April 2


lds excommunication letter

| Enlighten the World. Attacking the messenger does not alter the reality of the message." Escrito en 27 febrero, 2023. . It is my position that if the Church seeks to remove my membership, it is committing a grotesque injustice by punishing me for seeking and sharing the But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. church and its foundational truth claims. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. never a remote thought of holding a "surprise" disciplinary council on March 15th. The following communications took place between October 19, 2014 to April 17, 2016. ", https://www.facebook.com/runnells/posts/10158069407958737, "With its gentler approach, FAIR drops its snarky videos aimed at LDS Church critics", "Marvel Removes Anti-Mormon Reference from 'Amazing Spider-Man' Comic", "These Mormon twins worked together on an IRS whistleblower complaint over the church's billions and it tore them apart", "Mormons, Here's Why I Published the Revelations About the LDS Church's $100 Billion Stockpile", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Jeremy_Runnells&oldid=1141515508, This page was last edited on 25 February 2023, at 12:50. - President J. Reuben Clark, Truth is unafraid of light, questioning, investigation, and scrutiny. on how the LDS Church treats its doubters and questioners who dare ask questions and share concerns about LDS church essay verified problems with LDS foundational truth claims. understand that some of what you have said and done has done just that.". The Court of Jeremy Runnells. -Jeremy Runnells, during his disciplinary council, 17 April 2016. This is my response to your April 7, 2016 disciplinary Also, the Procedures are given for settling important difficulties in the Church, D&C 102 (D&C 42:8093). imagination of members who hear excommunication because of "conduct unbecoming a member" and "additional information"). Such an event is rare, particularly for a church official of such high standing. There was an informal March 15th meeting scheduled with the Stake President but that has been cancelled as well. I have also recently had ear surgery that I am still Any disciplinary action against me without giving me errors or mistakes to publicly correct along with the opportunity to publicly correct and repent of My goal has been to get official answers from the In fact, they had to wait approximately 5 minutes from Runnells' entering the room for Ivins to come back in the room with an interpreter. priesthood leader. If you are sincere in your expressed desire to keep your Church membership and to explore answers to your He contradicted this agreement by moving the date up, with a simple explanation that there was "additional Excommunication is a disciplinary per the Church's definition. I will I American Fork, UT (February 9, 2016) In fact, October 19th's "anti-Mormon The questions that I asked the stake president over and over the last year and a half has been: And he never answered any of those questions once. essay admits and disavows as "theories" originated by racist Brigham Young in 1852. As an LDS church seminary teacher, Nelson experienced his LDS faith crisis. Explore your doubts. reference. It was a Mormonism where you were expected to search for and embrace all truth regardless of where it may be found. Thank you for the clarification on your intention to cancel our March 15th meeting and to communicate via writing. When I first read the title to this threadI thought it was going to be like a Letterman Top 10 list of reasons to be excommunicated. The following are suggestions for writing a letter to the LDS . I chose to defend myself. So I believe that it is at the discretion of each Bishop what penelty they will assign. answers to its truth crisis and serious problems and challenges to its foundational truth claims. is a good thing as without updating it, I would be doing a disservice to CES Letter readers as well as the church by not correcting errors and mistakes /r/Mormon is a subreddit for articles and topics of interest to people interested in Mormon themes. what you have said and done has done just that. I'm really touched by that. "So, because you guys are not answering my questions, and you guys have not answered my questions the past 3 years, it is very clear to me that the church does not have answers to its truth crisis. [7][6], According to Runnells, after attending a fireside by Marlin K. Jensen in 2012, he became aware that some members were losing their faith over historical issues. Just a quick thought on excommunication. I have already answered and rebutted this accusation against me in my March 7th letter to you. "My experience with President Ivins, unfortunately, the past year and a half, is that he has never answered my questions. sincere concern and a teacher bore his or her testimony as a response intended to avoid the issue.". that all of the claims made above by its leaders along with Ballard's "master the essays" are ultimately just empty words. makes the presence of an interpreter a concern. A person who is excommunicated is no longer a member of the Church. Also, no worries about preciseness as I have It includes removal of a member's name from the records of the Church. I wasn't the village idiot. be unable to receive and sign any certified mail. No response ever came. Runnells was not Your words above ring extremely hollow in light of your consistent refusal to answer legitimate and reasonable questions. scripture. My membership evaporated the second that I gave President Ivins my resignation I asked to meet on March 15th because I have a very close family member in hospice and near death. Jana Spangler, one of several women who flew in from Utah to support Natasha and serve as the witnesses the Church Handbook says the accused can have, said the reception was chilly to say the least. You knew that I had a family member in hospice, which is why we agreed to March 15th in the first place. 2. I recognize that dealing with a family member receiving hospices care is a difficult situation for you and your family. In February 2012, Jeremy experienced an awakening to the LDS Church's truth crisis, which subsequently led to a faith transition that summer. Church's own foundational truth claims. The folks that I shared the letter with online for editing and feedback found value in it for themselves to give to their own family members and friends John Tracy Ellis, a historian.Lefebvre was excommunicated in 1988 after he consecrated four bishops for a new religious community. Church members can be excommunicated if they apostatize from church teachings. As we also agreed on the phone, please have your secretary arrange a time for me to come in on that date. Runnells responds to Ivins' March 20, 2016 @ 5:05am email with the following 11:56pm email (screenshot): I am asking you questions seeking clarification and understanding from you as to how you and the church justify your demands to censor me, obstruct my free - Runnells requested a delay until March 15th, citing a close family member in hospice care, which was originally Ivins responded with All you who speak so authoritatively on the excommunication topic, explain this: a friend of mine was an adulterer, boozer, and liar. I am a product of Mormonism. members. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Brown, "Historians did not create problem areas of the Mormon past, but most of us cannot agree to conceal them, either. answers. Joseph Fielding Smith, that Joseph Smith was a deceiver who willfully attempted to mislead people and that he should be exposed, his claims should be Press J to jump to the feed. Yet on October 22nd? I expect this matter to be handled with respect. Either it means something or it doesn't. Again, I will be bringing my trusted interpreter to ensure that I understand 100% of everything that is said in our meeting. All I've wanted was to resolve my doubts and concerns about the discrepancies of what I was Excommunicated persons can, however, rejoin the fold by being rebaptized. "[23], In 2018, when Lars Nielsen published confidential documents about the investment fund of the LDS Church, he titled his work, "Letter to an IRS Director" in homage to the "Letter to a CES Director" written by Runnells. Updated on June 25, 2019. Please disregard the notice you received by mail today regarding the disciplinary council scheduled for February 14, 2016. Bill Reel's "Mormon Discussion" podcast recently took on Elder Jeffrey R. Holland. disturbing. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. The essays are a welcome step forward in "Your Name. As for translations, I have spent exactly $0 on translations. The LDS gospel topics series: A scholarly engagement. The church released its very disturbing and problematic Plural Marriage in Kirtland and Nauvoo essay Your previous content has been restored. questions with the complete expectation of a victorious outcome in favor of the LDS Church's foundational truth claims. I have desperately tried to get official answers from the church to these serious problems for several years now. Which means that they, too, take their place on the spectrum of excommunication, outside the body of the members their alienation less formal and official, but no less real. or "stay in the boat" or "God not Google" are not answers to the problematic facts that directly undermine and challenge the LDS Church's This means the papyri did not come from Abraham's own hand as Joseph and the church claimed the last 175 or so But all of it is secondary to my unyielding love of the church. Catholicism truly is the most beautiful thing I know. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. I have seen hats but no cattle. Worse, this racist teaching was accepted by 130 years of prophets, Why is the exmo community up in arms over something they believe to be meaningless to begin with (since being excommunicated from a fraudulent church doesn't mean anything)? These values are ingrained into my own DNA. I We are trying to respond to those problem I have been asking you - for a year and a half now - to correct me and to show me errors and mistakes in the CES Letter and on cesletter.org so that I can Is this really a legitimate reason for excommunication? The only reason why I'm offering translations is because volunteers have given me Church Handbook says that my resignation "cancels the effects of baptism and confirmation, withdraws the priesthood held by a male member, and revokes I have done nothing wrong. . The Salamander Letter: The Most Scandalous Document In Mormon History A clip from Netflix's Murder Among the Mormons that explores the infamous salamander letter. It is not me or the CES Letter itself that causes people to leave, if they do, but rather the facts and information verified by the church's own essays and The Lord tends to make us work, study, But if you are truly concerned about that, you may choose to provide your response in writing. Runnells received a physical April 7, 2016 letter delivered by the Stake Clerk from President Ivins announcing a Disciplinary Court against Runnells to be Wanting to understand these historical issues, Runnells learned about and was specifically disturbed by Joseph Smith's marriages to already-married women, and Book of Abraham historical criticisms. Notice that this letter has a different font and is more thorough/professional than the Valentine's Day disciplinary letter. Thanks Six. You agreed to help me back then only Ivins attempts to take their conversation away from light of transparency to dark of secrecy, Ivins attempts to censor Runnells and CES Letter by demanding censorship and removal from Mormon Marketplace of Information, "If we have the truth, it cannot be harmed by investigation. I believe that individuals, investigators, and members of the church need all of the information on the table to make a fully informed decision as to whether or not they want to commit their hearts, minds, lives, and money to Mormonism. [5], After not receiving a response, in April 2013 he posted his letter on the internet. Ms. Kelly's stake president had warned her in a letter in May that if she did not shut down the website, dissociate herself from it and repent, she faced excommunication for "openly, repeatedly. It either occurred or it did not occur. With respect, President, your question demonstrates that you either have forgotten the letter that I gave you to read in our November 2, 2014 meeting or "okay" and the phone call was over. In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church), a church membership council (formerly called a disciplinary council) [1] is an ecclesiastical event during which a church member's status is considered, typically for alleged violations of church standards. Well, something remarkable happened a few days later on October 22, 2014. With such a sketchy track record, what credibility do these 15 men in Salt Lake have? It also doesnt work. If a disciplinary council were held for my asking questions, pursuing truth and defending my name, the church would show that it was speaking out of both No one has to take Jeremy's word on anything. as they sought to obstruct and destroy the free agency of myself and others, to obstruct the free flow of information, and to imbalance the Mormon I'm somewhat confused and surprised by this news, however, because President Ivins and I had originally agreed upon a March date to accommodate my modern Egyptologists. Runnells - Just checking to see if anything has changed in your schedule that we could meet sometime this week. Middle row: Jennifer White, Jana Spangler, Natasha Helfer and Kattie Niu Mount. Disturbed and disgusted with the LDS Church's unfair, unjust, and un-Christlike treatment toward him along with the LDS Church's and Stake President's refusal to answer sincere and reasonable questions, Runnells ultimately made the decision during his disciplinary court hearing held on the evening of April 17, 2016 to resign and remove his name from the records of the LDS Church. Runnells publicly announces the latest updates (screenshot): Many of you have emailed me or contacted me to ask for an update on the LDS Church's Excommunication attempts against me. Ultimately, Ivins reversed his ban on the interpreter in the meeting but blindsided Runnells with the reversal only after the social media firestorm and only after Runnells came walking to him in the Stake Center to the disciplinary council with his own interpreter. I have sought official answers to the LDS Church's truth crisis through official channels. which truths are now verifiable today through the Church's new essays. I trust that the above may be of assistance in assuring that you accurately understand my answers to your questions. It's my understanding that there's several of you who have come would be a grotesque injustice against me. In other developments in the Chad and Lori Daybell case, it seems that Chad Daybell has been ex-communicated from the LDS Church. "Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My church essays, FairMormon, and even the CES Letter. that the church does not have answers. All of our upcoming communications, in writing or in person, will be confidential. members access to information. Published materials and participated in interviews which have attempted to discredit the Church; Publicly expressed your view that the Church's scriptures are fraudulent; and. Why are you treating me like a criminal when I am not one? Different accounts of First Vision. All rights reserved. Not a single question. He's asked to have a deaf interpreter. In the mid-20th century the church began to forcefully discipline Mormon intellectuals who challenged the orthodox view of history. Runnells responded that he had already given his answer to Ivins' secretary and asked if The CES Director read the "very-well written" document, stated that "these are issues which the Brethren (Apostles) are concerned about" and promised a As Mormon historian and scholar D. Michael Quinn wrote: "Attacking the messenger does not alter the reality of the message.". Elder James J. Hamula, a member of the Quorum of the Seventy, was released and excommunicated, the @LDSchurch said. First sold to Steven Christensen, a Mormon bishop and document collector (whom Hofmann would later kill with a bomb in 1985), the "salamander letter" purports to be written by Martin Harris. assist, please let me know. responses to FairMormon. Ivins leaves a voice mail on Runnells' phone in the morning to call him back. What AlMom said. and integrity. On Sunday, I will be tried in . Please let me know if you are willing to abide by these terms. "[19] Runnells responded to the videos in a Facebook post, reposting a video calling them a "dishonest smear campaign". Ivins' church office in American Fork, Utah. goal has been to get official answers from the church as promised me by its CES Director three years ago. I had never heard of this. Translation and Historicity of the Book of Abraham essay. You have not done this. whether or not they want to commit their hearts, minds, time, talents, income, and lives to Mormonism.". These unofficial defenders of the church and their pet theories are no more legitimate or official than the wacky pet theories and claims of that weird old ", "Author Jeremy Runnells Resigns From LDS Church At Excommunication Hearing In American Fork", "Jeremy Runnells and His Letter to a CES Director", "Inside the Secret Facebook War For Mormon Hearts and Minds", "The Trials of YouTube Jesus: A Mormon Apostate Fighting for His Family", "Author of 'Letter to a CES Director' resigns from Mormon church", "Author of 'Letter to a CES Director' out of LDS Church after disciplinary council", "Jana Riess: This is your brain on Mormon Facebook", "Understanding Mormon Disbelief: Why do some Mormons lose their testimony, and what happens to them when they do? addition to clarifying how your demands are reasonable and congruent to the foundational principles of free agency, transparency, honesty and freedom? following snippet: Immediately after you read "persist in teaching as Church doctrine information that is not Church doctrine after they have been corrected by their bishop or higher authority," I immediately responded by stating to you repeatedly: "I am asking you to correct me and you are not correcting me.". ", Author of 'Letter to a CES Director' out of LDS Church, Author Jeremy Runnells Resigns From LDS Church at Excommunication Hearing in American Fork, Author of 'Letter to a CES Director' Resigns from Mormon Church. My well-meaning mother has told my 19yr old sister that if she moves in with her boyfriend that she is a candidate for excommunication. An in-depth look at every individual excommunicated by Jesus Christ in scripture, High-profile excommunications may harm Mormon retention rates in the long run. If there are no errors or mistakes, why am I being punished for seeking and sharing the truth? I am resigning because I have come to learn for myself after years of asking for - and being promised - official answers that the LDS Church does not have You state: "After reviewing your website and your statements, there are many who might suggest that you are openly and publicly acting in opposition to facts. I have in turn asked several of my own to you. Or even holding a council? Instead of calling Ivins back, Runnells emails Ivins the following message @ 1:39pm (screenshot): I received your voice mail asking me to call you. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. Here is Fox 13's coverage of Jeremy Runnells and the press conference: LDS author says he faces excommunication after writing 'Letter to a CES Director'. I have discovered, borrowing the above words of Jody England Hansen writes the names of more than 700 people who could not attend in person to express their support for Helfer but wanted to communicate their solidarity. the disciplinary council scheduled for February 14th. I have asked you 3 questions over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over. church will ever reverse those excommunications and apologize to those historians and individuals for being ahead of their time by speaking and writing the - Book of Abraham. I am glad to hear that, although you need to understand that some of I had two meetings with you (Stake President) in the fall of 2014. questions that I asked them. 3 years of waiting for promised answers from the CES Director only to be left with silence. bunnzy, I prefer the old-school term excommunication, which is more accurate in its ramifications. To drag me into a disciplinary court is a grotesque injustice. Yesterday's historians and members with questions have been disciplined and excommunicated on accusations that they were "acting in opposition to the "If we have the truth, no harm can come from investigation. ", Elder Ballard pointed to the church's essays (https://www.lds.org/topics/essays) and instructed his Why still no answers? Lee claimed that he was thrown out due to an argument about the role of Native Americans in the church, but in 1994, he was convicted of attempted sexual abuse of a child, which reportedly took place in 1989. Front row: Jody England Hansen. - Elder Hugh B. I trust that you will be honorable and "The Church has a strong desire to protect children and, as you know, issued updated guidelines for interviewing youth earlier this year.". 0:00. agreement by pushing to excommunicate me for reasons I did not know or understand. listeners to "know the content in these essays like you know the back of your hand.". In response, Runnells posted the following on his Facebook wall: Which is it, LDS Church? Why won't you just answer the questions in confirmed to me in a very real and personal way that I no longer want to be associated with this organization in any way. accepted by Ivins. Brigham Young was wrong about Adam being God, for claiming it was received by revelation, and for introducing this false doctrine into the veil of the What other reasons are there for excommunication? Pasted as rich text. But go ahead, bash away. The following is a scanned copy of the certified letter that I received from Ivins a few days later. If the sin is so serious that it requires excommunication, the individual will continue attending church, praying, and working toward a time when they can be re-baptized. However, because you're "not a historian," you were going I am confident that you will be able to hear and understand the proceedings. Washington City resident Bill Reel, who . Third, Ive never heard of a time limit being preset for a hearing. In 2015, John Dehlin, a Mormon blogger who criticized church leaders and teachings in podcasts, was excommunicated for conduct contrary to church laws, though he denied having committed apostasy. and Mormon Interpreter is to demonstrate that the church does not value balance, free flow of facts and any real honest intellectual discussion in Your previous content has been cancelled as well into a disciplinary court is a candidate for excommunication and taking. 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