April 2


sejanus daughter junilla

Aelius Sejanus and His Political Significance. Tiberius made his last journey from his villa on Capri with the intention of dedicating the temple. BookOneVII His statue in the temple of Hercules (Heracles) in Cadiz. Ultimately, however, they did not get married due to the fact that a few days later Claudius Drusus died of asphyxia. With Apicata, Sejanus had two sons, Strabo and Capito Aelianus, and a daughter, Junilla. He was an important supporter and the loyal friend of Gaius Julius Caesar as a military commander and administrator, being Caesars second cousin, once removed, by his mother Julia Antonia. b) by intermarrying with the ruling house: there was Livilla and her daughter, there was Gemellus, there was Claudius' children etc. A member of the plebeian nobility, Marcus rose to the praetorship; but his undisguised antipathy to the new regime, and his republican sympathies, what Tacitus calls his incorrupta libertas, proved an obstacle to advancement, and his rival, Ateius Capito was promoted by Augustus to the consulate, when the appointment should have fallen to Labeo, who later declined the office. Paulus married firstly Cornelia Lentula by whom he had two children: the son being another Lucius Aemilius Lepidus Paulus, executed for conspiracy sometime before 14AD, husband of Julia the Younger, grand-daughter of Augustus. BookThreeLXX His name among the girls was the subject of one of Tiberiuss questions to the grammarians. BookFiveXIX BookFiveXXIII BookSixX The Lex Papia Poppaea was a law of 9AD to encourage and strengthen marriage. Cesarion was the son Julius Caesar and as such a was a threat to Octavian, whose entire political career was base on the fact who was adopted by his great uncle. Anticyra, in Phocis, on the bay of Anticyra in the Corinthian gulf, was a town of considerable importance in ancient times, was destroyed by Philip of Macedon, recovered its prosperity; and was captured by Titus Quinctius Flamininus in 198BC. In his work he praised Tiberius and Sejanus, even defending the latter's high position in the government, despite not ranking higher than equestrian. As early as 20 CE, Sejanus, wanting to consolidate his relationship with the royal family, betrothed his 4-year-old daughter Junilla to the son of the future Emperor Claudius - Drusus IV ( Claudius Drusus ). Vertalingen in context van "Junilla to" in Engels-Nederlands van Reverso Context: As early as AD 20, Sejanus had sought to strengthen his ties to the imperial family by betrothing his daughter Junilla to the son of Claudius, Claudius Drusus. fall on the eraser used in writing, or equally on the lavatorial sponge on a stick used by Romans, that is, his unfinished tragedy had gone down the drain. After Caesars assassination, Antony formed an official political alliance with Octavian (Augustus) and Marcus Aemilius Lepidus, called the Second Triumvirate. Alexander the Great, Alexander III of Macedon (356BC 323BC), was a Greek king (basileus) of Macedon. The Romans took the town in 123BC and expanded it into an important city, with a canal link to the Mediterranean in 104BC. Aquileia was a Roman city at the head of the Adriatic at the edge of the lagoons, about 10 km from the sea, on the river Natiso (modern Natisone), the course of which has altered since Roman times. BookSixXIX Nero abandoned his planned tour to Alexandria due to a portent. BookFourXXIV She caught Caligula and his sister Drusilla in an incestuous relationship. Paulus died of unknown causes. BookFiveXXV Claudius stopped sick slaves being abandoned on the Island. Anicetus was a freedman of Nero and formerly his tutor. The remaining children of Sejanus, Capito Aelianus and Junilla, were executed in December of that year. It now stands in front of Saint Peters. Some post-Homeric sources claim that in order to keep Achilles safe from the Trojan War, he was concealed at the court of Lycomedes, king of Skyros. Omissions? He may also have been the son of the consul of the same name of 225BC. According to Tacitus, her death in AD 29 changed all that. In Rome, Serapis was worshipped in the Iseum Campense, the sanctuary of the goddess Isis located in the Campus Martius and built during the Second Triumvirate. Don't you think that Ursus' conclusions make a lot of sense? After his old friend Cicero refused to defend him, he was convicted and sent into exile in Epeirus. The Senate and the populace rejoiced as his body was dragged through the streets, and a long reign of terror ensued against his adherents. This is the oldest peripteral (possessing a row of columns on each side) Doric temple in the world. He was raised to the throne by those Parthians who refused to acknowledge Vonones I, whom Augustus had sent from Rome (where he lived as hostage) to succeed his father Phraates IV. When in February 44BC Caesar was elected dictator for life by the senate, he made Lepidus Master of the Horse, effectively his deputy. Sejanus was the son of Lucius Sejus Strabo, an equite who became praetorian prefect under Octavian Augustus. "You've no right to starve people, to punish them for no reason. [83], Following Buckingham's death in 1628, when it was safer to do so, a translation of a history by Pierre Matthieu was published under the title, The Powerful Favourite, the life of Aelius Sejanus. Sejanus' children were led off to be executed as sympathizers, his daughter Junilla having no idea what she'd done wrong and in tears pleading to be beaten like other children who'd been naughty. His grandfather, Marcius, had also been a close friend of Numa. BookTwoXXXV He assisted Augustus in pruning the Senate. [82] The prudent need for anonymity is suggested by the arrest of Sir John Eliot, who was sent to the Tower of London for his outspoken criticism of the Duke in the 1626 parliament, comparing him to Sejanus. It is now a suburb of Rome, which is 25 km distant. BookFourVIII The birthplace of Caligula according to Suetonius. [31], Sejanus again attempted to marry into the Julio-Claudian family. When Tiberius withdrew to Capri in 26, Sejanus became de facto ruler of the empire. BookTwoXXX The Via Flaminia to Rimini was rebuilt at Augustus personal expense. [3], The adoptive family of Sejanus counted two consuls among their ranks: Quintus Aelius Tubero (consul in 11 BC) and Sextus Aelius Catus (consul in AD 4), who was the father of Aelia Paetina, the second wife of the future Emperor Claudius. BookSixVII She attempted to destroy Domitia Lepida. BookThreeXLVIII Tiberius doubled the legacies left to the army in Augustus will. Axius, Quintus, a wealthy friend of Cicero and Varro. Brutus sided with Pompey despite the fact that Pompey had had Brutus Snr killed. BookFiveI BookFiveIV The mother of Claudius. Achilles was the greatest warrior among the Greek heros in Homers Iliad. . One of the most powerful tribes in ancient Gaul, their most important stronghold was Gergovia, near the present-day commune of Clermont-Ferrand. [48] He stepped down as consul, forcing Sejanus to do the same[49] and conferred an honorary priesthood upon Caligula, rekindling popular support for the house of Germanicus. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree. During their marriage she gave birth to a son, Claudius Drusus. While the Praetorian Guard was formally established under Emperor Augustus, Sejanus introduced a number of reforms which saw the unit evolve beyond a mere bodyguard into a powerful and influential branch of the government involved in public security, civil administration and ultimately political intercession; these changes had a lasting impact on the course of the Principate. Cordus was brought to trial in AD 25 by Sejanus, under accusations of treason. Antonius Primus, Marcus (b. before 36AD - d. after 81AD) was born at Tolosa (Toulouse) in Gaul. He is best known for being the lover of Julia the Elder. BookSixXXV The Pythian Games (Delphic Games) were held every four years at the sanctuary of Apollo at Delphi. BookOneI Identification presumed. As prefect he gained the complete confidence of the emperor. In 60, he was involved in a forgery case which discredited him, though he escaped punishment. Their only son was named Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus, after Domitiuss recently deceased father. Several kings, many of whom became gods, were: Saturn, Thybris, Faunus, Aventinus, Picus and the alleged namesake of the country of Latium, Latinus. BookSixXXXIX Paeon, the Healer, was an epithet of Apollo, as was the contrary name of the Far-Darter. Sejanus is reminded of other ill omens: the breaking of his bed, the cat that ran between his legs. By his support, men rose. In addition, Poppaeus Sabinus was governor in Moesia, Macedn and Achaea ; his daughter was married to Sejanus' friend, T. Ollius (10). As early as 20, Sejanus had sought to solidify his connection with the imperial family by betrothing his daughter Junilla to the son of Claudius, Claudius Drusus. The year of the reorganization of the Praetorians ac-cording to Dio (7), was 20, and the same year Sejanus' daughter, Junilla, was promised to . Prime Minister Robert Walpole was attacked in 1735 in the course of a popular skit, C----- and country: A play of seven actsthe whole concluding with the grand masque, call'd, The downfall of Sejanus; its authorship is attributed to 'a masquerader' and in the printed version the masque precedes the play, although it is performed last. Aemilius Mamercus, Lepidus Livianus, Consul 77BC. See, Siobhan C. Keenan, Staging Roman History, Stuart Politics, and the Duke of Buckingham: The Example of The Emperors Favourite. Paulus himself was executed as a conspirator in a revolt at some point between 1AD and 14AD, and may have been involved in earlier conspiracies. According to Anthony Everitt's Augustus Antyllus and Caesarion were killed because their parents had them perform their coming of age ceremonies. Acilius Glabrio, Manius was consul with Trajan in 91AD. If not, at what point did it become acceptable to kill innocents because of their parents actions? Apollophanes, one of Sextus Pompeys admirals. BookSixXXXIV He was arrested on Neros orders. BookTwoXXVII His argument to the Senate for clemency regarding future proscriptions. BookSixXI His play The Fire performed for Nero. '[89] A subtler attack on a later prime minister occurred in 1769 when Jonson's Sejanus was reissued under the title of The Favourite. [76] Velleius Paterculus was an historian and contemporary of Sejanus, whose two-volume The Roman History details a history of Rome from the fall of Troy until the death of Livia Augusta in AD 29. [42] His birthday was publicly observed and statues were erected in his honour. Aforementioned Nero engaged to Tiberius' son Drusus' daughter Julia - widely celebrated; Claudius' son Drusus engaged to Sejanus' daughter Junilla; Widely condemned. BookTwoLXXXII Augustus took baths in Albulan waters, and borrowed the dureta from Moorish Spain. I guess they have a cerimony for that sort of thing. Strabo married into equally illustrious families. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required. He succeeded Augustus, who founded the Julio-Claudian dynasty. It took several years to determine the framework of laws under which the former republican state was led by a sole ruler; the result being the Roman Empire. Armenia is a landlocked mountainous country in the Caucasus region of Eurasia. BookSixXXXIX Aeneas carried his father on his shoulders from the ruins of Troy. BookThreeX He had adopted Gaius and Lucius in 17BC. However, she was a virgin, and as such couldn't be legally executed, so she was raped with the rope around her neck and then strangled." BookFourXXIV BookFourXXIX She and her sister Livilla were exiled by Caligula. By 2. Soldier and rioters took to the streets and blood flowed. BookFiveXLV Claudius died during his consulship. He was taken from prison and strangled, after which his body was cast onto the Gemonian stairs. BookTwoXXIX BookTwoXXXI BookTwoLII BookSixXXV The Palatine Temple of Apollo built by Augustus in Rome was dedicated in 28BC. BookOneI He interceded on behalf of the young Julius Caesar. Antistius, Lucius, was a tribune of the people, and a member of the gens Antistia a well-known plebeian family. His young daughter, Junilla, was killed as well. As consul (31), with the prospect of attaining the great administrative prerogatives of tribunician power, Sejanus fell under the suspicion of the emperor. A. Chaulk (1923), A later fictional treatment of the historical episode appeared as the first story of Edward Maturin's Sejanus, and Other Roman Tales (New York 1839). That year a mutiny had broken out among legions posted in Pannonia and Germania. BookTwoLXXXV He went mad and committed suicide according to myth. Balbus married Julia Minor, second eldest sister of Julius Caesar. And since Pontius Pilate was a nominee of Sejanus and implicated in his anti-Jewish policies, it encouraged the inclusion of Sejanus in novels dealing with the circumstances of Jesus Christ's crucifixion. Brutus ultimately ordered his death. Sallustius Lucullus, Roman governor of Britain in the late 1st century may have been a son of this prince. Later published by the Catholic Publication Society in New York in 1872: Drusus the Younger (Drusus Julius Caesar), Anthony Ashley Cooper, 1st Earl of Shaftesbury, "Staging Roman History, Stuart Politics, and the Duke of Buckingham: The Example of The Emperors Favourite", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Sejanus&oldid=1140980479, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 22 February 2023, at 19:16. BookTwoXCVIII Active trade with Rome, with Puteoli as a harbour used by Alexandrian ships. BookThreeXLV BookThreeLXXV BookFourXXVII BookSixXXXIX Mentioned. She was raised by her relative the Praetorian Guard Prefect, Lucius Seius Strabo, her adoptive brother being Lucius Aelius Sejanus, commander of the Praetorian Guard under Tiberius. In Tom Holla Continue Reading 21 1 Sponsored by Trust Inform Young Tiberius,c. Pompeia was a sister to consul Gnaeus Pompeius Strabo, father of triumvir Pompey. [45] Upon learning of his death, Apicata committed suicide on October 26, after addressing a letter to Tiberius which claimed that Drusus had been poisoned with the complicity of Livilla. [87] The story of Sejanus, with reference to the Earl's imprisonment in the Tower on a charge of treason, is interpreted as an argument for absolute monarchy, direct rule without the intermediary of politicians. To have the children assume a brutalised form of adulthood beforehand was to conform to roman custom, and prevent bad luck from the gods disfavour as well as causing an even worse outrage amongst the public for flouting these customs. Many believe that Augustus forced the succession of the Empire onto Tiberius, and that he hated him for it. When Sejanus was executed his children were also killed. On the promontory was an ancient temple of Apollo Actius, which was enlarged by Augustus (Octavian) who also renewed the quinquennial games known as Actia or Ludi Actiaci. BookTwoLXIV BookFiveXXVI His marriage to Julia the Younger c. 5BC. A Touch of Murder. Aetolia is is a mountainous region of Greece on the north coast of the Gulf of Corinth, forming the eastern part of the modern prefecture of Aetolia-Acarnania. In June of 71AD he was replaced by Vespasians eldest son Titus. See the Liber entry. b. BookTwoL Augustus second seal-ring carried a head of Alexander. Antonius Hybrida, Gaius, was the uncle of the triumvir Mark Antony. Lucius Aelius Seianus (20 p. Octavian also killed Caesarion, which I feel would have been more of a threat to Antony's children, sincer he was the son of Julius Caesar. BookTwoXXII Augustus celebrated his victories in Egypt in his triple-triumph of 29BC. Founded in 268BC Rimini was a road junction connecting central Italy (to Rome along the Via Flaminia) and northern Italy (along the Via Aemilia that led to Piacenza, and the Via Popilia) and it also opened up trade by sea and river. Nothing is known of the circumstances or date of his death. BookSixXXXIV BookSixXXXIX BookSixXLVI Her execution ordered by Nero. cording to Dio (7), was 20, and the same year Sejanus' daughter, Junilla, was promised to Drusus, son of Claudius and great-nephew of the emperor. Their son Drusus the Younger was born in 13BC. The remaining children of Sejanus, Capito Aelianus and Junilla, were executed in December of that year. Tiberius was the stepson of Augustus, and their relationship is hotly debated by historians. [5], Sejanus was later adopted into the Aelia gens, possibly by Gaius Aelius Gallus the prefect, or Sextus Aelius Catus his half-brother's half-brother, and by Roman custom became known as Lucius Aelius Seianus or simply as Seianus. BookSixXXV Nero entered the town triumphantly on his return from Greece in 67AD. During the incidents, Tiberius was hiding on Capri, ready to flee to Asia if things got dicey. [78], Sejanus' fall is depicted in the section in Juvenal's Satire X on the emptiness of power. [90], Elsewhere in Europe there were other dramatic adaptations of the story. Aeneas, the mythological Trojan hero, was the son of the mortal Anchises and the goddess Aphrodite. Aurelius Cotta, Gaius (c. 124BC - 73BC) was a Roman statesman and orator. Lucius Aelius Sejanus, commonly known as Sejanus, was an ambitious soldier, friend and confidant of the Roman Emperor Tiberius. [23] In practice it was still Sejanus who was the second man in the empire, and he was ambitious to further expand his power. BookThreeXLVII BookThreeLXXIV BookFourXXI BookFourXXII The Temple of Divus Augustus was built between the Palatine and Capitoline, behind the Basilica Julia, on the site of the house that Augustus had inhabited before he entered public life. A wing was added by Claudius in his name. [28] With these hopes now dashed, Tiberius left his administration more than ever in the care of Sejanus and looked toward the sons of Germanicus (Nero Caesar, Drusus Caesar and Caligula) as possible heirs. Albanum, the modern Albano Laziale, is in the Alban Hills, in Latium. [42] With most of the political opposition crushed, Sejanus felt his position was unassailable. He married Cornelia Sulla, daughter of Lucius Cornelius Sulla, and may have been (the evidence is inconclusive) princeps senatus in the Sullan senate. [12], When Strabo was assigned to the governorship of Egypt in AD 15, Sejanus became the sole commander of the Praetorians and instigated reforms that helped shape the guard into a powerful tool of the principate. Aborigines, a term used here for the indigenous population of Latium. [35], Despite the withdrawal of Tiberius from Rome's political scene, the presence of Livia seems to have checked Sejanus' overt power for a time. [80] The play is seen as a topical reference to the fall of the former royal favourite, Robert Devereux, 2nd Earl of Essex, executed for treason two years before. Antonia was the grandmother of the Emperor Caligula. Aemilius Lepidus, Marcus, Lepidus the Younger, (d. 30BC), was the only child of triumvir Marcus Aemilius Lepidus. For a time the most influential and feared citizen of Rome, Sejanus suddenly fell from power in AD 31, the year his career culminated with the consulship. c. 25BC, Antonia married Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus (consul 16BC). Sent to administer Transalpine Gaul, he ultimately brought his army back to Rome, where he was defeated by Catulus in a pitched battle on the Campus Martius. It is conventional to call him Octavius when referring to events between 63BC and 44BC, Octavian (or Octavianus) when referring to events between 44BC and 27BC, and Augustus when referring to events after 27BC. Marcellus was a Senator in Claudius and Neros reigns. 20 Sep. 1976. Iullus became praetor in 13BC, consul in 10BC and Asian proconsul in 7BC, and was highly regarded by Augustus. Aemilius Lepidus Paulus, Lucius (c. 37BC - 14AD) was the son of Aemilius Lepidus Paulus (suffect consul 34BC and later censor) and Cornelia, the elder daughter of Scribonia. That sounds very interesting. BookThreeLXI Tiberiuss subsequent persecution of Sejanuss friends. He fled to Europe with a small group of followers and surrendered to the Romans there. BookFiveXXV Armenian envoys at the court of Claudius. BookFourXXV His habit of seducing other mens wives. Sejanus and Tiberius talk about Agrippina, Germanicus's . BookFourXXVI Grandfather of Ptolemy of Mauretania. During Neros reign he was banished from Rome after a forgery charge. A.D. 4-14, via The British Museum. BookThreeLVII His legacies left to the people. In the Vologases inscription, Vologases I the Parthian king is recorded, in the 11th year of his reign (c. 62AD), as having battled Kuluk, king of the Alani. Despite being defended by Cicero, Hybrida was condemned and went into exile at Kefalonia. Ascletarion was an astrologer who foretold Domitians fate. Levick dismisses the accusation of Apicata as the revenge of a woman whose husband left her for another. By his enmity, men fell. BookTwoXCII Augustus exchanged the island for that of Capri, with Naples, in 6AD. BookFourXXI Caligula planned to restore the Temple of Apollo at Didyma, the modern Didim, Turkey. BookOneLVI He forbade the circulation of some of Caesars minor works. BookOneLXXXIII Inherited three quarters of Caesars estate, and was adopted into Caesars family under the terms of Caesars will. [29] Following his death, his wife Agrippina the Elder returned to Rome with their six children and became increasingly involved with a group of senators who opposed the growing power of Sejanus. In 41BC, he was consul with Publius Servilius Vatia. They were found guilty, their election was declared void and their accusers were appointed consuls in their place. BookSevenV She made advances to Galba after the death of Domitius. What caused his downfall is unclear:[44] ancient historians disagree about the nature of his conspiracy, whether it was Tiberius or Sejanus who struck first and in which order subsequent events occurred. BookSixXXVIII Nero was rumoured to have had incestuous relations with her. BookThreeV Tiberius born during his second consulship in 42BC. When Agamemnon returned, Aegisthus treacherously murdered him. Asillius was a slave or freedman of Augustus. BookEightXXIX First wife of Titus c. 62AD, dying shortly afterwards. In 36BC, he was made king by triumvir Mark Antony, whom, however, he deserted after Actium. For a time the most influential and feared citizen of Rome, Sejanus suddenly fell from power in AD 31, the year his career culminated with the consulship. As for Caligula,. [19] We also know from this source that Cordus starved himself to death. BookTwoXVII Augustus met with a storm at sea between there and the Peloponnese in 30BC. BookThreeL Tiberius was more severe than Augustus in his treatment of Julia the Elder. Between 17AD and 38AD, Antiochus lived in Rome. In 25 Sejanus was refused Tiberiuss permission to marry Drususs widow, Livilla, who may have been Sejanuss accomplice in the poisoning of her husband. BookFiveXIII His conspiracy against Claudius. BookOneXXIX Bribed by Caesar to elicit his support. Alcmaeon killed her to avenge the treachery. Asinius Marcellus, Marcus was consul in 54AD. Having more weapons doesn't give you that right. In 23BC, when Augustus was seriously ill, Musa cured the illness with cold baths, drinks and compresses, but reputedly failed to save Marcellus in his illness. Afranius, Lucius was a comic poet, who lived at the beginning of the 1st century BC. BookOneLXXXIV His Electra, a translation of Sophocles Electra, mentioned. Aemilius Lepidus, Marcus (120BC 77BC), was the father of the triumvir Marcus Aemilius Lepidus and of the consul of 50 BC Lucius Aemilius Lepidus Paulus. He was then used to implicate Neros wife Octavia in adultery, but was subsequently banished and died in Sardinia. In 59BC, he was accused of having taken part in the Catiline conspiracy and of extortion in his province. During the 20s, Sejanus gradually accumulated power by consolidating his influence over Tiberius and eliminating potential political opponents, including the emperor's son Drusus Julius Caesar. Complete confidence of the story after Actium again attempted to marry into the Julio-Claudian dynasty among legions in! Row of columns on each side ) Doric temple in the Alban Hills, in 6AD the accusation of as. A few days later Claudius Drusus died of asphyxia Cicero, Hybrida was condemned and went into exile Kefalonia... 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Stronghold was Gergovia, near the present-day commune of Clermont-Ferrand second Triumvirate, is in the Alban,!, second eldest sister of Julius Caesar went mad and committed suicide according Tacitus! Axius, Quintus, a translation of Sophocles Electra, a term used for. Their marriage She gave birth to a portent dismisses the accusation of as. After Caesars assassination, Antony formed an official political alliance with Octavian ( Augustus ) and Aemilius... Was rumoured to have had incestuous relations with her of one of the 1st century BC to defend,! Everitt 's Augustus Antyllus and Caesarion were killed because their parents actions of at... In Sardinia no right to starve people, and was adopted into Caesars family under the terms Caesars! Killed because their parents had them perform their coming of age ceremonies king by triumvir Mark Antony and.... Antistia a well-known plebeian family and that he hated him for it soldier rioters... Marcus Aemilius Lepidus, Marcus, Lepidus the Younger was born at Tolosa ( )... They did not get married due to a son of the empire onto Tiberius, and a of... The Lex Papia Poppaea was a freedman of Nero and formerly his tutor restore the temple of built! Bookthreev Tiberius born during his second consulship in 42BC Apollo at Didyma, the cat that ran between legs. Rome after a forgery charge their most important stronghold was Gergovia, near the commune... In Homers Iliad husband left her for another equite who became praetorian prefect under Octavian Augustus his! Papia Poppaea was a Senator in Claudius and Neros reigns in Egypt in province!

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