April 2


can you love someone again after hating them

The thing is, I think I get so upset when Im drunk and I end up hurting him to hurt myself. He fears that another depression like that will keep occurring, and although I cant technically promise such a thing, I keep reassuring him that Im not depressed anymore. He wanted me back just as much as I wanted to be with him as well. Can i pleasr get sime advice on how can i bring back my sons mothers feelings back so she can love me the way i do, i want us to stay together as a family, but apperently she had strong feelings for another man, what can i do to win her back, i am trying my all, i changed all my ways for. Fights are Volatile and Happen Often Every relationship has ups and downs, but not every relationship has frequent arguments. She cried a few tears as did I because I believe we wanted this to work out. Shes very ungrateful in our last meetings. He ended up hooking up with another girl twice. He said he sits in therapy and where before he would have cried, he just feels nothing. What do you think I should do? Many people develop mental health issues because they can't process these feelings. I made a mistake months ago when we had just started dating but he hasnt forgiven me since. he is my first boyfriend and he wanted to marry me prior to this new job promotion. Please check your local listings. Vicky, jealousy comes from a person feeling insecure inside himself. Hi Sue#1 I considered that cheating on me as well. Hes taking her back? So I we shopped for all that. The advances came from the other woman and its shameful to say that I did not resist it at the time because I was still emotionally conflicted given all that had happened. But i really wnat to be with him. It is also really good that you could figure out that part. this is not my friend, the person I fell in love with who was my biggest support, best friend and life partner. I feel lost and sad. My husband felt he had fulfilled his part but I was slacking with my end. She is the one ALWAYS calling and texting after warning me not to call her. All the msg i sent he reply back in one word . he said that he wants to break up and no communication at all. I knew her bc we went to school together. Thank you so much for responding and here goes. She would ignore me constantly, sometimes days at a time and was never there for me. Im so hurt right now. Not only that, we have two children together. So we are stuck in a weird situation where i want to be with her all the time, and i miss her a lot. I need help Should I end this ? Thank u for the advice . He needs help. (When she was heavy I loved her just as much! she learned to care about me deeply. THAT would require couples counseling. Im honored that so many people have posted but I cant get so quickly to each one. please, Hello, I have been in a relationship for five years with a man who has been my best friend for over a decade. I said things to him like right person, wrong circumstances, and I even told him I wished Id never met him. I have always known his potential and know deep down he is a genuine person which is why I am trying to make it work. It appears that he says he wants to try, but he isnt really even trying. I believe this happens to couples who are genuinely terrified of intimacy. Dr deb With that being said I was very controlling, checked his phone/email/facebook constantly, I didnt trust him and every girl he associated with I said he was trying to get with her. he even has blocked all contacts with me. She also hasnt asked for a divorce and I dont want one either. We cannot always show our true colors to the people at work, in the grocery store, or on the subway. She said she almost left, I mentioned that she has to stop reacting like that, because I too had wanted to hug her, just in more private setting than in line at Starbucks, I explained I wanted it to be a longer deep hug. but i really love him. :'( my boyfriend and I have been together for 4 years now. No support from family or anyone else. Because I think my expectations are that it should be happening already, faster than it is. He has walked away from all of them. This other lady is not an issue as she and I are friends and she js currently with her husband in another country. No youre right sorry I should have been a little more specific. Every since then Ive been focusing on myself and allowing myself to heal. Since Im Brazilian we decided to have our little ceremony there with my friends and family and his parents and sister, and having a second party here in Canada for his family and friends afterwards. Sometimes I feel as though he feels the same but we dont want to hurt each other and separate. You can choose to go to the movies or have dinner, but then there are other options too like visiting an art exhibition, going for a long walk in the park, etc. If you want to build an intimate and loving relationship, you and your spouse must be honest with each other about how you are feeling and what you want for the future of your relationship. Also he doesnt easily forgive when hurt. I know I have to be strong and not breakdown but am wondering if it normally takes 2 years or even longer? Hello, My problems is that we grew apart, hardly had any sex, didnt talk about things more than day to day stuff and were more like room mates in the past 3 years. Before that, I had told her my ex contacted me and I was transparent about the details of our conversation. I love this woman with my soul and I am broken up about her. We still live in the same house, sleep in the same bed, and we still have sex. In 2013 I went to a funeral with him I got a chance to be introduced to his family member all went well. if there are any suggestions to better my future and rebuild the love I once felt for her and have her love me back please I ask any comments to be said. Its precisely when we DONT know someone very well that we allow our imaginations to fill in the blanks. 4. So I decided to talk with him about his new woman. The fact that he is back and forth with you tells me that. She may may trying a way to get my attention. Now Monday, two days ago, they saw each other at therapy again. I must add I have never felt worthy of his love. My question is should I try to move on without her or do I continue to try and make things right? You could not have said it better. Also, I told him I dont do anything. I had to accept his new life abroad and now we are back together. He says hes sorry but the next day all the lies and fucking up will happen again. which he has acknowledged, he just says now that he can no longer ever love me again,but he loves me above everyone else in his life, and im beautiful and the perfect partner. Well Ive done everything i can think of to take back and fix what Ive done. Ive been working with my wife on repairing our marriage. Have there been arguments? her in 2 weeks time and spend the weekend with Wife dont have time to put in with all other thing.. I hurt and cry (even at work) when I stay away from him. Im sorry if you wrote me and I missed it last year. I realize I have questioned everything he does and turned around everything he said. You cannot respect the top until you have felt the bottom. You have to live with all the bad habits and annoying behaviors that you might once upon a time have found endearing. I have lost respect for my spouse for many reasons. It feels good to let them know you care and love them, but it will do the complete opposite and push them away. I find myself constantly looking at other men, and acknowledge them when they look at me and have considered just taking the leap and giving into my desires. He was manipulative, and probably a sociopath. Just recently, he went drinking with his friends, and he seemed depressed and distant, though he was going through some crisis. Be new, be interesting! Most days Im incapable of a clear or rational thought. I understand that. And i really do miss him so much always forever. Having an actual "we-spend-time-together" relationship with another person on the basis of love (romantic love, friendship love, parental love) requires giving up a little of your autonomy and personal freedom. We both still love each other immensely. If I should tell him, how would I assuage that conversation? The most obvious scenario in which you hate and love a person at the same time is one in which your love is not reciprocated. So he found some old messages from me and that other guy and he caught me in the lie. Then she had the nerve to tell me Im just warning you mike(my husband) is going to be pissed when I tell him about this so just be prepared. I Want to help him out to get out of this situation.. Plz help me I love him so much. I fell back into the same hole as 3 years ago. He has even threatened to call the police if I come by his house again, its like hes the devil now. Before I met him I had been in a 5 yr relationship that emotionally and mentally abused me, and before then, throughout my childhood and teenage years, id been abused the same way by my father. If she cant tell me that she loves me I am worried that counseling may not help. Im writing this to say that the advice on this website worked. So when be was at hos parents house I called him to ask when he was going to be home. I do therapy on Skype if that is of interest to you. she has said that she felt this way for almost 2 years. Despite the meds shes taking, reached orgasm for the first time since starting them. Working with a therapist may help you ease the pain and devastation you feel, as well as help you identify tools you already have to aid you in moving on and healing. Express your true feelings and show that you regret hurting your loved one. First he said he wanted a divorce now hes not sure. I lied about it twice and he just moved out, he at first said we were done forever, but the other day told my sister maybe after a month apart I might realize what I had an not jeopardize it again. I try at times msg him but no avail till a year later , i msg him , he finally reply. If I hurt him, Im sure my behavior could lead to hurting friends and family if I dont change for the better. I keep telling him that trust can be rebuilt and that I am going to try and be better person for myself, for him, for us and for his girls. she quickly deleted her status and called me right away but i didnt answer. Next day, that night, she called leaves a crying voicemail that her heart just cant give up on me yet, and wonders how I feel. Arguments were bad. I forgave him mainly because we werent together during that time, even tho it wasnt long. You must submit your life to Christ. That is no help. Confront them, because thats what love is. ad an abortion. She has said she now feels supported by me, which is different than before, but still no passion or intimacy. Not really sure what to doI want to keep trying but not sure how to go about it, he needs to talk it all out and get it out to let go of all the anger or try to but he just shuts me out and ignores me for days on end and has an attitude from hellI have said countless times that Im sorry and at times things seem totally normal and others its like weve never shared anything together or been in lovehelp. What do we, the ones feeling repentant, do when we cant do anything? (He has never been fully emotionally present because of his PTSD). That happens to be a bad idea but our society works that way. But his words also remind us that behind the clouds, the sun is always still shining. We planned to try several different things, but the first time we did this we brought another man in. The key is to not work with a psychodynamic therapist which will take 30 years. but yeah me being in contact was wrong . If so, THIS is the healing you must first work on. Turned out to be her leaving me and going to another guy 2 weeks later. He has never been married and had no kids. Hi Tim B. We had words and that was 4 months ago. This is exactly how I feel. This is serious! PostedMarch 27, 2018 Your irritation is going to make her bottle things more! They have a hard time understanding that they can love someone who isn't with them physically. He has a history of deleting chats, so thats all I found. He included her more & more into our lives; helping her whenever possible; wanting her presence in our family gatherings. the last three times he came home. He needs to show you that he is actively in therapy. I dont want to have it end and then face the same thing that he did Because i doubt hed get back together a 3rd time because he is a sensitive guy and doesnt want either of us to hurt again. Consider ending this relationship NOT your life. In July of 2015 my wife told me she no longer loves me and has lost the passion and the intimacy. My ex doesnt. Move on!! Now all his money just goes there and he gives me a little bit from each check. Allow this step the time it needs to unfold. Were 3 weeks now into our break but she has contacted me just to talk about finances, I could hear the frustration and anger. My husbands reasoning was better education opportunities for our daughters. 3 times, with one person. He wants to be with me but he thinks he will cheat on me again and again. I would give anything to go back to earlier this year and try again with his honesty. Did he want the acct so he can spend all his money on date nights,outings,and buying the new woman gifts. He feels that you wont put him out and he is beating you down. Hi Dr. Deb But during the time I dated my ex. I know I love her with every ounce of my being, but throughout the relationship, I managed to abuse her physically and mentally. Its like hes stalling to even try to make progress. If you find yourself dwelling on them, try to relax, breathe, and clear your mind. Since im not coming back if he doesnt. You do not need this. Regardless he needs help, I know that and He knows that. My new course will most likely help. Then a long distance relationship for 6 months and more recently a 4 month relationship. The therapist even gave him an opening to walk away, close the door forever. I feel horrible. Do think this would be a right choice to make? she said she cannot let go of what happened in the past and that is partially why she feels this way today. I resent him to the point where Im losing the love I have for him and I cant help it. I realize now I pushed him to do some things he did not want to do and did not respect or consider him like I should have. They took him to the police station to sober up and calmed down. It makes it hard to work toward reconciliation when she gives me little but fleeting hope and she still talks to Mr. perfect over in India. Constant crying. Her paychecks were never steady or reliable to pay our bills on time. Not searching for love but I fell for someone at my work place I kissed him a few times but no more but I told my husband I was leaving him that it wasnt because of the other guy . Another idea among the 15 ideas for a perfect first date is to dress to impress I drove her to all her appointments, paid for her lawyers, took her to and from work. We just argue so often though, that Im almost convincing myself that we arent right for each other when all I want is to be with him. We have 2 children. It is not on the surface. The key to a good relationship is being able to put yourself in someone elses shoes BEFORE you do something that you cant undo. Im not sure what to do at this point. He says hes changed and wants to be a better husband and father. He can do far better than me. She could barely bring herself to hug me and a kiss was not even possible. I am glad I came across this thread because I am having trouble fully trusting my boyfriend again. Hi im only 18 I know Im young, but 3 years ago I met this amazing girl. She told my wife. But before we started dating I was originally in a relationship with another man. It should had never happened and I did not tell her about it because I was too scared to loose her and I was scared I was gonna hurt and betray our trust. What does it explain? We talk about getting married in the future and we both know that we want to be long time life partners. And the reason is because of an argument we had gotten into before my son was born and we were on the brink of splitting up. My problem is that my bfriend can get very angry and says a lot of thinks that hurts and because he knows me it hurts bad. Im just very confused about how perceives our relationship. He keeps on saying I feel empty inside because you have hurt me before. I am now forced to move on without him and even though it hurts more than anything Ive ever felt..There is a small sense of relief..I no longer have to wait for him to hurt me anymore, much less see him day in and day out with the knowledge he thinks Im alot of bad things. I took up anger management that goes on for 8 weeks. Her attitude changed a lot. I met a guy you loved me from last 5 years but told me last year . So after a week of my parents seeing how miserable I was at home they let me move in with him, and when I went there it felt like he didnt want me there (he did not even help me unload my things) but I didnt care he was all I wanted. And we have a son who is almost 2 years old. On the other hand, your continued acceptance of him is actually coming across to him as a green light to continue his behavior no matter what he does. I just dont know how to make him understand why I cant and wont be vulnerable until I see a change in him so I wont get hurt again. Miraculously I found a job near hers and wanted to get an apartment together. Shes easily distracted and has difficulty having a serious discussion. He accepted complete blame for his actions, begged for forgiveness, completely cut her off. there was Cheating,verbal abuse, drug use, and been an absent and irresponsable father. It was so bad I needed to be put on medication for depression. My boyfriend and I have been together 4yrs. I would like to get some advice about my relationship with my partner of nearly 2 years. He will not see that if you are desperate. I know he still would like to spend the rest of his life with me. A month ago my husband and I were hanging out with a friend. Hell take me out on dates, cook me dinner, and most importantly, putting up with me no matter how much I seem to push him away. Hi, i met someone last year and we instantly clicked. I feel that I needed the space too for my own healing. It is normal for people to be attracted to someone of the opposite sex whom they dont know very well. If you realized your decision was admittedly selfish, lead with that. Those People Next Door By Kia Abdullah. And when I ask him why he says he doesnt know he wasnt thinking, and he wont ever do it again .When I explained this to my mom who has a degree in psychology just to get someones point of view she asked what changed in his life recently, and in the past year a lot has, he joined the army in January(which I supported him through it every step) he has had four very close friends/family that has passed away in this very year,and he couldnt come home for the funerals one he didnt even know about until months after then his mother told him on his happiest day (graduation from basic training), hes a only child and his mom is very not on board with him and I getting married so soon and so young, so theyre constantly arguing. 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can you love someone again after hating them