April 2


project looking glass'' bill wood interview

Well maybe crematoriums would fall under the category of Refuse Collection. If so, what is it in our future that they are suppressing so much? Our recommendations on other lightworker sites. And, the law allowing for establishment of these camps is the 111th Congress, 1st Session,H. R. 645 dated January 22, 2009. The targets they were destroying were not military facilities. So to fight this blatant censorship and if you want to continue following the content that I publish, please subscribe to my newsletter upon visiting this site. [] So whoever uses the Yellow Cube can, theoretically, see probable outcomes as a result of specific actions. SEE AND JOIN MY TELEGRAM CHANNEL In responsibility, there is no. (Read more), Whats Actually Happening with Chemtrails? The only problem with this is that the attacks were conducted from 1992-2000. The cookie settings on this website are set to "allow cookies" to give you the best browsing experience possible. Camelot on Telegram. Have you see Kevins video, Lisa? Moreover, this blog is massively censored by Google. Wood is an ex-Navy Seal specializing in string theory, and his information about Project Looking Glass was mind-blowing . Remote viewing and Project Looking Glass are few of the most suppressed technologies out there. one love and peace. He was given a drink and that was his last memory until the age of nine. 1:12:35 and now we have the looking glass technology that is telling us (that God wins in the end, the mass awakening). As the censorship increases on YouTube and channels are being deleted, please follow me on Bitchute if they take down my channel. Lisa is an excellent interviewer. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CgtXjRwtfyE. shell: { They cannot seem to realize the game is up. This is my perspective now Im not sure that Trump is a white hat anymore since Ive recently connected the dots about him. Until you KNOW of the EVIL, you cannot FIX it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MUwH3qT3fmY. You can use Patreon. Courtney Brown, Ph.D., is an associate professor of Political Science at Emory University (excerpt from his bio as it appeared in his book Cosmic Voyage (1996). He called them soft targets, in that they did not have either military or strategic purposes. Creation, preservation, transformation = love building, love preserving, love dissolving = inbreath, pause, outbreath = rajas, sattwa, thamas (gunas) = Akar, Ukar, Makar (Aum) = Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva (Trimurthy). background: '#f1f0f8', I am heartened by the message of hope that you bring. This is my clarion call to all of humanity to embrace love, to embrace truth, to embrace peace, Build what is divinely beautiful. Interview with Self Proclaimed Ex Navy Seal Bill Wood about Project Looking Glass and other Black Ops -- Note that some things (or all) discussed could be total misinformation/disinformation. Plandemic Censorship: Are We Living In Orwells 1984? } Many spiritual sources like Princess Nakamaru and Dolores Cannon have said that the planet and some people would ascend to the 5th dimension. Bill Wood : Above & Beyond Project Looking Glass: An interview with an ex-Navy Seal This is an interview with an ex-Navy Seal, who, during the years 1992-2000 was sent on top secret bombing missions in the Middle East, predominantly in Iraq. The references, quotes, and content from external sources on this website are correct to the best of my own knowledge at the time of publication. project camelot Bill Wood Kerry Cassidy conducted her first two interview with Bill Wood in an uncharacteristically restrained and "allowing" style, but that has now devolved into epic nastiness, which is worth wondering about. Truth shall prevail us all.. An attempt was made to look into the future, but no concrete data was able to be received past the infamous date of December 21st, 2012, suggesting that this date is a nexus point in time, whereby either timeline one or timeline two would gain momentum. (stillnessinthestorm.com), Burisch suggested that the positive timeline had an over 80% likelihood of coming to fruition and since today, we are nine years beyond that date in 2012 and no major cataclysms have occurred, we are most likely well entrenched in the positive timeline. (stillnessinthestorm.com). 1:10:54 Free will could always shift the future. 2:03:39 Thats the big secret.[..] true with me, amidst so much confusion of channellers, ETs and prophets of doom, you are one of the few that ordinary people like me can relate to. Through the years I have followed the story, wanting to believe, but waiting for some fact to disprove Adairs testimony. Pat: Pay especial attention to the last 45 minutes, starting at 1:46. David T Adair is an Engineering Genius! AsForbesmagazine wrote: Are these technologies suppressed because they predict our future? Mars could be reached in a day and they could go anywhere in the Solar System. I will guide you. I will help you. We took the opportunity to focus on the spiritual implications of the information gained through his experience with project looking glass. (Jesus through Linda Dillon, Heart Call, Sept. 19, 2020.). In a fit of emotional rage Wood beat the man up so bad he almost died. He saw that in 2020 people were isolated and communicated with relatives and others by technology showing with his hands that its the same as they had this talk via technology. The targets they were destroying were not military facilities. Any chance there is a written transcript available, somewhere, so this interview can be heard by those who are hearing impaired? If you resonate with Bill Wood whose real name is Brockbrader, you should take a look at hisFace Book group. Time travel. Project Camelot - Final Excerpt from interview with ex -SEAL Bill Wood. Alien Interview Of EBE3 Was Released In 2016. 2:08:44 And according to Bill Wood, this timeline is the awakening process. Thanks. However, those trained remote viewers started experimenting on more interesting targets than seeing behind the Kremlin walls and began to examine the UFO phenomenon. This theory is mindblowing. How many knew about the dangers of vaccines? (Archangel Michael, Personal Reading, June 17, 2020. Re your interview with Bill thank you so much Lisa! behavior: 'all' Yes many of us are hearing impaired. After the age of 14 his memory is lost again. Bill Wood Interview about Project Looking Glass You might like Related news coverage Bill Wood's Full Interview with Kerry Cassidy in 2010 'Above & Beyond Project Looking . According to Courtney Brown in his book Cosmic Voyage (1996), the original purpose of training these remote viewers, or psychic warriors, as Brown calls them was to remotely spy on the perceived enemies of the U.S. Free energy devices would revolutionize the current world economy and society and the Bad Guys would loose control. Especially of interest to those new to these subjects. thanks, would love to know how you know that. The way things are, so I explainedit. Although Ingo Swann was not a scientist, his protocols was the early version of the remote-viewing protocols used by the U.S. military (Everybodys Guide to Natural ESP: Unlocking the Extrasensory Power of Your Mind, 1991). You are important to this mass awakening of humanity. Here is the list of categories: Catering Services; Temporary Fencing and Barricades; Hand Washing Stations; Laundry Services; Medical Services; Office Trailers / Administration Area; Potable Water; Power Generation; Fuel Delivery / Supply & Electrical Distribution; Refuse Collection; Shower and Toilet Units; Tentage, Flooring, Electrical & HVAC/ECU; Waste Water Removal. Please visit the - ADVERTISEpage for rates and details. He is a PHONY STEALIN VALORNot a real Navy SEAL .!!! Find out how this highly trained young man and his team were coerced by the military into purposely destroying villages and creating future terrorists as part of a plan that would ultimately serve their dark purpose, the war on terror and 911. As the U.S. was not at war with Iraq during those years, this is State Sponsored Terrorism! Press Esc to cancel. Watch on Brighteon from 1:05:02 hour mark by clicking on the highlighted channel name Brighteon, as WordPress wont allow me to embed a video from this platform. Cassidy then asked him, if the elite know of this future, why are they continuing to try to protect themselves from it? Otherwise the Powers That Be would continue to the next level of destruction of the United States. He claims that this interest in remote viewing began within the CIA in the 1970s. Thats the big secret. Wood also said a good telescope could see things on the Moon and Mars that are man-made. As he put it in his last words of the video: The Oath Keepers want to create a petition to force the impeachment, if not jail, of those treasonous government officials who passed the Defense Authorization Act 2011. We are living during historical times of great transformation. In summary, theres a huge awakening of humanity on planet Earth and we, the conspiracy theorists, nut jobs are providing the spoiler alerts to the awakening humanity. - NLH. If you click on the title of the movie, youll be able to watch it. Thank You Therefore the planet would either cease to exist or ascend to another dimension where the measure of time is different. It is a declaration not an assertion, that is, it is a context from which one chooses to live. Lisa we love you..x x, p.s. However, we are not aware about the war going underground or in the sky. However in order to make informed opinions, I am a firm believer that one should hear everything that is out in the public sphere. November 27, 2013David Adairalien spacecraft,Area 51,Centerburg Ohio,Colonel Williams,Curtis LeMay,David Adair,Electromagnetic fusion containment engine,fastest rocket engine on Earth,government coverup,NASA,rockets,Space,symbiotic engine,technology transfer,UFO. Used extensively by so-called psychic spies during the Cold War for classified military projects, it has a long history both as an intelligence gathering tool and as the subject of research and applications in the civilian world., Courtney Brown, Ph.D., defines remote viewing as, the mental ability to perceive and describe places, persons, or events at distant locations in the past, present, and future. According to Wilcock, they have been using this technology at least since the 1940s. And there is much, much more evil that did not happen. These Midwayers are assigned to Earth to assist humans in matters dealing with human spiritual evolution. (Cosmic Voyage, 1996), They are not extraterrestrials as they are permanently based on earth, but they are not human in the physical either. Its title is Thats Life by the Scorz (Armada Music). All they were interested in is the NWO/Illuminati/conspiracy theory stuff. ***Apology for video quality as this video has been mirrored a lot, and the quality is very poor.Did you know that according to an article from Investigation Discovery, in 1998 he was found guilty of three counts of sexual offense against a minor and sentenced to 11 years in prison, but only served three years behind bars for good behavior. } Jan contacted the radio station and asked the radio show host to send an email on her behalf toDavid Adairso that she could question him about his relationship with her father. Anyone who knew Jan could tell you that she could spot BS a mile away, and wouldnt sit quietly for it. It is up to each of us to see past this elaborate illusion to the truth that this was all a lesson in duality and it is almost over. Bill Wood : Above & Beyond Project Looking Glass: An interview with an ex-Navy Seal, https://projectcamelotproductions.com/interviews/bill_wood/bill_wood.html, Project Camelot; Bill Wood; Above & Beyond Project Looking Glass - Mandela Effect Explanation, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PGPqLX9XYbk, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c_q59O9k8SQ&t=2476s, http://www.CCCPublishing.com http://www.BradOlsen.com http://www.HowWeird.org, & , : http://theoptimizedtribe.com, The True Great Awakening, [23.01.21 13:01] Building, anchoring, and restoring hope, trust and Love within the human community. READ THE BOOK Thanks for the memories by Taylor Bryce (Cathy OBrien). Cassidy, of 'Project Camelot', whom we interviewed extensively for the film 'PACKING FOR MARS', conducted an interview with a whistleblower called Bill Wood. It was also used to see the probabilities of future events (monkeyandelf.com). more information Accept. And no decision and no possibility changed past a certain point. If ANYONE WANTS to KNOW what BILL is talking about that people cannot except. You Are Now Subscribed. This computer somehow uses string theory to determine the possibilities of possible futures. Bill realizes, and you as well, that everything that is going on is all leading up to our spiritual evolution. (Awaken_Now Bitchute channel). Los Angelles, CA. As while I understood Kerrys point of view, I was so uncomfortable for Bill and just knew he had something Ive never heard to say around human spiritual growth. sgtreport.com refers to Mike Adams video which I mentioned earlier. Overview of a U.S. Navy Seal Seeking information is Light Work. If the aliens appear and share technology and spiritual information, people will then be forced to focus on a main concern related to their own existence. live: true, summarize the situation. So if possible, please let him know he is welcome to join us. An interview with an ex-Navy Seal who during the years 1992-2000 was sent on top secret bombing missions in the Middle East, predominantly in Iraq. If we dont buy into that fear and accept that there is really nothing that we know is going to happen [] that makes the convergence of timelines as naturally as possible. (Bill Wood), 2:19:29 According to Bill Wood, what we currently experience is a chess game between two master chess players and the loser can only prolong the game. Project Looking Glass According to Health Ranger Report situation update (March 30, 2021), Project Looking Glass is an exotic technology that allows scientists who are working with the U.S. government to essentially see the future, or more accurately, they can calculate probabilities of future events or future timelines occurring. God bless you, Bill Wood.an extraordinary man, so important to our times.thank you so much. This interview is also fabulous more food for my disclosure group (we have been discussing Quantum Jumping and the timelines) and I am so excited and inspired, as ALL of your questions were ones I wanted answered! The Google closed captioning on you tube is awful and garbles much. Rumble 28 Jan 2022. I have heard that aliens and maybe other spiritual beings will reveal themselves to people this year and possible reveal about Earths impending 5D ascension, which could no doubt lead to the convergence of peoples duality lessons as people of this planet are forced to concentrate and focus on their duality/spiritual lessons to prepare for earths ascension. According to Bill Hamilton, a consulting senior programmer-analyst who served in the Air Force (USAF Security Service) (v-j-enterprises.com), a UFO investigator and author,With regard to LG (Looking Glass): As I understand it, this device (at least 3 to 4 years ago) could not focus on a detailed sequence of activities in the future. For example, if one were to look back to the time of Jesus crucifixion, if the person doing so was an atheist, they may not see anything at all. I have a friend in Portland Oregon who is almost deaf. What is that pattern? It seems that they removed all mentions of this specific technology. All opinions published on this website are solely my own. I urge you to watch this incredible talk here: I would like to end this article with a track that I recently listened to and I feel its very relevant to our extremely chaotic times. 2000 Mules, a documentary film created by Dinesh DSouza, exposes the widespread, coordinated voter fraud in the 2020 election, sufficient to change the overall outcome. They were not letting him talk about the spiritual aspect of 2012. She was a highly intelligent and articulate woman who had visited thetop secretoffices ofStrategic Air CommandHeadquarters on family days as a child, since her father was a senior ranking officer ofStrategic Air Command. Their mission was to infiltrate North Iraq and other Middle East positions, to get close enough to see targets. So maybe they are on the list after all. Then I metJan Williams, daughter ofColonel Bailey Arthur Williams(USAF Ret.). This program grinds us up until we see the light. Its an evolution of consciousness (ascension) that cannot and will not no matter what decisions or possibilities are injected into the equation, it all resolves to one (scenario) which is coming to the truth. But by God. Project Looking Glass Reloaded: Can We Save The World? We dive into the darkness of duality. ORIGINAL BILL WOOD AKA BILL BROCKBADER INTERVIEW, BANNED AND CENSORED ON YOUTUBE, TWITTER, LINKEDIN AND INSTAGRAM Greaterreality.com shares remote viewing protocols which you can learn and test. Thank you for you Intuitive knowledge in moving us all forward in the moment of truth.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=59J7DPlKwLU&feature=related, https://www.hearinglossweb.com/Issues/Access/Captioning/Internet/mag/mag2.htm, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MUwH3qT3fmY, https://www.charlesfrith.com/2012/02/bill-brockbrader-evidence-testimony-of.html. And that he doesnt have to be at our weekly meetups in Kona, as I am creating a way that everyone who has joined from around the world can be part of the process of bringing in the new 5D world coherently within each of us. Bill Wood's Full Interview with Kerry Cassidy in 2010 'Above & Beyond Project Looking.. News video on One News Page on Friday, 28 January 2022. . All the proceeds go to support our work, pay the speaker fees and pay the support staff to make such events possible. The Alliance is INTENTIONALLY Destroying the CABAL-Controlled EconomyBut A New Development Will Bring Us Back from the Brink, CLAIM: The Alliance is Rescuing Children from Deep State Pedophile Tunnels, Red Cross Ships Mercy and Comfort are More Than They Seem, Listen to music proven to reduce stress and anxiety by 65%, 4 Key Steps of Discernment Advanced Truth-Seeking Tools, with the error and suggested correction, along with the headline and url, https://northwestlibertynews.com/contact/, Looking Glass, Zeitlinien und so viel mehr | AVA Sabine. 2:04:41 From a time beyond December 21, 2012, nothing could be manipulated. Best of Bill's interview. I would sincerely like to thank everyone who contributes to my channel. thomas and alba tull; virginia barber wife of hugh o'brian. monkeyandelf.com provides more illustrations of Project Looking Glass. He explains that from 2012, no matter what choices we (humanity as a collective) make, it doesnt have an effect on a particular timeline that is set. Because were all in this together irrespective of religion, gender, culture, or belief system. background: '#b9b5db', What he does know is that his parents took him to a hardware store where he was tested on a puzzle that a strange woman used to choose him. Wood went on to say that Duncan had been told his super abilities came from the implant as well as the training. Wood and his Oath Keepers group realized this was the last act to destroy the U.S. Constitution and he went to Kerry Cassidy of the Internets Project Camelot and was interviewed on tape. Thank you Lisa for being so open and gentle in this interview, it was exactly what was neededBoth of you are brave individuals who are willing to step up and speak from your heart.thank youblessings and love sent your way. Bill Wood/Brockbrader The virus is non-terrestrial beings. Insiders Expose COVID-19 Coronavirus: Medical Professionals Agree That Coronavirus Pandemic is Essentially a Myth. He talks about Project Looking Glass, and the 2012 problem. Thank you for sharing what you know. They think that we cannot affect our reality and move to a positive timeline for the good of humanity. 2:11:02 Bill Wood says that he thought back then when he was in the military that it was the end of the world. Cassidy was actually worried the helicopters could disrupt the video recording by use of an Electromagnetic Pulse. Mike Adams goes further and explains that there are multiple possible futures and free will is the method by which we choose which future actually materializes. (Health Ranger Report situation update on March 30, 2021). Courtney Brown revealed that non-physical entities he calls Midwayers, a group of subspace beings who originated from The Urantia Book, were the target of a remote viewers team that wanted to investigate this group. He believed that dozens if not hundreds of space flight capable vehicles were in the Fleet. PROJECT LOOKING GLASS Unknown Live Q&A: PROJECT CAMELOT : BILL WOOD LIVE Q&A A LIVE 3 hour marathon Q & A with Kerry Cassidy, David Wilcock and Bill Ryan and the audience of some 3,000 viewers this version has been edited to begin without delay from technical issues in the beginning. 2:09:58 When Kerry Cassidy asked him to verify whether all different types of looking glass devices, systems, were shut down, he says that yes, because they all came to the same timeline. It would be hidden from the United States within Area 51 (monkeyandelf.com). contact Daniel. Bill Wood was a member of Navy Seal Team 9, with three teams of three men. Best of Bills interview. Kerry Cassidy is an extremely smart woman -. Cheers, To know the truth is easy you just have to feel something from the heart. Military that it was the end of the EVIL, you should take look! 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