April 2


can a 38 special kill a mountain lion

But also a few manufacturers that load plus P 45 Colt rounds that are every bit as powerful as the 44 magnum. They respond pretty well to people calibers without the need to go full-on hand cannon. Found the bullet in the other ear, Weighed 270 grains. I do not shoot rabid animals in the head for fear of spreading the rabies virus from the brain, I do not know if this is true or not but thats what Ive been told. Magnum Research 45-70 isnt bad either ! I know Phil has seen more bears killed than I ever will, but he got lucky. Its got the velocity, but wonder if it would have the penetration? You go first, Ill watch. A sidearm is a very smart idea. There are a lot of good things to be said about a shotgun and big buckshot in regard to saving ones own life! The BFR 45-70 was not mentioned. The .45 Colt has long been my favorite cartridge in the Blackhawk. Little meat damage and with a WC or Semi WC will certainly do the job. A bear will cover 50 yards in less than 2 seconds in a charge. I sure wanted to sit and talk to him about all the storys they brought back. The Interior Grizzlies are not like your fat on salmon Brownies. A farmer living in Lower Lake, in Lake County, noticed the dead lambs last week and notified the California Department of Fish and Wildlife. Somewhere in my Paper Archives I have the Professors commentary and a stages of a Bear attack and at what point in his own words .. it is time to Shoot the Bear. shop reading and start thinking. Lets stop trying to impress each other with useless specifications and gobbly-gooky BS. Defensive purse swinging! My advice would be take the largest caliber you can comfortably handle. And this is why Glock 29s and Smith & Wesson 329s exist. The people who shot the cougar had no way of knowing that the cougar had rabies when they shot it. I enjoyed the article. There are too many stories of people getting mauled by bears that charged right through their attempt to spray it, and they could never get to their gun in time once the bear hit. Another survivalist carried a lever action .357 MAG rifle. 7 tours of duty (Coast Guard) and 11 years of volunteer EMT3 doing Bush & Mountain rescue all over Alaska, 10 years as AK Hunter Safety instructor and professional brown bear photographer + successful hunter and competition shooter, and trapper. Think youre gonna penetrate his skull with your pea shooter? A 45 or 44 mag would be better, but i no longer care to carry the extra weight. Expert trackers look for the following to identify mountain lion tracks: Three lobes at the bottom of the pad. What we can do is provide a framework to understand what average conditions might look like, and whether those are reasonably viable for a shot from the average shooter to harvest a cougar or mountain lion in the fewest number of shots possible, i.e., ethically. Sun, Jan 29, 2023. . I am playing with a m69 Smith and Wesson 44 mag. Not to be the asshole of the crowd, but a Grizzly is an Ursus arctos horribilis as opposed to just the Ursus arctos, or Brown Bear. I own a 45 Colt Ruger Bisley with a 5 1/2 inch barrel ,among other larger caliber handguns , and it is far and away my favorite for handgun hunting or a defensive woods gun. The result was a dead dog with one of the bears and almost a dead friend with one of the hogs. Native to the Americas, the puma, also called the mountain lion, cougar, catamount or panther, often shares its habitat with several other top predators, such as wolves, bears, coyotes and jaguars. Its not an Old Model, or do you still carry buryin money in the sixth chamber? He said 45 colt loaded with a 300 grain plus hard cast bullet. Lets hope that we can all avoid the threat of mauling, but if youre unfortunate enough to have it happen to you, be prepared. Dogs' and bobcats' toes are shaped like an oval. The Hodgden #25 manual does show loads for a 200-grain bullet using HS6, Trap100 and HP38 powders. My buddy Marty Groppi who enjoys the famous trout streams of Upstate New York carries a Smith & Wesson Model 29 in the classic .44 Magnum, a combination that will most definitely save your bacon. on this subject is this: self defense/house protection/concealed carry is only half DRT. Great advice. A good friend used to go to Alaska to fish. More than 12,400 mountain lions were killed between 1907 and 1963 and turned in for bounties, according to the Mountain Lion Foundation. Babb said the attack occurred while the boy and his family were taking a break from riding all-terrain vehicles. They dont respond the same way as healthy animals. You arent arent going to get to reload and the targets are moving really fast. To purchase a sidearm for bear country on GunsAmerica, click here. There is nothing wrong with the cartridge. Regarding your story about the two men from California who discharged bear spray in their hotel room in their haste to try it out forcing the hotel to gut and refinish the room entirely, of course after evicting the two Californians. Not like that should be a problem anyways. On my next trip I will get a gun with a 4 barrel!! Bye the way thats 6 rounds of death spitting out of the end of that gun ! I want POWER ! Merrill, Oregon (Klamath County). Fortunately, I had a spare cap in my pocket. and I usually see a grizzly when I hunt almost within sight of Cody Wy. With a 5 inch un-ported barrel, 300 grain hard cast solids, cut an X on the point with a fine hack saw about 1/8 of an inch deep. That long pipe makes for a heavier gun, but Im OK with that because the additional sighting distance and small velocity gain are both appreciated. I read that several times as well. I always heard all you need is a .25 auto. death by wild beast is now becoming more common. Do you have a question about mountain lions? A Sacramento Bee investigation revealed in 2017 that thanks to that language, Californians have killed far more mountain lions since Proposition 117 passed then they did before.. A bear spray story- I shoot a 44 mag Ruger Redhawk 4 in ss I love it. All good options. 10 mm HAH why not hit the Bear with your Purse? The most restrictive, California State Proposition 117, passed in 1990, prohibits the killing of any mountain lion except in the case of an animal that poses a direct threat to people, pets, or . I would want a 45 cal or at least a 9mm double action semi-auto with a chambered cartridge every time. A few years back I went to Alaska, rented a 44 pickup camper,& spent 6 weeks in the boondocks, with only my wife. But in advanced Industrialized Countries your a dying bread of cat. The statement that you wont be able to dump a full magazine into a charging bear is likely true as well. The lion can then be shot and removed, or tranquilized and transplanted at least 300 miles (480 km) away. 1400+ fpm with a 140-grain FMJ bullet out of a 4.5-inch barrel. On average, a mountain lion killed one deer a week. If you choose bear spray as your only alternative more power to you. I will keep my 4 Smith and Wesson (K-Frame) Model 66 stainless .357 Combat If so, what is the problem? Photo Courtesy: Cork Graham. I hope those guides told you that if you fire a round, bears start coming from all directions to eat the free gut pile. I have killed over 140 head of big game in Australia, waterbuffalo, moose, elk, deer, antelope, hogs, exotics, many black bear, and one charging brown bear in Alaska at 5 feet with a hand gun. Dont immediately dismiss bear spray from consideration. The Hornady 325gr Leverevolution is a whole different story. The shop will have something to shoot almost every time regardless of where you are. By Anders Anglesey On 11/3/21 at 11:39 AM EDT. The farmer who owned the lambs also contacted a trapper in hopes that they could do something about the mountain lion. Mountain lions, also known as pumas or cougars, interact with hundreds of species and play a direct role in balancing various habitats across the state and other parts of the U.S. Mountain lions dont have a reputation for requiring powerful firearms to put them down.. So, I got a Marlin Guide Gun in .45-70Gvt. Now, my colleague and fellow Alaskan Phil Shoemaker has effectively defended himself with a 9mm against a charging brown bear, but I prefer to carry a .45 ACP with me as my round. All shots were heart lung ,,,edit,, All shots were attempted heart lung. 07-11-2013, 08:10 AM. killed a mountain lion years back with a 3 inch 629, 240 grain hollow points, was not impressed. The police standard is not to let a person get closer than 21 feet with a weapon like a knife, club etc with out being engaged. ( nothin) lol. For me, Id say whatever you have at the time is better than nothing. I am from Houston, TX. Find where Forrest Service websites describe the various stages of Bear attacks and when to shoot in self defense. One thing that does not get mentioned much is that Y pattern that a charging bears head presents makes for a difficult target to hit. It was the first handgun I ever purchased, and I put a considerable amount of thought into it. What part of the state? ( Watch a Florida panther pass . Hard cast is king. In any case, the uncle deserves commendation for shooting straight in a tense situation. .357 Magnum revolver. The female mountain lion in a chilling faceoff with a solo trail runner in Utah wasn't trying to kill him. The S&W Govnor and the Taurus Judge are not what you would want in bear country. The mountain lion known as P-56 was killed January 27, 2020. Everyone Practices Cancel Culture | Opinion, Deplatforming Free Speech is Dangerous | Opinion. A woman was killed by a cougar, in Washington State a couple of weeks ago, while mountain biking. I use the buffalo bore +P 340 for bear loads. I love packing iron, but in a 44 mag, 300 grain load minimum for bigger critters. 1st Bullet passed completely through the animal head to rump. I used them for too many years to be so. Definitely not in the same category as a Mounain lion. Once you get over 300gr. 9mm & 38? of course be loaded and kept down loaded with .38 Special ammo (modern). landowners can request a special permit to catch or kill a mountain lion if it has killed livestock and caused damage. Plus spray gives you a non-lethal way of dealing with somebody's "loving" pet. Im more concerned with the organized gang activity here in Denver than all of the wild animal encounters in the universe. Absolutely. the game warden. Had that sow felt threatened, I wouldnt have known what hit me. I carry my Glock G20 SF 10mm when I walk our dogs. This I know from personal experience! Ivy. Bears do not like facing off with skunks because their nose and eyes are two of their more sensitive parts. But .380's tend to be small handguns, and with a mountain lion if it's within the accurate range of a small pocket gun you're likely already dead. Unless you are an expert hand-gunner with tons of real world experience.. carry a rifle and have the pistol as backup. Does Bear Spray work?.. 45acp . style bullet or a solid jacketed bullet with a large flat meplat no mater the caliber used. I some what agree. This one took exception.) And ditto even for herbivorous who often destroy and damage crops. The author is right in the close terrain on of the Bitterroors, youre only going to get two shots off and the second one will be point blank. Like I said before , I wish someone would make a 416 Rem Mag. He put his mouth directly on top of his head, and I think if the head had been smaller, hed have been picked up.. closer than 35 feet heading in your direction should be engaged? Hunters killed off mountain lions in the park in the 1930s but the animals moved back in during the 1980s. My thought But, he says, for now, money is tight and he likes his old service size S . counter-shrunk chambers, and original factory Goncalo Alves target grips. COME AND GET IT! Shot placement . The recoil is quite severe for all of these loads and I cant imagine wanting or needing to go to the 460 Rowland! Its much harder to retrieve spent brass fired from a semi-auto The lion did not attack further and the boys uncle shot at the cat. I agree the 329 PD is ideal with Lower Recoil .44 Magnum Ammo 255 gr. There is an interesting compilation of mountain lion incidents and attacks titled: Cougar Attacks & Other Incidents -2000 to date. Agreed. The issues penetration. I mostly use single action pistols in 44 Mag, 45 colt, 454 casull, and a Bowen 475 Linebaugh that is my favorite. . BTW seems like shooting an elk here is like ringing a dinner bell for the grizzlies. On a personal note I dont like That is a political and social problem.. They will stalk you like one of their prey animals and have no problem catching/ambushing large four legged moose and caribou. Colt Magnum June 7, 2018 At 19:23. I dont shoot them well enough, fast enough to satisfy me, 2. 44 mag is a minimum and it would have to be a DA version. Mr. Massaro, it is men like you who make our country and our military great! It was there all night and broke its leg, trying to get free. My handloads push a 200gr hardcast bullet to just under 1300fps. Companions showed up shooting to save the day. double action using 250gr. You need to be able to kill a bear in a moments notice, most times a bear is just doing what they do , when suddenly a stupid hiker startles the wild animal and It sees you as a threat ! Underwood now has a 230grain all copper extreme hunter load at 1700fps. He veered off, probably because I stopped moving or smelled that I peed my pants. Yes I admit this was a freak happening. Rain, Wind, Snow all those things can and will reduce the effectiveness of Bear Spray much more than they would affect the employment of a firearm. Between travel & the country this gun was never more than arms reach away all that time!! Its often with me in bear country and has made several trips to Alaska. A single action handgun is not a good choice as a defense weapon in any scenario. The second shot went CLICK. tell me want have you really killed lately. Her reaction was the right one, experts said, no matter how risky it might have seemed. Nope, no way. The short barrel clears the holster fast and the Ruger frame is tougher than the S&W. It can be very difficult to bring down a rabid animal. She ran out of there at Mach 3, with her blue hair on fire. A picture shows a lamb and a mountain lion side by side. I agree, whatever you have at the moment, is the best choice. Hunting, But I finally settled on attempting to use Hodgden Universal powder for the first go, since it shows the potential to give good velocity with the lighter 170-grain bullets. Which one are you going to use first? 7.62 mm (.32 cal) out of a necked-down 9mm case. Other accounts give less detail about accessing the firearm, and indicate that two shots were fired. The +P shoots a bit higher than the standard 44mag rounds. A man accused of taking part in the Jan. 6 Capitol riot is now facing house arrest for killing a mountain lion in Colorado - with a gun he wasn't supposed to have.. Patrick Montgomery was . Last time I was buying bulk ammo in 5.56 mm NATO, 9 mm, .40 Smith, .44 Mag and so why risk it. It is same size as glock 21 (45 acp) so you can practice with the 45 for a lot cheaper. Bear spray works on mountain lions, and the concept behind its usage remains the same for many large carnivores. Worse is the comment on using a .38 Spl in bear country is better then no gun: BS, if your not prepared, dont go! Although, for me, the closest I want to get to a rattler is a 44 mag snake load, preferably my Judge in .410 7 shot. In that vein, and considering the real vs. imaginary threat posed by bears, a familiar 9mm loaded with non-expanding bullets is a lot better than a heavy .44 or .500 you left at home or are not completely proficient with. From one Phil to another, sage advice. The 454 would probably be better and I did have a 500 S&W in 4 inch but as heavy as it was I figured it was easier to carry a 12 ga pump on a sling and let someone carry out the meat while I protected them. think of anything better to own, carry, keep, and have instantly accessible than a good Reply. Mountain lion attacks on humans, however, are rare in Colorado, with Colorado Parks and Wildlife counting fewer than 20 over the past 30 years. P-38 was a male mountain lion born in 2012 and first collared in 2015, the statement said. I still carry that early 41 mag in bear country but just recently bought an early M-58 and am going to carry it as it is easier to draw with no adj sights. What I really love I the light weight of the Blackhawk, its great in a shoulder rig. Both holsters always pack into camp with me. I have always heard, or read, that one should use heavy for caliber, hard cast lead bullets for bear. Lions are very powerful and usually kill large animals, such as deer and elk. Browning on your sail boat, that will keep you happy ! Maybe a man purse could hold 2 #s of C4? Traveling with several other people may also help discourage a bear attacking as they usually want the least confrontation unless it is a mother bear protecting her cubs. .45 Colt may be questionable, but better than a .38. No thanks. There are some real men out there who have seen a bear in a zoo and have shot their 500 SW 4 times 6 years ago. They truly are amazing creatures: When you're out strolling in the woods, there's no way for you to defend yourself from a mountain lion using an air rifle. That wont be possible until my kids are out of college, though. My rule of thumb is the minimum is 4-3-1. great chose but as always ,, we forget the 41 magnum.. 454=1 44=2 and that family on that show Alaska running around with them 10mm auto are waiting to be eating by a Big Brown bear. Found the bullet in the other ear, Weighed 270 grains. had the game warden not had his .357 Magnum holstered on his person the Grizzly This calls for a heavy crimp (I use a Redding profile crimp die and seat and crimp in two seperate operations useing H-11O or Win. Poisons, like these rodenticides, harm lions. Best of luck, fortunately it sounds like you really wont be relying on luck.. Plenty of good options in DA revolvers tried and true .44 mag, .454 casull, .460 S&W, etc. Now thats an appropriate comment. Put up the fishing gear and settled in for the night. However, the realization that you might have to use one to defend against a couple-hundred pounds of teeth and fangs doesnt exactly make one feel like Zorro; in fact, I looked down at it and said to myself:This is gonna hurt. A mountain lion was mauling her 5-year-old son in front of her. Radically Invasive Projectile G2 ammo works! The hunting part mostly Brown bear hunting. There is no doubt that bigger and more powerful handguns are preferable for hunting but self protection at close range differs greatly from hunting as it requires quick, often multiple hits, from close range while under extreme stress. (altho I make and sell them) I want straight line complete penetration best offered by a hard LBT. Mountain lion attacks often allow the victims a bit of time to access weapons. A 10-year-old boy was killed by a mountain lion while hiking near Grand Lake in 1997, and an adult runner was killed in Idaho Springs in 1991. My first choice is a Springfield XD 5 inch in 460 Rowland. I learned more in this article about wildlife and practical sidearms than any other article to date in thirty-five plus years. I probably keep the fine folks at Magpul in business with my 50, 40 and 30 mag purchases. Id take the 9mm any day if it was my only 2 choices, loaded with 147 flat nose +P+ from Underwood Ammo. A 629 classic 44 Mag. Colorado Parks and Wildlife said the man, identified on Thursday as 31-year-old Travis Kauffman, is "recovering well" after the self-defense attack on Feb. 4. . Absolute .357 Mag in a revolver for me is a minimum. They did better than most 9mm and only slightly less than a 357. They come in 45 Win Mag and 50 AE as well. He shot it twice point blank with his 9mm and the hog just shook its head and continued to walk around. I have seen that cartridge fail horribly on black bears and hogs. This attack from 2008 shows the utility of a handgun for defense against predators in the wild. What to do? While Snap decisions in day to day life are a bad idea.. Disease is a greater concern when lions are genetically isolated as in the Santa Ana Mountains, and could potentially contribute to future decline in that population. Before all the Eco Warriors took over the various Forrest and land agencies. Key Points: No dog, regardless of the breed, would be able to take on a full-grown mountain lion solo. Ive lived and hunted and fished in Alaska since 1993. Not back in the camper because its too heavy or bulky. That winter, I shot a buffalo @ 50 yards with 300 grain federal cast core in a ruger .44 carbine. next fly out someplace and sleep in a tent than write something that means something. Redhawk in double action may give the shooter a vital split second advantage. And its usually charging you in a self-defense situation where youre trying to penetrate all that meat, gristle and bone in the way of its vital organs. My wife carries an old Model 60. Yes, the first round was the fatal round but it didnt stop the bear. Seriously funny ! In the early hours of 25 November 2016, the day after . False economy at that point. Remember you can be turned into bear shit with in two days if you are wrong! vintage Smith and Wesson Model 66 is a classic beautiful handgun with pinned barrel, A grizzly bear is a formidable foe, having no issue whatsoever proving its dominance over human beings. State officials have issued a permit allowing a rancher to kill P-45, a mountain lion believed to be responsible for the recent killings of livestock near Malibu, Calif. (National Park Service via AP) He was knocked down to the ground getting mauled fending off the black bear with his left arm while he drew and fired his semi-auto point blank into the bears throat with his right. Between airlines, public transportation, hotels, ferryboats, etc. Almost no one practices with bear spray and almost no one can get their can to bear (pun intended) and spray within 4-5 seconds. If you carry anything less than a S&W 500 Magnum 4 inch for self protection in this state while in the outdoors you are playing with fire. Plus hard cast lead bullets for bear country and our military great pistol backup... Of their more sensitive parts utility of a necked-down 9mm case a different. Detail about accessing the firearm, and have no problem catching/ambushing large four legged moose and caribou and... Glock 21 ( 45 acp ) so you can be turned into bear with! Is quite severe for all of the Blackhawk are very powerful and usually kill large,! Learned more in this article about wildlife and practical sidearms than any article! Lions, and the hog just shook its head and continued to walk around something that means something lion mauling... 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