April 2


was brigham young attacked by his son

[52] Young travelled east with Wilford Woodruff and George A. Smith from July to October 1843 on a mission to raise funds for the Nauvoo temple and its guesthouse. "[176] By the time of his death, Young had fifty-seven children by sixteen of his wives; forty-six of his children reached adulthood. He was the ninth of eleven children, growing up in an unsettled frontier environment characterized by frequent family moves to various communities throughout upstate New York. Harriet Amelia Folsom was Wife No. He averred that Chinese and Japanese immigrants would need to be governed by white men as they would have no understanding of government. Brigham Young wasn't the only latter-day prophet to have such close experiences with death. [4], Young was born on June 1, 1801, in Whitingham, Vermont. Read a news summary of this talk. At its prime, the alphabet was used in two Deseret News articles, two elementary readers, and in a translation of the Book of Mormon. As she goes back in memory to the old home, she revives the scenes and varied events which filled her childhood days .more He was the President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) from 1847 until his death in 1877. Young established a gold mint in 1849 and called for the minting of coins using gold dust which had been accumulated from travelers during the Gold Rush. He said his son's injuries were caused by an uncontrolled dog at the Crossroads Dog Park. He encouraged independence and self-sufficiency. [73] By the time Young arrived at the final destination, it had come under American control as a result of war with Mexico, although U.S. sovereignty would not be confirmed until 1848. Conditions Governing Use [12] In 1828, the family moved briefly to Oswego, New York on the shore of Lake Ontario, and in 1828 to Mendon, New York. [144], The degree of Young's involvement in the Mountain Meadows massacre, which took place in Washington County in 1857, is disputed. If only they wanted it. If the white man who belongs to the chosen seed mixes his blood with the seed of Cain, the penalty, under the law of God, is death on the spot. A longer video of the interaction shows Joe Biden was comforting his grandson, Robert Hunter Biden II, at Beau Biden's funeral. Dates 1940-1970 Creator Mackay, Eleanor White (Person) Language of Materials Materials are in English. [67], Before departing Nauvoo, Young focused on completing the Nauvoo temple. [95][96] Young said in an 1852 speech, "In as much as we believe in the Bible we must believe in slavery. Materials are in English. However, Young later testified that he cut Lee off when he started to describe the massacre because he could not bear to hear the details. As part of Young's vision of a pre-millennial "Kingdom of God," Young established colonies along the California and Old Spanish Trails, where Mormon officials governed as leaders of church, state, and military. Brigham Young and the Mountain Meadows Massacre, Young's belated message to Isaac C. Haight, acting commander of the Iron County Brigade. Brigham Young tried to stop the massacre. Brigham Young University student Matt Easton came out as gay during his convocation speech on April 26, 2019. In the appendix, Twain describes Young as a theocratic "absolute monarch" defying the will of the U.S. government, and alleges using a dubious source that Young had ordered the Mountain Meadows massacre. [72], Repeated conflict in Nauvoo led Young to relocate his group of Latter-day Saints to the Salt Lake Valley, which was then part of Mexico. [99] In 1858, following the events of the Utah War, he stepped down to his gubernatorial successor, Alfred Cumming.[100]. These wives bore him children after they moved to Utah. She has been placed on indefinite suspension for her actions, which include punching another . While there, Young's father remarried to a widow named Hannah Brown, and sent Young off to learn a trade. He was later joined by his family and by other members of the church in Missouri. BYU, which is owned by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, forbids sexual activity among members of the student body, much less between a . Young did not immediately accept the divine claims of the Book of Mormon. Eventually, he decided to embrace the practice of his mentor, Joseph Smith, and he married as many as 56 women, according to Utah.gov. [78] On August 7, Brigham suggested that the members of the camp be re-baptized to signify a re-dedication to their beliefs and covenants. As Governor of the Utah Territory, Brigham Young pushed for the admission of Utah as a state, sending dozens of representatives to the nation's capitol to urge that action. Young himself condemned the counterfeiting. God has shown me that this is the spot to locate his people, and here is where they will prosper. Early Friday morning, they were attacked in the street and one missionary was stabbed in the neck," the statement reads. [11] Young converted to the Reformed Methodist Church in 1824 after studying the Bible. These many attempts were frustrated, largely because of polygamy. One of the comments on this movie was that Joseph Smith had appointed his son, Joseph Smith Jr., to be the next prophet which has been a topic of debate since the death of Joseph Smith. Later, after taking up the mantle of Mormon leader following Smith's death from dysentery, Young is among those visited by Jesus and told to have as much sex as they possibly can, to ensure the propagation of the Mormon faith.[194]. After bearing mortal children and establishing the human race, Adam and Eve returned to their heavenly thrones where Adam acts as the god of this world. 27 on the list. "Territorial Dispatches: the Sentence of Lee", Brigham Young and the Mountain Meadows massacre, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Mountain Meadows massacre and Mormon theology, "Brigham Young, 2nd President of the Church", "Deposition of Brigham Young Regarding the Mountain Meadows Massacre July 30, 1875", Tragedy at Mountain Meadows Massacre: Toward a Consensus Account and Time Line, Blood of the Prophets: Brigham Young and the Massacre at Mountain Meadows, "Loose in the stacks, a half-century with the Utah War and its legacy", "The Mountain Meadows Massacre: An Analytical Narrative Based on Participant Confessions", "Visit of the Superintendent of Indian Affairs to Southern Utah", "Horrible Massacre of Arkansas and Missouri Emigrants", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Brigham_Young_and_the_Mountain_Meadows_Massacre&oldid=1124726578, Books about presidents of the church (LDS Church), Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 30 November 2022, at 05:21. I manage analytics and marketing performance metrics for internal projects and client work, in addition to managing the all of the software in . [40][41] Young also served in various leadership and community organization roles among church members in Nauvoo. Young's siblings and their spouses were baptized that year or the year afterwards. [112] In 1853, Young made the church's first official statement on the subject since the church had arrived in Utah. Provo, Utah CNN . [175], Sources have varied on the number of Young's wives, as well as their ages. [16] In 1831, five missionaries of the Latter Day Saint movementEleazer Miller, Elial Strong, Alpheus Gifford, Enos Curtis, and Daniel Bowencame from the branch of the church in Columbia, Pennsylvania to preach in Mendon. [14], By the time Young moved to Mendon in 1828, he had effectively left the Reformed Methodist church and become a Christian seeker, unconvinced that he had found a church possessing the true authority of Jesus Christ. The remains of about 40 people were later found and buried, and U.S. Army officer James Henry Carleton had a large cross made from local trees, the transverse beam bearing the engraving, "Vengeance Is Mine, Saith The Lord: I Will Repay" and erected a cairn of rocks at the site. Trumpeter Keyon . Brigham left Auburn in the spring of 1823 to work in Port Byron, New York, where he repaired furniture and painted canal boats. . [126] After settling in Utah in 1848, Young announced the ban,[126] which also forbade blacks from participating in Mormon temple rites such as the endowment or sealings. "[77], Among Young's first acts upon arriving in the valley were the naming of the city as "The City of the Great Salt Lake" and its organization into blocks of ten acres, each divided into eight equal-sized lots. [51] While in Nauvoo, he married Clarissa Decker, Clarissa Ross, Emily Dow Partidge, Louisa Beaman, Margaret Maria Alley, Emmeline Free, Margaret Piece, and Zina Diantha Huntington. Historians have come to different conclusions on whether contemporary records support this "transfiguration of Brigham Young" (also sometimes called the "mantle phenomenon") as an authentic experience, whatever its causation. On Sept. 11, 1857, a group of California-bound pioneers camping in southern Utah were murdered by a Mormon militia and its Indian allies. [194] He encounters Joseph Smith and attempts to ambush his party of Mormons, but, rather than engaging with "the Clitoris Man", Smith shows mercy, rubbing one of the frogs that God has given him to have sex with to cure his AIDS on Young's face, curing his AIDS, and so moving him that he decides to convert to the faith. [154] In 1873, he announced that he would step down as president of the Deseret National Bank and of ZCMI, as well as from his role as trustee-in-trust for the church. [27][28], At a conference on February 14, 1835, Brigham Young was named and ordained a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. [58][59] Several claimants to the role of church president emerged during the succession crisis that ensued. [110], Though polygamy was practiced by Young's predecessor, Joseph Smith,[111] the practice is often associated with Young. The incident occurred late Saturday afternoon at . Lucy and Young had seven children together. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. A large slab of granite was put up on which he had the following words engraved: "Here 120 men, women and children were massacred in cold blood early in September, 1857. According to William Hayden, Young participated in the Bucksville Forensic and Oratorical Society. Van Vliet's mission was to inform Young that the US troops then approaching Utah did not intend to attack the Mormons, but intended to establish an army base near Salt Lake City and to request Young's cooperation in procuring supplies for the army. [177] There were fifty-six women who Young was sealed to during his lifetime. [54][55] In March 1844, Brigham Young was an inaugural member of the Council of Fifty, which later organized the Mormon exodus from Nauvoo. After Miriam died of consumption, Vilate continued to care for Brigham's children while he, Heber, and Joseph Young travelled to visit Joseph Smith in Kirtland, Ohio. As a church leader, Brigham Young stood in marked contrast to his predecessor, the charismatic, idealistic, and theologically innovative Joseph Smith. The alleged rape came in the context of the bloody Mormon War of 1838, which saw the massacre of eighteen unsuspecting Mormon men and boys during an attack on a settlement by Missouri non-Mormons . [178] In 1865, Karl Maeser began to privately tutor Young's fifty-six children and stopped when he was called on a mission to Germany in 1867. The majority of Young's teachings are contained in the 19 volumes of transcribed and edited sermons in the Journal of Discourses. After meeting Joseph Smith, Young joined the Church of Christ in April 9, 1832. John Lyon: the life of a pioneer poet. [I]f those who are there will leave let them go in peace. [167][168][169] There is also evidence to suggest Young believed in the racial superiority of white men. "[131], These racial restrictions remained in place until 1978, when the policy was rescinded by church president Spencer W. Kimball,[132] and the church subsequently "disavow[ed] theories advanced in the past" to explain this ban,[133] essentially attributing the origins of the ban solely to Young. 19" was nothing short of a bombshell. Haight and Dame were also the senior regional military leaders of the Mormon militia. He was the second president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church), from 1847 until his death in 1877. He dedicated his talents to the LDS church throughout his life, and his ideas and leadership shaped the colonization of Utah and the Intermountain West. Only children under the age of seven, who were cared for by local Mormon families, survived, and the murdered members of the wagon train were left unburied. [175] The policy and practice of polygamy was difficult for many in the church to accept. (Brigham Young was mistaken when he later testified that the meeting took place "some two of three months after the massacre" Young 1875.) [93] These individuals later became known as the Runaway Officials of 1851. What are the advantages and disadvantages of video capture hardware? Through most of the nineteenth century, the American West was considered the land of opportunity. Young organized the journey that would take the Mormon pioneers to Winter Quarters, Nebraska, in 1846, before continuing on to the Salt Lake Valley. "[20], When Young sent his report on the massacre to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs in 1858, he said that it was the work of Native Americans.[21]. [20] There, Young saw Alpheus Gifford speak in tongues, and in response Young also spoke in tongues. The Compromise of 1850 instead carved out Utah Territory and Young was appointed governor. [109] During his tenure, Young oversaw construction of the Salt Lake Tabernacle and announced plans to build the St. George (1871), Manti (1875), and Logan (1877) temples. Brigham Young was born on June 1, 1801, in Whitingham, Vermont, to John and Abigail Young. In 1844, after the assassination of Mormon leader Joseph Smith by an angry mob in Illinois, the Mormons choose Brigham Young as their new leader and follow him to a new promised land in Utah. Reared in the famous Beehive House, Mrs. Spencer has carried with her through life the patient, loving influence of her parents. [23] Young continued to preach in eastern Canada in the spring, and accompanied two Canadian converts to Kirtland in July 1833. Was not referring to his death, just the stabbing. [150] On September 2, 1877, Young's funeral was held in the Tabernacle with an estimated 12,000 to 15,000 people in attendance. [118], Young also taught the doctrine of blood atonement, in which the atonement of Jesus cannot redeem an eternal sin, which included apostasy, theft, fornication (but not sodomy), or adultery. Young knew her father, Isaac Decker, in New York. This was partly experienced when Young traveled with his wife, Miriam, and Heber C. Kimball to visit the branch of the church in Columbia. [23] In 1870, Young excommunicated some of the participants, including Haight and Lee, from the LDS Church. At the north end of the Beehive House was a family store, at which Young's wives and children had running accounts and could buy what they needed. Never a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. [45][46] Young campaigned against Bennett's allegations that Joseph Smith practiced "spiritual wifery"; Young knew of Smith's hidden practice of polygamy. The Indians we expect will do as they please but you should try and preserve good feelings with them. After the exterior was completed on December 10, 1845, members received their temple endowments day and night, and Young officiated many of these sessions. With the onset of the Panic of 1819, Jeffries dismissed Young from his apprenticeship and Young moved to Port Byron, which was then called Bucksville. [90] Young also organized a board of regents to establish a university in the Salt Lake Valley. Then figure out what the total cost of the trip would be.? Later, as Young is generally understood to have taught, Adam returned to the earth to become the biological father of Jesus. With Tyrone Power, Linda Darnell, Dean Jagger, Brian Donlevy. Young petitioned the U.S. Congress to create the State of Deseret. FactSnippet No. [91] It was established on February 28, 1850, as the University of Deseret; its name was eventually changed to the University of Utah. A key element of the teachings of this group in Young's eyes was their practicing of spiritual gifts like speaking in tongues and prophecy. History of Brigham Young, entry dated 5 Jan. 1852, in Church Historians Office Records Collection, LDSCA. [7] Young moved to Auburn, New York where he was an apprentice to John C. Jeffries. Young negotiated with Stephen A. Douglas and agreed to lead church members out of Nauvoo in the spring in exchange for peace. Researchers note that not all of the fifty-six marriages were conjugal. [36] He then returned to Kirtland where he remained until dissenters, unhappy with the failure of the Kirtland Safety Society, forced him to flee the community in December 1837. He also provisioned the building of the Endowment House, a "temporary temple" which began to be used in 1855 to provide temple ordinances to church members while the Salt Lake Temple was under construction. The day will come when the seed of Canaan will be redeemed and have all the blessings their brethren enjoy. 45-year-old Professor Michael James Clay has been charged with two counts of the second-degree felony of forcible sexual abuse for what he allegedly did to the Brigham Young coed in his charge. When Amelia became part of the Young family in January 1863, she did not immediately move in with her sister-wives. When asked to comment on the story, which had, "provoked the animosity of the Mormon faithful", Doyle noted, "all I said about the Danite Band and the murders is historical so I cannot withdraw that though it is likely that in a work of fiction it is stated more luridly than in a work of history." He also married in Nauvoo, but did not have children with: Augusta Adams Cobb, Susannah Snively, Eliza Bowker, Ellen A. Rockwood, and Namah K. J. 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