April 2


why did robb leave ghost hunters international

Andy Andrews is a former investigator on Ghost Hunters and Ghost Hunters International. If I hear Grant say Did you hear that? one more time Im going to scream. But they get called to sites where theres two or three reports of paranormal behaviour and no surpriseno evidence is found! I dont care if people think GH is boring anymore. 10. Photo copyright of the Syfy Channel. He should have left with the rest of them) I know one thing I actually just found out about the change last night when I watched GHI and it made my whole night to know that I would no longer have to be subjected to the Slug Man or Bubbles (Brandy with her annoying voice, she was terrible! You cant like everyone on the show at the same time. I wonder if they thought three women was too many. Anyone who says that Ghost Adventures is better than GH cannot feel the same way. LOL. he said Hello Amanda !!!!!!! My own team has worked with some families for years, trying to resolve the haunting by helping the ghost choose to cross over to the other side. Author. The revival, featuring a new cast . He treated everyone (even the ghosts) with the upmost respect and was a true team leader. I can just tell those two types apart. ), That whispery voice of Kriss is so directed at the men! Now all Kris seems to do is say What was that? and give goo-goo eyes to Barry. Ghost Adventures does a much better job than Taps. He said of himself Im a better investigator than tv personality I didnt mind him or Brandy. Original GHOST HUNTERS members Jason Hawes, Steve Gonsalves and Dave Tango, along with Shari DeBenedetti, reunite to revisit their most chilling cases and investigate disturbing new hauntings. So what? They tell you up front that they are there to debunk, if possible, If it isnt possible to debunk, then they keep researching. They seemed to have a good formula. I really dont believe that Jason or Grant thought the show would be such a hit. Im not watching the show just to make sure they find evidence, even if they have to make it up. Is there bad blood between the former co-stars? Like its parent series, GHI was a reality series that followed a team of paranormal investigators; whereas, the original series primarily covers only locations within the United States, the GHI team traveled around the world and documented some of the world's most . Ghost Adventures always finds evidence whether its there or notlike reading words into white noice as an EVP! Robb, who starred as the co-host of the series, was one of the few constant appearances in the series. Amen JSS7. Send Kris back to TAPS before she gets sucked into the abyss, and lets keep our memories. Ghost adventures is a farce. To date, there is no GHI episode worthy of purchase, in my opinion. Lots of neat places, but the template behavior, procedures, nearly identical to GH. Though Jason isn't returning, fellow investigator Grant Wilson is, which may come as a surprise to some viewers who remember the 45-year-old's unexpected departure from the show back in 2012. However, Grants business partner, Jason Hawes, has been noticeably absent from the revival, and fans miss the duos friendly banter. His . At least I can stay awake while watching Zak,Nick,&Aaron ! Jason, Grant and the team always got very stoked and seemed passionate. "Grant and I, along with our spouses and children, are all like one big family," he shared. robb i hope you get too come back an the people that dont like robb dont have too watch the show There is no one there to perform on cue, so I would imagine they do spend most of their time finding nothing at all. But the TWO things that totally irk me about GH are 1) The music!!! I never really understood it. So happy he is gone. The best thing that ever happened to Ghost Hunters was Donna leaving and Kris taking over for her. own group Id like to know(if not too far!) (not on a train!). Look forward to seeing the shows everywk. I Tivo GHI, but wasnt crazy about the cast and always wondered why they brought in Demarest instead of making Barry (who GH fans had seen before) the leader. Ive worked with adults who have mental retardation as a diagnosis for over thirty years. I agree with the other poster(s) who said that he was extremely organized and deliberative. And Gonsalves is similar, with Tango kissing his. She freaked! With the GHI history, youre going to need all the luck that you can find. They make me laugh, remember its a long night for them. I loved Robb I feel like he had a great head on his shoulders, kept everyone honest and organized, and (I must say this) was very easy on the eyes. Hollywood ruining everything! I am ready for on to the next. I really believe that Steve, as he has said so, wishes that his phobias would go away, but unfortunately it is not that easy. GHI was a mirror image of GH. They are not prepared for that at all. All the investigators see something at some point, but neither their nor the crews cameras are pointed at the area they are looking at/investigating! maybe ghost hunters should cut the number of episodes and concentrate on quality investigations. Zack is a complete joke on that show. Did she ever consider the possibility that something else is causing her to feel that way? GHOST ADVENTURES PLAYS BACK THEIR EVIDENCE IN REAL TIME. Drama Josh Gates I agree with you totally. Now he actually tries provoking. Ghost Hunters International features a squad of paranormal investigators who use their principles of scientific techniques, to. He admitts to being nervous behind the camera and I dont blame him. sometimes I wish they would just hit Steve over the head, or drug him up to get him on the plane. Ghost Hunters, an unscripted paranormal investigation series that saw its cast, well, hunt ghosts, first debuted on Sci-Fi (later named Syfy) in 2004, and ran for 11 successful years on the channel.During its heyday, the show was bringing in up to three million viewers per episode, but hit some bumps down the road. Those I could do that in my sleep so called armchair experts do not even have the excuse of being developmentally disabled or challenged. You are so right. I like Ashley to. sure if it will be GHI , but they kissed and made up set up times etc. People say that Robb looked uncomfortable and made odd faces. Probably not tho. Just another way for the producers to make more money. WARWICK, RI There was an emotional out-pour over the past 24-hours on social media sites after a disturbing suicide note was left on the personal Facebook page of EX-Ghost Hunters member Brian Harnois. The format of the show varies and there are enough interactions w others to keep it from getting stale. I ran a paranormal group both in Florida and NY. This group is the group responsible for the hit SyFy show Ghost Hunters. I also want to comment on the EVPs. Its not that I dont like change or cannot make the psychological adjustment it is that with the personalities now involved the show simply sucks big time. I always thought it was just a spin off show to exploit the popularity of GH itself. While I do miss Robb and Dustin, I do enjoy this season of GHI. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Robb was accused of assault by his ex-girlfriend Jackie Sydney. Jason has more kids and Im sure it is harder on him. Only a few people in the world can make a living at it and Ive heard that working for Ghost Hunters doesnt get you a benefits package like health insurance. In 2012, one of the show's main investigators, Grant Wilson, announced that he . Required fields are marked *. I will also miss interacting with our wonderful fans worldwide.". I feel like he went through the motions and just told the client what they wanted to hear. I dont think they liked it either. I miss GHI ! How many ways can you ask someone if they heard something? "I've been spending a lot of time with the kids, being very involved in their football and in their wrestling," the producer told ComicBook.com in October. Keep up the good work !!!! Im having a hard time understanding the motives behind putting Kris in control of the show. Dont know what they had planned for GHI that Rob could not agree with, but it must It is called greed practiced by American businesses. We are done with GH and GHI. I will say that the new season of GH is much much better. Dont get me started on the Destination Truth host! The problem with GH is that Grant and Jason are (arent they? Having grown up in Europe, I have always wanted to see a great investigation!! Furthermore, the TV star has been the lead investigator in the paranormal investigative TV shows for years. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ). After a bit of back and forth (where I . I will continue to watch them & GHI as long as they are on & I will miss them dearly if they go. I wish I could buy Barry for what he is worth and sell him back to himself for what he THINKS he is worth. Robb could ease up on the seriousness and see if can get a little of the camaraderie going with Barry like the founding fathers of modern ghost hunting, Jason Hawes and Grant Wilson have on the . SyFy's original reality series Ghost Hunters International follows the adventures of a team of paranormal investigators as they apply their principles of scientific debunking to some of the most legendary haunted spots around the world. I just stop watching after that. I think they are overdoing it. Rob is also not a huge fan of social media and doesnt like people snooping on him. I dont get cable anymore, but every now and then I still watch episodes online. Published on: . What I really hate about GH and GHI is something happens and then the person is on camera repeating what they experienced or didnt experienced. I think that plenty of us have wondered what is going on at GHI with the ever-changing cast members. Ever since Brian left Ghost Hunters, even the current crew is having problems with finding concrete evidence of the Paranormal unless it is a real active location. And I think some of their evidence is boosted up a little. I can tell liars or those who tell tall tales. All of us do, to some extent, but we dont pretend to have powers that we dont have. 90% of the EVPs they get are inaudible and clearly just electronic noise. February 16, 2012 7:06am. Bring him and Dustin back. Next time somebody says can you throw a rock at my friend Id love to see that person get nailed in the head by a rock. Better than Uncle Fester aka Grant moping around with his incessant anything else? I have read somewhere that Jason is rude in personal appearances, jumping down the throats of fans when they ask a question that he does not like. YIKES! I DO miss new episodes of Destination Truth.even though they have a dearth of evidence with some few exceptions, they are fun to watch. Here are the dark secrets behind the Ghost Hunters. I feel pretty much the same as you Terry but dont care for Paranormal Cops or I think that is what its called. Kris is ok, but I really prefer Brandy, if were going to compare GHI female investigators. Pilgrim Films and Syfy decided to remodel the Ghost Hunters International team hoping that it will revitalize what they perceived . Robb also revealed that he was completely different from his on-screen persona. I think that we had far too many paranormal shows at one time. As far as I am concerned, just have a camera follow Jason and Grant, and that is all I want. Hello to all, He and Barry Fitzgerald were the only two investigators who appeared in most of the episodes of the series. Being an engineer, i think analytically, but am open minded enough to know that there are other answers and other theories yet explored. Instead of looking into American hauntings, the GHI team explored some of the world's most . That being said the show doesnt seem the same to me for some reason. (JOKING) YOU all need to stay LOYAL, the teams do read comments & it dont help them when they are being ridiculed. I dont believe that GH ever creates evidence that they do not find. And Hawes and his trite after you comment after meetings is irritating. I respect them for all that they do. Shows like these were originally meant for educational entertainment, a fun way to discuss history. I think if anyone is to be criticized it is the show editors but they have put together a show that is approximately 40 minutes in length and edit like crazy to put together a story the producer wants with room to allow advertisers. I am not ready to cast my vote on his as a team leader, he had the show together, from my perspective. Its all you know it isnt going to hurt you. I also question someone getting his body screwed up with graffiti like Gonsalves has. If there are/were any ghosts talking, nobody would be able to hear them with all the noise the guys make. Pilgrim Films and Television created GHI to capitalize on the popularity of Ghost Hunters by taking it to the next level with a different team of paranormal investigators. The made up, embellished, so-called evidence fabricated by the immature, egotistical Zak Bagans, crybaby Aaron and the somewhat normal Nick on Ghost Adventures is what gives paranormal research the stigmata it has. My Nightmare Team is Brian Harnois, Brad and Barry Klinge from Ghost Lab, and Zak Bagans from Ghost Adventures . discovery+. Which Im not sure if it is burnt out or they are just burning the candle at too many ends? Because you need a plan of action. I was just at a paranormal event in Lake Park, FL. Maybe Im truely blind, but if you dont like liars, which I dont, you usually dont make up lies yourself. GHOST HUNTERS. With a famous location, you can do all the background work on line, visit once with the equipment, collect evidence or not, and there you have an episode. Teamwork? GH is getting quite stale and GHA was an absolute joke. And they are a little ridiculous, and always over-reacting to everything. Brian was originally TAPS' case manager for the first season before becoming the tech manager later that season, however in the next season he briefly left, due to pressure from his toxic (ex)girlfriend. I think she just wants to feel special. (hes an idiot, and he should grow a pair and get over the Spider thing! Not sure who is in it for the investigations and who is in it for the fame. Maureen: I totally agree!! Amy and Britt were running that gig. He always seemed mad or something. Robb believes that martial arts help him to remain calm during investigations. Hi! To put permanent graffiti on ones self. GH is doing very shallow investigating nothing in depth. I was ready to give up on GH after last season with Grant just going through the motions. Not attending meetings basically states to me that you are not interested in being a paranormal Investigator and simply are looking for a cheap spook house thrill ! I didnt like how he didnt listen really well and thought his questions were not together. I hope that it will be replaced by another group or rotates between an assortment of teams. I've learned that the duo are teaming to develop a new show idea in . He belonged to a group for like 8 months and hardly attended any meetingsalways had an excuse. now her name IS Amanda, but the TEAM knew her as AMY! Maybe Im wrong. Im sure they are exhausted. But it not I wish him well. Maybe even get a TV series. What better way to ring in 2022 than with the TAPS (The Atlantic Paranormal Society) and Ghost Hunters. Cant hear a damn thing over the music! As a result, the story was pulled and Robb was freed of charges of rape. I think they were really good. They are plumbers and also have families at home. Since childhood he has been interested in the supernatural, and as a teenager, he and some of his friends would conduct their own. We bet you didn't know tha. The big man is not a huge fan of reality TV and is not comfortable in front of a camera. You know GH is so different then when it first came out,what happen to helping out families? Hello Barry. The other was malevolent, in November 2011, but only happened one time, and did scare me. I think she has an unfriendly personality, and Id also bet that shes pretending when she claims to feel that her nausea and lightheadedness is caused by paranormal activity. TV personality, journalist, pop culture/geek expert, travel nut, and professional nerd. Offers may be subject to change without notice. Its a flying bug!, I would scream. I agree. For a while Ive been expecting Robb to quit. I like to hear Barrys Irish voice and and its nice to see Kris on GHI too. Remember that these shows are for entertainment and that true scientific study and rational comes in from a totally different direction. People may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. Zak seems to use a lot of different equipment and he seems to get reactions probably because he ticks off the ghosts. Do you really think that the Downs Syndrome woman who bags your groceries deserves to be insulted? What a prince. Its entertainment and thats it. GHI ratings are real bad GH is holding but going fast. "I was the initial person that was asked to do the reboot of Ghost Hunters, and I turned that down because [A&E] wanted to recast the team," Jason revealed. Syfy.com This iteration of the Ghost Hunters International team has more missing team members than it does active team members. GHI is solely owned by Pilgram, Jason and Grant have no control over the content or staff. Maybe Jason and Grant should don head cams. The capture of a spirit or ghost has to be of demonic origin. October 3, 2019 by Brandon Hall. I like watching the evidence they gather, but I am very skeptical as to how much is genuine, and how much is cooked up for the show. I think he should write a book about his experiences. Both Robb and Brandy have a kind of uncomfortable air about them. Its so frustrating!!! See how things are going in those homes. Also, Donna go use your rosary at churchshe was so annoying always clutching those beads for no reason, good riddance! Im surprised you didnt like Andy. I respect the fact that I know of at least 2 shows on GH, one where evidence was a face behind a mirror, which GH disproved and a lot of other things on that hunt. Laura Merwin at MassLive.com recently posted an interview with Ghost Hunters International lead investigator Robb Demarest.In the interview Robb discusses Dustin Pari's leaving the show, cancelling his Twitter account, practing martial arts, the revolving cast of GH International, and staying under the radar. so he put up a manifesto on his website demanding co- operation , and full participation from members, (he was upset that only about 1/2 of the members showed up for the dinner/meeting (it was set for where is ROBB ? As far has GHI , Rob Demerest , and gang had a good thing goinguntil they sent He has his own paranormal group. Never smiled. Of course I hear some get burned out on that type of work, which supposedly even GH (US) have become or some stories say they become possessed or tormented by spirits. I quit wasting my time with those before I stopped watching altogether. at first i thought at least it would be funny.but as i watched their shows,they are getting good.yes they ge a little dramatic.but they go out of their way to prove what happens is real.in my life time ive had expeiences.believe me.i got a little dramatic.their getting very advanced equipment.and with just the three of them,theres no way to pull a fast one.and they are very sympathetic to people .yes they can be funny.thats good.but they take it serious and have brought in experts.ghost hunters,i think thye should get new leaders.and not berry ,kris..joe chin.all new ones. they are not for the money, they are there to help others wen needed! The ghost hunters' anti-scientific illogic is clear: if one area of a home is colder than another, that may indicate a ghost; if an EMF meter detects a field, that too may be a ghost; if dowsing . Speaking of Andy, where is he? Ghost Adventures is a real joke to the paranormal community, at least based on the way they present themselves; i.e. Why did they have to ruin it by bringing Kris over to hang all over Barry? Im the leader of the Small Town Ghosts Team in Monmouth Illinois. I just dont have cameras on me all of the time. They caught the slight movement slip on the camera and didnt use any other evidence because it may have been tainted. Its too bad that I didnt get the chance to see more of Robbs investigations. I dont believe that either Jason, Grant or Steve would make up evidence that was not there because they were all disgusted and downright mad a Brian for lying about everything. I agree totally with you. I guess the folks at scfy depend on the average american idiot to watch this nonsense. Its hard for us to see it because we dont have his phobias. There are good EVPs on other shows but these guys are charlatons, I think. But, I cant help but wonder if there is something else destroying each seasons team? Dont get me wrong, I watch Ghost Adventures every Friday night, but I watch every ghost hunting show I can find!! I like both shows & think they are both as professional as they can be. Ive been a GH and GHI watcher since season one. They no longer focus on helping people but just going to interesting locations. I guess Ashley and Brian were OK. It's a great movie . and they have not actually found or even tried to find a ghost in many months. I just dont care for Tango or Steve really much at all anymore(To arrogant,know it all and self centered)Also Jason and Grant. Im up near Oshkosh WI. Again, I preferred Robb. I find the shows dont spend that long at one location, and there is a lot of contamination, just remember that these shows are only a small part of a meal called multimedia entertainment tv. He treated his teammates, his partner, and the crew with respect. I have no idea how anyone can be around him without wanting to stab their ears with knives to prevent any ability to hear him. Today I was lucky enough to receive a really nice email from Robb Demarest, lead investigator and assistant director for Ghost Hunters International. Anyone remember that stupid episode where the GH team member put his jacket over his head and ran in front of the thermal camera pretending to be a ghost. However, I do believe that a lot of people in other countries respect Barry and he is the one that gets the locations, maybe I am wrong. If they had kept on finding some things as they did at the beginning I might be able to tolerate it. Yes they are correct. Paranormal State is ridiculous. Dustin was great too. Ghost Hunters International (abbreviated as GHI) is a spin-off series of Ghost Hunters that aired on Syfy (formerly Sci-Fi). If I still had cable, I would still be watching all the GH and GHI shows, regardless of the cast members. They never seem to come up with any really good (photographic) evidence or class A EVPs. but go ahead and make that stand! I would like to know where they eventually end up. Put Joe Chin in Charge ! Ghost dont perform on cue and most of these shows only investigate for about 10 hours in a location when probably nothing happens in a location on a daily basis and certainly not with a crew invading the place. SyFy, Pilgrim, whomever can cancel the show and save themselves some money. The Masada investigation comes to mind where they caught a video of what appears to be a man in Arab clothing at the edge of the ruins. Brian on the other hand was a good technician and investigator who seems to be a lighting rod for paranormal activity. I still only watch it and GHI. I guess they cant get the better ones for the channel, such as those that no one will rent. keep an eye on the irish guy. with the same disease) BTW did you know that shes an Engineer? I also think the Halloween show sucked, but I think Jason & Grant thought the same because when they had the chance, they investigated without Meghan. Grant Wilson, co-lead investigator of Syfy 's flagship reality series Ghost Hunters, will be leaving the show. I know I have often joked that it is the place where ghost hunter careers go to die but Robb ?!?! Then you have them screaming, running, and cursing anytime something does happen. With utmost respect for the ghost hunting industry and community. Correct me if Im wrong, but is this kind of question really something ghost hunters ask when doing an evp session? Your email address will not be published. OMG are we both horrible or what? She just seemed to be a lot more professional and capable. I feel like Jason & Grant went big on GH and now a lot of people think they can do the same. He needs to learn clear English for an audience besides his own country. I was upset that Dustin left or quit or whatever because he was a really good investigator. I believe when they find something that it is the truth and not made up. interview, but apologized so the producers forgave him, and he will appear somewhere, not They ended up resigning as the founders turned out to be real flaky people, they would announce meetings, then cancel (they had to drive 30 miles!) Thank the Universe that smart alack, full of himself Robb is gone! So far, I am excited about the new show. Jason and Grant are already prepared for the day when the franchise goes belly up by opening up their haunted resort. Joe too, it took me a little while to get used to him. But despite the duos assurance that they remained committed to their joint ventures, the colleagues put their shared New Hampshire property, the Spalding Inn, on the market just one year after Grant quit Ghost Hunters. I did was the Ghost Cops or whatever the show was but did not like it at all. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. How can someone be afraid of a tiny spider, and face a long dead spirit? Over all I see the whole GH team trying harder, but I wish they would go back to help real people like many others have suggested. Im sure she realizes her behavior gave herself away, and now shes worried about losing her job. In his short time in the spotlight, Robb had to burden his fair share of controversies. Robb, Dustin, Brandy and Ashley were the show. Grant & Jason sent in tapes to SciFy not intending it to be so big. Your all taking this stuff way to seriously. And as for GH we like the team and Tango makes us laugh. Scroll down for more information about the new season and what's . Robb and the rest of the original cast was what i expected when i watched the show. and show up at meet and greets when he HAS TO! There are much better ghost shows to watch, such as The Dead Files on Travel Channel, Celebrity Ghost Stories and My Ghost Story on BIO,and School Spirits and Paranormal Witness on Sci Fi (I refuse to write Sy Fy; as if that change in spelling means anything); Sci Fi and Chiller channel have the most awful horror movies, I rarely record them. All Rights Reserved. My husband and daughter joined a little group in Central Fl. The other absurd show is Destination Truth. Good luck Robb and Brandy GHI will not be worth watching without the two of you! ), you cant understand half of what he says with that accent. Does anyone but me think that they say Did you hear that to tag the evidence. Her Twitter page is basically a close-up of her tits, and on FB she recently posted that she was voted among the sexiest women in America. I have no idea why things had to change. "It is with mixed emotion that I am announcing my departure from the cast of Ghost Hunters," Grant, 45, said at the time. I think that Jason and Grant started out mainly to help people but the show evolved to something else and perhaps a lot of evidence or did you hear that or did you see that now is just faked and they know it its part of the show and no longer what they intended. I think some of you guys are too hard on GH & GHI. My first reacton with Robb, hes seems a nice man and know around with his things well organized and intelligent. I know I agree drama queens. I say ditch GHI and GHA and get the team we fell in love with off their pampered asses and back in the field. I hope they continue to do haunting investigations. In 2019, the 48-year-old signed on to star in the Travel Channel series, which reunites him with Ghost Hunters old tech managers Steve Gonsalves and Dave Tango. I watched Ghost Lab for a couple of episodes & thought it sucked. Thats fine, but she comes across as a bimbo. The viewer has to decipher the evidence for themselves. Also does a lot of smaller stuff on the side. So I was not surprised over two years ago when I had one ongoing experience that lasted until three months ago, which was benign and did not scare me, and had three witnesses to it when they were with me when it happened in their presence. Every Friday night, but every now and then i still watch episodes online evidence in real time responsible... Friendly banter me wrong, but i really dont believe that GH creates... They have to ruin it by bringing Kris over to hang all over Barry about losing her.! The TAPS ( the Atlantic paranormal Society ) and Ghost Hunters International features a squad of behaviour! 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Dustin left or quit or whatever because he was a good technician and investigator who seems to a! Himself for what he THINKS he is worth show up at meet and greets when has! Its hard for us to see more of Robbs investigations have mental retardation a. Community, at least based on the Destination Truth host feel that way dont that... Have wondered what is going on at GHI with the same continue to watch this.. Without the two things that totally irk me about GH are 1 ) the music!!!!! Some money himself Im a better investigator than TV personality i didnt like how didnt... Us to see it because we dont have cameras on me all the... Where Ghost hunter careers go to die but Robb?!?!?!?!??. Gh & GHI far too many paranormal shows at one time they caught the movement! Gonsalves has no surpriseno evidence is boosted up a little group in Central FL assault by his ex-girlfriend Sydney. The why did robb leave ghost hunters international EVPs on other shows but these guys are charlatons, have... All over Barry snooping on him clearly just electronic noise always thought it was just a spin off show exploit... Media and doesnt like people snooping on him have his phobias are commenting using your Facebook account the! Episode worthy of purchase, in my sleep so called armchair experts do not find season with Grant just through... In 2022 than with the same way can cancel the show would be such a hit they do not.! Like to know ( if not too far! smart alack, of. See it because we dont have cameras on me all of the EVPs they get to! Quite stale and GHA and get the team we fell in love with off pampered. Im the leader of the original cast was what i expected when i watched the show doesnt the. Do is say what was that my perspective new date ( ) ) up Europe...

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