The long answer: claims that autophagy can reduce excess skin are scientifically supported, but not scientifically proven. Told them both about the cgm and what I am seeing. In terms of the foods, this is not a low-calorie diet. autophagy is not something exclusive of the fast and also in fastin period is less efective, is better in a good calorie deficit + excersice! Dr. Jason Fung has talked a lot about anecdotal observations of people who have experienced extreme weight loss through fasting and had their skin "shrink" due to autophagy As he describes it, autophagy and fasting trigger the body to burn all available resources, including extra skin, when experiencing a lack of food The result may still be the same weight gain. thank you. This means that there are many factors that cause weight gain Zeenah Z.2021-08-03T10:25:15-04:00Featured, Health and Nutrition, How To Lose Weight|. can you please advise? Diet Doctor Podcast #35 with Ben Bikman, PhD. He is only 60 kgs works hard plays sport. What turns off autophagy? Insulin is secretes low in the afternoon. Interestingly, she hasn't had problems with loose skin, which is our experience, too. This is done by sending it to the lysosome which is a specialized organelle containing enzymes to degrade proteins. Youve finally lost some of those extra pounds, and starting tofeel good about yourself. These people were doing everything wrong yet, seemingly effortlessly, there was no obesity. That's a far cry from Angus' year+, but it's long enough at once for everyone, even those with diabetes, to allow their body to spend some time clearing out and recycling excess skin cells. In other words, we need more research on the subject. If they were too skinny, they would not be able to survive the lean times. The consequences of accumulating old junky proteins all over the place can be seen in two main conditions Alzheimers Disease (AD) and cancer. Theres hidden sweetness in the stomachs emptiness. After living somewhat of a high-carb life and then living in France for a few years enjoying croissants and freshly baked baguettes, Marc was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Interesting stuff! I feel very stuck. The same process also happens at a sub-cellular level. This boils down to two simple factors: Most diets concern themselves with only the first question and I believe that is why they fail over the long term. The same thing happens in the body. I'm pretty sure Fung never promised everyone across the board they wouldn't have loose skin Because that would be pretty unscientific and unprofessional. Although the OMAD guide is specifically for one meal a day, it may give some good points for you to consider. Removing excess skin (cervicoplasty) Removing or altering neck muscles (platysmaplasty) Liposuction to remove excess fat. While some in the medical communit This video should be helpful for you! Do doctors treat type 2 diabetes completely wrong today in a way that actually makes the disease worse? Hormones can increase energy expenditure (adrenalin). I am however still about 40 lb. So, now we have established the fasting and the autophagy and loose skin link. No offense, but why does it matter? It is a regulated, orderly process to degrade and recycle cellular components. When mTOR is activated, it suppresses autophagy, and when dormant, it promotes it. Go autophagy. That being said, fasting is only one part of our plan to rid ourselvesof that ugly sagging skin. For example, suppose you own a car. It does two good things. Dolly: Let me startwith the mostheartfeltofthank youto Dr. Fung, Megan, Nadia and allthe staffandmembers of the IDM program and Nadias LCHF/Keto Facebook Group. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, KetoFaster! Even a short walk will help lower blood sugar. calories and insulin and gut bacteria and hgh all play rolls dont they? Can help postpone need for facelift surgery. I would love to do that and in particular have someone knowledgeable look at my cgm data. Then and starting in 2016 Intermittent Fasting books started popping up everywhere, by Tina O | Autophagy, Brain, Fasting, Longevity, Metabolism, Research Paper | 0 Comments. Because the study of autophagy is such a new field, scientists arent sure exactly how long you need to fast for your body to begin autophagy. Why? And thats the main point. When this happens, the fibroblasts cannot produce collagen. The question is not just how to balance calories; the question is how to balance calories and our hormones especially insulin. If you balance those two, your weight will remain stable. A literature review published in the November 2018 edition of Ageing Research Review deemed fasting and caloric restriction to bethe most potent non-genetic autophagy stimulators, and one that was free of the adverse side effects associated with other methods. The process is one of serious intent and diligent effortaccompanied by joyful scientific curiosity and kind support. If you simply tried to put in new cabinets without taking out the old ones, it wouldnt look so hot. Scientists have made considerable progress in their understanding of autophagy over the past few years, and in 2016 a Japanese biologist. I cant afford to fast, what do I do? Thats the process of apoptosis, where cells are pre-destined to die after a certain amount of time. What if there was a more effective treatment alternative for obesity and type 2 diabetes, that is both simple and free? Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Over 80% carbohydrates, and mostly sweet potato, which has some sugar in it. There is a balance here, of course. My BSW was 108 for around 15 years and is @115 today although my clothes fit the same as those 20+ years ago. Obesity can be a hormonal dysregulation of fat accumulation. Life is all about balance. Is it better to keep it around when its nothing but a hunk of junk? Within 5 months, I was at my ideal weight. I have been looking everywhere for a scientifically-sound recommendation for a daily amount of a HEALTHY dietary fat intake, either in grams or ounces. Are my fasting days over? by Katherine O | Books, Fasting, Metabolism | 0 Comments. His book The Obesity Code is available on Amazon. In fact, fasting (raises glucagon) provides the greatest known boost to autophagy. Once we are on keto and intermittent fasting we again lose weight but if we add little bit carbs and sweets, we again gain weight. If we deliberately restrict caloric intake, then our total energy expenditure will decrease. When I started the IDM Program back in 2017, I was 61 years old and, at 5 4 tall weighing 260.9 pounds, morbidly obese. When we dont eat, then insulin goes down, signaling the body to burn this stored energy (body fat). I don't like the analogy of the old car, they are built to fail these days, my "old" car outperform many new expensive cars. That's not something I've ever heard about. Thankfully, my daughter was with me. Your window can range from 12 hours to one hour, but Dr. Fung recommends eight hours for beginners. Numerous studies have already demonstrated this fact. Dr. Fung has his own blog at If you have old 1970s style lime green cabinets sitting around, you need to junk them before putting in some new ones. I doubt it's the only time he's talked about loose skin on the record, but it's one data point anyway. It is not possible to address only half the problem and expect success. An incredible true story of the world record holding fast. How to help patients reverse type 2 diabetes. I have current blood work and the cgm data so I feel there is a lot of info to work with. You can read more about what foods to include and avoid in our keto for beginners guide. Not only is Dr. Fung's statement hard to pin down exactly, but so are one's expectations. You feel good, that is until younotice that hanging loose skin around your upper arms or that extra sagging skin around your stomach that just wontseem to go away. being able to wear shorts because our knees no longer rub together and give us rashes, being able to buy clothes that express our personalities instead of black muumuus, bend over to tie our shoes without ourbellies getting in the way, being able to take care of personal hygiene with ease. We are lutes, no more, no less. Fasting and Loose Skin, Fasting For Survival Lecture by Dr. Pradip Jamnadas, The Complete Guide to Fasting A great one! I'm not diabetic and have no metabolic issues. No midnight eating. They were not counting net carbs. I have been on a seven day fast and have a coffee with one tablespoon of butter each day. I felt soembarrassed and depressedby how fatI had become since I last met this personthat I just couldnt bear the thought of him seeing me that way. 4. My point is that it's important to share scientifically supported claims about fasting, but also to dispel incorrect or exaggerated claims in order to help people make decisions about their bodies that are based in as much fact as possible. Thanks for your answer. Dr. Jason Fung has a different perspective. Dr. Fung's fasting course part 3: Dr. Fung explains the different popular fasting options and makes it easy for you to choose the one that fits you best. Autophagy, or more scientifically known as autophagic flux,is a natural process and will occur to some degree without fasting. OMAD is not too difficult for me. That sound reasonable? Of course not. They were eating ice cream. While some researchers have done this tracking, a University of Chicago biologistKay Mcleod says, We all recognize that our ability to monitor and measure autophagy is not as good as it could be. Additional tools are being developed, and she remains confident that these tools will help scientists more closely monitor this process in the future. Most experts agree that you shouldnt regularly fast for more than 36 hours. 2.4M views 2 years ago Intermittent Fasting, Time Restricted Eating and Extended Fasts Jason Fung shares the basics of Intermittent Fasting, the who, what, when and how including some tips. During feeding, you store food energy as body fat. Juices are ussualy from orange, grapefruit and lemon. When we don't eat (fast) insulin goes down and glucagon goes up. is 8oz too much? by Katherine O | Autophagy, Books, Brain, Fasting, Hormones / PCOS, Keto, Longevity, Metabolism, Religion, Sugar, Type II | 0 Comments, In the early 1900s there were a number of book published on fasting, but then there were very few new books on fasting or intermittent fasting until 2002 when Ori Hofmekler came out with The Warrior Diet. This can lead to many symptoms, including fatigue, weight gain, and difficulty losing weight. So fasting may in some ways reverse the aging process, by getting rid of old cellular junk and replacing it with new parts. So important to lower blood pressure, regulate heart rate, utilize protein, and so much more. Autophagy also has been linked with increased energy, a more robust immune system, and reduced inflammation and damage to joints. This is not a carnivore diet. An instant New York Times Bestseller Take the guesswork (and fear) out of fasting with real-life and expert advice In recent years, intermittent fastingrestricting calorie intake for a set number of hours or dayshas become an increasingly popular diet strategy. For smoothies can you give suggestion if allowed? This allows time for your body to digest the foods, process the nutrients and burn the rest for energy to power your vital organs and muscles. Keto depletes your reserves of potassium. It sounds like you have all the bases covered. So setting up a loose skin experiment would require quantifying total amount of weight lost, fat mass lost, fat free mass lost, time period over which it was lost, body fat percentage at the end, etc. We comply with the HONcode standard for trustworthy health information. But if you keep eating every hour or couple hours, insulin never has a chance to drop and your blood sugar remains high, thereby promoting obesity. Studies conducted with micehave shown that fasting and curtailing caloric intake by as much as 40 percent below what their body neededinduced autophagy. So far Im just drinking orange juice. What would the recommended protocol of fasting be for tightening up my loose skin, after losing 50 lbs.? Now, POWs who were starved in recent history date back to WWII I believe the norms of the Geneva Convention tho' not universally observed in subsequent conflicts have limited such inhumane treatments en masse. She has been able to take control of her health, losing over 100 pounds in the process. Researchers are continuing to learn more about it as time goes on. The only actual quote that I've seen from Dr. Fung about this is actually something like "I have not had to refer any of my patients to get surgery for loose skin." So the word literally means to eat oneself. participates in the Amazon Affiliate program and some links on this website are affiliate links. You love this car. Second, its amazing just how little obesity there is. Resistance training, in combination with intermittent fasting, can stimulate autophagy even more. There are many positive physiological responses of the body to the metabolic switch which occurs during fasting. The car is costing you thousands of dollars every year to maintain. Autophagy was first described in 1962 when researchers noted an increase in the number of lysosomes (the part of the cell that destroys stuff) in rat liver cells after infusing glucagon. Surgery is one scientifically supportedway to be rid of that loose skin, but for many folks, surgery isnt really a solution. Autophagosomes are the critical structures in the autophagy process. But such spurious, frankly deceptive non sequiturs totally typify this shallow, board certified huckster. One point he also makes, when it comes to fasting and muscle loss, a lot of people equate "fat-free mass" to mean muscle. Why? 06:47. Hi, Kimberly! We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Combined with OMAD I've lost 98 lbs, but during my latest fast (3 days in) my blood sugar fell to 3.1mmol/l. If it runs amok, out of control, this would be detrimental, so it must be carefully controlled. An instant New York Times Bestseller Take the guesswork (and fear) out of fasting with real-life and expert advice In recent years, intermittent fastingrestricting calorie intake for a set number of hours or dayshas become an increasingly popular diet strategy. Start by reducing your intake of refined and processed sugar. From what I've seen, there is definitely loose skin, but not nearly as bad, and since we don't have someone who lost 100 pounds by water fasting 10 years ago who still practices on occasion today to show us good pictures of their before and after, we have no idea. When the body fails to obtain the nutrients from the outside, it begins to break down its waste products to create energy itself and thats autophagy. He mentions it here under "How much protein is enough?". Eat before you go to bed. 07:33. Here is one video that explains the high level- different levels of fasting, and some of the incredible benefits. He believes that his patients have been helped with their loose skin through autophagy. Hormones are central to obesity as is everything about human metabolism, including body weight. Jason Fung, M.D., is a Toronto-based nephrologist (kidney specialist) and a world leading expert in intermittent fasting and low-carb diets. Eat, Fast, Feast Heal Your Body While Feeding Your Soul A Christian Guide to Fasting :: Why did most Christians stop fasting? Our Type 1 guide should be helpful for you! In another autophagy and loose skin study, this one in 2018, also looked at the effects of autophagy and loose skin. It would be a good idea to consult with your doctor as well. These cookies do not store any personal information. Some think collagen and dry brushing are also helpful. Someone who gained 50 pounds in a year might have more loose skin than someone who gained 50 pounds over 10 years. If you looked at an old photograph from that era, perhaps you might be amazed at several things. Whether the calories we eat are burned as energy or stored as body fat is also tightly controlled by hormones. This also happens in the cells. So the process of destruction (removal) is just as important as the process of creation. This allows for cell growth during eating, and cellular cleansing during fasting balance. Aging fibroblasts suffer from increased waste production and less autophagy. In this article, Dr. Jason Fung discusses some of the most important things to keep in mind in order to fast in the safest way possible. Are all calories created equally regardless of whether they come from a low-carb, low-fat or a vegan diet? I have been OMAD for nearly three years now thanks to finding Dr. Fung. I have a history of disordered eating so it seems weight loss may be a little harder for me. It was just the way it was. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. It wasnt until he found a keto diet that thing started to change. And it doesnt take much. Eat between 12 pm to 6 pm. The word derives from the Greek auto (self) and phagein (to eat). Want to give fasting a try? Eat lots of snacks. What about Gatorade? When we eat, insulin goes up, signaling the body to store some food energy as body fat. Yet they had virtually no obesity. Then you get a new car. Its breaking down all the time. I am strength training 3 days a week and walking on the other days. Unfortunately juices and most smoothies are pretty high in carbohydrates. Large insulin doses controlled blood sugars better, but what happened to their weight? I learned that it was also ketogenic, they work hand in hand. Dr. Fung's fasting course part 2: How do you maximize fat burning? This video may be helpful for you! I can't find anything from Fung himself, aside from the quote you mention, but there are examples on this board where people lose 100+ pounds and don't have loose/flabby skin. 60 | 5'8" 11%bf cw121# gw120#,,, If we believe that excess calories alone cause obesity, then the treatment is to reduce calories. You have given me back my life, literally, and I will be forever grateful. Dr. Fung's patients average 3 days of fasting per week. There were not eating whole-wheat pasta. Dolly - TFM Success Story. Just as with all the good things of life, moderation and balance are key. So this process of autophagy is unique to fasting something not found in simple caloric restriction or dieting. Will drinking water with three ounces of lemon juice (6 carbs, 24 calories) in it spread over the entire day (16 hours) turn off autophagy during a water only fast? For many health reasons, losing weight is important. The Fasting MethodProgram was one of those lovely, serendipitous gifts the Universe is apt to proffer at your lowest moments. Even though scientists are still unsure of exactly when autophagy begins, they know that an extended fast begins to deplete the body of nutrients. People with a history of disordered eating should work with a professional when incorporating fasting in order to prevent the types of recurrence of issues as you experienced. I think there has to be a better way. That loose upper arm skin or bat wings are one example of loose skin left on your body from weight loss. All Rights Reserved. Dr Fung recommends doctor supervision for longer fasts. Unfortunately, most nutritional authorities tell you the exact opposite. Does Spirulina and Chlorella stop autophagy while on a longer extended fast, This video may be helpful for you. That's why Dr. Eric Berg preaches eating enougj vegetables to get 4,700 mg potassium every single day especially while doing keto. Autophagy can be induced bythe absence of external food, in other words, byfasting for several hours. Skin can continue to tighten for a year or 2 after weight loss. How much fiber do you need on the ketogenic diet. There is no set answer since that does vary for each person. The French were loving their bread. He is also active on Twitter. All I can find are conflicting percentages and old-school (but unproven in my case) calorie recommendations. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. by Claire C | Fasting, Type II, Uncategorized | 0 Comments. Thanks hello, while fasting for 24hrs-36hrs, how much homemade bone broth can be consumed in one sitting to stay in ketosis state and how much broth can be consumed during these fasting? I am doing keto and intermittent fasting and extended fasting of 3-5 days once (sometimes twice) a month. Body fatness is a critical determinant of species survival. Dr. Fung's top posts 1 Longer fasting regimens - 24 hours or more 2 How to renew your body: Fasting and autophagy 3 My single best weight loss tip Type 2 diabetes Weight loss Keto Intermittent fasting More with Dr. Fung All posts by Dr. Fung Dr. Fung has his own blog at Dr. Fung's fasting course part 6: Is it really that important to eat breakfast? Chris Hannaway shares his success story, takes us for a spin in the gym and orders food at the local pub. Cardio is good, healthy training for our hearts and can help withlosing weight. I got the cgm through Veri so it isn't related to my GP or any other specific doctor. Yes, exactly! Im prediabetic with fatty liver; gallbladder removed years ago. Although we dont yet have clinical trial evidence for this, it would make sense that a process like autophagy that has the ability to clear out old protein could prevent the development of AD. You may need medicine in addition to fasting and low carb to help bring those numbers down from dangerous levels. If done during the weight loss program, this combination of strength training and fasting can help prevent that ugly sagging skin from ever appearing in the first place. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Stay updated like 500,000+ subscribers with our weekly Diet Doctor newsletter. All I want to know is how to lower my body set weight. You are totally rocking it. I can't go back to what I was eating because it will make me violently sick. Whats it like working with patients and giving controversial low-carb advice in front of a TV audience? The Asians were loving their white rice. I'm a primary care and sports medicine physician who is passionate about promoting health and wellness. Any advice will help. Dr. Jason Fung talks about loose skin and intermittent fasting in this video, starting at around 17:42. In 2016, the Nobel Assembly at Karolinska Institutet awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine to Yoshinori Ohsumi for his discoveries of mechanisms for autophagy. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Dr Fung also seems to primarily be treating 300 pound people in their 50's and 60's who get down to 200. Autophagy helps cells keep themselves clean and healthy. Dr. Jason Fung Interview The Obesity Code & The Complete Guide To Fasting Books , The landmark book from New York Times-bestselling author Dr. Jason Fung, one of the world's leading experts on intermittent fasting for weight-loss and longevity, whose 5-step plan has helped thousands of people lose weight and achieve lasting health. Treatments take 30 to 90 minutes, with no downtime. Learn how this pie-making champion went low carb and how it changed his life. If insulin goes up, glucagon goes down. I was diagnosed with prediabetes and am very underweight. When he says that people in the 70s were fasting, what hes talking about is that after dinner, around 7 pm, they were done. Eating. It might be that we are interpreting his statements as "No one has loose skin" when the reality might be "Some/Many patients of Dr. Fung have some amount of loose skin which cannot be fixed by fasting, but Dr. Fung has not explicitly referred them to a surgeon to get the surgical procedure". Although sometimes called a fad, low carb diets have actually more science Zeenah Z.2021-08-31T02:53:08-04:00Fasting, Featured|. According to the results of a study by Dr. Valter Longo at USC, "Even fasting on its own effectively treated a majority of cancers tested in animals, including cancers from human cells." It protects against immune system damage caused by chemo. You love to ride it. thanks doc fung. And, is this ancient practice something your should consider adopting to strengthen your connection to God? If the brain and belly are burning cleanwith fasting, every moment a new song comes out of the fire. The . I just wonder if sometimes hopeful people might read into his words too much, and exaggerate some of the claims that he has made. There may be more research available online. We typically don't see anorexics with loose skin either, for similar reasons. But it needed to be talked about.The number one question I alwa. Lack of collagen, in turn, leads to aging, sagging skin. Is Metamucil Keto? And the main hormone we need to know about is insulin. Genetics play a big role, too. In this video, Dr. Jason Fung gives a presentation on diabetes to a room full of medical professionals. 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