April 2


nickel allergy vaping

Same time frame. I havent felt my heart racingracing like that when using my eCig. Symptoms were tight chest shortness of breath shaky tired ringing in ears sore throat dry mouth. Instead everytime you feel like a ciggie punch yourself really hard, reminding you of the future pain to come from smoking. The bites appeared in clusters, which is a very big sign of bedbugs, and the burning itchy sensation was also very similar. I only mention it because treating it like eczema could bring you some relief. My insurance offers incentives to quit like a decreased premium payment, gift cards to help with certain products for quitting, etc. For those that its mostly an external skin issue and/or throat issue, try washing and rinsing as often as possible and see if that helps. Started to get worried after a year. Seeing these posts has me convinced but I know she wont accept it because its already been discussed within the family thats what it is and she thinks its bull. Benadryl is the only thing that seems to work for a few hours. I had smoked for 55 years and was up to 2 packs a day. As I said my skin goes red and rose and mega warm to touch but in 15min or so it disappears? But I was almost certain that my condition had to do with vaping because I did not have any of the above symptoms before using the e-cig. I didnt realise it could ve the PG in the fluid. Been washing sheets and covers on the weekly. breathing was not good, I did stop smoking the e fag but now I am worried about using it again in case it starts again or worse. The most common culprit seems to be propylene glycol (PG), the organic compound used as a base for the majority of e-liquids available on the market today. If you feel you need it in your mouth constantly, dont go for higher nicotine, go for something that can vapourise more at a lower strength. As a first step, she gave me 1% hydrocortisone cream to see if it helps. The reasons to believe that consumption of too much nickel-containing food can provoke or aggravate nickel allergy are: Advertisement . Thread starter Slurve; Start date Aug 10, 2015; Tagged users None Slurve. Did the prednisone shot and antihistamines help? Got to where I could not breath anymore. These patients were subsequently found to have a nickel allergy; the devices were found to be positive on a dimethylglyoxime (DMG) nickel spot test. The damn acne. Steroids are awful as well. You can, i have never for one day in my 25 years of smoking missed 10+ sticks a day minimum, but when i had some mild allergy i stopped vaping for 2 days and i was ok even around other traditional smokers.I might be wrong but i feel e cigs are aimed at making one quit not to enhance your smoking prowess. Where do people think they come from in bulk? Nicotine poisoning can do that. More spot started to tingle. The following tips may help you avoid nickel exposure: Avoid jewelry that contains nickel. I am going to have the san but I already know the answer to What was making me so sick. By the way, which department in Marlboro do you work for? The best way to make sure propylene glycol is responsible for any of these symptoms, and at the same time solve the problem, is to switch to a 100% vegetable glycerin e-liquid, or at least one with a lower PG content. I had to use nasal spread to clear my nose and get a temperate relief for a day or two and this condition lasted for a couple of months. Nothing! So I am pulling everything up I can on this. I have been vaping for about a year now. Sometimes it lasts a few days and disappears. I get the Lip skin blisters every time I try a Tank system, Pro-Tanks, Vivi Nova, Aspire If I keep using them I get sore throat, chapped lip puffy eyes, cheeks, rough tongue, loss of taste.. Its a allergic reaction to the Chrome and Nickel used in chrome plating the Tank systems. I am wondering if anyone is considering this. But yeah just wanted to post. The most common culprit in vape allergic reactions is propylene glycol (PG), a commonly used base in vape juice. I accused my cat of causing the trouble! I have been off cigs for two days and my lungs feel heavy and so congested. This means having two tanks (I have about 25 tanks but hey). Hope you do too. A well thought out answer that makes sense!!! I will update with an answer after my appt. You many know someone who may experience a rash when they wear cheap earrings, costume jewelry, or from the rivets on their jeans. They will start of as a little mosquito bite and slowly develop in to blotches all up arms, shoulders neck, anywhere skin rubs against its self or under my belt, extremelt itchy!!! I love vaping but as Alex above says the nicotine, even in the lower mixes, is in fact STUPID high. Yes I am suffering from increased burning and tingling sensations extremely depressing. I am still on e-cig and on and off on smoking because both of my general doctor and ENT doctor feel e-cig is safer than cigarettes. I quit smoking 7 months ago and have been using an ECig since then.But let me tell you I feel 100x worse now then when I smoked,never thought could Hey I suffer from tinnitus. so have been using vg from a reputable shop. I started trying different ejuices from various providers, and even changed to a TS3 device, but without much improvement of my symptoms (which would crop up sporadically, eventually culminating in mouth sores at the base of my tongue and on the inside of my cheeks, especially in the area of the bite ridge of my inner left cheek). I didnt break out at all but it has been a week off it and slowly the hives r coming back, itching mostly at night. Many electronic cigarettes are powered by lithium-containing batteries. Dry mouth is most associated with the base ingredients of e-liquid: PG and VG (propylene glycol and vegetable glycerin). Anyone have an idea of how long it takes to get out of your system? And white lumpy burning spots all over face and chest which no doctor seems to no whats going on untill today I spoke to my friend who started vaping two days ago has chronic ear pain pain and lumps all over her face the same as mine these need investigating further some days I thought I was going to die with the pain in my head I couldnt get off the pillow my advise is bin them fast !! FU propylene glycol antifreeze shit. These things are no good. First time on ecigs was on PG ones that looked like cigs and got burnt taste very easily, often had a dry throat from that but one time actually fainted! Think it must be down to the years I have been vaping and the amount, not had any now for 30 hours and already feeling better, might be pycosomatic but def feel better pains still there just not as bad if stopping gives me my life back without these crazy problems then good job. May 7/14, if u vap to much u get nicotine overdose max per day 2ml of 12mg/ml, I have been using egig same brand for about a year 2 months ago I got big blister on leg thought from slipping on ice well to date i have had 4 different ones been to 2 docs they did cultures no virus shows up im wondering if it is the ecig I have not smoked a real cig in 1 year but if this is from the PG I am going to see what another brand does they dont tell you how much PG or what kind is in it but that is the only thing i can think of that has changed going from cig to ecig if this has happened to anyone please post so i can see if im not the only one magic mist brand. If Im vaping to compensate for cigarette withdraw I use this ultra low mix. That seem to do the trick, I believe the nickel is a major trigger to those symptoms. Other people say they get a rash or fever scratchy throat chesty cough almost like smokers symptoms. Why only american? People who feel that they're allergic to cigarette smoke describe a number of common symptoms, including: difficulty breathing. I am now experiencing a lot of phelm in my throat, after Using an e cig for 2years, the same brand and the same flavor. I had the doc out 2 days ago and he said it looked like an allergic reaction. Guess I just got a much higher tolerance or something, sure beats me? I started using the refillable kind in place of chewing tobacco just as a way to get my fix. It seems that the additives (flavors) are not regulated and seem more dangerous than nicotine, I am experiencing sores on the corner of my whenever I vape tried different flavers but with no nicotine, i cough if I vape with. I dont wish to smoke again. Try a mod with 3mg nicotine and high organic vg 90% or above. gotten Veg.Glycol but a bit of PG is in most so my next step is allergy specialist. I thought I was vaping pure v.g but I was not.So I decided to make my own juice. Stainless steel. Nickel allergy and allergic contact dermatitis: A clinical review of immunology, epidemiology, exposure, and treatment. It took me about a week to get off cigarettes, and I was feeling AMAZING and so proud of myself until Tuesday, when I thought I was coming down with a basic cold. UK has just as good e liquid I think youre talking rubbish. It is the vaping and mine has no nicotine in it so it is the pg. Im experience bad taste in mouth tounge problems loads phlem and problems swallowing and at the back of my throat it can get saw! Thanks for reading, Larry. Im a mess. I smoked Blu brand cigarettes for over 1 year and this past summer started waking up with what looked like mosquito bites all over my legs. Its an itchy patchy burning needles type feeling with little pricks in different parts of my body. Also chest feels weird at times and mucus drips constantly in back of throat. After 1 month all my symptoms were gone. Although higher percentages of PG are often reported to have a more drying effect on the mouth, it's not uncommon for 100% VG vapers to still experience it. Check to see if you may have an allergy to one of the components of the e-cigarette or vaping liquids. I love vaping but am stopping now after reading about many other vapers with same problems. Side Effects. You, also, have to watch how much you vape, keep the mg low. Im not questioning what you say, Im simply asking, because most e-cigarette batteries these days are sealed and even if they werent, I dont see how you would come in contact with the nickel. Its not easy stopping, and guess what? I had caner sores, sore throat, too much spit, droolling, I was tired, congested and had post nasal drip. I bought the liquid recently and this is my second time using it. I was going to permanently switch to an ecig today, but am highly concerned after reading these comments. Some foods that contain high amounts of nickel include soy products, peas, canned foods, cocoa powder, clams and cashews. Now, more recent information from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reveals that there is a possibility that vaping could be the cause of a serious lung disease which is being called "vape lung.". Then about after 7 months, the red bumps appeared mostly on my temples, but also behind my ears right at the hairline. Bumpy skin, sore, burns, so much so my GP referred me to a dermatologist, who stated that I must be allergic to something. My problem is shortness of breath, when walking. Then, I decided to give up ecigs completely. So I only vape when i drink, every time I vape it feels like i have bug crawling on me. Found out that it are TRIGGERPOINTS that causes these pains, small muscle knots, situated on the shoulders. No doctor ever told me my symptoms are caused by liquid vapor. Just wanted to give readers going through the same or similar thing a time frame for symptoms to dissipate. Nothing worked except quitting vaping. I HAVE BEEN WORKING TO SEE IF THERE IS AN ALTERNATIVE NO LUCK YET When I stop vaping during the week the symptoms do improve, but when I vape on the week-end they flare up again on Monday (strange that its always a delayed reaction!). I dont think it could ve cape related, because Id quit calling for well over a couple of weeks to test itButJust in case, Im wondering if anyone experiences this.. No amount of benedryl helped. I was really surprised that not many in the forum experienced swelling of the face. I am on the patches / gum and am having 2-3 cigarettes a day. Yes to all who are getting red itchy bumps like bug bites and red rashes on their bodies, I have been vaping since Jan, about a month ago stared with red burning skin on my eyelids and under eyes, went to allergist told they couldnt find anything I was allergic to after all tests for the past two days I have red itchy burning bumps on my body, I want to crawl out of my skin, I do believe it is the vaping jucies, makes me want to go back to cigs didnt have these problems with cigs. Went to see allergist .. again no clue what was causing the skin issues. Many disscussion abouth Using Deffrent PG/VG or Attomizer but i think result can be the same . I never had this many problems with cigarettes, Ive got one bottle of juice left then Ill go back to cigarettes, I have way too much stress in life to be able to quit. If the Glycerine is VG..Im lucky my dermatologist was allergic too. Also the longer it goes untreated the more painful it becomes!! At first I used pg based juices with no noticeable side effects but a few weeks ago started to experience chest tightness and pain, which definitely was linked to the ecigs. Has anyone found a solution ? Never did I realize that I have an allergic reaction to his vapor (he switched 4 months back to e cigarette). I have had an itchy rash on my body, dizziness, heart palpitations and badly itching scalp followed by severely thinning hair., lack off appetite and sinus problems. I returned to the Dr. and I am having a cat scan on my nasal passages Monday and I have to see a ENT next week. Switch to a PG-free (100 percent VG) e-liquid if you're allergic to PG, and avoid any flavorings likely to cause . hives my ass 4 years vaping and still going strong! Top of Page. Nothing gets rid of it .. And its a constant burning itch also in private areas .. After a 20 a day 25 year smoking habit and several attempts to give up i came across e-cigs around october of last year and have not even thought about going back to cigarettes since however, Been vaping for months, i drip also, and wham, Im Itchy all over, only antihistamines help at all. I suspected it was the e-liquid so I looked on google and after reading this article Im now sure. Hi how long had you have you had copd for as most of the damage could of already been done also how long had you been vaping? Just ordered some 100% VG Juice aqnd will try that. I have dreams about pain relief.. I contacted High Desert Vape talked to Jenniffer she knows her stuff she said Nature Flavoring is the only place she knows and trust to be organic flavoring. I have had an allergic reaction before to meds that put me on my butt for 3 months so very leary when I get hives for any reason. Download Factsheet. As known, Ni-hypersensitivity can induce less frequently also respiratory allergy (RA . 4. I dont itch, it just looks like I have an acne problem (did not have it previously) I know that vaping is causing it, but I dont want to go back to smoking cigarettes again. Stainless steel wire is an alloy composed primarily of chromium, nickel, and carbon. If it stops these God damn ulcers tho its my only option. Hi I have been using the vapor for about 2 years havent smoked cigs since thanksgiving 2013 well I was trying to see if anyone has had a problem with their tonsils , I had to have a tonsilectomy march 2014 due. Forgot to mention in my post, that it is now two weeks since I cut back on my vaping and I am just beginning to feel a bit like my old self again, but it is really tuff going though, I often wonder how some people can quite smoking with ease, wile others like my self struggle like hell with it, I am going to try my very best to become totally smoke free. I didnt start getting allergic reactions to ecig liquids. Other related issues perhaps, I have seem lots of single spots appear in random places. I sometimes have a tendency to chain vape, Ill kill a 5ml 12mg nic.tank Of ejuice in just a day, when Im in that sort of mood, not always the case, though itd be on days Im up all night, and itt takr me at least past 12 hours to get even get close to vaping that entire 5ml tank down, Ive vaped heavy PG juices exclusively for months, around 80% PG, and now I vape mostly 80% VG, but not for any health reasons or problems, mostly because I like that VG is smoother, and creates more Vapor. mild chest rash. Pressing on it hurts. With this devise I can smoke pure v.g. As a reminder, every e liquid bottle carries the toxic sign, unless it contains no nicotine. E-cigarettes have gained popularity in recent years, largely due to their reputation as a safe alternative to conventional cigarettes. I too had the pretty much the same reaction as you did. The skin allergic reaction to nickel looks like eczema. did you get a fever mine was as high as 100.8. Was extremely hooked to cigs , then found the vapes. Feb 7, 2015. The toxic by-products created by vaping inhibits the immune responses in the body and alters the mucosa within the nasal passages. No. I am still not convinced that 100% VG with organic flavor will let me enjoy the e-cig without smoking. I had scratched so hard that it bled. been to the er 4 times had shot every tine and dose pack of prednisone every time and now have epipen go to allergy doc next week keep you posted ! with 10mg of pure nicotine per 30ml of mix. Try Vaping PG-Free E-liquid. The doc didnt know what it was, but he sent me for a blood test to see if I was having a reaction to something. Its entering your blood through your skin and your body is getting sick. 1. This has happened every few weeks for four months so I am being referred to an ent to check it out. So I have started to cut back down on my vaping and I found other ways of dealing with the stress, it has been three weeks now and I am down to 1.5 hours a day, and only 3 mg nic strength. This is a kid who never would have smoked cigs but seemed to think this is ok! virtually doesnt exist with high VG juices. Your response made my eyes pop because it is exactly what I am experiencing. Guides & Tutorials . My problem is I find it way to easy to chain vape. #1. Can a person be allergic to an e cigarette? The Itching! I have been vaping tsunami brand e cig with 12mg juice for about 5 months now and it was going great untill the last 2 weeks every time I use it now I get red blisters on th back of my throat and have pain in my ears. Taken me 6 months to work out what was wrong with me after lots of hospital visits. It was no use, I was still getting these bites in the weirdest places! I also had breakouts on my back, mostly (red bumps). I suspect Ecig as Ive been vaping 60pg/40 for 3 months. Just using 12mg nicotine. You notice that you start to feel nauseous when you are handling the e juice and it gets on ur fingers? This then turned into a nasty cough appearing when lying down and/or after elevated breathing rate, i.e. There is no open study done as of yet to really determine what the health issues are of vapping. It was mainly on my face at 1st, but spread to my ears, neck and chest. After 3 days skin itch diminished by 80% and after 7 days wow! Nickel allergies take all the fun out of jewelry shopping. I quit cigs for 2 years after smoking for 20+. Ecig liquids the more painful it becomes!!!!!!!!!!!! And so congested pulling everything up i can on this cards to help with certain products for quitting etc... The toxic sign, unless it contains no nicotine to give readers going through the same or similar a!, largely due to their reputation as a way to easy to chain vape a way to easy chain. 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