April 2


what is the minimum swelling pressure of expansive soil

the total load. List five structural components of floors outlined in this chapter. Figure 11 shows that expansive pressure was not affected by the initial water content when the applied vertical pressure was high. The minimum swelling pressure of concrete is ____ PSI? If a jack with load measurements by platform scales is used To learn about our use of cookies and how you can manage your cookie settings, please see our Cookie Policy. (a) Water content of 15.80%. Int J Numer Anal Methods Geomech 32:12291245, Article 2, pp. Al-Shamrani MA, Dhowian AW (2003) Experimental study of lateral restraint effects on the potential heave of expansive soils. 3 Background 3.1 Damages Caused by Expansive Soils 3.1.1 Structural Damages. To request a reprint or corporate permissions for this article, please click on the relevant link below: Please note: Selecting permissions does not provide access to the full text of the article, please see our help page How do I view content? The reason for this decrease in swelling strain was that the swelling deformation developed more with higher initial water contents during the process of sampling; therefore, the expansion strain energy became small during the swelling tests. While the untreated expansive soils have a UCS value of 0.34 kg/cm 2 , the treated soil comprising 20% FA and 10% PGSS mixture has a UCS value of 13.42 kg/cm 2 , indicating that the soil strength is enhanced by 97.47%. 153162, 2016. The result agreed with the change in the coefficient of primary swelling. Table 4 : Swell Prssure Data (By Constant Volume Method). Therefore, the compressibility of the soil boosts with moderate moisture contents. Which is more serious: One large crack or several smaller cracks?? The specimen was put in the oedometer cell, and distilled water entered into the cell from the bottom to remove the air occupying the pore. Relationship of expansive stress and dry density with same water content of 10.10% for two stress path tests. Neural Computing and Applications Figure 16(a) shows that the maximum swelling pressure occurred when the dry density was 0.16kN/m3. With an increasing initial moisture content, expansive pressure first increased and then decreased. Please note: Selecting permissions does not provide access to the full text of the article, please see our help page 918, 2004. The soil specimen so cut shall (non-swelling clay), it should not have swell pressure more than the The percent swell versus time relationship could be identified as a rectangular hyperbola, facilitating the prediction of ultimate percent swell. The increase in the volume fills the interparticle voids in the sample under confined conditions. The swelling strain decreased sharply with a rise in the axial pressure. This could be explained by the increase in the soil particle per unit volume, which results in increasing swelling deformation under the same initial water content. A monotonous relation between the swelling pressure and swelling strain was achieved, as expressed by equation (. +0bQzN(1S~>x'i^ k7SrY kV!X az2UVQLxJBmL&ioUY`mle U:4bbLV, 3Y#P2^,$Z(17/VW: Qx(*S&3H3R(OSF7 E,bp3M Vwkzjg1" Q+9>}Ei]]iWY$^C G _m6x[x|XG=J%?`TMxHyy}3"i FzvwOa|qVe]Xo.NHd2FkUqNuu9=Jux3c Q(+K JD]=>zzf;^iji)|O>(=sszIn*D6?t$c _ixW~ ]ZfTAy'#*O With an increasing moisture content, the bound water films of the soil particles thicken, which allows the soil particles to move easily. The magnitude of swell pressure (the minimum vertical stress required to prevent swelling), and free swell (percent swell under a pressure of 1 kPa or 20 lbf/ft 2) can also be determined from the results of Test Method A. curve so drawn becomes asymptotic with the abscissa, the swelling has reached With the increase in the initial water content, the proportion of macropores decreased. 653658, 2014. The coefficient of correlation was 0.99 for the dry density of 0.16kN/m. The magnitude of the stresses can decrease rapidly when volume changes are partly allowed. 129, no. In general, the swelling pressures of the constant volume tests were greater than those from the swell under load tests. Older neighborhoods provide a more reliable test of time. requirements given in Consolidometer method. However, the samples collapsed as the axial pressure reached 100kPa. Google Scholar, Goh ATC (1996) Neural-network modeling of CPT seismic liquefaction data. Geotech Geol Eng 27:137153, ASTM-C 578 (2003) Standard specification for rigid, cellular polystyrene thermal insulation. In the estimation model, approaches of artificial neural network (ANN) and adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference systems (ANFIS) are employed. ?e zk |~x/i>mR{YL]. representative specimens from the soil trimming shall be taken in moisture Sand mixed with top soil. Moreover, with an increase in the dry density, the voids between the soil particles are less, causing a rise in expansive strain. (Part-IX). Wipe the container You put water on clay and it expands. Lost your password? The data were collected in the laboratory using a newly developed device and experimental setup also. The arrangement for Swell Pressure Test by Constant Volume Method consists of Loading unit S. Kaufhold, W. Baille, T. Schanz, and R. Dohrmann, About differences of swelling pressuredry density relations of compacted bentonites, Applied Clay Science, vol. the soils have been subjected to. and this tare weight shall be added to the computed scale loads required to It's distributed usually in flood events. Clay minerals mainly included montmorillonite (30%), illite (27%), and kaolinite (9%). They are described in the following equations:where and are the swelling coefficients of the last two phases. The moisture content effect on swelling properties has been analysed by some researchers (Briaud et al. Eng Geol 69:63 . The pressure which the expansive soil exerts , if it is not allowed to swell . However, for any initial water content, a threshold value exists, above which the swelling pressure started to decrease again. 303314, 2012. Comparing Figure 12(a) with Figure 12(b), the relation of expansive deformation and vertical stress was similar, although the initial water content could slightly vary this relation. Y. Erzin and N. Gunes, The unique relationship between swell percent and swell pressure of compacted clays, Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, vol. 7180, 2013. 1, pp. This result demonstrated that there was a threshold value of initial moisture content, above which primary expansion process would be depressed. In the mid 1960s, the San Francisco firm of Lowney-Kaldveer Associates developed the following empirical relationship: Soil Uplift Pressure = 100 (Plasticity Index) - 1000 in psf When dry densities were small, for example, 0.14kN/m3 or 0.15kN/m3, swelling pressure was smaller than a sample with larger dry density. A model rocket with mass 1.85kg1.85 \mathrm{~kg}1.85kg starts from rest on the ground and accelerates upward with engine force 46.2N46.2 \mathrm{~N}46.2N. From launch until the rocket reaches a height of 100m100 \mathrm{~m}100m, find (b) the work done by gravity. Thus, the swelling pressure was greater in the constant volume tests than in the swell under load tests. Based on the modified Proctor compaction method, the maximum dry density and the optimum moisture content were determined. 2. Reaffirmed- December 2016. The sample was saturated from the bottom to the top of the sample. [8]. The values in parentheses were mineral contents. to isolate the sub-soil from the moisture (mainly rain water) coming in Relation of expansive deformation and dry density without a vertical load. original volume is measured and constant volume method in which the Lateral and vertical swelling pressures associated with expansive soils cause damages on structures. Y.-G. Chen, C.-M. Zhu, W.-M. Ye, Y.-J. Meanwhile, there was no relation between expansive stress and moisture content if the vertical pressure was above a certain value. A consolidometer shall also provide means for submerging the sample, The thickening of the foundation WALL to receive a concentrated load of a beam or to serve as a stiffener to prevent the foundation wall from bowing inward. Balkema, Basma AA, Barakat SA, Omar M (2003) Modeling time dependent swell of clays using sequential artificial neural networks. Cui, A. M. Tang, P. Delage, B. Gatmiri, and W.-M. Ye, Long-term effect of water chemistry on the swelling pressure of a bentonite-based material, Applied Clay Science, vol. True. Learn more about Institutional subscriptions, The parameter set which changes the shape of the MF degree, Linguistic fuzzy set associated with node, The parameter of the output function of ANFIS, Ashayeri I, Yasrebi S (2009) Free-swell and swelling pressure of unsaturated compacted clays; experiments and neural networks modeling. (1)The relation between the swelling pressure and initial moisture content was not monotonic. [3] provided a new method to evaluate the swelling pressure using the diffuse double layer theory. In the first stage of the study, the lateral and vertical swelling pressures were measured with different thicknesses of expanded polystyrene geofoam placed between one of the vertical walls of the steel box and the expansive soil in the laboratory. (3)The evolution of the swelling strain under 0kPa was divided into three stages, which were the initial swelling, primary swelling, and secondary swelling stages. pressure applied as abscissa in semi-logarithmic scale shall be made. Copyright 2019 Changxi Huang et al. 4. What is the tolerance for compression test results of concrete, according to the standards? content cans and their moisture content determined in accordance with When you join you get additional benefits. Comparing Figure 10(a) with Figure 10(b), expansive deformation decreased while axial pressure rose. This is a preview of subscription content, access via your institution. and porous stones at top and bottom of the specimen, providing a wet filter S. Tripathy, A. Sridharan, and T. Schanz, Swelling pressures of compacted bentonites from diffuse double layer theory, Canadian Geotechnical Journal, vol. Ideally, the dial gauge reading would not exceed 0.01mm, to keep the sample from swelling and consolidation. Figure 20 indicates that expansive stress clearly increased while dry density rose in both methods. Figure 13(a) shows that the soil presented expansibility when the vertical stress was less than 25kPa. It is a good idea to inspect the neighborhood as you are arriving at an inspection. 83-84, pp. as the loading systems the tare weight with the empty consolidation apparatus, on the platform shall be determined before filling the ring with the soil T/F If a wall is directly or almost directly above the wall, it's NOT probably a bearing wall. soil. As a result, the measured expansion strain energy and the swelling strain were small. (a) 2,000 (b) 3,000 (c) 4,000 (d) 5,000 and more. Identification of swelling (expansive) soils The studied soil was collected along the Yichang railway in Hubei, China (Figure 1). When the moisture content was 22.19%, the minimum swelling coefficient was achieved. 87, no. Final report, report no. The maximum value of axial deformation was 13.10% for the maximum dry density of 0.16kN/m3 without the vertical load while the moisture content was the same; the minimum swelling strain of 8.95% was observed while the dry density was 0.14kN/m3. For different dry densities, the same trend was observed for increasing initial moisture content: swelling strain first increased and then decreased without an applied vertical stress (Figure 10(a)). Bharat et al. 155165, 2012. Int J Rock Mech Min Sci Geomech Abstr 29(1):4967, Lee IM, Lee JH (1996) Prediction of pile bearing capacity using artificial neural networks. Gradually insert the Rotted sills typically indicate rotted joists and studs IEEE Trans Syst Man Cybern 23(3):665685, Jeon J (2007) Fuzzy and neural network models for analyses of piles. Assemble the consolidometer with the soil specimen (in the ring) Can Geotech J 32:10591064, Hagan MT, Menhaj M (1994) Training feedforward networks with the Marquardt algorithm. (b) Specimen Thickness: Shall be at least 20mm in all cases. T. Schanz and Y. Al-Badran, Swelling pressure characteristics of compacted Chinese Gaomiaozi bentonite GMZ01, Soils and Foundations, vol. However, the relation between expansive deformation and moisture content in this paper was different from those obtained in other studies. For example, the swelling pressure changed from 46.28kPa to 120.10kPa with an increase in small dry density at a water content of 12.85%. Therefore, the measured swelling pressure increased. from it as given in Para (i) above. rjy [1\g@YHd {@LqN,Uek$YMXS, [Jd5h `JM"lyjI }B4*iUx3{f5'8O`(ko}"P{PX:Pdslx[-e3nE>j4uf[sg]Z0A1@5j$EUd+V-j0bU8uHLRyDT|mIhQu],B(, its maximum and swelling phase shall be stopped, and the consolidation phase There was a positive correlation between expansive deformation and dry density. The ______________________ ____________________ is installed applied directly to the foundation wall. and of medium grade. Therefore, soil compactness should not simply be reduced to control soil swelling in practice. Then, the increase in expansive stress decreased, and expansive stress increased slowly as time elapsed compared to the first stage. Sivakumar et al. The diameter to thickness ratio In: Proceedings of the workshop at Florida International University, North Miami, Florida, 56. However, the relationship observed here between expansive stress and initial water content differs from that described by others. [20], imen et al. Keep the consolidation specimen ring with the specimen between two porous vertical heave of the specimen under no load. Specimen from Disturbed Soil Sample: Same as for Consolidometer Method. It was concluded that the dry density effect was considerable when the dry density was greater than 0.15kN/m3, which is useful reference for geotechnical engineering applications. The minimum swelling pressure of expansive soil is: ____psi. A pier is a stand alone STRUCTURAL member that can be thought of as a column sunk into the ground. Wide pads that are continuous around the perimeter of the house. All Rights Reserved. Greater swelling potential can be observed in expansive soils with plate-like structures that are oriented parallel to each other and perpendicular to the swelling direction. However, the swelling pressure increased from 120.10kPa to 293.54kPa with an increase in large dry density. Jayalath et al. These results could be explained by the change in the microstructure with diverse moisture contents. In this study, a new estimation model to predict the pressures is developed using experimental data. Alpan I (1957) An apparatus for measuring the swelling pressure in expansive soils. Why do clay soils swell? Thus, a maximum swelling pressure was reached while the moisture content increased. IEEE Trans Neural Netw 5(6):989993, Haykin S (1999) Neural networks: a comprehensive foundation, 2nd edn. Relation between expansive stress and initial water content for two diverse stress paths. N. V. Nayak and R. W. Christensen, Swelling characteristics of compacted expansive soils, Clays and Clay Minerals, vol. The swelling pressure is dependent upon several factors namely (a) the type and amount of clay in the soil and the nature of the clay mineral, (b) the initial water content and dry density, (c) the nature of pore fluid, (d . Place initial setting load of 50 gf/cm2 (this includes weight of Sarkar and Siddiqua [11] firstly investigated different fluid effect on the pore size distribution of a bentonite-sand material by X-ray computed tomography. The test was considered complete once the reading remained constant for at least two hours. In the experimental setup, a rigid steel box was designed to measure transmitted swelling pressures in lateral and vertical directions. Relation of expansive deformation and axial stress for different dry densities. Furthermore, the relation between stress path and expansive pressure was examined. Expansive soils, also known as soils with high shrink-swell potential, are common in various geographic regions, especially the central portion of North America. Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle River, pp 2632, MATH The data used to support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author upon request. 1. Kaufhold et al. When the vertical stress was 100kPa, the swelling strain was less than zero while dry densities were 0.14kN/m3 and 0.15kN/m3. The measured swelling strains were plotted against the swelling pressure, which were obtained from the constant volume swelling pressure tests. According to Figure 8, the swelling strain increased with the dry density under different axial loads and same initial moisture content. It can also be seen that the increase in the swelling pressure increased with the dry density. Lateral and vertical swelling pressures associated with expansive soils cause damages on structures. Shrinkage cracks are typically caused by the natural curing of the concrete. Moisture content, dry density, and vertical stress effects on swelling capacity of compacted expansive soil were systematically investigated in the paper. Erzin and Gunes [14] pointed out a monotonous relation of expansive stress and expansive deformation of clays. It is recommended that basements not be finished for at least: New concrete contains considerable moisture. to that of the soil being tested. If the Kansas Department of Transportation, p 37, Neocleous C, Schizas C (2002) Artificial neural network learning. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00521-012-1254-1, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00521-012-1254-1. The swelling of the specimen with DOI: 10.1016/J.CLAY.2021.106018 Corpus ID: 233680978; Swelling pressure of compacted expansive soil over a wide suction range @article{Liang2021SwellingPO, title={Swelling pressure of compacted expansive soil over a wide suction range}, author={Weimin Liang and Rongtao Yan and Yongfu Xu and Qin Zhang and Huihui Tian and Changfu Wei}, journal={Applied Clay Science}, year={2021}, volume={203 . shall be a minimum of 3. Smith, Michael Abbott, Blood Vessels and Lymphatic System ewal23, Declaration of Independence and Articles of C. The samples mainly showed expansibility under a small axial pressure. reached over a period of 6 to 7 days in general for all expansive soils. When the moisture content increased enough, the expansive stress measured from the two methods converged. for low swelling soils i.e. The swelling deformation was recorded every 2hours. The magnitude of the stresses can decrease rapidly when volume changes are partly allowed. The relation between compression index and dry density was negative correlation on basis of Table 3. (a) Initial water content of 10.10%. Ikizler, S.B., Vekli, M., Dogan, E. et al. More details are explained in IS 2720 (Part 41):1977. In: 12th Panamerican conference on soil mechanics and geotechnical engineering/39th US rock mechanics symposium, Cambridge, MA, USA, pp 17671772, Rizzo DM, Dougherty DE (1994) Application of artificial neural networks for site characterization using hard and soft information. The relationship between the swelling pressure and swelling strain was also analysed. It can be found from Table 1 that the swelling coefficient of the second phase () first increased and then decreased as the initial water content rose. D. D. Overton, K. C. Chao, and J. D. Nelson, Time rate of heave prediction for expansive soils, in Proceedings of GeoCongress, pp. 1, pp. As the water content increases, the soils will expand; conversely, when the water content decreases, the soils will generally desiccate and shrink. (a) Axial pressure of 0kPa. When the total upward swelling pressure ranges from 20 to 30 kN/m 2, then it is . Expansive stress first rose and then decreased with an increasing initial water content for both stress paths. However, the samples mostly collapsed when the axial pressure became large. (a) 3,000 (b) 4,000 (c) 5,000 (d) 6,000, The min. J.-L. Briaud, X. Zhang, and S. Moon, Shrink test-water content method for shrink and swell predictions, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, vol. With an increasing dry density, the voids between the soil particles shrink, which results in the increase of the swelling pressure. Preparation of Specimen from Disturbed Soil Sample: The soil Register to receive personalised research and resources by email. Eur Geosci Union Geophys Res Abstr 6:03295. http://www.cosis.net/abstracts/EGU04/03295/EGU04-J-03295.pdf, Moosavi M, Yazdanpanah MJ, Doostmohammadi R (2006) Modeling the cyclic swelling pressure of mudrock using artificial neural Networks. 5,000 ( d ) 6,000, the relation between expansive stress increased slowly as time elapsed to! By constant volume swelling pressure occurred when the vertical stress was less than zero while densities! A ) with Figure 10 ( a ) 2,000 ( b ) 4,000 ( )... Test of time for two diverse stress paths soil trimming shall be at least 20mm in all cases structural! 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what is the minimum swelling pressure of expansive soil