April 2


823 crip sets

Its about securing our Countrys border. Anyways tell your father and stepfather that we will see them very soon too. I was in jail with those dudes. Hello I would you to commend you for the work you are doing in the communities feeding the homeless however why dont you consider making your organization more viable by taking your criminal skills in mortgage Fraud bank fraud credit card fraud which are getting life sentences and educate yourself to work with real estate legally. This particular set of the Crips is a little different from the Crips located in Los Santos because theyve also adopted certain symbols that are similar to LS gang symbols. I been coolin wit $xm3 Grxxvez now Im trynna kicc it wit some treyz w3$t up. Everybody is saying since he's been locked up in Rikers Island, the Bloods made him flip back Blood. Blueragbluesky. Listen to the evils whispered into the ears of those cursed by poverty. LMAO. Most African Americans are Poor or in Jail. LOL. Would it bother me, yes, does it bother me? You sir are the scum that is on the floor of a public restroom. Your comments are of the lowest intelligence I have ever seen or read. >>>>>>>>STOMPER<<<<<<<<<< PENI DEATH SQUAD. Than you say you didnt VILOATE The Eight Trey Crips were based in and around the Flatbush Gardens housing complex. Well you are not tough you are a douche who thinks you are something special. Are you jealous of Mexicans? and the faCt that you felt that need to explain something that everyCody on this website already knows and that is that you have been Called names just really shows that bKlaCC men Calling you the word (hONKEY!!!!!!) Do i have your attention NOW? PNV Jay always shouts him out in songs and says "Free Maine." Yall are just dead. 6). I live in a big House in an upper middle class White area with no Niggers like you there. Categories. This message is to the Black Police Officer. The point is is you need to get on my level so until you graduate. You can call me anything you want. Ahhhhhhhh cmon joto dont be mad cuz you can bang that BPx3. Thats another story! The Main Street Mafia Crips, are one of the notorious street gangs in South Central Los Angeles, and is regarded as the largest sub-set of the Mafia Crips. Hes the SELF APOINTED spokesman for all the MANY, MANY, MANY DIFFERENT Neighborhood Crip Sets in Los Angeles. THAN BURN IN HELL Theres a history nigga. ROCCO THE RAT IS A OPENLY HOMOSEXUAL WHO IS INFECTED WITH THE AIDS VIRUS Thats a cool place, its not some biker bar or anything like that! You sorry ass sell out! The Niggers that I help put in prison are much bigger cowards than I could ever be. Theres a. fuCC you dd16211@hotmail.Com and fuCC trampKs you aint no rollxn 0 killa and you never will C you boy,bitCh!!!!! I would commit suicide if I were a Nigger. Shiiiiiit dont know who the fuck you think your talking to bitch but I dont know you and you DEFINANTLY dont know me. But again if you respond GIVE YOUR REAL NAME or at least a DESCRIPTION OF YOURSELF!!! Ok cool we can boycott Rocco, its not cause he says hes in law enforcement but its cause I hate racist people with a passion. GEORGE ROCCO Ive scrolled through some of these messages and all of yours is filled with hate!!! Wait no like they just won the superbo. YOU JUST DONT WANT TO READ IT BECAUSE IT BOTHERS YOU. And it breaks my heart. By you coming on here and running your mouth like that can get you in some serious trouble! So I asked him, why are you on that site. KARATE BELT AND PUT IT ON A WHITE TEEN BOY AND BEAT THE DOG SHIT OUT OF HIM..TOLD THE BOY 2 THANK ROCCOTHE WHITE TEEN BOY SAID HE IS MY BOYFRIEND BUT WANT DID I DO.LOL, But want did I do ? 3rd your the dumbass that brought the police into this by again implying your a cop and then had the nerve to challenge me to meet you there!! It was different to go to a restaurant in an African American community that wasnt black owned. Ive worked for the government for over 30 years. What a disgrace to have a Baboon looking phony Nigger like her as the First Lady. This stupid Nigger thinks he speaks for ALL the many, many, many different Crip Sets, many of whom hate each other. Doesnt mean shit to me. HA! GEORGE ROCCO DID NOT CARE ABOUT VILOATEING MY CIVIL RIGHTS! Are you a cop or connected with law enforcement?!? I dont need to come to Huntington Beach to of all places to ask for you cause i dont live on Califorina dumb ass!! My alias is stomper. Sanyika Shakur (born Kody Dehjon Scott; November 13, 1963), also known on the streets as Monster Kody Scott, from Eight Tray Gangster Crips. LMAO. You Niggers never went to school. Also, WHY ARENT YOU BLACK PEOPLE MAD WITH THE BLACK ON BLACK VIOLENCE THAT TAKES PLACE EVERY GOD DAMN DAY IN OUR CITIES??????????????????? Its true. well then making the YouTube video I Commanded you make is no lesser of a Challenge than my Challenge to fight me stop trying to talk your way out of looking bad you already look bad foe both not aCCepting my Challenge and then publiCly admitting your way to sCared to make a YouTube stop trying to hide behind all of your smoke and mirror lies bitCh!!!!! So when I see all these gangsters killing each other it bothers me. Im too far away. 5). All because of blue and red. In THIS THAT REAL NAPPK BASHING SLOB SMASHING GC SHIT DIGC, TrampKilla Wessxde Rollxn NAYBKAHK60D CRxPkPkxN FUC U WANNA CE A TRAMP FOWe, WUZ STAKKIN FOLK GD IN THIS BITCH 6IG BOSS WHO G6T BEEF WITH TREYZ, Fucc up theres no Chicago gangs in LA besides BPS, aye cuzz wuz craccin shut DA FUCC UP AND ST8P TALCCIN THA SHIT CUZZ I DNT KN8 WH8 DA FUCC YHU THINK YHU ARE 8UT YHU ANIT SHIT CUZZ P.S. EVERYTHING U WRITE I LAUGH U DONT NO SHIT, WHY DONT YOU COME OUT IN PUBLIC, NIGGER?? And yes that story is very true, but it was 97th Street school on Figueroa and Colden. The Crip alliance originated in the City of Los Angeles, California. BEING FAG I been coolin wit $xm3 Grxxvez now Im trynna kicc it wit some treyz w3$t up. See the CRACKER. This is outrageous and will not be tolerated. As a cop who everyday puts on his Badge and gun, (along with my fellow officers many of whom are black) and puts his life on the line, that statement offends me the most, even more than you saying the N word!! Its also good to know you dont have the same thinking as that white supremacist rocco. Sleepy Hallow is a member of the street gang; the Eight Tray Gangsta Crips, a gang he joined when he was released from Juvenile. DO! They are a fucking Joke and EVERYBODY IS LAUGHING AT THEM. I have a compulsive need to be surrounded by 10 thick, big, greasy black weapons. whats cracc loc this is yg murda loc 823 g-stone offical wit mines naw mean but other locs wanna trade knowledge holla at my cell 206 600 2644 ladies 2 c-40 c-safe . Rocco cant jack off so he has to finger his ass. Thats all you Niggers talk about all fucking day. The Minute we say something it is Racism. LMAO. You are NOT a child molester. OG pocket I dont see gangs nor color. You CIVIL RIGHTS VILOATEING Yellow ASS COWARD! The Nigger up above you is 100% correct even though he is uneducated. Woo consists of various Blood and Crip sets while Cho consists of various GD, Blood and some Crip sets. FUCC PEACE CUH! Go ahead and make the Video you fucking Coward OR come over to that address and fight me. Look up the factual statistics by the Government. Wow i guess i owe them an apology on Monday!! ON NIGGER. I ONLY said that I work WITH Law Enforcement to help put you Street Nigger Criminals in Jail. First of I dont gang bang in fact im rarely on these sites, the only reason why ive been on here for these past few days is to respond to your lying dumb ass! LMAO. In terms of evidence, if you listen to the track above around the 1:27 mark, you can hear Pop Smoke say "I'm 823 and certified". Donald Trump has helped bring all this about finally. Police also tried to pressure Pop Smoke into providing information on 823 Crips, GS9, and other Brooklyn street gangs, but Pop refused to talk. Im glad youre spending so much of your time on me. Why, what are you hoping to accomplish by saying that?!? They are both equally Dumb Ignorant Faggot Niggers who fucked each other in prison. We call it the Nigger Freak Show. Youre just too dumb to see it. No cracker your the most hated. Thats no BULLSHITTING! And 6th going back and forth with you has been a complete waste again youve lied about everything so I dont believe a word that comes out of your mouth!!! Youre just a Lying Bullshitting Inferior Nigger who is trying TO IMPRESS ME. There are A HUNDRED MILLION Roccos all over this Country. Black people who are involved in these Neighborhood Gang Sets are a bunch of Asshole Street Niggers. Its my Job along with all the others on my team, to put street Criminals in JAIL. SO Rocco we all wanna meet you so again WHAT IS YOUR REAL NAME or GIVE ME A DESCRIPTION of yourself!!! Does anyone still do the Cripk whistle? No White guy on here would ever even think of saying something so stupid. Its my job to help put these street Niggers in Jail. I understand, so from one cop to another, RESPECT and stay safe! Then you had to come in with your fucking Anne Coulture ass talking like you knew anything about me and mine. Or are you a nobody? The Crips and the Folk Nation, a rival street gang, had been engaged in a deadly feud over territory in Brooklyn for years. GEORGE! Agreed 110% with Sgt. Its soooooo funny how guys and i mean ALL GUYS, white, black, hispanic, asian, etc. Respect is earned and to you MUCH RESPECT!! This Nigger said the same thing about another Black guy that he is arguing with named Dwayne Cross. As I stated on the East Side Pain (Bloods) Page ( which you OF COURSE IGNORED) Ill state HERE: So again if you dont hear from me tonight Ill respond in the morning cause I have a lot to say. U love fags and u love illegals. Because we have gangs in all race. First off Rocco i would never defend any gang member and im white and proud of it. Also a real ab or peni would never say we use crips and bloods as target practice cause they arent about getting into a street war with crips or bloods. For your information, 80% of all niggers live in poverty or a little above poverty. The Ebbets Field GDs have a group of talented rappers that go by the Blixkys. BY YOUR DIRTY COPS SGT CROOK MARINA Rocco has said he like Hispanics, he just doesnt like blacks. LMAO. You really are stupid! Im glad you think its that easy sir. Rape You truly sound like an ignorant Nigger on Crack. And as soon as I get your real name AND YOU BETTER SAY IT I will be there in person so I can show Officer Green and every other cop especially Capt Johnson these screen shots, that way they can see what a low life racist coward they work with!! Let me break it down for you like this, you are both dorks, and are more then likely from some small town in the south were that would make you to cousins lol, Find a life and take Roccos dick out of your ass already you are obsessed with him on every page you are even starting to sound like him with your comments you are a young white dork and youre not kicking nobodys ass so find something to do and stop trying to be Roccos mini-me thanks Mr short bus, I am white, I do live a trailer with my, I did get jumped by all six of you chumps and wad did fuck my girl but I am still standing here screaming fuck you lol batch, 8 mile is a long way that was a movie if that was reality rabbit would have had two slugs deep in his chest dead if you stop acting like Clark Kent superboy those black guys would not kick that ass. Keep that in mind. .ur on this site its a black site WOW you most like usim not on any cracker site talking stupid shit like u because i dont care about u are what your doing. The investigator also grilled him about Brooklyn's 823 Crips but was unsuccessful. ANYWAY FUCK YU RICKO AND TRY TO STOP THINKING BOUT ME YOU FAGGOT!! Your a joke and everyone knows YOUR A LIAR!!!!! Another set of Gangsta Stone Crips in Brooklyn is 730 and they're in the Canarsie neighborhood of Brooklyn aka The Flossy. And if I tell you dont reach for youre weapon because IM going to grab the weapon Ill shoot you. rocco wishes niggers didnt exist just like almost everyone else except dumb assholes like you who married one of them. Again, liking Mexicans BETTER than Niggers has NOTHING TO DO WITH SECURING THE BORDERS. Makes me very happy to annoy an insecure Nigger with a huge Inferiority Complex like you. It doesnt mean that i have to be black to be fed up with it! We have also taken notice of you too sir. Hes A CONVICTED CHILDMOLESTER UR DAD IS ON WELFARE JUST LIKE ALL HUNKYS R He got the nickname "Monster" at the age of thirteen when he beat and stomped a robbery victim until he was disfigured. HOW COME YOUR NOT MAD AT THEM??????????????????????????????? TO MURDER ME(PREME) FOR BEING A BLACK No one likes u so u come on this site and ruin it for real gangbangers! LMAO, Oh Rocco you come on here and talk all high and mighty knowing that you are not in law enforcement. Shakurwrote an acclaimed autobiography calledMonster: The Autobiography of an L.A. 4). Since you claim to be in law enforcement I want to know the answer to this. GET EM GEORGE ROCCO AKA CHARLIE CHESTER YOU WANT THAT MAN TO MEET YOU BEFORE OR AFTER YOU REGISTER And the united blood nation. But guess what? !,like yourself.And Watt is your real address so I Can threaten you and beat your and break both sides of your jaw in 4ront of witnesses and I dont give a fuCC if your witnesses is tha sheriff,sheriff deputy,or poliCe I would still beat your ass right in 4ront of them and then I would kill you right after I got out of jail unless your house just happens to C next to tha sheriff station unless my parents were dead then I would right in 4ront or in tha poliCe station CeCause I wont give a fuCC then and Watt out my parents to give a fuCC aCout me I really wouldnt give a fuCC if I did life in tha penitentiary you bisCuit shaped,square booty,flat booty I wish I Could C albino just so I Could at least look like a Honkey at still C blaCC looking bubble headed sponge bob square ass looking Honkey!!!!!!,bitCh!!!!! No, my name is NOT George Rocco. I personally never heard of this site until a short time ago. The White people should NEVER have voted for a half breed Nigger to be President. By Huh?!? LMAO. I expressed to my friend who was dining with me that in the city and community I am from a in African American communities are black owned. The cool kids would find you in the locker room smelling jock straps. IF your in some capacity connected with law enforcement, I really would like to know what your mind set is on saying that horrible word so much?!? Then, nobody has to dodge any bullets. Sorry, I meant to say I HATE these gangsters more than youmy apologies for the typing error! Youre a Drug Pusher with your Nigger cell phone in your hand standing on a street corner in a Ghetto. I hate all gangs regardless of there color! The Whites make up 65% of the American Population while the Niggers make up ONLY 13%. ABOUT C.O.C.K.S.U.C.K.I.N.G This men are intelligent and can be good men, we need to find away that this men can believe this and receive this and become productive citizens. And its really sad to see some of our people shooting at each other. The only time they REALLY understand is when that other Nigger has a gun pointed at them and is about to pull the trigger to end their life. WASNT ME YOU FAGGING AIDS CARRYING SATANIC CRACKER, AN I TOLD YOU FAGGET CRACKER Ive talked to many different Niggers from different Crip Sets who absolutely hate this Big talking Blowhard Nigger and one of them is going to put a fucking hole through his head. God help you when I find out. They are also known as Asian Royal Clan. That is what is ALWAYS on your Nigger mind. Only slave that i know is your mom.slap my big black dick across her bright red cheek face.lol, Ill go up there and fight u if u bring your mom sister a camera some lube and a box of magnum gold comdoms.after i kick your ass . This message is for the white boy from hb. ROCCO DID THEY TAKE YOUR MAN HOOD U FUCKEN FAGGOT A couple of Black Guys are REALLY UPSET because I use the word Nigger a lot on these different web pages. Rocco is a racist. Oh, I see. Been a while since I saw this name. Also Rocco isnt even his real name, so no one knows who he is! Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. Rocco i was wondering whenoh wait a minute theres a site wide boycott on you. OXNARD, CALIFORNIA, Mugshot on file if you I can also remember growing up in the hood with all the gangs, and every night hearing the gun shots, and hearing the sirens, and seeing all the mothers crying cause there kids wont be coming home. In either case what kind of example are you setting? Like I ve stated a hundred times. He WANTS to believe that I am some asshole named George Rocco who lives in Oxnard so he can sleep better at night. You said you worked for the Union which was also a Lie. I WAS ASSIGNED to this Site. And that is all I have to say about that. Then, youll wish the Police were there, you fucking Asshole Porch Monkey. He went to jail and even though GDs are outnumbered in Rikers and in the Upstate prison facilities, he never flipped from GD in Rikers, he didn't fold under pressure. Faggot Stuff And to all these dudes in this photo posing like they just won an award thanks for spitting in the face of Dr King and Malcolm X and all the other bros and sisters that lost there lives during the movement. They are a couple GSC Crip sets in Brooklyn. So, Shut The Fuck Up with all your Bullshit Crip Nigger talk because you are a Fucking Bullshitting Liar. There is no such thing as a weak black man either. 3rd Street Crips [defunct] A Line Crips [defunct] Avalon 40s Crips. See answer (1) Copy. Does it say made in China fat boy! ", Frankel also believes Pop was hit withthe federal grand theft autocharge as pressure to get him to snitch. !,wit your Coward ass naw you didnt aCtually admit to Ceing sCared of us blaCC people Cut you really did say that you wouldnt make a YouTube video and I only lied and said you made a Comment saying that u sCared of tha blaCC raCe CeCause you said on another Comment that I was sCared of you and trying to baCC peddel my way out of fighting you.And now you want to go 4rum talking aCout fighting to all of this legal talk whiCh I eventually knew you would flip and start Ceing and talking aCout either getting me arrested and thrown in jail,trying to press Charges,or get money out of foe damages in the Court room after I aCtually broke your jaw.And fuCC Coth the sheriffs,the sheriffs deputies and fuCC the poliCe also your luCCy my parents arent dead CeCause other than that I would kill the sheriffs,sheriffs deputies,and the poliCe in any City or state in tha world so that whole I fear tha sheriffs,sheriffs deputies or tha poliCe or I Cetter fear tha poliCe CeCause Im a blaCC man and most of tha people in law enforCement are Honkey!!!!! He's originally from the Riverdale Osborne Towers aka The Riv in Brownsville. ANTI CHRISTIAN Pop was also reportedly asked to give up information about Brooklyn's 823 Crips set. Im at work. Nigga the fuc u talk bout. Do you have an Alias at least? You then have maybe another 5% that didnt achieve as high but did okay. Hes a Muslim Nigger with a huge Inferiority Complex. And yes i did say we. Officer NAZI AKA LMAO. He has no life so he is constantly checking this website! 6. What does rollin 60s neighborhood crips mean? LOL. AND DONT SAY YOU WOULDNT CAUSE YOUR LYING!!! THE (HOLY KORAN) SAY SO . HES NOT A COP OR WITH LAW ENFORCEMENT We get results and that is all that matters. I was even called a fucking Rapist by that other crazy Nigger named Preme. I JUST DONT LET IT BOTHER ME THE WAY IT BOTHER YOU.. Hey first off I wanna give a really big shout out to united gangs.com for all the info on these incredible gangs Much love guys! When I respond to a call, and I have a mother collapse in my arms cause her only son who wasnt a gang member, was murdered by gang members it breaks my heart! But according to our birds The gangs located in Las Vegas's established west side are: The Delmonico Gangster Crip, is a Gangster Crip set in the Delmonico neighborhood on the west side of Las Vegas. I get to go home everynight and usually the ones calling me such names are the ones Im putting in the back of a black and white. ALLAH WILL Bullshit. And, youre a fucking bullshitting Liar, because you ARE in a Set and thats why you take offense to everything we say. You say you are not a gang member? And Rocco, that man wasnt a dumb nigger who was murdered by the police in the car. I know all about the ab and Leno. AN you ARE DIRTY BAGDE! Ya, real hard asses. This tells me and everyone else that your some spoiled little kid who is fascinated with the gangster lifestyle cause if you were older you would have enough sense then to say something so stupid!!!! When your riverside COUNTY decided to cut IT ! IS IN A FLORENCE MAX FEDERAL PRISON! HE CHALLENGED ME, I ACCEPTED, AND NOW IM SUPPOSED TO GO INTO THE MOVIE BUSINESS. 4 ) about that Niggers that I help put in prison are much bigger cowards than I ever... Would it bother me and stepfather that we will see them very soon too you DEFINANTLY dont know who fuck... No white guy on here would ever even think of saying something stupid! Why dont you come out in songs and says `` Free Maine. law enforcement get! Rocco isnt even his REAL NAME, so no one knows who he is arguing with named Dwayne.. The many, many different Neighborhood Crip Sets while Cho consists of various GD, Blood and some Sets... This stupid Nigger thinks he speaks for all the others on my team, to put Street in! 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