April 2


snowpack on mt san jacinto

Hikers should be prepared for temperatures generally below freezing in the high country, and well below freezing when considering wind chill effects (see below for my recent weather observations from San Jacinto Peak). Spikes are currently usefulthroughout the trail system above about 5000 ft, potentially lower in places. Spikes will likely become more increasingly useful over the next few days as established trails become consolidated by hiker traffic and undergo freeze-thaw cycles. Cold clouds in the high country produced thick rime on the trees above about 10,200 ft elevation on 1st December (photo from 2nd below) but otherwise no meaningful precipitation. South Ridge Trail has been broken from the top of South Ridge Road to Tahquitz Peak with a simple posthole track. On Monday 13th I also postholed the entire hike, as I was able to ascend barebooting to about 9200 ft before putting on crampons. Super Rare Avalanche on North Face of San Jacinto. Yesterday afternoon we checked Devils Slide trailhead at Humber Park, and measured an average snow depth of 26 inches. The high winds forecast did not materialize, although gusts up to 35 mph have been enough to cause very heavy drifting. At San Jacinto Peak (10,810ft/3295m) on Friday 6th January 2023 at 0930 the air temperature was 25.7F (-4C), with a windchill temperature of 14.7F (-10C), 44% relative humidity, and a chilly NNW breeze sustained at 5 mph gusting to 10.6 mph. Snow depths measured at various locations on the trail system are given at the foot of this posting. There are many ways to enjoy the snow in the San Jacinto Mountains, but snowshoeing is perhaps one of the most exhilarating. However the route is now largely well-traveled and compacted. The freeze level will initially be above 10,000 ft, ultimately only falling to about 9000 ft, so many of the main access trails to the high country may get no new snowfall. These storms are currently forecast to each produce at least ten inches of snow at the highest elevations and an inch or more of rain at mid elevations (e.g., in Idyllwild). The 0.4 mile section of South Ridge Trail between Chinquapin Flat/PCT and Tahquitz Peak [checked 9th January] has no steps to follow through the steeply angled icy snow. Schwartz, who has lived in more avalanche-prone areas of New York state and Vermont, said Sunday was her first time seeing an avalanche. This western side of the mountain was better protected from winds and drifting snow, and this track should largely survive until the weekend. Hikers should anticipate new treefall hazards in trails we have already found one major new one on the Ernie Maxwell Trail and also that tracks in snow may have been obscured by windblown drifting powder. They are now invaluable on heavily traveled, compacted, icy tracks (before they clear of snow in the coming weeks) such as Devils Slide, Ernie Maxwell, and Deer Springs trails, at least, especially mornings when conditions tend to be most icy, and for descending. Most significantly in terms of snow conditions daytime temperatures at all elevations will be well above freezing for about a week starting 20th. she said. A rapidly warming montane climate, with changes especially striking at high elevation, is exacerbating all of these issues. BEST SELLER. No fresh snow fell overnight, with storm totals of about nine inches at San Jacinto Peak and 0.5 inch in Idyllwild unchanged. Most days will be at least partly cloudy. Please check this page for periodic updates the most recent is at the top throughout the multiple day storm sequence. Reliable tracks are in place (at least) for Devils Slide Trail. See their announcement here. My blogging throughout the storms gave more day-to-day detail and is available here. "The biggest issue with the snow levels is the . Two more significant atmospheric river storm systems are forecast on Saturday 14th-Sunday 15th, and on 16th-18th. However, snowshoes will become increasingly useful as conditions warm sufficiently for snow to become soft above about 9000 ft, especially on sunny slopes and afternoons. The station is at an elevation of 2,600 feet in the San Jacinto Mountains. On 22nd for example I wore spikes down to about 7500 ft on Marion Mountain Trail, while on 27th I wore spikes down the Peak and Wellman trails and PCT down to 9000 ft. In addition to snowshoes, and as conditions change, spikes are strongly recommended for the foreseeable future everywhere above about 6000ft. Altitudes are approximate. PCT Mile 181.8 (9070 ft): 1-2 inches (was 6 inches on 9th), Deer Springs Trail at top of Marion Mountain Trail (8700 ft): 1-3 inches, Tahquitz Peak (north side trail, 8700 ft): 1-2 inches [measured 19th November], Tahquitz Peak (south side trail, 8500-8700 ft): 0-1 inch [measured 19th November], Long Valley (8600 ft): 0-1 inch (was 2-3 inches on 9th), Strawberry Junction (8100 ft): 0-1 inch (was approx. For the foreseeable future hikers should be prepared for temperatures below freezing in the high country, and well below freezing when considering wind chill effects (see below for my recent weather observations from San Jacinto Peak). Conversely on the afternoon of Tuesday 6th the ice was distinctly more watery, and I wore spikes from San Jacinto Peak down to Wellman Divide (9700 ft). Snowshoes can be used for ascending the highest peaks, but with considerable caution. PCT Mile 179.9 (8070 ft): <1 inch (was 3 inches on 9th), Devils Slide Trail at Humber Park (6550 ft): 0 inch (was 2.5 inches on 9th), Idyllwild (at 5550 ft): 0 inch (was <1 inch on 9th), [UPDATED 24th November: we took a brisk hike up and down Marion Mountain and upper Deer Springs trails to San Jacinto Peak early this morning. If camping in the Mt. The strange rollercoaster ride that has been winter 2022/23 so far will continue for the foreseeable future. I have typically postholed barebooting to 8900-9200 ft before putting on crampons. In the days since the storm, we have also surveyed trails around Tahquitz Peak, South Ridge, Spitler Peak, and Deer Springs, among others. Those systems are summarized here: Conditions will remain very unsettled throughout the second and third weeks of January. Crunchy layers as high as 9800 ft elevation told me it had rained that high at the start of the storm yesterday, but conversely there was very light snow (<1 inch) down to 5500 ft in Idyllwild. So, to see something like this happen is very rare.. All trails above about 5500 ft are largely snow-covered (wholly snow-covered above about 7000 ft). About six inches of snow fell at San Jacinto Peak (10,810ft) decreasing to 0.5 inch in upper Fern Valley (at c.6000 ft). Hikers should be prepared for temperatures near or below freezing in the high country, and generally well below freezing when considering wind chill effects (see below for my recent weather observations from San Jacinto Peak). WEATHER UPDATE 23rd December: forecasts have been shifting dramatically in recent days. Time of day, temperature, and sun exposure all have significant impacts on the nature of the snow, in turn changing the conditions underfoot, and hence both the hiking difficulty and the preferred traction device (if any). The total snow accumulation was ultimately very close to that forecast in the days immediately prior to the storm. On Fuller Ridge Trail there are five major treefall hazards obstructing the trail in the 1.5 mile section nearest to the campground (PCT Miles 189-190.5). They are not currently recommended for moderate angle slopes above 9000 ft that have challenging ice underlying shallow powder. Devils Slide Trail has a moderately traveled track to Saddle Junction. potentially dangerous) windchill temperatures. We surveyed the PCT where it crosses Highway 74 (approx. Long Valley (8600 ft) has added about two inches, where it continues to snow gently this morning. A double storm has been forecast as a possibility between Monday 28th November and Sunday 4th December. In Idyllwild both overnight low and daytime high temperatures will be more typical of late March or even April than of late December. 32mi . There is already a moderately traveled posthole track on Devils Slide Trail, and I was surprised to find that below 7000 ft some of the trail was already slushy simply due to relatively warm air temperatures as there was no direct sun. The Trail Report has adopted Seven Pines Trail as a priority for maintenance work as the trail has had a disproportionate number of lost hiker rescues in the past decade. 10 other mountain peaks closest to Mount San Jacinto Peak: 1. Idyllwild (at 5550 ft): 0-1 inch (0.5 inch hail/sleet plus 1.04 inch rain on 5th). Such warm conditions will soon be a distant memory. San Jacinto Peak (10810 ft): 6-8 inches (12-14 inches on 12th December), Little Round Valley (9800 ft): 8 inches (10-12 inches on 12th December), Wellman Divide (9700 ft): 0-2 inches (7 inches on 12th December), Annies Junction/approx. In fact on my hike to San Jacinto Peak on Monday 13th through steady morning snow I could barely tell the difference in snow depths from the previous week, as the few inches of fresh snow had almost exactly replaced the few inches of depth that had melted over the previous week. Above Little Round Valley there are at least half-a-dozen tracks ascending toward San Jacinto Peak, none of which entirely accurately follow the established trail route. Two or more inches of rain are likely for mid elevations (e.g., Idyllwild) on 27th-30th, with several inches of snow possible above 10,000 ft elevation on various days over the next week or so. There is a well-traveled track on light icy snow from Long Valley/Tram to Wellman Divide. Although good tracks are now in place for most major trails (details below), cautious navigation is recommended everywhere. I switched to crampons and then finished breaking the Peak Trail through to near Miller Peak (photo below). All trails above about 5000 ft are currently snow-covered. A winter storm will continue to move through California today then into the Four Corners on Sunday bringing significant mountain snow, strong winds with blizzard conditions, lower elevation snow where snow is unusual, and well below normal temperatures. Trails remain icy due to daily freeze/thaw cycles and compaction from hiker traffic, and spikes are useful throughout the trail system above about 9000 ft (lower in places). Some hikers will find spikes are useful at least for descending. Spikes are recommended at least for descending upper Deer Springs Trail. I measured an average of about four inches of snow at Old Lookout Flat, although with some deeper drifts in the trail. Otherwise, reliable posthole tracks are in place from Saddle Junctions through to San Jacinto Peak via Wellman Divide, but parts will become obscured by any additional light snowfall and/or especially by drifting snow from strong winds. Conversely in some places scouring by the wind means the depths are well below the average. Altitudes are approximate. The Caramba Trail from near Reeds Meadow through Laws Camp and on to Caramba, and the Cedar Trail from Willow Creek Trail to Laws, are described by the Forest Service as not maintained. The eighteenth storm, due this evening, is an unusual atmospheric river combined with very cold air again, expected to produce heavy snowfall for 24th-25th February. My snowshoe track continues from Saddle Junction through to San Jacinto Peak via Wellman Divide , the Peak Trail, and East Ridge, but this may become obscured by additional light snowfall and/or drifting snow from strong winds. Snow cover remains virtually continuous, but a few small patches are clearing below 7000 ft. Spikes are strongly recommended, at least for descending. While the shallow icy snow should melt steadily over the next few days, 4WD/AWD vehicles are recommended. Snowshoes are dangerous due to the angle of the icy snow. Trails above about 7500 ft currently remain lightly covered with patchy icy snow (more continuous above about 9000 ft). Most people hike 2-3 hours to the tram for a ride down off the mountain. Hikers should be prepared for temperatures well below freezing in the high country, and far below freezing when considering wind chill effects (see below for my recent weather observations from San Jacinto Peak). Although not essential in the moderate depth powder, spikes are strongly recommended and many hikers will find them useful especially for descending. While all time and labor is volunteered, the San Jacinto Trail Report uses small private donations to help cover costs. Relatively mild temperatures combined with a weakening sun at this time of year means that snow melt may be slow at upper elevations, and conditions will be ideal for freeze/thaw cycles and hence icy trails everywhere above 6000 ft. At San Jacinto Peak (10,810ft/3295m) on Monday 14th November 2022 at 0910 the air temperature was 33.3F (1C), with a windchill temperature of 20.7F (-6C), 25% relative humidity, and a cool NW wind sustained at 7 mph gusting to 12.9 mph. Deer Springs Trail (surveyed 8th December) is functionally clear of ice to Strawberry Junction (8100 ft). If there are Road Closed signs further down often the case at weekends and holidays when snow is present then those nine spaces are also unavailable for legal parking. 10 inches on 9th), Wellman Divide (9700 ft): 0-1 inch (was 4 inches on 9th), Annies Junction/approx. My track largely followed the established route of the trail, especially below the Fuller Ridge junction, but higher up the track is much more direct in places. Winters are highly variable in Mount San Jacinto State Park. Little Round Valley (9800 ft): 45 inches, heavily drifted, Wellman Divide (9700 ft): 40 inches (45 inches), Annies Junction/PCT Mile 180.8 (9070 ft): 44 inches (45-48 inches), Tahquitz Peak (8836 ft): 25 inches, heavily drifted to 40 inches in places (measured 20th January), Seven Pines Trail junction with Deer Springs Trail (8700 ft): 36 inches, Strawberry Junction/PCT Mile 183 (8100 ft): 15 inches, Saddle Junction/PCT Mile 179 (8070 ft): 19 inches (21 inches), Suicide Rock Trail junction with Deer Springs Trail (6950 ft): 1-3 inches, Devils Slide trailhead at Humber Park (6550 ft): 2-4 inches (5-6 inches), Idyllwild (at 5550 ft): 0-2 inches (3 inches). Excessive precipitation of 1.3" (33mm) is anticipated. Snow from the moderate storm on 8th-9th November (discussed here) continues to melt slowly. Snow levels could reach as low as 1,500 feet Wednesday morning and areas in the San Bernardino Mountains were projected to receive one to two feet. PCT Mile 181.8 (9070 ft): 2-3 inches (5.5 inches on 12th December), Marion Mountain Trail at junction with PCT (8700 ft): 3-4 inches (6 inches on 12th December), Long Valley (8600 ft): 1-2 inches (5-6 inches on 12th December), Strawberry Junction (8100 ft): 0-1 inches (4 inches on 12th December), Saddle Junction/approx. Snow Summit. Spikes tend to be most valuable for descending even when not needed for ascending. Conversely in some places scouring by the wind means the depths are well below the average. Details of snow depths measured at various locations on the trail system are given at the foot of this posting. With such dramatic rainfall throughout the mountain range last week, and with snow now available for melting in the high country, I do not expect to be reporting on water conditions until next year. The 20th storm of winter 2022/23, the second of two storms across three days, is expected to impact the San Jacinto mountains starting tonight, Tuesday 28th February. Recent hikes have included the high peaks (>10,000 ft) 2-4 times per week by various routes, Tahquitz Peak and area 1-2 times per week, South Ridge, Spitler Peak, and Marion Mountain trails, and May Valley Road and Indian Mountain Truck Trail. Skyline Trail has a good track to follow through increasingly patchy, very thin, icy snow above about 7000 ft (the Traverse to Grubbs Notch). Conversely in some places scouring by the wind means the depths are well below the average. The second significant Pacific storm of winter 2022/23 is currently impacting the San Jacinto mountains. The PCT from Snow Creek south to at least Saddle Junction (roughly Miles 207-179) has a clear track to follow. Two moderate snow storms in the next ten days or so are expected to have a major combined impact on the San Jacinto mountains. While all time and effort is volunteered, the San Jacinto Trail Report requests small private donations to cover costs. Spikes are currently usefulthroughout the trail system above about 6000 ft, potentially lower in places. Forest Service campgrounds at Boulder Basin, Marion Mountain, and Fern Basin are closed for the season. At San Jacinto Peak (10,810ft/3295m) on Monday 19th December 2022 at 0920 the air temperature was 31.3F (0C), with a windchill temperature of 20.7F (-6C), 9% relative humidity, and a light WNW wind sustained at 5 mph gusting to 9.9 mph. WEATHER UPDATE Thursday 26th January 2023: Wild Santa Ana (north-east) winds today in the San Jacinto mountains have included gusts of 69 and 73 mph early this morning at automated stations at each end of Bonita Vista Road. The intensity of snowfall at San Jacinto Peak this afternoon is the best Ive seen since late 2019. Palm Springs South-West: Idyllwild-Pine Cove. Along . SNOW DEPTHS measured on 22nd-27th December 2022 are as follows. This may change after the weekend. By my measurements, Idyllwild is up to 51 inches of snow to date for this winter, compared to the average for the thirty year period 1991-2020 of 31 inches. Spikes are recommended especially in the morning as the snow is now hard, compacted and very icy in places. Deer Springs Trail [updated 15th December] now has an accurate snowshoe track to follow all the way to San Jacinto Peak as I broke trail the entire way down to the Suicide Rock Trail junction on the afternoon of 15th. 2023 USA TODAY, a division of Gannett Satellite Information Network, LLC. However this may change next week with new snowfall possible as discussed below. Some winters are better than others, with wet years producing several feet of snow in the high country, while dry years producing a dusting or two. A second forecast storm system may bring some light precipitation to the San Jacinto mountains on 2nd December, and possibly again on 4th-5th. Melting of snow on sun-exposed slopes and freeze-thaw cycles will combine to change trail conditions and potentially the preferred equipment for the terrain. Idyllwild received 2.75 inches, and I measured five inches at San Jacinto Peak on my hike through the storm this morning, with 3-4 inches at locations in between. However, snowshoes will become increasingly useful as conditions warm sufficiently for snow to become soft above about 8000 ft, especially on sunny slopes and afternoons. Spikes are not required for ascending, but some hikers will find them useful at least for descending the uppermost section. Note that average depth is given; due to strong winds there has been extensive drifting, often particularly accumulating in the trails. Take the Palm Springs Aerial Tramway (the world's largest rotating tram car and not for the faint of heart), up and away to the top of Mount San Jacinto Park. When the gate is closed there are nine legal parking spaces this side of the locked gate (which still require an Adventure Pass or equivalent to be displayed). The State Park Stone Creek campground is also closed. There was a further 0.5 inch dusting of snow above 8000 ft on Thursday 29th (as I describe in this video). South Ridge Trail is now functionally clear of snow to Tahquitz Peak with only 1-2% icy snow cover overall. Devils Slide Trail has a relatively well-traveled and compacted track to Saddle Junction in place already. From the top of Marion Mountain Trail icy snow cover is about 90% to Little Round Valley, although there are a few lengthy clear areas on sun-exposed sections. Melting is expected to be steady and start to accelerate into February, but freeze/thaw cycles, compaction, and refreezing overnight may ultimately combine to produce very icy conditions. The USFS gate at Humber Park remains closed. The 0.4 mile section of South Ridge Trail between Chinquapin Flat/PCT and Tahquitz Peak has no steps to follow through the steeply angled ice with overlying deep snow. I also reported on the storm in real time over the past couple of days (available here) which has more detail than this summary. Currently spikes at a minimum, and ideally crampons, with an ice axe, are strongly recommended. However the high country has been largely above this precipitation, with the sun even trying to peek out at times in Long Valley, and only about another inch of snow was added there this morning. Alternatively snowshoes could have been used, depending on personal preference and time of day. Of those, 27 are in the 0.6 mile section between Willow Creek crossing and the State Park boundary. There is a very well-traveled track on the lowest section of Deer Springs Trail continuing out to Suicide Rock. Webcams. Altitudes are approximate. South Ridge Road remains closed now with only about 35% icy snow cover. Spikes are recommended. Currently trails above about 7500 ft (lower in places) are largely obscured by moderate to deep snow. Snow depths are currently suitable for snowshoeing everywhere above about 8000 ft, potentially lower in places. Feb. 28, 2023 6:07 AM PT. As discussed above, additional snowfall expected on 10th and 14th-16th January will further complicate the trail conditions. Sign up for Alert San Diego notifications for all your telephone numbers. They are not currently recommended for traversing moderate or higher angle slopes above 9000 ft that have challenging ice underlying powder. Change next week with snowpack on mt san jacinto snowfall possible as discussed above, additional snowfall expected on 10th and January! About 8000 ft, potentially lower in places ) are largely obscured by moderate to deep.. 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