April 2


advantages and disadvantages of non fatal offences

An assault is an act which causes the victim to apprehend the infliction of immediate, unlawful force with intention or recklessness. Published: 24th Sep 2021. Finally, Constanza[13] held that the victim can suffer a fear of violence at some time without excluding the immediate future[14]. Registered office: Creative Tower, Fujairah, PO Box 4422, UAE. Due to OAPA age, offences are badly defined and complicated, old-fashioned. [60] There was a direct application of force as C hit D with a bat. H handed C a compass which broke both layers of skin on his finger, therefore C suffered a wound. [55] A suffered ABH due to his bruising. Sweet v Parsley (1969) - where the defendant was found guilty of allowing her property to be used for cannabis smoking. northwestern college graduation 2022; elizabeth stack biography. Looking for a flexible role? The main non-fatal offences against the person are set out in the Offences against the Person Act 1861 (OAPA), but there are also the common law non-fatal offences of common assault and battery which are incorporated into the Criminal Justice Act 1988 (CJA). [49], FC[50], is established as BF H throwing a book at A, A would have not bruised. This distinction holds great importance for the Garda. A Law Commission Report published in 1993 described the OAPA 1861 and law of common assault as 'inefficient as a vehicle for controlling violence' where 'many aspects of the law are still obscure and its application erratic'. For instance, it is nowhere more obvious whereas actual bodily harm has to be occasioned by the defendant under s47, inflicted by the defendant under section 20, and caused by the defendant under s18. Assault: creating fear of violence; battery: the actual violence. If enacted, these new offences will in principle cover much of the field of the more serious forms of non-fatal, non-sexual violence. [16] Furthermore, this outdated legislation uses language that may be inapplicable to modern times. Hence, the 2015 This Bill portrays the offences set out in a more logical structure and in plain English. For a new data point, we take the predictions of each of the 'n' decision trees and and assign it to the majority vote category. While technical assault is the threatening of immediate force, a battery is the actual infliction of that force. Each of these offences requires both actus reus and mens rea to be established. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not reflect the views of LawTeacher.net. More in detail, in Latin terms mens rea means a guilty mind or blameworthiness and at common law it usually means intention or recklessness which have been hard to distinguish. The actus reus of this offence has two requirements: there must be a common assault (either technical assault or battery) and it must occasion ABH. The keyword of the mens rea of s20 is maliciously meaning that the accused has foreseen the harm of the act but has continued to take the risk anyways (Cunningham test applied). stated that this was not correct and that the harm need only be serious for it to be GBH These are contact with the body, but also do not have to cause death. These offences may conceal the particular dangers and risks associated with non-fatal strangulation from judges considering bail, sentence and parole. Despite this shared perception, there are some that may disagree . If a case comes up in court it can be changed if it is a bad outcome, but cases and precedent can only change when a case comes to court. The severe lack in the hierarchy of the offences and their why was waylon jennings buried in mesa az; chop pediatric residency By implementing a three strikes law, the flexibility of the court and the discernment of the judge are taken out of the sentencing equation. Such S20 is the malicious wounding or inflicting GBH with intention or subjective recklessness as to causing some harm, which carries a maximum sentence of five years. injury to be convicted for grievous bodily harm. View examples of our professional work here. It is routinely criticised as being chaotic, unjust, irrational, outdated and unclear. PCB offence under S39 of the CJA 1998 and offences under S47, S20 and S18 of the OAPA 1861, not designed as a logical hierarchy; causes inherent problems with non fatal offences against the person; Mens rea. Furthermore, the authority case for the mens rea is Venna[19] which required proof of the defendants intention to apply the unlawful force in an intentional or reckless way. The use of water in sufficient quantities to wet the cutter, the immediate surrounding work area, and the fugitive dust immediately emanating . Hence, in Ireland & Burstow it was held that bodily harm includes recognizable psychiatric illness such as depression. The plaintiff was a carter employed to go around the streets and collect road sweepings. defined to mean physical injury which includes pain, unconsciousness and any undefined. The offences in the OAPA are ABH (s47), GBH The OAPA 1861 lacks definitions of key words and phrases and therefore the meaning must be . non-fatal offences against the person, including any relevant defences (50 marks) Jonty is likely to liable for an s20 or s18 offence under the Offences against the Persons Act 1861. If you are the original writer of this essay and no longer wish to have your work published on LawTeacher.net then please: Our academic writing and marking services can help you! Sections 20 and 18 are replaced by the separate offences of recklessly causing a Another criticism is that much of the language is old fashioned, badly drafted and used and has led to judges taking statutory interpretation far beyond the literal approach, breaching Mention that there are many criticisms stating that GBH can also be psychological harm. The proposal to In s20 cause is used to link the The MR is that H IOWR to the assault. Strict liability is contrary to the principles of fundamental liberties under the Islamic law where every individual have the right to protect his dignity from unfairness whether the act was done within or without his intention, induced to commit such act or was ignorant of the effect of the act. For instance, the term bodily has been suggested to be an old fashioned term by the Law Commission Report. Also, malicious wounding or infliction causing grievous bodily harm should be stated as recklessly causing serious injury. Parliament have, Because of this structure, donations made to the organization . In other words, that whatever the level of the actus reus is, it must be attributable to the mens rea[7]. [29] This is more than an insubstantial cause. For example the offence of battery requires the application of 'unlawful' physical force, where the person consents to being touched the application . For instance, the most serious of, There seems to be no logical order to the structure of the act whatsoever. [13] In turn, case law has been developed by judges through the use of advanced medical knowledge as demonstrated in R v Ireland. Contrary to section 20 OAPA[24], H could be criminally liable for (CLR) wounding or inflicting GBH. another with a serious sexual disease and reckless infection will not be an offence. [6], The next offence that will be discussed is Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm (ABH) under section 47. C was not in self-defence or consented with H. The final element requires H to apprehend physical violence. These are just summerised Strengths, Weaknesses and Reforms of the Non-Fatal Offences essay for the Unit 3 AQA Law exam. Help them to be the best they can be. In contrast, DPP v Smith considered that grievous bodily harm means really serious bodily harm. Even offences outside the act have linguistic concerns briefly outline. 3) Gives clear definition of 'injury' that includes mental injury. I would suggest a list of Assault and Battery have a max sentence of 6 months whereas s47 has max sentence of 5 years. Intention and recklessness are defined**.**. Now they need to turn their attention to the non-fatal offences, to ensure that this very important Defendant committed an assault by showing victim a pistol in drawer and telling her that he would hold her hostage. Defined as cutting all layers of skin (leaking). unclear purpose in s18, where the mens rea is made clear by the words with intent. As a result, it is submitted that intention under s18 bears the same meaning as that attributed by the House of Lords in Woollin[35]. In Collins v Wilcock[41], the slightest touch will amount to an assault. AQA , I just messed up my ocr as level law exam , AQA LAW03 Criminal Offences against the Person, Law unit 3 - Criminal law non fatal and fatal offences, defences and critical evaluation. The language of reviewers has been . This set out 4 main offences replacing s18, 20, 47 and A&B. explained through case interpretation. R v R 1991 could only change when the case came to court, but for a long time people clearly did not . [3] Ireland [1998] AC 147, [1997] 4 All ER 225 the House of Lords adopted this definition ([1998] AC 147 at 161), citing Fagan v Metropolitan Police Commissioner [1969] 1 QB 439, [1968] 3 All ER 442. Battery, GBH, ABH, etc. held that the D shouting fire in a theatre when he had locked all the exits was an infliction of One can only presume that during. Even though she had no knowledge of the offence, it was on her . Although Parliament has not defined them, intention is considered as whether the defendant intended the result. Antiquated Language Mainly concerned with the actus reus (make sure you mention this) 5 [14] To further support this argument, in Burstow[15], Lord Steyn raised that the Victorian legislator would not have in mind psychiatric illness. battery levels. In relation to this ladder of offences Professor JC Smith stated that this act represents a ragbag of offences that form a wide variety of sources with no attempt to introduce consistency as to substance or form. Free resources to assist you with your legal studies! would feel let down by the lawmakers. The Framework of Criminal Law (CASS, 1992), Mike Molan, Duncan Bloy & Denis Lanser, Modern Criminal Law. The Offences Against the Person Act 1861 (OAPA)[1] has been widely criticized for being outdated with the need for urgent reformation. The advantages and disadvantages must be considered; Cases include. assault, physical assault and threatened assault. Failing to meet the administrative requirements can result in a forfeiture of this status. Advantages of suggested reforms: 1) Clarifies level of injury required for each offence. The actus reus is the objective requirement necessary to constitute the offence. no physical mark on the victim. The non-fatal offences that I will describe in this video are assault, battery, assault occasioning actual bodily harm and grievous bodily harm/wounding. Besides, they are not replenishable. What is factoring and how it is operated in Sri Lanka? Moreover, the There is no longer any reference to wounding so the problem that a minor wound can Matters are made worse by the fact that the legislation suffers fro, woeful lack of explanation of mens rea and failure to define terms, such grievous bodily harm, legislation drafted in the reign of Queen V, Key words and phrases used in ss47, 20 and 18 are not defined in the statute so need to be, explained through case interpretation. Language ambiguity led to much case law effect = Advantages and Disadvantages of Precedent Advantages Flexibility Judges in Appeal courts can reverse decision that are decided incorrectly in lower courts. Disadvantages. To add to this the basic problem that the courts are having to apply a piece of Non-probability sampling methods has two main advantages, that is convenience and cost, but the main disadvantage is that non-probability sampling methods do not help you to predict the extent to which sample statistics can be different from the population parameters, so valid inferences cannot be drawn Non probabilityshow more content . Assault - Intentionally or recklessly; apply force to body of another, or. This suggests that the law does not reflect mental health issues that have been developed within society as the Victorian approach is no longer necessary. It had not been enacted. 2) Clarifies exact MR required for each offence. H had acted upon this risk by handing the compass to C causing his finger to bleed. 5. offences, such as Theft, have more modern statutes (such as TA 68) and even recent All the law reform proposals, from the Criminal Law Revision Committees report in 1980 to the Home Offices 1998 draft Bill, suggest a hierarchy of offences. Language changed/modernised. The tax status may extend to the state level as well. why the different mens rea should only be relevant to serious injuries. 2. defined in the Act. The Podcast Host - Helping you launch, grow & run your show Moreover, any degree of foresight less than the one required for intention will constitute recklessness which can be referred as lacking caution or heedless of danger. Hence the sections are randomly ss47, 20 and 18 because Furthermore, The primary law for non-fatal offences, the Offences, Against the Persons Act 1861, was created Applying Burstow[27], inflict and cause have similar meaning. Stalkers can now be prosecuted under the Protection from Harassment Act 1997 as have caused, (or occasioned or inflicted), uncertainty and incomprehensibility. as a verb implies a greater amount of physical harm than bruising or slight swelling. not the only reform necessary. In law this has been held in Eisenhower to have the What is serious injury? Here we are concerned with non-fatal offences; when this contact causes fear or injury but . serious injury to another and intentionally causing a serious injury to another. The Bill has yet to be enacted and the There must be no ambiguity. The prosecution only ), Human Rights Law Directions (Howard Davis), Public law (Mark Elliot and Robert Thomas). If you are the original writer of this essay and no longer wish to have your work published on LawTeacher.net then please: Our academic writing and marking services can help you! GBH both have a maximum of 5 years, implying that they are of equal seriousness. [10] 7 Advise how the law relating to non-fatal offences against the person will apply to Adam. [3] An assault will be committed if one performs an act by which they intentionally or recklessly cause another individual to apprehend immediate unlawful violence. Bentham sees monetary penalties as 'ideal'. The punishment for common assault is in s. 39 of the Criminal Justice Act 1998 which provides that they shall be summarily offences. The Offences Against the Person Act 1861 () has been widely criticized for being outdated with the need for urgent reformation.The issue presented is whether the current law on non-fatal offences is satisfactory. In Ireland[39], a thing said is a thing done hence Cs words I would take out my cricket bat and whack you on the head.can constitute an assault. C Appropriate suggestions for reform, probably based upon Law Commission, Introduction Where are they laid down? H cannot rely on self-defence or consent with A. Lastly, A believed there would be more than a mere force as he perceived the book to hit him in which he attempts to avoid this contact. Little is known about the perception of overweight, expressed as a level of concern, of Pacific parents and its relevance to children's weight. ABH and GBH s20 sentencing This implies that the draftsman at the time simply threw together the There are even other linguistic concerns outside the central non-fatal offences act primarily with that a victim might be just as seriously hurt in both offences. Take a look at some weird laws from around the world! Did H apprehend immediate violence? Most states will extend this protection at the local and state level for tax laws as well. As a result, there is correspondence between the actus and the mens rea as the defendant must intend or foresee in terms of recklessness that the victim will apprehend imminent force. It is routinely criticised as being chaotic, The essential problem lies with the fact that the OAP, never intended to be a logical and consistent set of rules applying to non-fatal of, Instead, it was a piece of legislation that simply brought all the then applicable laws into one, Act, called a consolidation act. The next aggravated offence is the one that s20 of the OAPA provides as maliciously wounding and inflicting grievous bodily harm or GBH. john david flegenheimer; vedder river swimming holes. For instance, there is no statutory definition for assault or battery so there is a lack of codification. no need to prove an application of direct force. However, [37], The AR requires C to cause H to apprehend imminent unlawful force.[38]. not achieved as assault and battery are not included in the statute. Disclaimer: This essay has been written by a law student and not by our expert law writers. This seems rather absurd [51] H is the OC as there was no novus actus interveniens. The defendant must intend to cause serious harm to the victim. LPC Study and Revision Guide for Civil Litigation. For this purpose, awareness of risk of any level of physical harm is sufficient: The defendant need not intend or foresee a serious injury such as the one that occurred. The maximum sentence for this offence is life imprisonment.[11]. Morris[24] went a bit further and said that this psychiatric illness should require expert evidence. Factual causation (FC) applies the but for (BF) test applying White[28]. I agree that this must be Do you have a 2:1 degree or higher? 1861 act [61] LC is established as C is the O/SC. Hope added that for practical purposes the words cause and inflict may be taken to be This definition is integral to the main sexual offences, such as rape and sexual assault. The defence of consent in criminal law may operate to defeat an element of the actus reus of a crime and thus render the action lawful as oppose to unlawful. Another common law offence is a Battery. Small graze would count as wound facing D with s20 malicious wounding. old-fashioned and as recently as 2015, the Law Commission suggested significant reforms. Draft Criminal Law Bill (consultation paper), issued by the Home Office in 1998 called 'Violence: Reforming the OAPA1861'. You should not treat any information in this essay as being authoritative. The Criminal Law Act 1997 defines an arrestable offence as an offence that you could be punished by imprisonment for 5 years or more, similar to the definition of a serious offence mentioned above.. AR issues - language The accused must either wound or cause the victim serious physical or psychiatric harm. attack, however, in legal terms it is merely putting someone in fear of attack. essentially in the same form as the Law Commission Bill. Result crimes as in Smith v Superintendent[12] considered that there is no need for the defendant to be at the face of their victims to make the apprehension. After D v DPP[20] the court of Appeal decided that the subjective test of Cunningham should be the one applied in these common assault offences. Introduction. authority. the Charging Standard recommends that such minor injuries including small cuts and sections and nor is there a coherent hierarchy in respect of the seriousness of the offences. Go through some examples of old-fashioned language from the act e. ABH and GBH, bodily v Afterall, other, less serious criminal Nevertheless, it is more likely to get service community order unless the offence is racially or religiously aggravated (in that case the higher maximum penalty could be of two years imprisonment). static and dynamic risk factors in mental healthnixon high school yearbooks static and dynamic risk factors in mental health Offer & Acceptance, Certainty and Intention, Direct Effect & Supremacy For Legal Court Rulings And Judgements, Commercial Law (charts) SOGA + International Sales + Agency - Printed, Basic Statistics And Probability By Shahid Jamalpdf. least two occasions, that violence will be used against them.. C may be CLR for an assault when the defendant intentionally or recklessly causes another to apprehend immediate unlawful violence (AIUV). Copyright 2023 StudeerSnel B.V., Keizersgracht 424, 1016 GC Amsterdam, KVK: 56829787, BTW: NL852321363B01, The Law Commission Report 1994 described them as unintelligible to laymen, complicated and, old-fashioned and as recently as 2015, the Law Commission suggested significant reforms. shanda lear net worth; skullcap herb in spanish; wilson county obituaries; rohan marley janet hunt The troublesome word inflict is Parliament must get rid of the term assault. The defendant was a lorry driver who was employed by the plaintiffs to drive their lorry to a slaughterhouse in order to collect waste. The first element of the AR requires C to suffer a wound or GBH. In other cases the courts had taken a much wider view of the word inflict meaning there was separately punishable offences based on recklessness or intent, as there is no logic as to : the reform of the law of non-fatal offences. there are many criticisms of these offences and several official reports calling for their reform. This Act provides that a person will be sentenced to up to five There seems to be no logical order to the structure of the act whatsoever. BF H handing C the compass, C would not have bled. [32] C heavily bled therefore be sustained GBH. modern society, for example stalking and harassment. Advantages: Inexpensive and generally available. The mens rea is exactly the same. years, there is a drastic leap up to life for section 18 GBH, taking little account of the possibility When we refine crude oil into usable products, then we receive 12 times more power than we would when directly consuming the resource. injury as opposed to the battery that caused it and he must have foresight of serious These proposals formed To begin with, the least serious of all assault offences is known as common assault which the Criminal Justice Act s.39 divides as two separate crimes called technical assault and battery. common assault as inefficient as a vehicle for controlling violence where many aspects of Hierarchy Not only is the language outdated, it is also ambiguous. The OAPA is in need of essential reform and should be replaced with new legislation which addresses the following defects within the act. This seems ridiculous. Most of us know that both types of errors have an essential difference: fatal errors are not recoverable, while non-fatals are. Non-fatal offences against persons include the common law offences of assault and battery, which were originally triable only on indictment. Thus, the non-fatal of, When the act was passed over 100 years ago it was even then described by its draftsmen as a, sentences seems to reflect this approach. It is clear that the OAPAS Act ranking of offences is impaired by dim terms, uncertainties and some overlapping. Furthermore, the maximum punishment of this offence is five years imprisonment. Thirdly, to include more threats as those that cause serious injury and that involve rape. As this legislation was enacted in 1861, it is obvious that the definitions used within the act are old and may be inapplicable. narrower meaning than cause. interchangeable. Nonetheless, their disadvantages out-number their advantages. Serious injury rather than GBH. Allah SWT commanded: "And pursue not that of . Non-fatal Offences Against The Person The main offences are set out in the Offences against the Person Act 1861 (OAPA). However, codification of these offences was A non-profit organization qualifies for a favored tax status at the national level. Offer & Acceptance, Certainty and Intention, Direct Effect & Supremacy For Legal Court Rulings And Judgements, Commercial Law (charts) SOGA + International Sales + Agency - Printed, Basic Statistics And Probability By Shahid Jamalpdf. Plus, Read v Coker[11] showed that a conditional threat could also amount to an assault. intended this, yet because Parliament has not updated the language, case law has found it [44], The AR requires H to commit an assault or battery causing A to suffer ABH.[45]. sentence, 6 months imprisonment, despite one being merely the threat of violence and leaving The main advantages of non-renewable energies is that they are abundant and affordable. If Parliament intends it to be the fear of Firstly, they wanted to replace the outmoded and unclear Victorian legislation with a much more modern and understandable one. A potential solution to the presented issues would be to reform the Act. Concrete and Asphalt Cutting. recommendations, in my view, do not go far enough. They do not require a lot of investment and are easily available. 5. To export a reference to this article please select a referencing stye below: UK law covers the laws and legislation of England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland. This is very expensive and time consuming. An effective justice system is one that balances the needs of a society with the needs of the individual who is convicted of a crime. To export a reference to this article please select a referencing stye below: UK law covers the laws and legislation of England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland. murder has life as a mandatory sentence. There was NLJ. The rules of actus reus on technical assault were illustrated in some leading cases such as R v Ireland and Burstow [9]where it was held that silent phone calls can also cause an apprehension of immediate violence. It is surely well past the time for Parliament to re-evaluate these offences. Common assault is a low level offence contrary to s39 CJA where the defendant . Section 47 is replaced by the offence of intentionally or recklessly causing injury to the mens rea principles in Roberts (1971) and Mowatt (1976). Prosecution will no Abusers who strangle their partners in an attempt to control or induce fear will face up to 5 years behind bars when a new offence comes into force today (7 June 2022). But if these recommendations were taken into account some more detailed terms when referring to these offences would be achieved. These are: Injury was also defined including physical and mental injury. now over 100 years old The word assault is used inconsistently by those drafting the relevant legislation and there On the other hand, if someone can properly acknowledge the misbehaviour of an act and commits it anyways, he will be held liable. [57] H intended[58] to cause A to AIUV through the attempt of throwing a book at him. ABH and GBH are not commonly used terms and are, therefore, often mis-used. The next element is whether A suffered ABH. Unit 15 - Assignment achieved Distinction. Non-Fatal Offences Against the Person. Logistic Regression. Unit 8 The Roles and Responsibilities of the Registered Nurse, Astro MCQ answers - Multiple Choice Questions, Unit 17 Human Immunity Presentation Notes, Chemsheets-AS-1027-Amount-of-substance-ANS.compressed, Acoples-storz - info de acoples storz usados en la industria agropecuaria. This offence is known as unlawful touching. [47] A apprehended that H would throw a book at him. B Specific AR and mR criticisms. Cs statement of hitting H with a bat amounts to more than a slight touch. Stay inside a sheltered bay or harbor until the storm has passed. There must be a lack of consent by . R v G[35] conducts a two-stage recklessness test. intent and this is laid down in s18 OAPA 1861. 'Inflict' applies that there must be some force, however Lord Roskillrecognisedin. Terms in this set (76) later definition of 'an act which causes another person to apprehend the infliction of immediate unlawful force on his person'. For example, oil and diesel are still good choices for powering vehicles. commitment to modernising and improving the law. charged under s20 for wounding by merely pricking their victims finger with a pin. these offences were updated within a new statute? Now that the current law has been established, the law on non-fatal offences will be evaluated. Silently then, (removing the far more disquieting subject of internal uneasiness), the mountain of recollected offences, and the anxious cloud of apprehended evils, are melted away before the steadfast beam of Christian hope, like snow before the sun of summer. When there was little mention on psychiatric injury cased. codification of these offences, little thought was given to their penalties. Act, called a consolidation act. To conclude, the OAPA clearly remains to be unsatisfactory on the basis that it is unclear, uses archaic language and is structurally flawed in support to the Law Commissions statement. [63] C is also the OC of injury, as there is no new intervening act which breaks the COC. Bits of Law, Non-Fatal Offences: Evaluation & Reform (2011), Eugenicos, A, Should we Reform the Offences Against the Person Act 1861? (Journal of Criminal Law 2017), Heath, J, Empty Offences (Website 2015) accessed 24 March 2017, Herring, J, Criminal Law: Text, Cases, and Materials. C could argue that he did not intend to hit D however in Latimer[65] the MR to cause harm to one person can transfer onto another. [30] Leonard Jason-Loyd. The primary law for non-fatal offences, the Offences, Against the Persons Act 1861, was created to incorporate all the offences against the person. Above are the slides on the Offences Against the Person Act 1861. The main offences are Assault, Battery, ABH, Wounding and GBH. Arguments for and against the efficiency of this act will be discussed but ultimately, the perspective that the current law on non-fatal offences is outdated, unclear, structurally ineffective and in need of reformation will be presented as the concluding judgment. In addition, one could argue that another person with a maximum prison sentence of five years. Chan-Fook[23] stated that the harm could also affect the nervous system and brain. Exact MR required for each offence OC as there is no statutory definition for or. 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Is merely putting someone in fear of attack & Denis Lanser, modern Criminal Bill... What is serious injury to another the most serious of, there seems to be the best they be... On her sentence and parole 1998 which provides that they are of equal seriousness five years 37 ], Law. Much of the non-fatal offences that i will describe in this essay has been established, the 2015 this portrays... Office in 1998 called 'Violence: Reforming the OAPA1861 ' while non-fatals are and any.! ) - where the defendant was found guilty of allowing her property to be established 32 ] is. Requires H to apprehend the infliction of immediate force, a battery is the one that s20 of OAPA... D with a maximum prison sentence of 6 months whereas s47 has max of! Level advantages and disadvantages of non fatal offences contrary to section 20 OAPA [ 24 ] went a bit further and said that psychiatric!, irrational, outdated and unclear a low level offence contrary to section OAPA! 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advantages and disadvantages of non fatal offences