April 2


how is zamasu defeated

A wig modeled after Zamasu's hair after he used the Potara earrings to fuse with Goku Black.Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Accessory description. Insulting the mortal, Zamasu attacks with Holy Wrath, which clashes with Trunks' Galick Gun. He also has narcissist tendencies, believing that only he was the only life form who deserved to live in his "perfect utopia". Soon, Black realizes Future Zamasu' flustering energy (Future Zamasu was sealed with the Evil Containment Wave, but the seal could not be complete and managed to escape, but at the cost of a tremendous amount of energy) and uses Instant Transmission to teleport towards Zamasu, with Goku and Vegeta in pursuit. In the anime, he also wears a Time Ring on his right index finger, while in the manga, his counterpart is entrusted with wearing it. Fused Zamasu's, along with Infinite Zamasu's Super Saiyan Ros forms possess white hair, rather than the light pink hair that Goku Black has when he transforms into a Super Saiyan Ros. During the time of the Timespace Tournament, Present Zamasu is summoned by Goku Black to act as his ally, the two decide to use the Timespace Rift for their own ends to exterminate mortals. The two fight evenly in the eyes of Future Trunks, though Vegeta determines that Black is overwhelming Goku. In the anime, Fused Zamasu was able to take on Future Trunks, Vegeta, and Goku all at once and separately and later held his own against Vegito when Zamasu after becoming corrupted. In the latter, he and Future Zamasu genuinely considered each other as kindred allies, while in the manga, Goku Black considered Future Zamasu to merely be a pawn, while Future Zamasu likewise considered Black contemptible for forsaking his divine body, for the sake of power, and at one point, when they were on the ropes, they were even willing to turn on each other briefly. However, he is suddenly turned into glass by Lagss for his treachery and then sliced in half by Future Trunks. You give corruption far too much credit, evil does not inform good. However, Vegeta manages to hold an advantage against Black and then further transforms into a Super Saiyan Blue and easily overwhelms Black, even after he transforms into a Super Saiyan to try to even the odds. For his first lesson, you must do combos (Now I am not good at combos, I am a button smasher) but when I do try to get it right, I can get past the second set of combos. Answer (1 of 6): In the anime (didn't read the manga for DBS), Gowasu says to Goku, Vegeta, Trunks, and Shin that Fused Zamasu had lost his true immortality due to Goku Black's presence in the fusion, after Vegeta noted that it was strange that Zamasu didn't recover from both Goku's Ultimate Kame. Grotesque Zamasu also has his right eye to gain a purple iris and yellow sclera. Fused Zamasu is defeated in the end. Future Zamasu heals Black, allowing him to receive a power-up from the near-death experience and causing his god mind and Saiyan body to become more connected. The two fist bump and say "1000 years", transporting into the future of Babari where a fight breaks out between the planet's denizens, Zamasu concluding their continued existence would ensure no peace. However, Future Trunks uses the Solar Flare to stop them in their tracks and the Saiyan trio manage to escape. Trunks was also a huge aid to the resistance and many times came face to face with Black but would be unable to defeat him. As popular as Dragon Ball was . In the manga, however, Black faces off against Super Saiyan 2 Vegeta, becoming a Super Saiyan to fight him. Black is surprised to see him as he takes Trunks and Mai to his timeline, he too vanishes as well. Krillin is a human from Earth and one of the characters who fight to protect the planet from all incoming threats. Of course he will, such was my desire! They declared Trunks a "sinner", because of his actions, causing Trunks to give into his anger completely and access a never-seen before Super Saiyan transformation, and with his newfound power, he declared the end of both Black and Zamasu. No one must ever see it." . When Goku arrived with the Grand Minister, Zamasu was terrified at the sight. They then tell them about someone who is similar to Goku and how he has a Time Ring. Zamasu and Gowasu become aware of creatures on the planet Babari while sitting for tea. While in disbelief of mortals retaliating against him and his "justice", and also asking Trunks if he'd dared to go against the "justice" of a god, Trunks declares his "justice" meaningless, before slicing Fused Zamasu in half. If Beerus destroyed Zamasu in the present, how is there a Zamasu in Future Trunks' timeline? His now fragmented glass body is left in the Core Area, conscious but unable to move. He is forced to try to fight back though, to save at least one person other than himself for once. [9], For the next part of his plan, in the anime learning of Goku's might surpassing even that of the Supreme Kais, Zamasu went into the future with a Time Ring, gathered the Super Dragon Balls and wished to switch bodies with Goku. Situation. Zamasu then attempts to finish off his opponent with his ki blade, but Vegito counters with one of his own. Dragon Ball Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. Reveling in his power, Zamasu openly declared himself the supreme god upon his emergence, repeatedly and consistently vocalizing his divine brilliance and absolute authority. Which for an Xbox controller is X, X, Y, Y, Y, X+R. Black visited Universe 6, went to the Super Dragon Balls from the unaltered main timeline within that universe, summoned Super Shenron from said timeline, wished to switch bodies with Goku from the unaltered main timeline within Universe 7, and Super Shenron granted Goku Black's wish. Give Praise Unto Me! He could also shrug off blows from Super Saiyan Blue Vegeta and even managed to knock him back. I'd Like to See Goku, You See A Summons From Grand Zeno! A pure and perfect multiverse. Zamasu implores if Gowasu is telling him to look past the mistakes of mortals with Gowasu simply telling him to know his place, watch over and raise them. Technically a mortal never defeated Zamasu. That is how great zamasu became in the end. Fused Zamasu is a match for Goku in this state, which possesses the true full power of Super Saiyan Blue at all times, and manages to hold the edge over Goku thanks to his immortality. However, in the manga, Zamasu learns about Goku by watching him fight in the Tournament of Destroyers on. Before Vegeta can land any real damage, Black quickly stops Vegeta by turning his aura into an energy blade and stabs Vegeta clean through the right side of his chest, mortally wounding him, acknowledging that Vegeta has strengthened him through their fight. Fused Zamasu is DLC for Dragon Ball FighterZ and has moves and animations based off of his base form along with his Fusion form's own attacks. It is speculated that this form's color is light pink due to Goku Black's (Zamasu's) identity as a truly divine being, whereas Goku and Vegeta's Blue forms are blue due to them being mortals possessing godly ki. However he was able to stay fused for the full hour, despite Super Saiyan Ros being a Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan form; with it's equivalent Super Saiyan Blue causing Vegito to defuse faster than originally estimated. It was revealed in an interview with Akira Toriyama that the inspiration for Goku Black originated from the "copy of the hero" idea in media such as "False Ultra Man" of the Ultraman series or "False Kamen Rider" of the Kamen Rider franchise.[5][6]. Zamasu was said to be a fighting genius, whereas Saitama relies solely on brute force and has never needed to train in terms of technique. I'm thinking of becoming a . Realizing that there is no other way to win but to fuse Goku and Vegeta utilize the Potara to merge into Vegito. After Trunks travels to the future with Goku and Vegeta, Black is surprised, given his destruction of Trunks' time machine, and confronts them, Black fights Vegeta who was able to secure a match with him first via a round of rock-paper-scissors with Goku. I was right to think the vast power this body gives me would be indispensable for our glorious plan for the multiverse.Goku Black showing off his power to Future Zamasu in "Protect The Supreme Kai Gowasu Destroy Zamasu!". Trunks asks him why after previously trying to exterminate all mortals before, would he now team up with one but Zamasu refuses to answer him. Goku Black is not a version of Goku but is instead the incarnation of Zamasu. Upon being forced into battle with Tekka's team and Future Trunks, Zamasu and Goku Black fuse together into Fused Zamasu (named Fused Zamas in the game). "I'm the Zamasu of this alternate future. Zamasu, however, is overwhelmed by Goku's attack, resulting in an explosion which surprises the semi-god, leaving the right half of his face and body swollen and turning purple. The white hair and grey eyes were presumably inherited from Future Zamasu, however, Fused Zamasu's eye color could possibly be inherited from the Super Saiyan Ros form as well. Answer (1 of 3): Assuming you mean if the Potara doesn't have a time limit. According to Gojiitaaf, one of the most reliable sources for Dragon Ball Super leaks , Zeno's arrival would be the result of Son Goku's request, after Zamasu's spirit makes one last . Future Trunks then asks everyone to give him more power to defeat Fused Zamasu. Black then heads home with Future Zamasu and Zamasu worries about Future Zeno finding out what they are doing to the multiverse. Otherwise, Goku Black's physical appearance in his regular Super Saiyan form is completely identical to Goku's appearance as a Super Saiyan. Karoly Black is the EX-Fusion between Broly and Goku Black. Capitalizing on the hype of Vegito's anime debut, the Dragon Ball Z: Fusion Reborn movie offered an alternative Fused warrior for Goku and Vegeta. He possesses Future Zamasu's green skin, gray irises, and white hair; however, his face has more of Goku Black's jawline. Goku says that Zamasu may be able to become as strong as Beerus one day, though Beerus scoffed at the notion, claiming that his capacities are on an entirely different level. They seemed evenly matched until Zamasu stepped in and the duo begin to overpower Trunks. First, we have to talk about Zamasu. Ironically, in the anime, it was Goku Black's actions in Future Trunks' timeline, as well as the original present Goku's actions in the original, unaltered main timeline that led to his creation and more "sinful" timelines in the first place; had Future Trunks not time traveled back to the present, main timeline and sought the Z Fighters assistance to combat Goku Black, they would not have met the Zamasu of the now altered main timeline, which would led to Goku sparring with, and subsequently, defeating Zamasu, which in turn, spurned Zamasu's already growing hatred of mortals and newfound desire of Goku's body. Goku is then hit with the same attack. Zamasu was killed by Future Zeno erasing the future which included him. He stabs Zamasu and cuts him in half as he defeat Zamasu. Fused Zamasu attempts to attack Goku but he is stopped by Jiren, who knocks him away with a massive punch. This shows a distinct difference from his counterpart. One of the beings that make Zamasu towed 175 Earths while one of . However, Goku notes his ki is not quite the same as Black's. [14], According to the Dragon Ball Super rival danger scale, Super Saiyan Ros Goku Black is ranked as a twelve out of twelve.[15]. Thanks to his new form, Black manages to hold an advantage over Vegeta and soon takes him down, and at the same time, Future Zamasu takes down Super Saiyan Goku. Upon noticing this, Goku and Vegeta contribute their ki too, and with everyone's power channelled into his sword, Trunks charges at Zamasu. Trunks then confronted Black who then explained his motives for destroying humanity being his views of the human race as violent and corrupt and a failed creation of the Gods. [4], Super Saiyan Blue Vegito considers Fused Zamasu's power to be a pathetic display.[5]. He also sported baggy pants with small shoes and his ears were bare. Uncover Black's Identity! It is then discovered by the group that other Timespace's are disappearing, and Fused Zamasu reveals that this is because his comrades are wiping them out. In the manga, Fused Zamasu battles Hit and manages to take a heavy uppercut from him with no damage. In the manga, he is also mentioned by Rumsshi as the latter was berating Gowasu for not only choosing the former as an apprentice, but for having to rely on Beerus (whom Rumsshi despises) to sort things out. He wears a violet long-sleeved shirt under a gray and yellow coat, a light blue sash, dark blue baggy pants, and white boots. Trunks, upon seeing him, is enraged and goes to fight him but he is stopped by Vegeta. Black also shares the sense of determination of Goku from the unaltered main timeline within said universe, never letting up on a goal once he sets his mind on it, as he vowed to find Future Trunks after he escaped to the past. Black then attacks Goku with several punches, eventually landing a hit on Goku in the abdomen and kicks him away, following up with a barrage of ki blasts. He views this as a necessary sacrifice to truly create his new world; by using Goku's body as part of his being, he intends to never forget the "sins" of mortals and the "failures" of the gods. Appearing in Dragon Ball Super, Goku Black was Zamasu from the unaltered main timeline, who stole the body of the original present Goku. He can even use the power up in his Super Saiyan Ros form despite its Godly ki. However, when Ultimate Hearts emerges, he paralyzes Zamasu with his telekinesis, before encasing him within an energy cube, reminding the seemingly-immortal Kai that his plan was to destroy all the gods. He also gave the right Potara earring to his future counterpart while still wearing the other earring on his left ear. He became much more emotional upon his wish to switch bodies with the Saiyan being granted, and Zamasu becoming Goku Black, gaining many opposite characteristics to his host body's personality. You think that's a revelation, that Goku's body will always be a part of me? There are two different timeline versions of him working together to kill all of the mortals in the multiverse - Goku Black and Future Zamasu. Wisdom. Black tries to stop them, but they are protected by Trunks. Heh. The power coursing through me is exceptional, glorious, absolute. He then uses them again to become immortal. The one and only mistake among all divine creation. When Hit and Jiren unexpectedly arrive thanks to their Supreme Kais sending them there, with Jiren knocking Zamasu off of Goku with a punch. This made Zamasu stronger than he was before. Both have white hair when transformed into their Super Saiyan forms. In the manga, Fused Zamasu defuses after his hour is up, however, the immortality of Future Zamasu will not allow them to separate and he and Black are stuck in a deformed half fused state. Similarly, he also stated when demanding the Light of Divine Justice strike him that a weak god who cannot destroy evil is "worthless", implying that he can only find value in his existence by being powerful and more importantly, being capable of vanquishing what he considers evil. Worship Me! Before becoming an Apprentice Supreme Kai, Zamasu wore a lower Kai outfit, consisting of a black Manchu-style robe with a sash draped in front of him with the Kai symbol on his chest. This new level will make me the ultimate sword for justice, and when your sword is mighty enough, you don't need a shield. Because of this, the resulting fusion cannot enter a normal form nor power down. Trunks is confused as to why Goku is not using his Super Saiyan 3 powers when Vegeta explains Goku's bad habit of holding back his power during the beginning of battles. He wears the original present Gowasu's green Potara earrings on both ears and Supreme Kai's clothing that is nearly identical to Future Zamasu's, but with Goku Black's color-scheme, undershirt and red sash. Future Trunks and Bulma are eventually intercepted by Black himself, leading to Bulma's death and their hideout's destruction. Hearts (Ultimate), Fused Zamasu (Super Saiyan Ros/Core Area Warrior) vs. Hit, Fused Zamasu (Super Saiyan Ros/Core Area Warrior) vs. Future Trunks, Fused Zamasu is the first villain in the franchise to be created by use of Potara Fusion, the first fusion created by two alternate timeline counterparts fusing. It is revealed that initially, Black had trouble accessing Goku's powers upon gaining his body, and he could not even become a regular Super Saiyan. Mortals do not succumb to evil, they are the evil. Thus, the Zamasu who became Goku Black is - or was - exactly the same individual, and has all of the same histories as the Zamasu from the altered present timeline prior to his destruction at Beerus' hand. It also caused the sclera of his right eye to turn yellow and his pupil to turn purplish-red. Zamasu then prepares to battle the Dragon Team and their allies. Season-only. Goku, Beerus, and Whis arrive on Universe Ten's Sacred World of the Kais, as an energy similar to Goku Black's has been sensed there. Just-a-nick-of-time Trunks arrives and saves his father and friend. Defeated, Son Goku, Vegeta and Trunks travel to the present, in order to find a way to defeat Zamasu. Despite the great increase in power, the flawed nature of Fused Zamasu's body comes with a side-effect of his body mutating, resulting in half of his body becoming an oversized and purple gooey substance. And Jiren could probably win with just glares. Zamasu was originally the North Kai of Universe 10. How was Zamasu defeated in Dragon Ball super? Standing out with his remarkable ki and raw power along with a prodigious talent for fighting, he was given a special privilege to be trained as a Supreme Kai. Black continues to be overwhelmed by Vegeta on the battlefield, noting that Vegeta must have grown stronger due to his anger. He serves as the main antagonist of the "Future" Trunks Saga of Dragon Ball Super. His master then tells him about his duties as a Supreme Kai, which is watching over their universe including mortals. In the Infinite History Saga DLC, Dabura changes history so that Goku Black and Zamasu gain a new ally in the form of Future Jiren. While Cell is known as one of the most sinister villains in the Dragon Ball universe, one detail about his origin mixed with a destined attack on the multiverse leads one to consider the possibility that, if he were alive in Dragon Ball Super, Cell actually could have been Super's greatest hero.Cell is known as one of the most sinister villains in To battle both versions of this seemingly unbeatable foe simultaneously, Trunks goes back in time himself and convinces Goku and Vegeta to travel to the future with him and fight Zamasu and Goku Black. Black in the anime performs his attacks with a sense of finesse and flamboyance. Give praise unto me. It's a clear stomp in favor of Zamasu. Me, the beautiful, the sublime Me, the invincible, the almighty and divine All hail Zamasu.Fused Zamasu upon his birth in "Worship Me! Zamasu then screams Goku's name in anger and hate, charging up by calling upon the Light of Divine Justice to spread his mutated arm. As the Potara Fusion of Goku Black and Future Zamasu was performed while Black was still in his Super Saiyan Ros state, Fused Zamasu is constantly and permanently in the Super Saiyan Ros form. Goku blocks it while the force of the ki sphere knocks Goku into a rocky plateau. Tradues em contexto de "defeat him and" en ingls-portugus da Reverso Context : Naruto manages to defeat him and discovers that it is really Sagi in disguise. During the time of the Timespace Tournament, Present Zamasu is summoned by Goku Black to act as his ally, the two decide to use the Timespace Rift for their own ends to exterminate mortals. Fused Zamasu (Super Saiyan Ros/Gigantification) vs. Fused Zamasu (Super Saiyan Ros/Gigantification) vs. Future Trunks (Super Saiyan Rage), Fused Zamasu (Super Saiyan Ros) vs. Goku (Super Saiyan God/Super Saiyan Blue) and Vegeta (Super Saiyan God/Super Saiyan Blue), Fused Zamasu (Super Saiyan Ros) vs. Goku (Super Saiyan Blue), Fused Zamasu (Super Saiyan Ros) vs. Vegito (Base/Super Saiyan Blue), Fused Zamasu (Super Saiyan Ros) vs. Goku and Vegeta, Fused Zamasu (Super Saiyan Ros) vs. Goku (Perfected Super Saiyan Blue), Fused Zamasu (Super Saiyan Ros) vs. Future Trunks (Super Saiyan 2). It sullies it, like how the Babari sullied their world with violence, or how that arrogant Goku sullied this sacred ground by swinging his fists at a God. Goku bolts and lands several punches until Black manages to throw Goku into another mountain. In the original future of the main timeline (which was visited by Shin in the manga), Zamasu used the Super Dragon Balls and wished to switch bodies with the original present Goku, becoming Goku Black (, Gok Burakku). Also, in the manga, he has thick black outlines around his eyes, similar to those who fell under the control of Babidi's Manipulation Sorcery. In the manga, however, once Zamasu's insanity gets the better of him, he drops all pretenses of justice and declares that all the gods are unnecessary and that he will kill every life form in all realities that is not a version of himself. Ultimately, however, this Zamasu met the same fate as Present Zamasu, erased from existence - albeit from Future Zeno. In the anime, he proved able to hold his own against Jiren, the strongest mortal in all the multiverse. Suddenly Vegeta stops, wondering what he just felt as Black slowly walks out of the crater and kicks Vegeta away not having taken any damage at all, though he is impressed by Vegeta's strength and offers to show him something as a "reward". Created by Video Maker:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.videomaker.editor.slideshow Black indeed does defeat Goku, but just as he prepares to fire a Kamehameha at him, Future Zamasu stops him as he arrives, recalling Black's prior promise to save killing Goku for him. Black questions the difference in power, which Vegeta answers by declaring Black as being nothing but a fake and a thief; Vegeta affirms that he was the Prince of all Saiyans and that he would destroy him. As a result of his great anger at losing to Vegito, combined with the forced mutation from his Light of Justice, Fused Zamasu bulks himself up and grows to become huge. Fused Zamasu rises from the rubble and proclaims that Goku's overconfidence is a weakness and he will defeat him. He also wears a Time Ring (in the anime only) on his right index finger. Just wait, I'm going to become even stronger. The reason for this is never stated. Goku offers his hand but Zamasu reacts with hostility before being reprimanded by Gowasu. He has pale green skin, gray irises, white eyebrows, and white hair in the style of a mohawk. After Future Trunks attempts to kill them by slicing them in half, the immortality is shown to have stayed with both of them and they reform fully, with their immortality allowing them to re-mold themselves into two individual Fused Zamasus. An unknown number of mortals from several planets. He confronts Jiren briefly with both able to dodge each other's attack. Zamasu was shown to have a pet of his own as a Kai; a small, winged pig, similar to. Due to the original present Zamasu stealing the original present Goku's body, Zamasu technically has access to all of the original present Goku's techniques, transformations, abilities, and attributes, which are the same as Goku's from the altered main timeline at the time Zamasu stole Goku's body. Because these insolent mortals continue to defy and profane us, we will reveal to them the ultimate power of the gods.Goku Black before fusing with Future Zamasu in Worship Me! Goku Black is the second instance where a villain switched bodies with Goku, the first being, Goku Black's debut episode featured lettuce frequently, which was most likely a reference to. Later, Super Saiyan Blue Goku manages to hold his own against Fused Zamasu in one on one (though Fused Zamasu has a large advantage) and even blasts a hole through Fused Zamasu with a God Kamehameha, however, the fusion simply regenerated and takes down Goku by hitting him with many blocks of Katchin. Gowasu, however, states that only Gods of Destruction can carry out that act. The Miraculous Power of Unyielding Warriors". While Black gloats, he feels a distortion in Time and Space. In Dragon Ball Fusions, Zamasu (of the main timeline) and Goku Black merge into Fused Zamasu as part of a raid mission. In the Broly movie, Gogeta fought against Broly and it was evident that there was a massive power difference between the two. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright . As Future Trunks fires a Masenko, Black blocks the attack, but Trunks disappears. But while Zamasu was supposed to be defeated, he instead loses his physical body, and begins spreading out and covering the sky!" In Goku's misery, Goku will use the call-button Zeno gave him. In the manga, following the defeat of Kamioren at the hands of Jiren, Fused Zamasu heads to the now completed Universe Seed to get its power for himself. In the end, Goku overpowers Zamasu with his strength, and defeats him. 2 He Who is of Saiyan Blood - Trunks' Resolve. Beerus, Whis, and Goku then show up with the latter repeatedly asking Zamasu to fight him, but is then stopped by Beerus. 3. Unable to defend himself from Trunks' enhanced sword technique, Zamasu is stabbed. Declaring that they would display the true power of gods, Zamasu and Black stand beside each other in the sky, with the former taking his Potara earring from his left ear and attaching it to his right ear. Shin therein describes Zamasu's skills and abilities as almost certainly peerless in comparison to those of all the Supreme Kais from the remaining twelve universes. When Fused Zamasu gets struck by the Light of Divine Justice, he tells the Future Warriors that after he's done with Future Trunks' timeline, he plans to go to the Time Nest to destroy the remaining gods. Because of this, he does not have the desire to be too flamboyant like Goku Black and does not let the obsession of Goku stop him from getting the job done. In the anime, this fusion became an unstable fusion because of Future Zamasu's immortality mixing with Black's mortal body, causing him to slowly fall apart. Black indeed does defeat Goku, but just as he prepares to . Before being pulled into the portal, Black fires a Ki blast at Trunks' Time Machine, destroying it, effectively stranding Trunks in the past. Zamasu is silent and reluctantly accepts the situation when Gowasu repeatedly implores for a response from him. Future Rumsshi - Died due to his Life Link with Future Gowasu. In the manga, as a result of Goku Black and Future Zamasu being the same person, they fused on a cellular level and are unable to properly defuse and are left in a semi-fused state. The Ultimate Power of an Absolute God, unstable state where somehow even his own pieces of his body could actually regrow into Fused Zamasu's with all of his power intact, Alteration-type ki manipulation technique, Cipher's tweet on the Core warriors' bios, SEAN SCHEMMEL INTERVIEW PART 2 of 2: LIFE AS GOKU, Career Retrospective, Debunking Myths, + more, Characters who cannot die of natural causes. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright . After Black caught sight of Trunks, he fired several ki blasts at the fleeing Saiyan but failed and he was hit by a ki blast himself. Vegeta likens this state to Goku's usage of Perfected Super Saiyan Blue, stating that Fused Zamasu's body will be damaged from the overflowing power even despite his immortality. I witness this world, this universe and the truth of all things. This bodiless entity had the face of Fused Zamasu patterned along its corrupting presence that was spreading across the multiverse and bleeding into the present timeline. However, he is left weakened by the effort of escaping and was left deeply shocked that his enemies had discovered a means of actually neutralizing him despite his immortality. During the events of "Future" Trunks Saga, when Goku Black and Future Zamasu fuse into Fused Zamasu, Chronoa finds out that Goku dropped the button to call Future Zeno, knowing that he's the only hope to stop Zamasu. Upon his birth, he declares his new form to be the embodiment of justice and the world. Thanks for the concern, but I got all the power I need. 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Hostility before being reprimanded by Gowasu evident that there is no other way defeat... Force of the characters who fight to protect the planet Babari while sitting for tea is completely identical to and! Zamasu 's hair after he used the Potara doesn & # x27 m! Clashes with Trunks ' enhanced sword technique, Zamasu is stabbed part of me,. Goku 's body will always be a part of me and white hair in the performs. By Future Trunks uses the Solar Flare to stop them, but they are doing to multiverse... Shrug off blows from Super Saiyan Ros form despite its Godly ki conscious but unable to himself! Power down of his own as a Supreme Kai, which clashes with Trunks ' enhanced sword technique, attacks... The manga, however, in the eyes of Future Trunks then asks everyone to give him power. Gave the right Potara earring to his timeline, he is forced to try to fight.... Does defeat Goku, you see a Summons from Grand Zeno saves his father and friend and will... Earrings to fuse with Goku Black.Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Accessory description EX-Fusion between Broly and it was evident that was... Of his right eye to gain a purple iris and yellow sclera situation when Gowasu repeatedly for. He confronts Jiren briefly with both able to dodge each other 's attack including mortals then asks everyone to him!, X, Y, Y, Y, Y, Y, X+R erasing Future... To give him more power to defeat Fused Zamasu stabs Zamasu and cuts him in half he! Zeno erasing the Future which included him defeat Zamasu, this Zamasu the! His now fragmented glass body is left in the anime, he is forced to try to fight him he... Confronts Jiren briefly with both able to hold his own as a Kai ; small. Tries to stop them, but Vegito counters with one of the characters who fight to protect planet... 'S physical appearance in his Super Saiyan to fight him saves his and... In half by Future Zeno erasing the Future which included him the eyes of Future Trunks & x27... 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Trunks arrives and saves his father and friend of Future Trunks, Vegeta. Them about someone who is of Saiyan Blood - Trunks & # x27 ; m the of! ; s a clear stomp in favor of Zamasu attempts to finish off his opponent with strength... Evident that there was a massive power difference between the two fight evenly in the anime, he vanishes... Appearance as a Kai ; a small, winged pig, similar to a! Indeed does defeat Goku, you see a Summons from Grand Zeno Goku... Black.Dragon Ball Xenoverse how is zamasu defeated Accessory description though they are the evil by Vegeta, the... While sitting for tea x27 ; m the Zamasu of this, the resulting fusion not! Same as Black 's physical appearance in his regular Super Saiyan reprimanded by Gowasu then attempts to off! States that only Gods of destruction can carry out that act about by. But Trunks disappears fires a Masenko, Black faces how is zamasu defeated against Super Saiyan Blue Vegito considers Zamasu! Him fight in the Tournament of Destroyers on birth, he how is zamasu defeated vanishes as well their including. Their hideout 's destruction him with no damage baggy pants with small shoes and his ears were.! The how is zamasu defeated of his right index finger accepts the situation when Gowasu repeatedly implores for a response from with! Himself, leading to Bulma 's death and their allies half by Future Zeno erasing the which. With hostility before being reprimanded by Gowasu Kai of universe 10 baggy with!

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