April 2


placing hands on chest in salah hadith

(Muslim (1/208). Proof number 1 for placing the hands on chest: Abu Nuaym al-Asbahani = He took evidence from him in his Saheeh Al-Mustakhraj Ala Saheeh Muslim [1/289, 290 H. 535]. Therefore, if other narrators do not narrate the words of Ala Sadrih then it is not a Jarah, because aforementioning is not the evidence for mentioning. @hus787 yes, and as is mentioned in his answer as well is that there are three reports from the Shafi'i Madhab of placing the hands in salat, but the correct one is placing it on the chest as is clear from Authentic Ahadeeth. It is proven that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) placed his right hand on his left during prayer, when standing to recite Qur'aan, and when standing after rising from bowing. Haafidh Ibn Hajar has narrated several ahadeeth in his books with reference to Saheeh Ibn Khuzaymah. If he renders a hadeeth to be Saheeh then he declares it to be Saheeh. [Haashiah Nasb ur-Rayaa: Vol 1 Pg 315]. Abu Zurah ar-Raazi = He mentioned him in Ad-Duafaa, 5. Abu Moosa Muhammad bin Muthna informed us, Muammal bin Ismaeel narrated to us, Sufyaan ath-Thawree narrated to us, From Aasim ibn Kulayb, From His Father Kulayb bin Shihaab, From Waail ibn Hujr [radiallah anhu]. Deobandis say that there is Ijma of women placing hands on chest but this is not true. Am I being scammed after paying almost $10,000 to a tree company not being able to withdraw my profit without paying a fee. Some Scholars have took this jarah to be upon Ikhtilaat, meaning there is no criticizm on his narrations from before his Ikhtilaat. 148 pg. Meaning he (peace be upon him) did not wash his full zaraa but some part of it?? It should be kept in mind that Imam Ibn Khuzaymah has completely followed his conditions, therefore Allamah Jalal ud-Deen Suyuti writes; The status of Saheeh Ibn Khuzaymah is high in authenticity than Saheeh Ibn Hibbaan, because Imam Ibn Khuzaymah is very cautious about this matter. Yahya (one of the narrators) described this as being the right hand upon the left above the wrist joint. Muaddaleen (Admirers) and their Tadeel (Praise): 1. If a law is new but its interpretation is vague, can the courts directly ask the drafters the intent and official interpretation of their law? All perfect praise be to Allah, The Lord of the Worlds. Some of the articles from you that hadith of placement of hands is in nasai, but it doesnt state the number! [Mizaan al-Itidaal: Vol 3 Pg 244]. Imaam Ibn Khuzaimah, in relation to his Saheeh Ibn Khuzaimah, states at the very beginning the condition that, This is a compilation of authentic ahadeeth which go right back to the Prophet with authentic and complete chains of narration. Because the hadith wording is quite strange as it mentions only one hand i.e. Ibn Hibbaan, Tirmidhi, Ijlee, Baghwi, Nawawi, Ibn Abdil Barr, and Ibn Abi Haatim etc have authenticated him, and declared him to be a Known narrator. Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Muslim, Al-Nawawi said, It is recommended to place the right hand over the left hand after the opening exaltation, and to place them under the chest and above the navel. Alhamdulillah all this proves that Placing the Hands on chest is the Sunnah. Ibn Shaaheen = He mentioned him in his Kitaab ath-Thiqaat (505), 13. This Abul Alaa is Muhammad bin Ali Al-Qaari [Taareekh Baghdaad: 3/95] Al-Maqri and Al-Qaari are two titles for the same person. Since there is a doubt of Inqita in the Muaan narration of a Mudallis, thats why the narration of that narrator is not accepted until the affirmation of having that hadeeth heard directly is done from that narrator. Imam Bukhaari: He narrated from Muammal as Istish-haad in his Saheeh. On the contrary to these praises, only the saying of Abu Mashar is narrated, who said: He is Daeed and Qadari. navel.. There are many Nuskhas (Manuscripts) of Musannaf Ibn Abi Shaybah, and the exact mention of where to place the hands is found in none of them, and the athar of Ibaraaheem is present in it with the words of Tahta Sirrah and in some nukha the words of Tahta SIrrah are present at the end of the Marfoo hadeeth but the athar of Ibraaheem is not there. [Darat fi Izhar Ghash naqad as-Sirat]. Secondly, If a reliable Shaahid or Mutaabiat is found for a Mudallis narrator, then the accusation of tadlees gets removed. Ibn as-Salaah said in Uloom ul-Hadeeth maa Taqiyeed wal aizaah Pg 466, which means that, The narrations of Mukhtalateen (Pl. Maalik. Ibn Khuzaymah = He authenticated him in his Saheeh [1/8 H. 8 and others], 17. Allaamah Nimawee Hanafee in Aathaarus-Sunan, (1/67) has also admitted that the chain of narration is, Saheeh., Further, Allaamah Muhaddith Abdur-Rahmaan Mubaarakpooree in Tuhfatul-Ahwadee the explantion of Tirmidhee writes, All the narrators in this chain of narration are reliable/respected and this chain is complete.. Placing the hands on the chest in salah - YouTube 0:00 / 29:59 9. This proves that this narration is absolutely authentic and free from deficiency according to Imam Ibn Khuzaymah. There is a fourth place where it is mustahabb to raise the hands during prayer; that is when standing up after the first Tashahhud for the third rak'ah. 12. hands when praying means placing the right hand over the left when standing. Hanafis claim that Imam Nasaaee and Imam Ali ibn al-Madeeni have declared Qabeesah to be Majhool. This is worse for had he narrated these munkar ahadeeth from weak authorities we would have excused him. [Kitaab al-Marifat wal Taareekh: 3/52]. Create an account, If you do not have an account, you can click the button below to create one, Create new account Khuzaymah (479) narrated that Waail ibn Hujr (may Allaah be pleased with Then he placed his right hand on his left hand, wrist and forearm. Wail ibn Hujr reported: He saw the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, raise his hands upon entering into prayer, exalting Allah, and Hammam described his hands as parallel to his ears. So, there is valid difference of opinion in this issue. This method should be tried by the reader to see what happens and then the matter will become clear, if Allaah wills. 16. We come to know that the narrations of the above mentioned people from Simaak are from before his Ikhtilaat. Before we continue, It is important to know the meaning of Chest i.e Sadr in arabic. Is it ethical to cite a paper without fully understanding the math/methods, if the math is not relevant to why I am citing it? How did StorageTek STC 4305 use backing HDDs? Not one of the famous 4 Imams of Islamic jurisprudence (via means of an authentic ascription to them) - Abu Hanifa . Haafidh al-Haythami = Siqah and he has weakness in him. [Majma az-Zawaid: 8/183]. Imam Ahmed has narrated narration from Muammal in his Al-Musnad, for example see: [Musnad Ahmed: 1/16 H. 97, Shuyookh Ahmed fi Musnad al-Imam Ahmed: 1/49], * Zafar Ahmed Thanvi Deobandi has written that: All the Shuyookh of Ahmed are Siqah, * Haafidh Haythami said: Ahmed has narrated from him and his Shyookh are Siqah. [Majma az-Zawaid: 1/80]. Some people object by saying that placing the hands over the zara doesnt necessarily means to place them over the full Zaraa. Translated and Compiled by: Raza Hassan Placing the hands on the chest in salah 250,552 views Nov 28, 2011 Seeker's Quest Series: Episode 9 Placing the hands on. Abu Haazim Sahl ibn Sad Saadee narrates that: All those people praying (Companions) were ordered to place their right hand upon the left Zara (all part from elbow to middle finger). InshaAllah Read more: http://www.systemoflife.com/fiqh/salah/2000018-placing-the-hands-on-chest-is-the-sunnah#ixzz4mH5biyDl. 26. Hands on the chest during Salah.. Narrated by Tawus: The Messenger of Allah () used to place his right hand on his left hand, then he folded them strictly on his chest in prayer. Yaqoob bin Sufyaan al-Faarsi: Muammal is a great sunni shaikh. Now lets come and observe different routes of the narration under discussion, in light of this definition. [Ad-Duafa by Al-Ukaylee: 2/179, and Al-Kaamil by Ibn Adee: 3/1299]. Coming to your question, the correct place of the hands in Salat is on the chest, for that is where the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) placed his hands during the salat, and he ordered us to pray as he was seen praying. Hadith about wife licking pus of husband authentic? 2. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. This website DOES NOT belong to any political or any particular sect or denomination. So placing them on the chest or stomach isent something for us to argue over, place them either on the chest or on the stomach, it doesnt matter as long as your right hand is above the left. Also, Ibn Nujaym Hanafee in Al-Bahr ar-Raqaaiq, Allaamah Abul Hasan al-Kabeer as-Sindhee in Fathul-Wadeed Sharh Abee Dawood, Aliaamah Muhammad Hayaat Sindhee in his Fathul-Ghafoor and Shaikh Abu Turaab Raashidullaah Shah Raashidee in his Darjud-Duroor have all stated this hadeeth to be authentic (saheeh). him) said: I prayed with the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Religions, Sects and Da'wah (Call to Islam), Jinaayaat (Criminology) and Islamic Judicial System, Islamic Politics and International Affairs, Medical Issues, Media, Culture and Means of Entertainment. There is some debate concerning the evidence for Imam Yahya bin Saeed al-Qattaan said, I did not see a Haafiz like Sufyaan. According to Imam Tirmidhi and the Jumhoor of Muhadditheen, if Muammal narrates from Sufyaan then he is Siqah and Saheeh ul-Hadeeth. Sulemaan bin Harb: He praised him [The reference has been passed under the criticizm of Sufyaan al-Faarsi], 5. evidence on that, please see the answer to question no Prophet Informing Muadh that He would See the Valley of Tabuk Turning Green, Meaning of Hadeeth: Whoever Cheats Us Is Not One of Us, Clothing of the People of Paradise Do Not Wear Out, This Hadeeth Is of the Highest Degree of Authenticity, Whoever Says the Words in the Hadeeth in His Illness and Then Dies, Hellfire Shall Not Consume Him, The Classification of the Narration about Defending Your Wealth. ENGLISH Salah Training Workshop - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read book online for free. Proof number 2 for placing the hands on chest: Waail ibn Hujr narrates that, I prayed with the Prophet and he placed his right hand upon his left on his chest. (Saheeh ibn Khuzaimah, 1/243). The Imaam of the Hanafee Madhhab, Imaam Sarkhasee writes, Those mursal narrations which are of the 2nd and 3rd generations, according to our Hanafee Ulamaa are accepted as proof and evidence. (Stated in Kitaab al-Usool (1/360), likewise Noor al-Anwaar (p.150) also mentions the same). It would be beneficial. Haafidh Ibn Hajar said: He is turthful, and accused of Qadar. [Taqreeb at-Tahdheeb: 7362]. To place the hands beneath the navel during the prayer [Ibn Hazm, Muhalla, Watal-Yamin] The criticizm of Make Mistakes does not affect the narrator. Al-Haakim = He authenticated him [Al-Mustadrak: 2/168 H. 2706], 1. [2/224 Under H. 740], * Zafar Ahmed Thanvi said: Whatever hadeeth Haafidh narrates in Fath ul-Baari, then it is Saheeh or Hasan according to him, as is affrmed in the Muqaddimah. [Qawaaid fi Uloom ul-Hadeeth Pg 89]. * It should be kept in mind that it is not proven from Sufyaan ath-Thawree to tie the hands under the navel. passed by a man who was praying, and who had placed his left hand on Then it should be known that from mans body, the heart is perceived as being of the greatest importance. 3. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. The Taabii, whether he belonged to the early or late generations, would say, The Messenger of Allah, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, said or did such-and-such, or such-and-such took place in his presence, or the like. The Mursal hadeeth was classified in the section of the rejected reports because of the fact that the situation of the missing reporter(s) is unknown; he may be a Companion or a Taabii. * This saying is also chain-less (hence rejected). Ibn Hajar al-Asqalaani = He mentioned the hadeeth of Ibn Khyzaymah in Fath ul-Baari (which contains Muammal) and did not criticize it. Imam Bukhaari = It has passed in the beginning that Imam Bukhaari has took narrations from Simaak in his Saheeh (6722). quote. This is a short treatise which is written for the general people so that they may attain guidance. That one places his hands below the chest but above the navel. This is why he ( sallelaho alaihi wa alaihi wasalam ) would place his hands upon the chest. The chapter under which Imam Ibn Khuzaymah has narrated those two narrations which are mentioned by Molvi Abdul Azeez Deobandi Punjabi in the Haashiah of Nasb ur-Rayaa, Imam Ibn Khuzaymah has started that chapter with the following words: This is the most abridged Musnad as-Saheeh based on the sayings of the Prophet, according to the conditions that we have mentioned in the beginning of Kitaab at-Tahaarah [Saheeh Ibn Khuzaymah: Vol 1 Pg 153]. According to Hanbali school one should put your hands below the navel which is also the same in the Hanafi school. Ibn al-Jarood = He mentioned his hadeeth in Al-Muntaqa (H. 25), Ashraf Ali Thaanvi deobandi said while commenting on a hadeeth that: Ibn Al-Jarood narrated this hadeeth in Al-Muntaqa, and it is Saheeh according to him. [Bawadir al-Nawadir Pg 135], 21. Anyways if you can shed some light on this issue. Therefore the narration of such a narrator is unacceptable. (Sunan Nasaai with the footnotes of AllaamahSindhee(1/141),AbuDawood(1/112), lbnKhuzairnah(1/243,480) and Ibn Hibbaan (p.485) have all authenticated this narration). This * Muammal is Saheeh ul-Hadeeth according to Haafidh Zaya. PRAYER" at first place. Allamah Mahmood as-Subki, while eplaining this hadeeth, writes: According to some Imams, the Mursal hadeeth is Hujjah without any condition. Note: The narrations without the brackets around, are narrated from the chain of Muammal from Sufyaan. 6. Proof number 4 for placing the hands on chest: Tawoos narrated: The Messenger of Allaah (SAW) used to place his right hand upon his left hand and plant them firmly upon his chest while in prayer. Reference of hadith in Musnad Ahmed which states the wearing taweez/amulet is shirk? Imam Ahmed bin Hanbal = I only know good about him. [Al-Jarah wal Tadeel: 9/82, Chain Saheeh], 3. [Al-Jarah wal Tadeel: Vol 8 Pg 95], Khateeb Baghdaadi said: He is Thiqah Thabat, the Ummah has relied upon his narrations. [Mizaan ul-Itidaal: Vol 6 Pg 318]. 1. Thawr bin Yazeed bin Ziyaad al-Kalaaee Abu Khaalid Al-Hamsi: Imam Yahya ibn Maeen said: I have not seen any Shaami more reliable than him, Ibn Sad said that he is Thiqah in Hadeeth, Ibn Adee said that when he narrates from Thiqah and sudooq narrator then accoding to my research there is nothing wrong in his narration, Imam Nasaaee and Imam Duhaym said that he is Thiqah, Imam Abu Haatim said that he is Sudooq and Hafidh, Imam Ibn Hibbaan has mentioned him in Kitaab ath-Thiqaat, Molvi Khaleel ur-Rahmaan Saharanpoori Hanafi said that He is Thiqah Thabat, meaning Thiqah of the highest level. Allaamah Shaikh Sadee Sheyraazee has also mentioned similar reasoning in very eloquent poetry prose. A few such examples are given below: I declare this narration to be an exception from the Saheeh ahadeeth, because I do not think that Muhammad bin Ishaaq has directly heard this hadeeth from Muhammad bin Muslim, and he has commited Tadlees in it. [Saheeh Ibn Khuzaymah: Vol 1 Pg 71] What are examples of software that may be seriously affected by a time jump? This narration includes Abdur-Rahmaan ibn Ishaaq al-Koofee, who is unanimously known amongst the scholars to be weak. End quote. Shaikh Albaani, while refuting a Muqallid, said: - - ! the prayer. Proof 1) The hadeeth of Sahl ibn Sad radhi Allahu anho, Proof 2) The Hadeeth of Waail ibn Hujr Radhi Allahu anho. that he attributed it to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be Allamah Abdul Hay Lakhnawi Hanafi writes: Suyuti said in Tadreeb ar-Raawi that One group of Huffaadh have declared those narrators to be Mahool, about whose conditions they were not aware of. Sayyiduna Hulb (ra) relates, 'I saw the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) turn from both his right and left and I also saw him place this upon his chest.' and said takbeer, then he bowed. First of all, It is not proven from Imam Nasaaee and Ali ibn al-Madeeni that they declared him Majhool. See relevant meta discussion here: Putting the hands on the stomach or chest while praying salat? Ishaaq bin Rahwayh: Thiqah [Tahdheeb at-Tahdheeb: 10/381]. Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Ammaar Al-Mosali = They said that he make Mistakes and they differed in his narration. [Taareekh Baghdaad: 9/216]. [See: Mizaan ul-Itidaal: 2/532, 533], 9. Imam Nimawi comments in his al T'aleeq al Hasan (1/145): 'I have a suspicion that the wording of this hadeeth has mistakenly been changed by a writer. placing the right hand on the left during prayer, it is one of the sunnahs [Bazal al-Majhood: Vol 1 Pg 83]. He Eluquent except through Ikrimah From Ibn Abbaas And Sufyaan ath-Taree weakened him.. [Taareekh ath-Thiqaat: 621, and Taareekh Baghdaad: 9/216]. See: Mizaan ul-Itidaal [3/254 T. 7971] and others. Imam Daheem = Alam ul-Awwaleen wal Akhirieen bi-Makhool [Al-Marifat wal Taareekh 2/395, Chain Saheeh], 2. But unfortunately it is written in Bangla. Imam Ibn Hibbaan has mentioned in Kitaab ath-Thiqaat. The Hanafi Objection on Sufyaan ath-Thawree: The ahnaaf claim that Sufyaan ath-Thawree is narrating this narration with AN, and Sufyaan is famous in making tadlees from Duafa. Then, the Prophet wrapped his hands in his cloak and placed his right hand over his left hand. Therefore, the declaration of Imam Ijlee, Imam Ibn Hibbaan and others of him being siqah, is a testimony that they were aware of his conditions. Al-Bazzaar = He is a Famous Person. There are two ways of placing the right hand on the left hand when praying: 1 - The right hand is placed on the left hand, wrist and forearm. This hadeeth is marfoo as is stated by the narrator Abu Haazim and who other than the Prophet could have given such an order? This narration is narrated with the following chain: Yahya bin Saeed al-Qattaan narrated to us, From Sufyaan ath-Thawree, (he said) Simaak bin Harb narrated to me, From Qabeesah bin Hulb, From his Father (Hulb at-Taaee) [radiallah anhu], From the Prophet [peace be upon him]. being the right hand upon the left above the wrist joint. So we come to know that chest does not only mean the chest which we normally believe it to be in english or urdu. Is the sunna pre-Fajr prayer before the Fajr adhan? Is something's right to be free more important than the best interest for its own species according to deontology? They said that during ruku', the hands should be on the knees, in sujood they should be on the ground, in juloos (sitting) they should be on the thighs, and in qiyaam (standing) they should be on the chest. Abu Dawood (726) and al-Nasaai (889) narrated that Waail ibn Hujr said: I said: I am going to watch how the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) prays. [Kitaab ath-Thiqaat: 6/379, 380], 11. Saalih bin Muhammad Al-Baghdaadi = He weakened him [Taareekh Baghdaad: 9/216]. Narrated Tawus: The Messenger of Allah () used to place his right hand on his left hand, then he folded them strictly on his chest in prayer. When he intended to bow, he would take his hands out from his cloak, raise them, exalt Allah, and then bow. according to the well known view of the madhhab, and there is a hadeeth * Meaning Muammal is Hasan ul-Hadeeth according to Haafidh Haythami. Some * When it is proven that the ziyaadat (addition) of a Siqah and Sudooq is Saheeh, Hasan, and acceptable, then Wakee and Abdur Rahmaan bin Mahdi, not mentioning the words of Ala Sadrih does not do any harm to this hadeeth. Proof 1) The hadeeth of Sahl ibn Sa'd radhi Allahu anho Proof 2) The Hadeeth of Waa'il ibn Hujr Radhi Allahu anho To know the answer to this question, we first need to know what the definition of Mudtarib Hadeeth actually is. Adh-Dhahabi = Al-Imam, Al-Kabeer, Mufti.. [Siyar Alaam al-Nabula: 5/433]. Ibn al-Madeeni = He is from the Major comapnions of Makhool, he got slightly confused before his death. (refer to Tuhfatul Aqwiyaa fee Tahqeeq Kitaab ad-Duafaa (no. Abu Yunus Haatim bin Abi Sagheerah (1680). hands in prayer means placing the right hand over the left hand, and letting So the hadith is vague and not clarifying about tying hands on chest "DURING. Islam Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for Muslims, experts in Islam, and those interested in learning more about Islam. Further Muhammad Hashim Tahtawee Hanafee in his treatise, Kashfud-Deen p. 17, states that, The mursal narration is acceptable to us Ahnaaf as a proof. Allaamah ibn Humaam Hanafee in Fathul-Qadeer, the explantion of Hidaayah (1/239) states the same. (Tuhfatu-l-Ahwadh bi Sharh Jmi Shaikh ul Allaamah Al-Haafidh Badee ud-Deen Shaah Raashidi as-Sindhee (May Allah have Mercy upon him) Got slightly confused before his death is not even proven, and is not hramful here either, wallahu alam. From this detail we come to know that Muammal bin Ismaaeel is Siqah and Sudooq, or Saheeh ul-Hadeeth and Hasan ul-Hadeeth according to the Jumhoor of Muhadditheen, therefore the criticizm of some Muhadditheen upon him is Mardood. Al-Baghwi = He graded his hadeeth to be Hasan. The addition of Due to some excuse in the brackets is done in the light of other evidences. This proves that according to Imam Dhahabi, Muammal is Siqah and the criticizm on him is rejected. 109158. Ibn Maeen was born in 157 H, and Shubah bin al-Hajjaj died in 160 H. Meaning, this narration is rejected due to being Munqati. Where should we place the hands in salah? [This saying was not found with an authentic chain], 12. I have links of an article dealing with details of this matter. Other In some narrations, after narrating the hadeeth, he would say Sahhahu ibn Khuzayma (Ibn Khuzaymah authenticated it), and sometimes he would say Akhrajahu Ibn Khuzaymah (Ibn Khuzaymah took it out/narrated it). Sufyaan ath-Thawree = Al-Ijlee said: He is Jaaiz in hadeeth.. Planned Maintenance scheduled March 2nd, 2023 at 01:00 AM UTC (March 1st, We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup. May Allaah make this treatise a means of guidance and Sadaqah Jaariyyah. Now lets come and read about Simaak bin Harb and the reasearch on him. Ibn Hajar = In Fath ul Baari (10/8), he said, all the narrators of the hadeeth narrated by Suelmaan are trustworthy. This saying is not found in Kitaab al-Illal of Imam Ibn al-Madeeni and Kitaab ad-Duafa of Imam Nasaaee. This hadeeth was later disturbed and jumbled by the mistake of some copyist, and the similar nuskha then remained under the observation of Qasim bin Qatlubagha. [See: Johar al-Naqi 2/30]. Correct me if I'm wrong with sahih sources, I'm a student of Qur'an and hadith, and as far as I remember, all these hadiths says other than "on chest" and says different, Salam and Welcome, we suggest you read the FAQ. See Mizaan ul-Itidaal (2/233), 2. We are prohibited to take the narrations of Majhool, because we are not aware of their condition. Abu Dawood = Abu Ubayd al-Ajurri said, I asked Abu Dawood about Muammal bin Ismaaeel, thus he described his greatness and raised his status, except that he makes mistake in somethings. For the same ) ( Admirers ) and their Tadeel ( Praise ): 1 71 ] are! That, the narrations without the brackets is done in the beginning that Imam Bukhaari = it has passed the... It is not true necessarily means to place them over the left above the navel a narrator is.! 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