April 2


military police metl tasks

The capturing unit is responsible for guarding prisoners urban terrain, confronting low-end and mid-range threats: The IBCT participates in war, Relationships between TLP and the MDMP are shown in Figure 2-1 , page 2-4. load plans for various deployments reduces the load time. As a minimum, each CSC operates his own call-forward area. be used as a signal. prioritize them. Box Method of Zone Reconnaissance http://atiam.train.armv.mil/vortal/atia/adisciview/nublic/297074-1/fm/1-19 4/chan7 htm.nirmnzt http://atiam. The ammunition bearer digs a one-man fighting position to the flank. 3-2. To maintain security during the march. enemy's location is "on the Hahn Road, 300 meters south of the POSITION OBSERVATION AND LISTENING POSTS Report detainee status to the BSA TOC and through MP channels to the PM. A rapid, violent assault overwhelms and destroys the enemy force and seizes the objective. return to their primary mission. Grant Smith will explain the importance of the METL Crosswalk from the oblique to the front, they must move the machine gun, but leave the tripod in train. platoon leader determines that the platoon can destroy the enemy, the platoon continues to fight with the following actions: 4-53. Injured or ill detainees require the same treatment that would be given to US casualties. explosives, or personnel in sustainment areas in order to disrupt military operations or kill Prepare secondary . leaving an OP/LP. http://atiam.train.army.mil/portaliatia/adIsc/view/nublic/297074-1/fin/3 111270004 1-27. http://atiam. Assign responsibilities and express expectations. the first. ATP 3-39.4 encompasses techniques for military police platoons. Load plans and diagrams are considerations for setting up and operating the collecting points are generally the same. Triple concertina He includes a rough sketch of the terrain around the weapon (Figure 4-1) . train. 6-2. Generally, other assets will be given the Preparing alternate and supplementary positions. OPs/LPs down the slope or on a flank of a hill, if there are covered withdrawal routes. When time and road space allow. The locations and types of obstacles and how they are covered by fire. Equip OP/LP teams to observe the area, report information, protect Mounted MP patrols use overlapping search techniques to make it difficult for enemy reconnaissance teams to reach their objectives without being exposed. I or right of the target. The following should be considered: Team Directs the driver. This is accomplished by setting It offers concealment with little chance of detection by the enemy. brigade HHC provides sustainment support for both the PM cell and the MP platoon. The perimeters of the enclosure must be clearly defined and understood by the detainees. He then distributes his remaining shots over the part of the target extending a few meters right and left of his first shot. Use the M249 on the FPL for grazing fire no more than 1 meter above the ground, about hip high, across the front of the element. The equipment to improve defensive positions includes concertina wire, sandbags and tape (for cover and concealment), trip flares, pyrotechnic devices, mines, or PEWS, and other lethal and nonlethal technologies. DODDOA-009766. However, all reconnaissance patrols have a reconnaissance and security team. Techniques range from simple mechanical breaching to complex, specialized demolitions. The gunner fires in the secondary Reconnaissance operations. members switch jobs every 20 to 30 minutes because the observer's effectiveness decreases If the about breaching operations. identifies locations that need or require TCPs. Modifying and moving the brackets to meet mission or unit requirements. of any obstacle (not just water), and enabling the maneuver forces to maintain momentum. Minimal lighting reduces visibility from the air while it permits drivers to- Appendix G describes the MK19 qualification and familiarization tables and provides a gunner has a primary and a secondary sector of fire. http://atiam. Requests may include fire support, refueling, vehicle recovery operations, and other support needed to complete the march. The primary and secondary sectors of fire for each position. Similar to MP support to breaching operations, guides provide the commander a means to change the sequence, timing, or lanes of the passing units. Hinge Breach . At such times, room-by-room clearing may be necessary and precision Starts the move early enough to pass such a point before a restr, DODDOA-009790 G-7 through G-12 G-7 through G-12 5-19. House. passage points to help eliminate congestion. Sample DA Form 1355-1-R. PATROLS When a company encounters mined areas, it must remember that the safety of the unit is the most important factor. http://atiam.train.armv.mil/vortal/atia/adlseview/rmblic/297074-1/frn/3- htm.17/27/2014 Master Sergeant Steven T. Burke . To move by infiltration, vehicles are dispatched one at a time or in small groups at irregular intervals to keep traffic density low and to prevent undue massing of vehicles. Prepare and issue the WO as early as possible to allow maximum time for preparation. DD Form 2745 is a perforated, three-part form which has an individual serial number. operations (PIO) across the full spectrum of Army operations. Each gunner uses Far-shore holding areas are used to organize return traffic. 6-37. Chapter 9 POLICE INTELLIGENCE OPERATIONS Overview Police Information Assessment Process Police Information Responsibilities Other. Thorough and sound operational planning is the key to successful combat and CS operations. Speed Remove the captives from the battlefield as quickly as possible. http://atiam.train.annymil/portal/atia/adlsc/view/public/297074-1/fmJ3-1 12/27/2004 When preparing for a tactical road march, the company uses the following planning sequence when time permits: Uses a scheme of maneuver. Keep the next higher commander informed throughout the conduct of the defense. Providing mobile guides to escort the units. The following manuals provide the basic foundation for Army DODDOA-009856 Notify the PM and the operations cell of the division rear CP (through MP channels) of the collecting point location. security (AS), internment and resettlement (UR), law and order (L&O), and police intelligence Covered and concealed withdrawal routes. army.mil/portal/ati a/adlsciview/publ ic/297074-1/finJ3-19.4/chan6.htm 12/27/2004 Rules of Engagement and Rules of Interaction (ROI), DODDOA-009751 This provides backup to ensure that all information is passed onto higher HQ. It should not be in a defile, on a hill, or at a sharp curve in the road that could cause movement to slow. Unfortunately, even when well executed, it is very stressful and hazardous for friendly The CATS Doctrinal METL window shows the proponent-defined METL-focused collective tasks and task selections. The move's success depends on the unit's discipline and ability to execute the plan. The sectors of fire must cover infantry avenues of approach and Use patrols, illumination, PEWSs, and NVDs to help detect the enemy's advance. DODDOA-009810 It is a point on the march route that is easy to recognize on the map and on the ground. These are the areas where forces prepare or regroup for further action. Send patrols forward to maintain contact. DODDOA-009788 Just as important is the understanding of firing techniques and associated fire distribution, reacting to air and armor attacks, calling for fire, and obtaining various fire support. defending a position against dismounted threats. running of all missions and METL tasks. Respond to and implement changes quickly and plan supplementary or alternative control measures to modify the plan as the situation dictates. Once the brigade receives MP augmentation, the PM then becomes a staff planner and coordinator for all MP activities. MAG-31. Depending on the scope of the operation, a division MP company may not be enough to support a passage of lines operation. Refer to FM 20-32 and FM 21 775 . army.mil/portallatia/adlseview/public/297074-1/fm/3-19.4/chan5.htm 12/27/2004 5-32. The final preparation areas before going to the crossing site. Keep in mind that as 4137 ). Locate the position in or near the area of normal operations so that sustained operations can be resumed immediately, on order. Set up and maintain communication with all the outlying sites. train. Medical personnel determine if captives with serious wounds or sickness should be kept in the combat zone. http://atiam.train.army.mil/portal/atia/adlsciview/public/297074-1/fm/3- .12/270004 Position Locations Determine how much time is needed to rehearse. 5-34. Monitoring for chemical and biological agents must be continuous because it is difficult to detect their first dispersal. DODDOA-009850 This reduces construction requirements and minimizes logistical requirements. marker of the vehicle ahead. performs its missions primarily mounted, taking full advantage of the high mobility http://atiam.train.army.mil/portal/atia/adlsc/view/public/297074-1/fmJ3- http://atiam.train.armv.mil/nortal/atia/adlsciview/public/297074-1/fin/3 http://atiam.train.annv.mil/portal/atia/adlsciview/Dublic/297074-1/fm/1-19. The latrines away from the bivouac area. Ensures that a strip map, which may be included as an annex to the OPORD, is prepared. 5-29. or the unit's actions may show its type. Preparing the plan in detail and conducting rehearsals when time, resources, and security permit. http://atiam.train.armv.mil/nortal/atia/adlsciview/public/297074-1/fin/3 12/27/2004 12-gaupa NM Lane training is externally supported, resourced, and evaluated. Chapter 2. Refer to Chapter 6 mine are the two mines most likely to be available to rear area units for a hasty protective 1745-1815 Complete the plan. Use the converging-routes method from each ORP to each rendezvous point. (2) Area security of 2,000 square km of rural terrain, or 800 . Tasks subordinate leaders to attend a briefing to discuss unit readiness and load plans and forecast support requirements. PLAN A TACTICAL ROAD MARCH The locations of primary, alternate, and supplementary positions and sectors of fire for automatic weapons, antiarmor weapons, and subordinate elements. Time management is the key. 2-3. They turn in cleared, confiscated property as far 7-22. train. 4-115. The principles of combat loading are standard. path that might affect the gun's accuracy. Site Arrival the road network sustains damage, vehicles will need to be routed into the holding areas The leader describes the target briefly but accurately and always gives the formation of the enemy soldiers. box from the ORP. DODDOA-009854 The FPL and PDF are control measures to help defend other military police functions are frame and conducted. Figure 7-1. 4-5. 1-11. Report 10 enemy infantrymen (not an infantry squad). army.mil/portal/ati a/adl sc/vi ewinubli c/297074-1/fm/3-19.4/chan4litrn .12/770004 in accordance to military standard.-Provided a daily task list to . Counterreconnaissance prevents enemy reconnaissance forces from observing the The four methods used to conduct a zone reconnaissance are- If the lock is not defeated by the second shot, the gunner repeats the procedure. Combat Operations OVERVIEW It is important to note that units can still find SCTs listed in the MET T&EOs to assist with prioritizing, planning, preparing, executing, and evaluating training. US policy demands that all persons who are captured, interned, evacuated, or held by US forces are treated humanely. Effective early warning MAEWR. Today, friendly forces encounter a broad range of traditional and nontraditional threats. weapon. Orders and Reports terrain. TCPs. Usually the ammunition Engineer Equipment Parks (EEPs) . element is determined by MET"T-TC. http://atiam.train.armv.mil/portal/atia/adlsc/view/nublic/297074-1/fmn-19 4/chnn4 htrn.1101onna 2-13. The patrol then returns to friendly lines or continues on to another mission. It is a point on the march route that is easy to recognize on the map and on the ground. Plan the timing so that the unit arrives at the SP just before it is scheduled to cross it. kr..1.1n. 4-78. maneuver force's freedom of movement. Holding areas on the entrance bank to direct traffic to crossing sites; on the exit bank, inside the traffic regulating line (TRL), to control movement; and on the exit bank, outside the TRL, to temporarily hold sections of a convoy or a unit until it can reassemble and continue its movement. DODDOA-009770 . Prior planning and mission analysis are essential elements of a base defense. NO. train. for marches during limited visibility, blackout conditions, and radio silence. Chapter 4. ruu 2Q 88 88 TearnLV MP leaders must concentrate their efforts on key MP deny the enemy the opportunity to observe friendly forces by reporting their location, maintaining surveillance, and assisting in their destruction if required. Units are restricted to moving in column formations along limited routes that weapon. 7-7. Designate multiple. Submit the sketch with the report. levels of driver experience will increase the need for MP traffic control operations. For more information about TEM refer to Appendix C . - not the time you arereporting. NOTE: The zero probability of producing fatalities or permanent injuries is not a platoon leader directs the execution of the platoon's missions based on the priorities set When possible, march elements using the same route should stop at the same time. This policy is to be used by BiH military commanders and leaders to initiate a progressive training process. The capturing unit is usually responsible for delivering the detainees to the collecting point and the nonwalking sick or wounded detainees to the nearest medical-aid station for evacuation through medical channels. 4-106. Engineer Regulating Point . under partial blackout, using only enough light to see the road and to be seen by other road DODDOA-009777 When possible, recognize and moderate such risks in It A company quartering party is likely to have personnel from the unit's HQ, each platoon, the maintenance and dining sections, and communications. MP activities that contribute to counterreconnaissance include- PLATOON LEADER The platoon relocates selected weapons to alternate positions if the leaders believe that the enemy may have pinpointed them during the attack and adjusts other positions to maintain mutual support. Uses ground guides for vehicle movement in areas where troops are sleeping. Accurate firing approaches to the area and avenues leading away from potential landing zones. support for the river crossing. The platoon leader establishes the CP and the OP. Unlike conventional weapons that destroy the targets principally through Private rations of the EPW or the CI (in the early stages of captivity).. 7-12. The absence of organic MP assets makes the job of the PM much more critical. On order, MP maintain continuous surveillanCe of all the assigned NAIs or enemy Mined Areas . They field process captives using the Five Ss-and-T method (Table 7-1) . Procedures include the standing methods used by a unit to accomplish tasks, weapon and equipment operating steps, crew drills, and staff action and coordination. CONDUCT THE MARCH A machine gunner covers part of the target depending on his position and how much of the target is in range. They deploy early to areas devastated by natural or man-made disasters to assist disaster relief and damage assessment efforts. fundamentals. Planned with a minimum of one per crossing site. 2. DODDOA-009792 OPs and LPs, or sensors. DISTRIBUTION RESTRICTION: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. Figure 6-2. MP prepare a receipt when taking property from a detainee. ambush begins. The main focus of MP support to a passage of lines is normally employing special Figure 4-6. Placing off-post facilities off limits during nonduty hours. 7-4. Chapter 1 MILITARY POLICE OVERVIEW, Introduction CONSTRUCT FIGHTING AND SURVIVABILITY POSITIONS 3-19. Ambush Types When facts are not available, the commander will need to develop assumptions. X MP commanders prioritize, assign missions, and allocate resources where they can best support the higher echelon commander's intent. Staging areas. Forecasting requirements by analyzing and evaluating facts and trends to predict what may occur. Use camouflage, movement control, and light and noise discipline. The modifications are shown The platoon leader or the FO continues to call for indirect fire as the enemy approaches. mission. 1-15. http://atiam.train.army.mil/portal/atia/adlsc/view/nublic/297074-1/ftn/3 12/27/2004 MP can switch units over different routes or hold them in waiting areas as directed by Digging messengers can be used. possible. Attempts to time the gear and direction changes The evacuation chain normally moves from the division forward Civilian internees. 15 20 3s 30 a6 50 as 05 15 100 120 DODD0A-009820 http://atiam.train.anny.mil/portal/atia/adlsc/view/nublic/297074-1/fm/3- .12/27/2004 6-1. These 5-12. g x X X X X x X COMPOSITION OF THE CLEARING TEAM Chooses alternate exits and marks them for use as emergency exits. Command relationships before, during, and after linkup. Repair positions and continue to improve them. PASSAGE OF LINES SUPPORT Prisoners are evacuated from the As a minimum, each crossing site requires an ERP at its own call-forward area. does not blind the driver of the next. 6-29. TEAM AND SQUAD LEADER The Units move into these areas when directed by TCP personnel and disperse rather than stay on the roads. Commanders use the following waiting areas to conceal vehicles, troops, and equipment while waiting to resume movement or make final crossing preparations: adjacent units are informed of the mine locations. They deploy early to areas devastated by natural or man-made disasters to assist relief... Unit arrives at the SP just before it is difficult to detect their dispersal. To rehearse MP commanders prioritize, assign missions, and other support needed to complete the march that! Enemy infantrymen ( not an infantry squad ) to complete the march route that easy. By setting it offers concealment with little chance of detection by the.! 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