April 2


adam schiff eyes condition

http://milesmathis.com/trump2.pdf. When the Soviet officials entered the airport, with FBI agents watching, Grishin detached himself to make a call at a pay phone. He accepted the offer, perhaps with relish, given the roasting he had just received. After President Bush repeatedly invoked Harry Trumans legacy in a Memorial Day speech, Schiff went on Fox News to offer a strenuous point-by-point rebuttal of any connection between the two presidents doctrines. This animal; called man, with a thinking brain also has emotions and sensations that sense values. In the video below, Democrat Adam Schiff was being questioned about supporting and even reading into the Congressional Record the Steele dossier, which was revealed to be false. FBI agents swarmed onto the case. He stared back at me impassively, Schiff says. There is a toxic aspect to the disease which explains Schiffs personality to a t, the most notable among these being McCarrison, who for many years has stoutly maintained that the disease is of toxic origin, and that the toxin or toxins originate in the intestinal tract. Sign up for our MRCTV Daily newsletter to receive the latest news. Schiff began selling the idea to California Democrats earlier this year, though he has not made an explicit ask for endorsements.. Schiff is most well known for serving as the ranking member on the House Intelligence Committee, where he has beena ubiquitous presence on cable news, driving the story which critics call a conspiracy theory of Russian collusion with President Donald Trumps 2016 campaign, Breitbart News reported. You can look at their eyes when they almost start foaming at the mouth," he said. Joe Piscopo Impersonates Rep. Adam 'With the Eyes' Schiff at MRC Gala. "Hes like Children of the Damned, this guy," said Piscopo. Libby accepted his request to join in prosecuting the case. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-California) speaks during a news conference as Representative Adam Schiff (D-California) listens on Capitol Hill on October 15 in Washington, D.C. Everyone Practices Cancel Culture | Opinion, Deplatforming Free Speech is Dangerous | Opinion. 1998-2023, Media Research Center. There was the time he and Pelosi determined that, with evidence growing that Trump had pressured Ukraine to investigate his political rival Joseph R. Biden Jr., they decided to drop their longstanding reluctance to pursue impeachment. He looks pretty angry at the end there. But his toughness on Russia and his wariness of Moscows intelligence apparatus far predate Trump. (On May 21, Schiff and the Justice Department reached a tentative deal for Schiffs committee to access these materials.) The Cold War was essentially over. Homesick, she decided she wanted to visit her family back in Russia, and to send the couples son to a Crimean summer camp favored by the children of Soviet apparatchiks. -Ayn Rand director James Comeys recent public testimony, acknowledging a federal investigation into Trumps campaign, had been an unmitigated disaster.. House Intelligence Committee Chairman Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., left, listens as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of Calif., right, speaks during a news conference on Capitol Hill in Washington, Wednesday, Oct. 2, 2019 (AP Photo/Susan Walsh). That performance has made Schiff a villain to Republicans, but a hero to Democrats who were eager to see Trump impeached. Hes a menace to society.. He lived alone during the workweek in a rundown house in Los Angeles and commuted back on the weekend to San Diego County, where his wife and eight children lived near a small avocado ranch that he tended. This among other things like throwing the 2012 election and being an out front Never Trumper RINO fuque, make Willard Mitt Romney the globalist a solid card carrying Uniparty Grandee. Adam Shitt just lied to Congress and the People. Three decades before he railed against the Trump campaign, the future congressman prosecuted an FBI agent who was seduced by a Soviet spy. Before we get going, the cut above your eye. 1. For example, people were lying to Christopher Steele. For example, he once got along well with Nunes, a fellow Californian: The two would text about their favorite N.F.L. Better late than never, he says with a smile. Schiff accepts that Mueller did not find a criminal conspiracy between Trump associates and the Russian government (though he has said there is plenty of evidence of collusion.) For the congressman, the Trump-Russia affair goes beyond the domain of the potentially prosecutable, and broaches the broader question of compromisewhether, say, ones financial or personal entanglements can create improper levers of influence for a hostile foreign state. The FBI provided Schiff with a primitive portable phone (which looked like . Get the latest news and take the ride with us as we fight false narratives against conservatives and help move the America First agenda forward. "Satan hates this man. "No ones making fun of Adam Schiff," he said. The impact of Donald J. Trumps presidency on the Republican Party has been a story well told, from reporters and scholars to Republicans of all stripes. Intersection opposition to Schiff reportedly includes Reps. James Clyburn (D-SC) and Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY), who have allied themselves closely with Pelosis reign as speaker. It was always those damn Dems.. Grishin, Svetlanas KGB handlerwho was named an unindicted co-conspiratorquietly left the country, shielded by diplomatic immunity. It is well underway and so long as the media act in concert with the dems the emergence of the communist party as the one party in control of the country is guaranteed. Designed & Developed by Precision Creations. And Repulicans register Democrat to vote against whats most objectionable. In all honesty he wouldnt be able to identify the truth if it were staring him in the face. Colbert, the host of Comedy Centrals The Colbert Report, invited Schiff to be interviewed for a segment of his show called Better Know a District. The episode aired this past March, and anyone who caught it would have been impressed with Schiffs game good humor in the face of Colberts comic insinuations about Schiffs being a terrorist-pampering deviant who presides over a district ripe for a bird-flu pandemic born of wild parrots. (Photo by ALEX WONG/POOL/AFP via Getty Images) (CNSNews.com) Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), asked to explain the cut above his eye, joked Sunday that he got between Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) and a camera. https://healthresearchfunding.org/famous-people-graves-disease Schiff was associated with E.H. Harriman in notable contests with James J. Hill and J.P. Morgan & Company for control of several Western railroads. And hes not a partisan street brawler. Anon,in my state you register as independent and vote in primaries ect. P.O. 1,581. They met again, soon afterward, at a park in Westwoodand this time had sex, in Millers car, which was parked next to a Little League baseball field. This was no ordinary FBI surveillance operation: The acquaintance Grishin referred to was himself an FBI agenta man who, out of greed, desperation, and spite, had begun an affair with Ogorodnikov and agreed to sell classified information to the Soviet government. Solutions do not evolve out of such an unbalanced state of affairs. We learned that the Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort was giving internal polling data campaign polling data to Russian intelligence while Russian intelligence was helping Trump.. But this new standard which these Democrats have voted forif Eric Swalwell cannot get a security clearance in the private sector, there is no reason why he should be given one to be on Intel or Homeland Security. Some in the Democrat caucus are opposed to Schiff, not because he pushed the Russia hoax, but because he does not fit the intersectional qualities the Democrat party fancies, according to thePost. I think the Democrat Party should have to pay through honest trial And accountable consequences. Around the later part of the 20th century a new form of law was introduced into american society. I dont see it. Dont look at him, dont look at him, youll like Nancy Pelosi. "I believe there are people in this country, veterans, there are cowboys, mountain men, I mean guys that know how to fight," he said, "and they're going to make a decision that people who did this to Donald Trump are not gonna get away with it. So later that month, Miller and Ogorodnikov drove north, to San Francisco, where her contacts at the consulate were based. The President said schiff was actually a smart guy. Oh yes, its Eve. The Republican ranking member of the committee, Devin Nunes, explained what the successor to the failed Russiagate witchhunt is all about. Most of the alliances have been torn asunder. Shifty Schiff needs to go to jail. But the conviction was later reversed on appeal; a higher court ruled that his polygraphs, which prosecutors drew on, were inadmissible as evidence. . ", But Trump has faced some backlash from prominent Christian leaders due to his controversial decision to withdraw U.S. forces from northern Syria earlier this month. For example, Manafort, who spent years representing pro-Russia politicians in Ukraine, had enough experience working with Russian interests to understand how they do business, Schiff says. Plummer,1 who favors the thyrogenic theory, described the disease as one in which the symptoms are due to dysfunction of the thyroid, excess thyroxine as well as an abnormal substance being present 6 Things To Know About Adam Schiff, The Man Taking On President Trump Schiff voted for the Iraq war authorization and the Patriot Act and was once considered a It didnt work. We immediately opened an investigation.. You can look at their eyes when they almost start foaming at the mouth," he said. We can see its stressful. 1998 - 2023 Nexstar Media Inc. | All Rights Reserved. Oooooooo.", House Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) (Facebook). Miller served a total of nine years and was released in 1994. (The Svetlana equivalent [today] is Maria Butina, says Libby, referring to the U.S.-based Russian gun-rights activist, who in April was sentenced to 18 months in prison for being an unregistered Russian agent. . They would joke with me that they could tell when I got home at night, recalls Schiff. Where is the DOJ, FBI & CIA? Stone, who founded Perry Stone Ministries and is described as a best-selling author, made the claims during a Thursday night prayer meeting last week, Right Wing Watch first reported on Monday. Eight Iowa state GOP lawmakers propose constitutional amendment to ban same-sex China, Belarus call for cease-fire, negotiations in Ukraine. This is what we get when lawyers become politicians. Whatever his initial motivations, Schiff said, in the end, Millerscorned, resentful, sexually infatuated with Ogorodnikovbetrayed his job, his family and the entire community that placed its trust in his hands by passing classified documents to the Soviets. Lawyers dont deal in value judgments. If the people realize that the impeachment investigation is another hoax like Russiagate, Schiff will have destroyed the Democrats chances in the next election. It was a wild ride up. Follow Wendell Huseb onTwitterandGettr@WendellHuseb. EnerDels battery packs provide an off-the-shelf solution to enable the electrification of buses, commercial vehicles, trains, subways and trams to address urban mass transit needs. His father, Moses Schiff, was a broker for the Rothschilds. SCARY!! Schiff has his eyes on being Californias AG and Pelosis on board with it The Democratic congressman is lobbying for the post but Gov. LIARS!!! Shes an angel, Schiff says. But instead of admitting his wrongdoing, Schiff tried to pawn off the blame of the former Trump administration. Anyone can read what you share. This job is very easy to do even a child can do this job and earns money online. Normally, there were only two Soviet officials meeting the Seattle diplomats at the airport, not three. But for the Ogorodnikovs, Los Angeles was strange and desiccated. He argued that Trump's demon-possessed political opponents knew that the president is "delaying the spirit of antichrist. Theyll dangle financial opportunities; theyll use other ways to exact information. What institutions has he built up? When the law no longer protects you from the corrupt, but protects the corrupt from you you know your nation is doomed. He is the author ofPolitics of Slave Morality. Eh,well,dont I feel like a ,hmmm,progressive! The FBI agent told Ogorodnikov that they were serious indeed. Does it matter? He seems to be a genuine patriot unlike the Orange one who cares only for himself. In my state of Wyoming. Few Democrats at the outset of 2016 believed he could be nominated, let alone win the presidency. The case was a mammoth undertaking, recalls Schiff, and certainly the most important one for the FBI at the time. During preparations for the trial, he says, he came in contact with dozens and dozens of FBI agents who had investigated Miller or worked alongside him, as part of what became, in essence, a crash course for Schiff in the Bureaus counterintelligence mission and Russian espionage more broadly. Colberts injury proved to be superficial. Colbert: Isnt that the equivalent of sleeping with a prostitute and then strangling her to hide your shame? Schiff: Well I wouldnt want to say it like that.). You just tell em what you think, the speaker responded in her clipped style, before taking his measure one last time as they hung up: Are you ready to do this? she asked. Millers bosses in Los Angeles and FBI officials in San Francisco had not been aware of Miller and Ogorodnikovs dalliancelet alone his potential recruitmentbut the San Francisco FBI officials quickly pieced the picture together. The facts he wants to see. Schiff, unusually for someone in Congress, first learned this lesson decades ago. ..time for a good old lynching of this mob.. My thinking totally. THE HILL 1625 K STREET, NW SUITE 900 WASHINGTON DC 20006 | 202-628-8500 TEL | 202-628-8503 FAX. he said to his live audience. Our modularized battery pack design and modular product configuration enable us to deliver customized solutions across a variety of applications, including but not limited to transportation, construction, mining, marine, grid-scale energy storage and military applications. He never made the journey. Kievs troops have big Nazi problem ex-US soldier who escaped Ukraine, No, Covid STILL doesnt come from a lab, Ohio Train Derailment Chemical Spill/Burn Data and info on Dioxin Detox and bioremediation, Hot off the runway! | Bettman/Getty Images. The pastor then took aim at Democratic House Intelligence Committee Adam Hunt continued to avoid her. $349 - $449 - $649 - $949 + S&H A fair-faced congressman from southern California, Schiff is a moderate, a compromiser, a man who chose law school over med school because he thought it would give him greater opportunities to serve the public. Fittingly for a regular on television news shows, Schiffs volume reads like a well-composed MSNBC segment on the Trump presidency but with behind-the-scenes details on the working of Congress to go with the liberal commentary. To read this recent history is to remember how brazen Trump was when, for example, ABCs George Stephanopoulos asked him in 2019 if in his 2020 re-election bid hed accept information from a foreign power on an opponent or contact the F.B.I. Speaking with Pelosi on his cellphone in a parking lot in September 2019, Schiff told her he thought it was time to move ahead on impeachment but that he was appearing on a Sunday television news show the following day and did not want to get ahead of her. Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts US Rep. Adam Schiff, Democrat from California and chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, had no qualms about lying ", "The left has no sense of humor," said Piscopo. Just like in the 1980s with Miller, the Russians looked for people with access to information, and they used a variety of different modalities to entangle them, Schiff says. I am a full time college student and just doing this home job for 2 hrs maximum a day online using my laptop. So, Democrats register Republican. Newsom may find it politically Schiff is proud of his Republican roots, which run deep: His maternal grandfather was a Republican county chairman. As in the 1980s in Los Angeles, during the 2016 presidential campaign the Russian government made a clear attempt to gain leverage over key figures, Schiff saysthis time in Donald Trumps orbit. ADAM AND EVESchiff says when his children get old enough to ask what their dad did when he was in Congress, he wants them to have a good answer. We need more of that impatience. 0:40 20.7K views 131 675 3,334 Adam Schiff [emailprotected]. (His daughter, borrowing Trumps favorite insult for him, told him why so many strangers now recognized him: Well, Dad, its the pencil neck.) Mostly, though, this is a blistering indictment of Trump and his Republican enablers set alongside a what-I-saw-at-the-revolution account of Schiffs role investigating Trumps misdeeds. I have earned $21864 from an easy online job by doing just in my part time online. Want to remove the ads? ", Last week, Robertson added to the criticism, saying Americans would be "struggling for our lives" if Trump was re-elected. Separate teams from San Francisco and Washington, D.C., headed down to Los Angeles to work with agents there. This part-time job not only helped her keep tabs on the community but allowed her to travel occasionally to the Soviet Consulate in San Franciscothe USSRs West Coast spy basewhere she picked up the films. "I dont understand it. Ogorodnikov confirmed she had. PCR is the one man version of The View when it comes to politics. "You know, how do you let, like [Democratic congressman] Adam Schiff, how does this guy, Congressman Schiff, with the eyes, no ones doing this guy," said the comedian. More Americans disapprove of McCarthy sharing Jan. 6 footage with Carlson than LAPD may no longer send armed officers to these 28 types of police calls, Watch live: White House monkeypox response team holds briefing, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. When you purchase an independently reviewed book through our site, we earn an affiliate commission. It was pried open by a Russian intelligence agent, who, sensing an easy mark, proceeded to ensnare Miller, until that compromise shaded into outright conspiracy. | Courtroom sketch courtesy Adam Schiffs office. It was Grishin. Does Adam Schiff have a medical condition that causes his eyes to bulge so much? [ https://www.quora.com/Does-Adam-Schiff-have-a-medical-condition Adam & Eve Schiff Met on a Tennis Court in 1990. The object is not to impeachment because they will NEVER get a senate vote to impeach. This is why he has demanded that his committee receive all the documents tied to the underlying Trump-Russia counterintelligence probe. After graduating from Harvard Law School, Schiff took a job with the U.S. attorneys office in Los Angeles and made a name for himself with the prosecution of Richard Miller, an FBI agent caught in a sex-for-secrets affair with a Soviet honey trap named Svetlana. A fair-faced congressman from southern California, Schiff is a moderate, a compromiser, a man who chose law school over med school because he thought it would give him greater opportunities to serve the public. When will these spineless Repubs get off their arses and start investigations? In the counterintelligence world, behavior need not be criminal to represent a threat to the countrys national security interests. In 1986, at his second trial, he was convicted and given two consecutive life terms, plus an extra 50 years. Cain and Abel were they ever under consideration? Thats not goiter. Even though the evidence against Miller was strong, the prosecution presented some unusual challenges. (One was later chosen to lead the Drug Enforcement Agency and tapped his former co-prosecutor as his deputy.) He reads the classics for pleasure hes in the middle of what he calls his Victor Hugo phase.. Schiff was elected a director of Wells Fargo in September 1914 to succeed his brother-in-law, Paul Warburg, who had resigned to accept appointment to the original Federal Reserve Board. He was chastised by his bosses for selling Amway products out of the trunk of his car. For Richard Miller, avarice and moral turpitude cracked the door ajar for future compromise. We fought against it, Libby recalls. Whether they ever gave up US citizenship I do not know. US House of Representatives, Californias 28th District. Chairman of the House Select Intelligence Committee. Former Federal Prosecutor, notable ca Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), who is likely to become House speaker after Republicans reclaim the chamber, has promised to cancel Schiffs committee assignments upon victory,Breitbart Newss Matt Boyle first reported in January. California's Senate race just got more competitive now that Representative Adam Schiff is officially running to take over Senator Dianne Feinstein 's seat in 2024. He has two children: a daughter named Alexa and a son, Elijah. While it encompasses the film and television studios of Burbank and the mission-command center of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, making Schiff arguably the Congressman for the Stars and Mars, as he likes to say, there is little about Schiffs demeanor or voting record that pigeonholes him as a stereotypical West Coast liberal.. The Fellatiocrats are using the impeachment cry to stop President TRUMP in any way they can. Without values harmony in social arrangements cannot exist. They want people with access to information that is of use to them. According to Sleeping With The FBI, a 1993 book about the Miller case by Russell Warren Howe, Ogorodonikovs husband, Nikolay, was Jewish, and the family used an exemption allowing Jews to leave the Soviet Union permanently to re-settle in Los Angeles. Theres impressions of Donald Trump. Your vote doesnt count. However, for a child of the Kennedy era, public service was the calling, and the Democrats were the party. Burning Platform LLC - Schiff has no one to blame but himself. Everything in the Soviet consulate was bugged, recalls the second former FBI agent. In more readable prose than most politicians are known to produce, Schiff recounts his conversations at high-stakes moments during Trumps tenure. Man being an animal also kills for food but goes on to kill because of defects in his thinking brain. This is why a lawyer has no problem in defending a known criminal, or a judge sending someone to prison for breaking an unjust law, or a prosecutor helping that judge sending a person to prison. Good job! Madeline,just how much are you getting fucking paid,make up your fucking mind! Largely, they are happy that his administration has taken a firm stance against women's reproductive rights and taken steps to roll back protections for the LGBTQ communities. No. This question shows a frankly staggering amount of ignorance about the process and the news. That wouldnt be an issue if it was posed as a sin As the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee and a top lieutenant to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Schiff is well positioned to deliver insights on the time of Trump, at least from the perspective of a Democratic insider. This is especially the case when the conversation turns to Americas foreign-policy priorities, about which Schiff becomes downright passionate in his wonkishness. I did not think it was fair at the time, and I still dont think it was fair, given what Miller had done. Still, Millers fate was secured. EnerDels energy storage systems provide greater reliability, scalability and efficiency compared to other battery-based solutions for a variety of residential, commercial and industrial applications. Walter Grlitz reported in financiers of power: Above all, Leo Bronstein-Trotsky enjoyed the benevolence and also the financial support of those Wall Street tycoons who are in New York the, German Dukes called by Jacob Schiff and the owner of the bank Kuhn, Loeb & Co. , bankers of German-Jewish origin. Man is an animal with a thinking brain. Spiritual input into this thinking brain through conscience and the emotions over thousands of years has instilled values (human values) that have brought harmony to the human condition. I learned a lot about Russian tradecraft: how the Russians operate, who they target, the vulnerabilities they look for, Schiff recalls. For the first years of Schiffs House tenure, his family lived in California, but the prolonged absences prompted relocation to the Washington area. I wouldnt be surprised if Adam Schiff drafted this so called Whistleblower document himself and then had it Laundered through to make it look like some CIA operative. Although the FBI knew the Soviets were aware of this surveillance, the Bureau didnt try to conceal it either, according to the Los Angeles Times, which recounted this event from later court testimony. Svetlana trained to become a medical technician; Nikolay worked in a sausage factory. After the House voted to impeach Donald Trump, Dec. 18, 2019; Adam Schiff on left. The thinking brain does not sense values. schiff needs to go for drug testing, it not normal for his eyes to be fully dilated with those lights on themPlus soro needs to be arrested he is in on this too, Schiff is exopthalmic, his protruding eyeballs are an indicator of nascent disease, hyperthyroidism/Graves disease, also known as exopthalmic goiter. "They have demons in them. The marriage soured. They are so weak and spineless. FBI agents are trained to detect when theyre being surveilled, Schiff says. (Hunt denied the affair. Trump for 2020, keep our Country going! Everyone present had read the transcript of the telephone conversation between President Trump and Ukrainian President Zelensky, and everyone knew that what Schiff, who said he was reading from the transcript of the telephone call, was saying was not in the transcript. The american people need to know the facts. His marriage was also suffering: In 1983, Miller, a practicing Mormon, was excommunicated from the church over an ongoing affair. Custom Union Designs on Request US Rep. Adam Schiff, Democrat from California and chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, had no qualms about lying through his teeth in his opening statement prior to the testimony of Acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire. The G.O.P. Almost everyone who interacted with him professionally seemed to agree: Miller should never have become an FBI agent. In the video below, Democrat Adam Schiff was being questioned about supporting and even reading into the Congressional Record the Steele dossier, . looking, and we know how valuable Wikipedia is as a source, but it shows Jacob schitt only had one turd he named Milton.? [VIDEO]. Lawyers are not about vision and creativity. Heres what you need to know about Eve Schiff. Has Russia Given Up on Resisting Domination by the West? And in addition to the usual FBI surveillance team, the Bureau had assigned 20 more agents to track the movement of the third man, Aleksander Grishin, an accredited diplomatand a Soviet intelligence officer. "But some of you do the same thing," he asserted, eyeing the crowd. How about epitomizes a friggin psychopath? You look at Adam Schiffhe should not be serving on Intel when he has openly, knowingly now used a fake dossier, lied to the American public in the process and doesnt have any ill will [and] says he wants to continue to do it, McCarthy added. And here we gain the understanding that lawyers with their highly trained thinking brain to ignore values and only regard facts as the only reality is the reason harmony does not exist in the congress or the criminal justice system. Miller came to the Soviet squad with no background in Russian language or culture, and no prior experience in counterintelligence. THIS DAY IN HISTORY Bomb explodes in Capitol building 1971, Southern California Covered In 6 Feet Of Global Warming, Woody Harrelson Demonstrates the Pain of Truth, Top 5 Best 22 WMR Ammo on the Market: The Rimfire Powerhouse, The stage is set for Hybrid World War III, The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring, The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King, The Real Crash : America's Coming Bankruptcy. 850. They are about the creation of law that restricts reality to the recognition of facts only outside the realm of values. Schiff, then a Los Angeles-based assistant U.S. attorney in his early 30s, was chosen by his superiors to lead the prosecution for the third trial. We would work together in the office, then I would be on the phone with them, driving home, with that portable. Things quickly moved from the professional to the personal. For those of us with small children representing a California district, its a bear, Schiff says with weariness.. Before they separated, prosecutors later said, Miller gave her his FBI credentials, to prove his identity to the Soviets, and a copy of a classified FBI counterintelligence reporting manual, to prove his access to documents. Box 1520, And hes not a partisan street brawler. So naturally, when Trump became the Republican standard-bearer, Democratic lawmakers were at once horrified and delighted. Both Schiff and Libby recall the importance the Bureau attached to securing a conviction, and the attention and resources the case received from the FBI. Schiff on left job is very easy to do even a child of Damned! Lesson decades ago evidence against Miller was strong, the cut above your eye for a good old lynching this... Californias AG and Pelosis on board with it the Democratic congressman is for... On Resisting Domination by the West back at me impassively, Schiff tried to pawn the. Prose than most politicians are known to produce, Schiff recounts his conversations at high-stakes during... 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