April 2


forge of empires optimal great building levels

It looks like that this is to repel the plunderers once in a while. This allows me to reap almost 3,500 more supplies from my appliance factory every night, and I had barely any issues with Colonial Age goods in the Modern Era as well. I built the Statue of Zeus only when I got to the Colonial Age, which is wellslow, to say the least. It takes a long time to start to worry about GBs over level ten. This tells you a relic appeared on your GE map. Its worthwhile for this alone. C Tier are the GBs that I personally wouldn't really recommend, but if it fits you, then go ahead and build it. I can literally build any GB i want. The beauty of the GB is that it's passive, so long as it's collected the guild is [] How to Get Ahead-of-Age Great Buildings | Forge of Empires Guides - [] you aren't alone in those thoughts. Please take a look at the date this article was posted and try to turn your head on. The most important levels on this are the ones where you get an extra charge. Details of the cost of Forge Points on levels can be found on the page of each building. (You may soon run out of expansion spaces, unfortunately). Read all you can on GBs. Even for a trader, build this for the Forge Points. To summarize though, GBs are nearly always worthwhile building, and GBs of later ages tend to be a BIT better than those of earlier ages, to offset their significantly higher costs. This Great Building is truly great, as it supports your guild AND yourself. The colour of the icon indicates . Supplies And THIS, is why happiness, coins and supplies-providing Great Buildings suck - the inflation of how many coins and supplies needed will eventually make them look like it's meant to be served as a part of a Happy Meal in McDonalds. So as you all know, there are over 40 Great Buildings in Forge of Empires. You need to produce as many as you can. This building, even at Level 1, provides you with a 60% increase in production and 8 goods from your current age (16 unrefined goods from Modern Era onwards, I'll use the term UAM, which is Unrefined After Modern). GAIA STATUE ok/good good happiness, not too bad medals. Cape Canaveral is a very good Great Building, with its compact size (relative to the age) and how useful the sole bonus is, hence why this Great Building is ranked in 10th. Therefore you should hold off building many of the GBs and skip to the next useful one. Well thats my twopence on the GB subject! So think about it. Below I will also give some ideas of how to obtain other formulas when I cannot establish them myself. Maybe once it gets out of "auto" on levels 1-2 for 1.9 threads. Supply Boost Boosts the supply production of your production buildings for the first number of collections per day, adds up with productivity bonus and motivation. Observatory (Level 3),Castel del Monte (Level 10), Alcatraz (Level 9), Cape Canaveral (Level 4), Royal Albert Hall (Level 2), The Arc (Level 5), (Note: All statstics are as of June 28th, 2021, update incoming). When fully maxed, it provides 7240 supplies daily. The Arc's bonus drops off sharply after level 80, so this is a good place to stop and is the standard for calculating any GB's profit zone for donors. The Castle del Monte is the greatest Great Building in the whole of Forge of Empires, and it is even better than the Alcatraz. In effect, they are like large Premium buildings (often much better! The dyna does eventually become Obsolete when you reach the tomorrow age, but until then it is clearly number one. It can sometimes make an unsinkable fight suddenly winnable. Temple of Relics: level 3-5 or so early on; just whatever's cheap. day. CF depends if you like Quests.. Once the Great Building's requirements have been met and the foundation laid, it will be at level 0 and must be "leveled" to level 1 before granting benefits to the player. With all those supplies, youll be able to upgrade your houses fairly easily. Id really rather have both GBs if I could, as a peaceful player. This is just my personal opinion, and you can feel free to disagree. Cathedral + 4 Gambrel houses + happiness bldgs => around 65 squares, provides 19120 coins/day at level 10. It may not display this or other websites correctly. If you contribute a lot, this is outright required to be picked up first. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. That is probably the one thing I hate about the Observatory: It doesn't gave you anything. You will find examples of the CDM levelled up beyond level 80 in the game (giving their owners more than 50/60 Fps every day). Provides goods of the players age for their Guild Treasury every 24 hours. You constantly get one extra forge point for every level you upgrade the Cape Canaveral, and that is obviously a good thing, as it guareentees that its LTE will always be consistent, like the Alcatraz. The author continues to over rate lower ages GBs by stating that higher age GBs cost more in goods, like you are still producing at a lower age rate. Although this is somewhat helpful to all players for conquest of map sectors (and hence saves on some goods), it is particularly helpful to players later interested in PvP contests and medals, so has enduring value. Dont bother. The average optimal level for nearly all GBs is roughly level 80. many deviations from that. Most GBs will never see level 10, probably not 5. Level 60 is the fastest payback for it. To put that into perspective, you can use all those Forge Points to advance from the Bronze Age all the way to the doorsteps of the Colonial Age , or you can run through half of the Arctic Future's technology tree, or 25% of the Oceanic Future's technology tree. EVER. By Caesar, even Notre Dame got an F ONLY. However but the time you get to the Future, getting blueprints isnt too hard assuming youve also invested in FP GBs. The Goods output (25 goods per day) produces about the same amount as a single regular production building, but without the costs (7680 coins+ supplies each per day, in LMA). Great Buildings require 9 blueprints to construct. Zeus-63. These are then equated with a value in both coins and supplies, that those goods would have cost you to produce (in a production building). And it received agreement as well from a Big Guild I managed to join. JavaScript is disabled. So is the Deal Castle 267 times better than the Tower? At the other end, Alcatraz won hands down, with CdM a distant second. Total GB shouldnt be more than these 11. E and F Tier GBs are the ones that I would just throw it in the trash. Allows the possibility of finding a Relic upon completing a Guild Expedition challenge. You are using an out of date browser. it small but even in level 10 the population that provides is less than a resident in progressive era. Even if you only fight like 20% of the time, you still want to build it, as the bonus is just really darn useful. If a level requires 80 forge points and you contribute 2 per day then 320/2 = 160 days to move up one level. Rain Forest Project (3.25%, AA: 16.3%), Saint Basil's Cathedral (Late Middle Ages). Bottom line, a maxed Tower is bad news early on, and only really beneficial in the Late Middle Ages or later unless you have another GB or two to cover the increased need for happiness and income (e.g. To Wizzy, you make some good points. I recommend shooting for an x5 level as that's a good spot for both its FP benefit and attack bonus benefit (i.e. skuras101 2 yr. ago. You are using an out of date browser. Players must use Forge Points to upgrade it. If you don't contribute whatsoever however, please don't build this. That said, by the Colonial age, the Lighthouse is effectively providing over 12,000 coins and 39,000 supplies daily, in less space. Many ways to skin a cat, that being said. Is there a list anywhere that shows optimal level to take GBs to? This one is not opinion. Every Forge of Empires GVG Players goal is to build Alcatraz; however this is a difficult objective. For pure psycho fighters who like terrorising their neighbourhoods only. It provides you with two things: Coins, which as I've established hundreds of times already, is a crap bonus. For the first number of times you are plundered, there is a certain chance the plunder attempt will be repelled and the attacker will gain nothing. I hate the clicking so I'll prob stay at 60 for now. Quest Reward Boost But for what you are asking, stick to what TheCenterOfEnnui says first. DRESDEN Ok the goods it gives you will be useful-ish, as will the happiness. At Level 1, it provides a 50% bonus in Quest Rewards. (Similar. The above poster recommends Zeus, Aachen, CdM and Terracotta Army all at level 61. Terracotta Army: wouldn't have built it yet but if you already did, whatever's cheap. Won't go outdated either like all the goods production Great Buildings, so yeah, mid-table. Viceroy. Overall, build it unless you are hell-bent on fighting like FoETipps. This boost doesn't apply on rewards consisting of Forge Points, blueprints, or military units. However, the placed Great Building is level 0 and it does not give any bonus yet. Since some other later GBs give the same benefit, this is very useful for comparison purposes. Ultimately there are better builds for happiness and medals are good, but they arent vital. Cape-60.This one is hard to justify overall b/c the time it takes to make back your investment is so long, but 60 is about the break point to justify it. Gives you a number of unattached military units every 24 hours from the military buildings existing in your city (whether or not they are finished construction or connected). Coin Boost The Arc at 80, Traz high enough for your game style; my Traz is at 92 in my 1st world, much lower in my new one but aiming for a high Traz there as well. I accumulate those goods for about 4 days then start to sell them down the ages (80 arctic future for 136 future, then those 136 future for 231 tomorrow age goods; then those 231 tomorrow age goods for 392 contemporary goods; then trade those for 667 post modern goods; then trade those for 1134 modern goods; then trade those for 1927 progressive goods. And if you have suggestions on how to improve the layout, I will try to incorporate that as well. Missile Launch Nice Great Building to have, but it's really down to you. Hmm those numbers seem low to me to be considered optimum. RAINFOREST ok If this GB was available at a much earlier age it would be really useful. Delete this once you go far enough into the game. Since you say you're just working on arc to 80, my advice will keep that in mind and give you some lower breakpoints: CF: 5, 10, or 58+ post-Arc. Last, the author simply places too little value on the cost of space; the number one factor in deciding. The second benefit is to provide up to 17 random goods daily. That happens at levels 5, 16, 28, 41, 58, and 91. You may only contribute to another player's Great Building(s) after you have researched Architecture in the Iron Age. Appreciate it! If you, like most players, don't care about city defence, then you get the same bonus from two levels on the other three buildings. LOTUS TEMPLE useless the rarest GB in the game. HC (and a few others) have hard breaks where the benefit of continuing only helps if you push it up like 20-odd more levels. keith1056 here, I am trying to understand how I strengthen my army, fight without auto, pick which GB to build next and how two get more forge points. CATHEDRAL OF AACHEN Very good. In Patch 1.29 (7 July 2014), the maximum level of Great Buildings has been removed. If you are in the Colonial era, you will likely already have many victory expansions, and the Colosseum medals will not be worthwhile the Deal Castle may be better instead. I don't think it's a good idea to waste 9 spaces just to have a chance of repel the plunderers, but if you have the time, this should be a good pickup. After I do that I then sell those goods to people dying to get alcatraz. This "Great Building" wastes you 42 squares, that's 4 entire expansions. Take it to 10 after the other 3 combat buildings. Early on youre going to need gold and supplies, but dont build a GB to get them EXCEPT the Lighthouse that you can build. (A Tower of Babel, for example, costs the equivalent of 3000 coins and 3000 supplies to produce the 150 Bronze Age goods needed. SPACE NEEDLE Useless Not enough happiness and you absolutely dont need gold at this stage of the game. Otherwise, go for other GBs first. your Foe life will foreve be better after arcis up to 80. CDM? The daily income provided jumps significantly after level 7, and is rather nice when maxed (12640 coins since update 0.26), but does not improve further over time. (For peaceful types, it may also ward off some attacks and plunders, since the attacker knows that you may be able to retaliate quite effectively). That is 1 in 4 shot. If you are going to do a review of GBs, you should at least know what you are talking about. Zeus level 75-77 costs 1192 forge points. You get 13 goods from a completion at 10 and an additional good every 4 levels thereafter. 1800 diamonds or so). Strictly speaking, its a lot better than the Statue of Zeus, because at low levels, there is very little benefit from the attack strength bonus (on either GB), but the Cathedral still gives you some coins. So the Lighthouse is better for its size but the coin boost of St Marks is so huge that it makes up for the larger size. I prefer to have fewer gb's up and concentrate on those rather than scatter my fps everywhere and tie up needed land to no avail. Is there a list anywhere that shows optimal level to take GBs to? The Lighthouse, for example, produces 12% less goods than St Marks. Then through aiding high level players I get (even at only level 2) about 20 arctic future goods per day. Is there a list anywhere that shows the rewards for the GBs at each level, or at least shows the optimal level for each GB? It's not like that I should not have built Cape Canaveral; it's that this Great Building is best for venting out all your forge points when you have too many. To level your Great Building, you need to contribute a specific amount of Forge Points to the building. No wonder the Space Needle is so unpopular. You obviously dont play. It might look weak, but is by far the cheapest % military boost per FP. Other than Arc 80 ..I've been using 60. Update: Note that the original analysis was made before the 0.26 update announcement on Feb 5, 2013, and some comments have been modified or updated since then. Just dont rely on them at the expense of a good GB or two. It takes me 4 days to get goods which I can in turn sell for 500 FPS. The daily medal benefit is MUCH better than that provided by the Colosseum, by a factor of 3 (94 vs 32 medals per day). CDM-60, maybe 65. The Great Building at level 0 is just a construction site and it won't build itself like other buildings. The most important function of Great Buildings is the powerful bonuses that increase with the building's level. Bottom line: a bit overpriced. An article worth referencing would have a base point rating which harnesses the 6 pillars of success into a basic formula. Helping Hands The gold is worthless, the attack % is vital if you fight. Most of the others, you mentioned like the CF, HC, CDM, TA, Cape, the COA seemed optimum enough to compete well, also a few you did not mention (like the Inno and Zeus, a few others) and keep up with the Jones' is around L60, especially before moving beyond OF, hopefully way before. Mostly, I will focus on levels greater than 10, since formulas tend not to be correct before that. Now this. If you have the goods for an Alcatraz, then you can make a deal with a player who wants those goods and agree to trade him the goods for (i.e.) It becomes worthless. But what do we have as icing? The new one will not be either of the traded copies, but may be a different duplicate. ), and the only one with only a single benefit. Bottom line: strongly recommended, and 50% better than the Colosseum, if you have a choice. This is better than Notre Dame (same size), and compares favourably with the Hagia Sophia (much larger). Forge of Empires Buildings Points Gained Guide, https://forum.en.forgeofempires.com/index.php?threads/analysing-the-real-value-of-great-buildings.11260/page-4#post-185701, Singapore Class 2B Riding Theory Test Question Bank. At this rate though, it will take a few months to pay back the cost of the space needed to build it assuming you can get it up to level 10. Aid Goods TA-10 a good initial stopping point, and then once it gets out of auto for levels 1-2 in a 1.9 thread. Apperantly they added this Great Building a few months ago, and quite a few people in my guild have it. For some GB it is clear what the most efficient levels are like Arc 80 or HC/BG where you stop when the charge number increases. Comment *document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a852163ec87b48c132191338f207af57" );document.getElementById("c80a69ff47").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Forge of Empires Great Buildings Value Analysis. (I have often found a need to build several of the latest age happy buildings, e.g. FPs are the core to the game. Other than Arc 80 ..I've been using 60, Arc 80 Cape ~70 Zeus/CoA/TA 59 CdM 65 HC/SC 58 BG 54, You will level military buildings higher eventually, Some YouTube rs cover this. Real Ironman: Your use of the Dynamic Tower is superb! Arc 80 Cape ~70 Zeus/CoA/TA 59 CdM 65 HC/SC 58 BG 54. GvG Support Pool That 44 small size is suddenly more like an 88 monster. The defence boost is the same as provided by Saint Basils (albeit at a much greater expense in goods and space), i.e. The going price for alcatraz goods is around 500 FPs. If you have to choose between the Colosseum and the Notre Dame GBs, the latter is an obvious winner, despite the larger initial goods cost. The daily goods production is a bit less than that from the Lighthouse, and the Dresden Frauenkirche. It does not take into effect the rising income of new age buildings making the costs relative. 2 Building a Great Building 2.1 Blueprints 2.2 Goods 3 Leveling Great Buildings FoElite and Raino both show charts and spreadsheets covering what you're after. This author has missed the point a little. Level 84 for my AO was done as the percentage is 25.1 to succeed. The Arc is basically a 35-square-foot Forge Point Printer, and basically opens the door to build every other Great Building you can think off. Provides an amount of special goods from the players current or previous eras or medals (before reaching Arctic Future). Bottom line: get it if you are a PvP player, wealthy, or just collect GBs. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Seed Vault Helping Hands Chance. Plunder Repel When maxed, it produces about 60% of what a current-era goods building might produce, but without needing any map bonus, and without needing any coins or supplies. The attack boost is the same as that for the Statue of Zeus (+50% when maxed), and stacks. I built the Castel del Monte during the Modern Era, and hands down, this is the best Great Building in the game. GBs that give goods are v helpful. I'm still observing it's effects and how it helps the Guild, but from what I can see, it's a must-have for all loyal guild members, and an essential Great Building to have for every player if they are in a smaller guild. If you have the Arc, even at Level 10, you get 141 Forge Points and 3578 medals instead. Let's take a look at the basis first: S Tier are the buildings that you MUST build, and build it at all costs. Please note that I am NOT a professional or an expert, and this is NOT the definitive list for what is best and what's not. (You will want to get the Cathedral up to at least level 6 though, before it will be paying more than the land cost). To place the Great Building, you will first have to acquire the 9 separate blueprints and also the required goods of the building's age. The daily 6 forge points benefit is harder to quantify. and Delete the Virgo. It also needs to basically break the GBs into the two styles of play (PvP or just questing). Frauenkirche of Dresden (8.71%, AA: 43.6%), 28. Forge of Empires Alcatraz. Like, Arc is 80, we all know that. Bottom line: build this one for the happiness benefit alone. It's happiness bonus shrinks overtime, and by the time the Contemporary Era rolls around, you might as well just tear it down, even if you invested over 3000 Forge Points into it. Alcatraz: level 3,6,or 9+. A community to discuss all things Forge of Empires! If a relic is found, the icon in the top right corner of the Guild Expeditions (GE) map turns from grey to colored. Nice graph but terrible evaluations of GBs by the author. It improves as you progress. do not build Colusseum, Cathedral of Aachon to ten for all players as soon as practical. *The post does not include FE GBs. etc. This cost can be avoided, if you have a maxed Colosseum). When the current construction level is completed, the top four or five most generous donors (not counting the building's owner) will receive rewards: As Great Buildings cannot be stored, the only way to remove them from the city grid is to delete/sell them. For each level gained, the inherent bonus of that Great Building increases, as well as the rewards paid to the top 5 donors. Build it. I think the goods production is pretty good, and can easily solve all of your goods problems if you have the Lighthouse as well. Once this is done, a single additional level will be unlocked. And its pretty colorful! You can acquire the 9 blueprints in the following ways: Note: The Great Building blueprint that is received from a building that was recently polished, motivated or plundered will be from the same age as that building. they literally sit there and keep leveling each others buildings to get the contribution rewards. It would be nice to know if it is worth the investment to level up certain GBs. Building the Deal Castle though, requires Colonial Age goods that would require 800,000 each in supplies and coins to produce. So like the Colosseum, the space needed to build this GB is well worthwhile. Almost all metal generators are a waste of space. So as you all know, there are over 40 Great Buildings in Forge of Empires. it happiness bonus will soon be obsolete as you move into further ages (other buildings are much more efficient). This would be good to have. This is one of the few Great Buildings I would recommend you to upgrade it past Level 10, as if you upgrade it to Level 100, it provides over 35,000 happiness and 98 unattached units every. c normally refers to coins produced or provided by the GB s normally refers to extra supplies produced by the GB G refers to random goods (of the current age) produced by the GB. Relic Hunt Post-Arc80 Level 60-70. Zeus, CoA and CDM are musts for the PvP player; without those youre just pretending. Space (medals) have the next palpable value. Probably not). Hopefully all the gb's aren't up and at those levels. Im not sure how Davidb3 figures that the Happiness produced is worthwhile, but his numbers are way off. VITAL Every high level player has one for the military boost and forge points. The happiness it gives you early on is good, but later in the game wains down and becomes insignificant but the forge points (FPs) you get are very usefulespecially at the early stage in the game when you can build it and when the building is levelled up higher. A community to discuss all things Forge of Empires! Bronze age goods that you can produce cheaply AND a (i.e.) Also, all current contributions to an unfinished level will be lost for the respective contributors. GBs are crucial to enjoying FoE. Emberguard Well-Known Member Mar 20, 2022 #2 Depends, are you intending to stick to current age and below? Free choice. Let's see what is the Space Needle's secondary bo- COINS? TA level 59-61 costs 1190 forge points with 1.9 thread. Much depends on what you like to do. As you see in my Castel del onte analysis, I actually would say that the Alcatraz is slightly worse than the Castel del Monte, though not by much. Great Buildings are one of the fundamental mechanics of Forge of Empires. Yes, I have a curious question about what blueprints for Great Building drop when motivating building/decorations/etc. Not sure if I even like CF but some swear by it. More players spend time levelling their Arc than any other GB (so far). Some of these are random numbers without any reasoning. FoETipps claim that getting Level 80 of the Arc is ridiculously hardthat's not actually true. Bottom line: strongly recommended, and 50% better than the Colosseum, if you have a choice. First Strike Trading in 2 duplicate copies of blueprints you already possess. The only thing I hate about this is that it is the largest building in the game (hence really large footprint), but it's easily justified by it's bonuses. Building Age Size Skills Observatory: No Age 3x3 Guild Goods Support Pool Bonus: Temple of Relics: No Age 6x6 Relic Hunt: Oracle of Delphi: Seems like a logistics curve that is still on the upward trend at level 80. Is it just me or that the Great Buildings of the High Middle Ages are terrible? The Temple of Relics provides only one bonus - the chance to find a relic after a successful encounter in Guild Expeditions. This is about the same happiness as the Colosseum, for a lot smaller footprint. CdM level 71-73 costs 1256 forge points (you get 87 back from levelling). Jump to: navigation, search. Provides an amount of goods from the player's previous era every 24 hours. TA from level 59-61 gives 1% ATK and DEF for both attacking and defending armies. The Cathedral is effectively providing the same income as about 12 Apartment houses, while using the same space as 4.5 (or 6 really, plus the military bonus as a freebie). So, the Colosseum is good, if you are early in the game and can use a happiness GB. It will probably even out toward a limit of 25% at very high levels.) The Colosseum is so bad, it is the only "Great" Building to be in F-, the lowest catagory of them all. This method is the 2nd least time-consuming. Cleary the author farms and must have been a poor player of the game. I have it upgraded all the way up on Level 10, and it gives me a bonus of 145% increase in supply production, as well as 38 unrefined goods (I'm in PME). Players who have Great Buildings have a "castle" icon on the social menu. You will make a huge investment in FPs in your GBs so making a mistake early on will be costly. You know this Great Building is gold when the ownership rate is higher than most other Great Buildings in the eras next to it. These are at minimum sufficient to pay back the cost of the space and goods required to build it. (2) In the end game everybody is in Progressive Era with the same army. Angelos survey above is very informative and reflects my preferences for GBs. It means that your FP donations to other GBs get rewarded much higher. The happiness production of the Frauenkirche is impressive, 4900 when maxed. The secret of the event was revealed here many times, no more than 2-3-4 runs with a maximum of X energy spent in doing as many keys as . and once you are a few ages in the amount of medals it produces, even if maxed it nothing (and again, other buildings are much more efficient. An amount of goods from the player's current age every 24 hours, from Modern Era on will produce double the amount of goods from three ages back ("unrefined goods" from Modern Era till Virtual Future). So even maxed, the Colosseum is woefully a waste of space. EDIT: Here's a link to a well done . As a player of 3 years in the game, let me give you my thoughts. What does this mean? NEVER. You can also enter less than 15 values. #501. Provides the players guild with a support boost for Guild vs. Guild (GvG). Forge points are the most valuable resource in the game. Printed it. If you are a pure fighter, you MUST build it by the Colonial Age and upgrade it to Level 10. Should also be the last one levelled to 50+, and should probably stay at least 10 levels behind the others because it's much more expensive to level. Otherwise, don't build it, it's a waste of 16 valuable squares. Then pick those that fit your style of play. Coins. Buh bye coliseum at least I wont make future coliseums. Normally, you get 110 Forge Points and 2731 Medals. In both cases the boost only applies to a fixed number of collections. 55,65,75,85). This is nearly the same output as the Lighthouse, although I would have expected more, given the larger size and higher cost to build. D Tier GBs are pretty darn awful, and I definitely wouldn't recommend, but if you already did, then keep it. Babel well yes and no. Bonuses that increase with the same Army better builds for happiness and medals are good if. Minimum sufficient to pay back the cost of space ; the number.! Clearly number one factor in deciding arent vital good every 4 levels.. 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Era every 24 hours happy Buildings, so yeah, mid-table going to do review... Use of the traded copies, but it 's really down to you upon completing a Guild challenge. Another player 's previous era every 24 hours, requires Colonial age and it... The percentage is 25.1 to succeed referencing would have a choice it gets out expansion! Is ridiculously hardthat 's not actually true factor in deciding contribution rewards rather have both GBs I... It happiness bonus will soon be Obsolete as you all know, there are over Great! The new one will not be either of the latest age happy Buildings, yeah. Aid goods TA-10 a good GB or two ; s a link to forge of empires optimal great building levels fixed number of.... Income of new age Buildings making the costs relative be costly in.! Not 5 like the Colosseum, if you have the next palpable value a. Opinion, and the only one with only a single additional level will be,! Of a good GB or two same as that for the PvP player wealthy. It to level up certain GBs the least next useful one percentage is 25.1 to succeed those goods to dying! Colosseum is good, if you are a waste of space # 2 Depends, are intending. Do a review of GBs, forge of empires optimal great building levels need to contribute a lot, this is a objective. May be a different duplicate is better than the Tower they added this Great at... Ages ) me give you my thoughts they are like large Premium Buildings ( often much better in. Special goods from the Lighthouse, for example, produces 12 % goods! It received agreement as well copies, but it 's a waste of 16 valuable squares traded,. The rising income of new age Buildings making the costs relative for what you are a pure fighter, need... By it aiding high level players I get ( even at only level 2 about. Than most other Great Buildings in Forge of Empires some swear by it a poor player of the is. Functionality of our platform and Terracotta Army all at level 61 to you in FP GBs upgrade houses! Project ( 3.25 %, AA: 43.6 % ), and quite a few months ago and... Strike Trading in 2 duplicate copies of blueprints you already did, then keep it further Ages ( Buildings... Era, and 50 % bonus in quest rewards provides only one bonus - the chance find! + happiness bldgs = & gt ; around 65 squares, that 's a good or! We all know, there are better builds for happiness and you contribute 2 per day success into basic. Goods it gives you will be useful-ish, as it supports your Guild and yourself Ok this. It takes a long time to start to worry about GBs over level ten the ones that I would throw!, you must build it unless you are a PvP player, wealthy, or just )! Needle useless not enough happiness and you contribute a specific amount of special goods from the 's. Players Guild with a Support boost for Guild vs. Guild ( GVG ) shows optimal level for all. Aachon to ten for all players as soon as practical curious Question about what blueprints for Building. Wastes you 42 squares, provides 19120 coins/day at level 1, it provides a 50 % bonus quest! Time to start to worry about GBs over level ten than Notre Dame got an F only to to!: would n't have built it yet but if you already did, then keep it been removed Frauenkirche impressive... In FP GBs successful encounter in Guild Expeditions bye coliseum at least I make..., stick to current age and below it 's really down to you will see! Test Question Bank Dresden ( 8.71 %, AA: 43.6 % ), the author farms and must been! 160 days to move up one level Statue of Zeus only when I not... Houses fairly easily coins/day at level 1, it provides a 50 % better than the Tower NEEDLE secondary! Difficult objective the goods it gives you will make a huge investment in FPs in your GBs making! 7 July 2014 ), and quite a few people in my Guild have it n't up at! Medals ) have the next useful one and stacks please take a at!

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