Your Girl Is On Her Period. It may be a bit messy with the period blood, especially if you do it on a heavy flow day, but its perfectly safe. Can You Still Have Your Period If You're Pregnant? Choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. [Read: Dumb things we do in the name of that 4 letter word]. Timing sex can boost your odds of a baby. Remember the time your ex-girlfriend got so touchy and cried when she watched an action scene from Star Wars? Orlando M., 23, "I don't want to hear about it. So if she ovulates on day 14, she can still get pregnant from sex on day 11 or day 16. Not even women who live together, contrary to the legend about cycles syncing up when multiple women live in proximity to each other. When her period begins, levels of the hormones estrogen and progesteronewhich are linked to PMS symptoms like moodiness, irritability, and breast tendernessplummet. So my advice is to just respond to her how you normally would -- again, without mentioning her period. I know I'm not supposed to admitthis, but girls on their periodreally do become undesirable assholes. If the condom broke while you were getting busy, youd probably white-knuckle it every day until she reported her period. Whether its running to the store to grab tampons *which we pray youll never have to do* or helping her out with the chores, just keep in mind that she may be feeling really horrible and that those simple tasks can mean the world to her. Will B., 21, "It's something you should do only if you really know someone. But some women actually find their arousal increases during their period. Join PopSci+ to read sciences greatest stories. Well, they willprobably make her feel fat for wanting to dosuch a thing. So before you tell her about your honest opinion on one of her all-time favorite movies or casually mention an out-of-town trip with just the guys, consider telling her about it when shes no longer as moody. Is it because she's on her period? A girl on her period and a bleeding vagina in absolutely no way correlates with your getting head. For the first few years after a girl starts her period, it may not come regularly. Youlive in a culture in which periods not only don't exist, but are seen as weird and shameful ifthey do. Many girls have cramps with their period, especially in the first few days. I'd say avoid it on period days 1-3 unless you want your dick to look like an extra in "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre,"but you should be good to go on days 4 or 5. During those couple of days, treat her like a queen and try to do that with a smile on your face. If the egg is fertilized by a sperm cell, it attaches to the wall of the uterus, where over time it develops into a baby. Cramps suck just as much as she says they do. tension. I thought all guys could smell it, like it was just a caveman thing we could do, so I jokingly brought it up one time one of them was wafting. Do you need help with making your girl feel better when shes on her period? She may also be offended that you ran the other way as if she suddenly transformed into a hideous beast. Hormones give messages to the body. How Do You Know If Your Period Is Regular? The built-up lining is ready for a fertilized egg to attach to and start developing. It might sound messy but according to study, most girls vaginas are very sensitive when its their time of the month. WebWhen guys spend a lot of time around their wives and girlfriends, they know the cycle. ), Related: 5 Reasons Shes Not Getting Pregnant. When a woman is on her period, estrogen levels are at their lowest, says Dr. Hughes, but testosterone levels are on the rise. You probably learned the basics back in middle school health class: Every month, a woman bleeds. If you have questions about periods, ask your doctor, a parent, health teacher, school nurse, or older sister. Other studies have revealed similar findings. If the answer is yes, youre in even bigger trouble. This isn't a good or bad question, it's just wondering how many of you guys actually notice a difference in mood/behavior of your partner, or not really? "What's the problem? Female puberty happens when your body starts producing hormones that wake up your ovaries. Most men do. Ovulation(pronounced: ov-yoo-LAY-shun) is the release of an egg from the ovaries. It might sound weird but in the old days, a woman who is having her period was considered dirty and impure. Can a Girl Get Pregnant if She Has Sex During Her Period? Oh, well then SHUT UP. Its called being human. Exactly when a woman ovulates depends on the length of her cycle, or the number of days between periods. There isn't one right age for a girl to get her period. Tell him in a straightforward way. There was one response that stood out against the overwhelming DONT DO IT responses. A girl on her period may not realize it, but there are times when we cant help but put men in the spotlight. Pipitone says the adaptation is an example of the reproductive arms race known as sexually antagonistic coevolution, a phenomenon seen across living species, from humans to brine shrimp. I was driving with a girlfriend and could smell that smell, but didn't know where it was coming from. By this point, you should have a lot more empathy for a girl on her period. While youre the recipient of her hormonal rage, just keep thinking to yourself, Its better to get to know this side of her sooner rather than later. That should help you fare just a little bit better. Most of the time, a girl gets her period about 2 years after her breasts start to develop. WebThey know because of pheromones which cause them to get a bit horny and thats usually why guys seem more sexually active when you're on your period. Your girlfriend may usually be a rational and easygoing person. Peter Weiss, MD, is a practicing OB/GYN and former Assistant Clinical Professor at the UCLA School of Medicine. Some girls use only one method and others switch between different methods. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. If it's a small fight, why are we having it? Images provided by The Nemours Foundation, iStock, Getty Images, Veer, Shutterstock, and Clipart.com. Its just $1 per month , By Can a Girl Get Pregnant if She Has Never Had Her Period? Promise. Every woman has different preferences. So you shouldnt be getting your period after it. Jennifer Abbasi It is possible that you could get pregnant during your period, thats why, if youre not ready to have babies yet, better use condoms. There is no turning back and no making up. And keep in mind that everyone (even you!) Be understanding was the number one answer on the survey. But researchers have also shown that voices alone can be used to directly and indirectly predict characteristics like facial appearance, body type, physical strength and even sexual behavior. Its not possible to have a real period, where shes shedding the uterine lining, and a viable pregnancy at the same time says Dr. DeNicola. They dont digress like what youve read on the internet. You have to buy the best pain killer. Your chances of surviving the day without conflict will be higher if you let her hear what she wants to hear. Webwell, usually when I eat a girl out on her period, shes so wet that I have no contact with any of her blood. Follow her on Twitter and Instagram. [Cashiers] know it's not for you! If her behavior really wasdue to her period, she'll realize thatsoonand tell you so with an apology, at which point the only thing you should respond with is "It's okay," and a change of subject. [Read:Why is your girlfriend ignoring you all of a sudden? You wouldnt. Testosterone is highly linked to a woman's sex drive. I personally am a bloated mess whose stomach swells to two times its normal size. 15 fastest ways to fix it]. Of course, this is also good news for you! It's likeevery negative feelingIinternalizedecides torelease itselfin a week-long bender of crying and lashing out and weeping at videos of puppies. Some women are okay when theyre menstruating. Related: 6 Things More Painful Than Childbirth. Liked what you just read? No. | Websurprising my sister with a guinea pig prank (hilarious) like. estrogenand document.write(def_progesterone_T); Your comprehensive guide to that time of month. For example, in a 2020 study published in the journal PLoS One, researchers had a group of men smell T-shirts worn by women for three nights during their ovulation phase. La la la la." There are some areas where they need some brushing up on, but they get the gist. Why did your female coworker comment on your profile picture? If not, heres the gist: Every month, her endometrium, or the lining of her uterus, sheds. For specific medical advice, diagnoses, and treatment, consult your doctor. I'm also a bloated, disgusting mess. My husband knows what's up when the candy makes its monthly debut. And unless you want her to go into gruesome detail about whats going on down there, its probably best to avoid the topic altogether. Are you on your period? Its a question most women have been asked at one point or another by their boyfriend or spouse during a disagreement. Okay so I'm not weird, I definitely get that scent too. 2. However, if you feel like youre up for it and shes down to get naughty with you, why not? It might be good, but do you know what else would be good? Some women have severe cramps that they cannot function all day so they prefer to lie down. Well, too bad, because Im talking about it and many men are here to share their opinions as well. Be wary of writing off your rude ways as just her period.. Also, its more lubricated. Or maybe its because youre an insensitive nitwit? It can also spark gastrointestinal complaints like diarrhea. WebNo. You want something that will keep her mind occupied without reducing her to a heap of tears. Have her sit down and give her a massage or give her a warm hug. Plain and simple, menopause is the ending of your menstrual cycle. If your girlfriends cool even during her period, then youre one lucky guy. Men always believe that women can always control your emotions, that its up to them to think rationally. Grown men, no. We asked a group of very game guys what they think about: "Sucks to be a girl. Since our hormones are really what determines how heavy the flow is, we really cant control that without outside help like medications or hormone therapy. Sheesh man, I have been married over twenty years, I can tell when my wife is about to begin her period better than she can herself at this stage. She's got it worse. It's like, OK, wow, your sexual organs are not just a place my penis can hang out." And if you have unprotected sex during that window, well, that's prime baby-making time. Okay. Did not end well. Women also won't have a period while they are pregnant. I don't care what the situation is. Other animals emit a scent when they're ovulating, so it makes sense we might, too. And in a 2022 study published in the journal Proceedings Biological Sciences, researchers also found that women's scents provide information regarding where they might be in their cycle, but felt that it's not really a reliable way to determine ovulation (in other words, don't decide if you're ovulating or not based on how attractive your partner says you smell). Seldom *want* to think about it!. Just lots of little signs like that both directly related to my wife (like the whole boob-feel thing) and the greater environment. I'm considering asking my SO if he can smell it but I don't think I even want to know. As a woman, this thread is nightmare fuel. Vocal production is closely tied to our biology, Pipitone says of men and women. In cases like these, its ideal to ask her what she would like before heading out and getting it for her. When her period begins, her levels of a chemical called prostaglandin increase, says Dr. Bradley. Hormones induce the vocal changes that give women away. You may be right. "If you have sex all the time and there's a few days when you're not, it's not that big of a deal. She's fuming at you because you don'thave a garbage pail in your bathroom for her to throw her tampon in. Sign up to receive Popular Science's emails and get the highlights. 3. The signs are all there. Literally just shut up and do it. For 99 (okay, 90)percent of our periodweek, we women arehealthy and capable of functioning as rational human beings whose hormones don't dictate ourresponses to our lives. Hormones are chemical messengers. WebMen dont know because 90% dont have a baseline for period smell. Just because a woman expresses emotions doesnt necessarily mean that shes on her period. Paul S. "I try to understand why she's in a mood. She might be sweet and all before eating her lunch and then after a few minutes, she becomes a tigress ready to attack you anytime. That estrogen high helps produce a starchy substance called glycogen, which has been shown to improve the pH balance of vaginal tissue, giving it a sweeter smell, explained Dr. Booth. They chose the menstrual recording significantly more often than was predicted by chanceagain, 34 percent of the time. I think soon I will be able to tell if she is about to have her period via just a phone call. There is no evidence that having sex on your period is unhealthy. Its about time to stop being clueless and pick some ideas how to make your girlfriends feel better. You may be right. OK, Isay that in jest (in case you missed that earlier when you clicked on this). 8. Have you ever considered that maybeyourebeing insensitive? If there is no fertilized egg, the lining breaks down and bleeds. However, many still think PMS isnt a thing and that we use it as an excuse to be mean. It's not an excuse to do whatever you want." The cashier knows they're not for you. Jennifer Abbasi is a science and health writer and editor living in Brooklyn. In a study published online last month in the journal Ethology, psychologists Nathan Pipitone at Adams State College and Gordon Gallup at SUNY Albany asked three groups of men to listen to voice recordings of 10 women counting from one to five. You can even take hormonal birth control, which thins the uterine lining reducing the amount of blood and tissue you lose during the period. There are some studies that show that women tend to wear more revealing clothes when ovulating and less revealing clothes when menstruating, but it comment Its all about concern when it comes to what to say when your girlfriend is on her period. Your ovaries then start pumping out estrogen, which preps your body to start periods and eventually get pregnant in the future. Follow Jen on Twitter (shes @jenabbasi) and email her at popsci.thesexfiles@gmail.com. Tell him if you're regular ("so he can support you if you're late," says Hill), what you want in bed ("massage week?" So my advice is to just respond to her how you normally would -- again, without mentioning her period. The belief that guys are able to smell a girl on her period likely comes from the fact that many people assume that periods have a distinct smell. The best thing you can do for your girlfriend during this time is make her feel sexy. What Can I Do? However, it may be best to save the water sports for another day, for obvious reasons. And whats so bad if she does? Shell get crazier during her menses. So during these times, you and your girl may just be stuck at home. Can a Girl Get Pregnant if Her Periods Are Irregular? For the most part, yes. Justno. Hearst Magazine Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved. If the egg is not fertilized, the uterus lining breaks down and bleeds, causing a period. How about I talk to you NEVER again and see how that works out for the both of us? While the possibility is very low, its still considered a possibility. Click.css-tjvzc4{-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;text-decoration-thickness:0.0625rem;text-decoration-color:inherit;text-underline-offset:0.25rem;color:inherit;-webkit-transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;border-bottom:thin solid #6F6F6F;}.css-tjvzc4:hover{color:#595959;text-decoration-color:border-link-body-hover;}hereto subscribe to the digital edition! Its normal to experience any of the following symptoms just before, during, or after your period. WebMen dont know because 90% dont have a baseline for period smell. All rights reserved. Keep in mind that the state shes in wont last for more than a couple of days. As women, we're taught the ins and outs of menstruation and know exactly how to handle that time of the month. Had a girl come onto her period unexpectedly one night staying at mine and she made me get up in the middle of the night and change the Our website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Before you let this one slip, take a minute to reevaluate the situation. I once told an ex the smell reminded me of babyfood. Ovulation is the monthly release of an egg from a girls ovaries. Humans release pheromones throughout their lives that have particular odors. Sometimes they are perceived consciously by others - sometimes unconsc You can also try some natural cramp remedies likeexercise, acupuncture, abdominal massage etc. Your vagina can be oversensitive and theres extra lubrication when youre having your menses. Every part of herbody, fromthe physical to the psychological, is turning inside outin preparation for the birth of another human being. Pointing out that her body is making her act like a lunatic will only serve to aggravate her and make her crankiness even worse! Even a comforting arm rub might make her feel better and will at least show you care. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Press J to jump to the feed. Most girls get their first period when they're around 12. All rights reserved. Yeah. This is false. We do sympathize. Yes, a girl can get pregnant as soon as her period starts. WebWhen a guy gets moody in response to his womans moodiness around her period, she can end up saying that her bad mood and the arguments theyre having are his fault, not hers. If she gets testy with you, resist the urge to make a PMS joke. The men seemed to determine menstrual voices by picking the most unattractive voice, Pipitone explains. Even after the potentially telltale contrast was eliminated, the men pinpointed the voice recorded during menstruation 34 percent of the time. If cramps bother you, you can try: Most girls don't have any problems with their periods. Are you on your period? Its a question most women have been asked at one point or another by their boyfriend or spouse during a disagreement. The men in group one who correctly identified the menstrual recordings said they could tell by the mood (bad versus good), quality (harsh versus smooth), pitch (low versus high) and speed (slow versus fast) of the womens voices. When Aunt Flo comes to town, the initial instinct of even the most patient boyfriend may be to hide and wait for her to go away. Please note that there is a difference between this and a normal upset A girl can even get pregnant right before her very first period. And for about 1 in 3 of them, the pain was so bad that it made them miss out on social events or other obligations. RELATED:6 Effective Ways To Make Your Period Come Sooner (That Actually Work!). If a girl has sex, she can get pregnant, even though she has never had a period. In a 2018 study published in the journal Proceedings Biological Sciences, researchers found that men "highly agreed" on how attractive they found women's body odors and felt that their data provided evidence that body odors can act as valid clues as to when a person is ovulating. Quick refresher in biology: In order to become pregnant, a womans egg must meet your sperm. If shes feeling these symptoms, she should talk to her doctor. As just one example of many, Instagram allows women to post explicit photos of their nearly naked bodies, but removed aphoto of a fully clothed woman who put a photo up of her with her menstruating becauseit didn't follow "community guidelines.". React Reply SovereignessofVamps Follow (For those who arent familiar with the ins and outs of the female reproductive cycle, women are most fertile during ovulation, when their ovaries release an egg, and least fertile during menstruation, when they shed the unfertilized egg and the lining of the uterus.). Published Jan 26, 2012 9:30 PM EST. Truthfully, periods are hell, and period weekdoessuck a lot of the time. However, fear not! Get the very best of LovePanky straight to your inbox! Mid-cycle, we get all kinky and sexy, PMS means I need more emotional support Having those 'tells' means that our relationship is balanced and that we're in tune with each other. Press the space key then arrow keys to make a selection. We have earned the right to complain every now and again. You could also say "Oh, it's that time of the month," and he'll probably get it. Oral sex is the worst. Most girls need to change their pad, tampon, or menstrual cup about 36 times a day. Please note, comments must be approved before they are published, Use left/right arrows to navigate the slideshow or swipe left/right if using a mobile device, having sex while the womans vagina is bleeding is considered haraam, possible that you could get pregnant during your period. Like, I'm due this week. When women reach menopause (around age 4555), their periods will permanently stop. You dont just buy any pain killers. However, with so much change that has happened to your body, it makes sense that some things may have shifted to manifest different period symptoms. I went out and asked multiple men their thoughts on the monthly subscription topain and blood. Different moods/ highs/ lows of the cycle, to me, serve a different purpose. But there are some clues that it will start soon: A period happens because of changes in document.write(def_hormones_T); Some women start breaking out. Then the same process happens all over again. Orlando M. "If I was, like, married, I would do it." I feel sluggish and irritable. Although its medically proven that some girls can be horny when theyre menstruating, some guys think of the whole idea as messy and creepy. I also get a hint of an alkaline tomato-y smell. And then you should totally bewilling to try it! You, as her prince charming should be handy. If youguys arehanging out in your sweats and sheruns out of tampons and she asks you nicely to please godown to the storeto buy her more, just do it. This helps her uterus contract in order to expel its lining. So movies like A Walk to Remember and Titanic are a no-no. Let a girl on her period be comfortable! If your girlfriendsuddenly finds herself cravingpounds of Mexican food and then a trip to aspecific dinerfora very veryspecific chocolate-covered dessert that she saw on Instagram and needs, like, right this second,you should help her indulge this craving. But it can drain so much of a womans energy that shed be too tired to prepare a meal. Could Menopause Explain Why Alzheimer's Disease Is More Common in Women? A girl can even get pregnant right before her very first period. 1995-2023The Nemours Foundation. Vagina in absolutely no way correlates with your boys, right out,... Shameful ifthey do to that time of the month weird but in the few! Little signs like that both directly Related to my wife ( like the whole boob-feel thing ) and the environment. Writing off your rude ways as just her period may not realize it, but they get highlights! That shes on her period starts class: every month, a woman, this thread is nightmare.. From Star Wars during menstruation 34 percent of the time severe cramps they. Not be posted and votes can not be cast, Press J to jump to legend! A period while they might seem insane and irrational to you, can... An alkaline tomato-y smell menstruation 34 percent of the month, her,! 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can guys tell when a girl is on her period